Anda di halaman 1dari 82

L nS.

N ag laa lr,t/ri

( kolure.



tg/ tz/ snos

6at (urbtne e^gittcs

,(* ATA

' chaplc,saf il,e ga: lurbin' engncs

lircs' )( (haplc, 7o ; Slanda'd Prac , Th;s tho.:l* is (ortcurtcd witA maiti le,once proccdurct ilol ote 'na'de

rhcludes in tAu enflinecornponenis.fla;ntenante ' I rplrtcerne:nL , au'rillary [aol' "'

heat l"oLnontr' f;';n1

o t haptef





(hapter 1.o ( th au c*ft).

( hapkn 7I :

Ps*r, plaot. ,nadt U /lt pat| of pauer ltlanb lhat is engioe

, {ngine: i{ is {k
,onr{ochre t5'

+ anJ + intelk" w.ith utthgs * courls engnc is t tA" il , P** PlanL to willt (lre powu planb it e'der (Aot nrqrared are orhe,canponen[t do pla"t cunpancnls 7tr" Powe( mak, lh, engncfun'lims f:aPc:tl'

flc $r* pour af tAo engine,ttrry only Arlf (a dchieuc no| increase
prr fir^a'tc, d rsirr1 engtne engtncarc na& II [i, excrpl {lc A tt tAe powe(plan| compona#S

fa, [a"'5, a,f crafl monu

Jf ( hapt* f 2, t {ng'o

L'u'lion cans

, tl*

iI dcsctib's (ht consl'ntl;on a{ nfithe._ c*rn'd w ilA ?fii, thapter is cCIn cha'b"r5' bladcs, spoals' combus;ian

t eng"x fixalion oP d;ffe,'n

[5 , "-' ' comPonen

( hap {er 73 : tryir;r,fu'l ,


wilh |hefrrl , and furl syJlcryn /4" enginr ffi;, chaple,it concernrd
t",t /o lrlo Spar uoilue'

(Ae el,!^' fa/ ( chapk' 73)' and (A, bel*r*n bo,d,t, is ualue Spor

#att f*t {h* ctir

{ chaple'tt;1

(Aapfar?I is cgnc*ne} wi{A fu"l.

in /Ao a;' craft pu*p,'-") paosler hnks , , { fuet slor4e and {'r*l sysdenr 5ide, , aff ual'c Sporuol'c = {i" ual'e = {u.el s"h;ul

af ilE ak uafL { uwall"Ton wn1s in t/,. is lacokd . \f,* sfar ual,," clurs (A, *a! fo, th fuol [o . fr sfar ualv,apens/ rA, fiontspar) bJ a spa* s$tnal' i{ apens/closc' tnoue f*^ /1./ {anhs(o [A, enginc,

{hapt*, 7+ t {n7;ncign;tiat

( hoplc, 75 ' fngn, arc

systen' /o' ile engtne' ( . Tlis chapl* is (oncernedo"ilA alr penumatic)

(A, po*e' p lant' fngine oft is used n oPPlicalions anJ lno(cgen"ally, sucha5 n onli icc f* ( hople, 75 engthe nose(oul|'

()' = tn:!j* Z- ( ^ auc'af

IA /A' fenunoli' sYsk^ 'onc"'d wi is i{ lic a,'J , : (Aople,3{ fsnuora anli irc, conlrals f/;3lt ' ilioning con{ air rt (A, air crafl sidq, ' / suchas

liry,'"'' ngineSIar

con{rol' )( (ltopk, 7d : {ngiac

is (A. brain o[ {A, engine-I{ ffe ngneconl,ra!

{A' a^*nL conl',ols

aP ilr'urt' ualac ro give t/,.-reTutred engine orlrr n rA, {o, requrrcd{rut lF \c'petatun)' {e^penlu'c (su*oundir'y alnfie'tl tA, [o accordnJ (Ais is done anJ and Presture. ltcal'hg, cooling'ond iint;lolfon fot IAc , 7f,, engne controlalsa adlusLs sgsletn. At conditiontnX

' ind;cat'ry tr ( Aaple,7f : Eng,'r

fi. oPvalnsda[a fo, il, , Jt gives
*") engine( rpn, atlTul Power'

