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Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints Initiation Phase: Background Building Scaffold Name: Alexandra Williams

Chosen Saint: St. Alexandra Of Rome

Instructions: Complete the table below as you explore the first two topics you found the most interesting.

Topic 1:: How she went about confronting her fears and confessing her faith in God.

Statement I want to know more about

Information I want to know more about, how she confessed her faith, but also what happened before and after she finally got the courage to confess her faith in god. I want to know what St. alexandra said, what she did and how it affected her afterwards. I wonder if, her husband, Diocletian accepted her faith or whether he did/ ordered something to happen to her due to her faith in God. I also wonder if her actions affected those around her. A good point i hadnt really thought of include: the courage and determination St. Alexandra must of had to confess her faith in a time where christians were loathed, what it would have been like for a woman to be married to a very powerful man who despised Christians and the emotional toll her secret would taken on her. Questions I have include:: How did she confess her faith? When did she confess her faith? Where did she confess her faith? What did she say during and after her confession? What did her husband, Diocletian say and/or do? What happened after her confession? Does she regret confessing her faith?

I wonder if

Good point I hadnt thought of...

Questions I have...

Ideas where to Ideas as to where i could find more information include: Mrs. find more Anderson/ Mater Dei religion teachers, internet websites, books, information... youtube, the church.

Topic 2:: What happened after St. Alexandra confessed her faith.

Statement I want to know more about

Information I want to know more about her Husband, Diocletians reaction to her confession, how the community responded to her honesty about her relationship with God and how those around her were affected by her confession of faith in God. I wonder what kind of punishment she received, what her Husband said/did, if the community accepted her and her faith in God and if after her confession she was still faithful to God. Some good points i hadnt thought of include: The effect St. Alexandras confession may have had on not only her, but the community in which she lived in and the reaction of the community and their actions after St. Alexandras confession. Questions i have include: What did her husband do/say? What did the community do/say? How were those around her affected? And, did her confession make a difference?

I wonder if

Good point I hadnt thought of...

Questions I have...

Ideas where to Ideas as to where i could find more information include: Mrs. find more Anderson/ Mater Dei religion teachers, internet websites, books, information... youtube, the Church.

Selected Topic: How she went about confronting her fears and confessing her faith in God.

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