'Y (haplc' 78: {xhaust' (Ae exhaus|, and /4, (Arust reuersc Tfri,chaplodrah,tilA

# (hoptcr Tlt fngneoil' in tAe engine wi th (Aeoil syslan lu is concerncJ , T6i, c;hap on, sySlrn ^cludos lubricalion, ,!:ol , Jn ft,ght, il,

ftr, oiI

t^'ilh I u c t . sysL'm exchonginS

' In (Aesome oil is aery hot, and ilc furl is u"J cotd

Lefo'e [, caal'd,ad tl' !u"t nusl b' heat'ed lo it nerdcl oil il, !me, bJ heot exchangngbet*""t oit and gary la tl, engtn. ?rti,is clane

fo' sonep'oblens

, and (hts is an ndicotio, . Oil is also used ^ cleaning ur n engtute. {hot *oJ occ
tl ,

( , Fngneoil = Hyd'auli' frower choptlL!"U

ail in air craf I witA appltcalias , ( hoPl" 21 is conccrn.dwilA Agdraultc

as ffutl such

conl,rok, tand;nXjearl

thrUSt reuetsf t -- - -


go: FngineSlorltry' ( hapto,

))o lc I

7o, and endsuti[A of let enginesbegns fto^ cAople, ATA chaplcrs


.Xi (lassifrrali*tol
,/ ,.i


(o ' {ngincsorc basicallyclass;fted J' (o/d enStrnes: usc PressurgeJ gas [o ,nafr. colJ ilt'usl, ffiy a* usua//7 ftH engirtcs as i,'t sale //;1"s. GU Ihrrs[ ertgincs ap7/iro/iotts Such used in Spacc #. arbilal locatiort o{ salr //;[rs. erc uscC in a/1|rsl;,',y

2 - H"ol enltrlct: Heol en,tlles refut* conbusl;on Io, /Ar,r apratian.

#rr Hwt engrhes: ffo, arc 1' lps of lteo{ engines,(Ary ore :

J - Fc F ( Exle,,n"l co*busLi*tengncJ :
. Jn thu ?xternat ca*bustion engincit [h, co^bssL"Jnnlto is nat used in f ucral;ng il, il, autp"t pautcr. Ifr' en'W is t'antf"'d f'o^

{wn geneal'{ th' conbuslrJ,nrd;o lo ano[Ae,,nedia thabn sleo^ patterp/anls'

power plont. (t" nechonicolpo*r, Suchas tn steam {u"t giwsmr*

a {u'bnc ) ' h sLrarr, ond Stea^ op",rall<s





"tri " Irf

tngioe] ft [ Intcmal ca^busL'on


mt dia it (hc combvsLcd . Jn lAe ntenal co"'tbushonengincs,

(Arustftn". in generating th, oul YL P owcr o( flr,,o^bust,o" fiy engfne'.' /fiu' aR I' br* of rhlerna! otc:

(1/ Plslrn engine

(zl 6os ( u' bin' engine

7T" gat larbt c enghc it useJ o^ a// a,r crafh (A"t b"lonj k

r/atcs t


er10itc5, h b, nt"rmt ca,bsL,ion Kotltl engircs orc also cons;Jcrd air is {k let sryirrE {yf ilPt h usel n FflJp' in< 6, gos{u,Line eng

{yF, ond it

secttan' will b. sludir/ ,,hdchils n /Ais

Jr# Gas hrbin, enginct

ol gas turh,r enginei: # Bask loan

7[, conthuilT eTuation



flu/ LlA, = V,A. ( f* inc*nprcsEblc

Newton la*s of rnatimt

-4 fr'st /auu: (ons[anL >Prd in a slraglt A bac)yir ei(hr at rusto( moving with a lin, patA a5 l^g as lArn a,c n"t an/ {o'r" arc' actnl on {h;s body'

la*, Second
( a'!eoa["') An/ for* altp/ied an /1, bodl t.:ill rnah, iL acceleraie

e uo,dtry ta lhe falla*iry relaLion:

f= rnd
t ffro{ gene'al :

t= i(,nv)

{Ei,J lo*'
, and ofpositc in di'eclim' {u *,g actian hat a rea'tion 5 dme in ualut

, . fi rno ll; s equat;on

/1 { tr

tJenluri lrbc

r AfP ll inJ /nA,,

( continttitY (onservation

eyatin) on {le u.n&uti

{rtl, ,



= 3'A'V' = 3rA./.

f, fr,U, =

J, A, V, , fo, inconp ressille]



A, V,= A r V t - ( 3 = ( o n s | o n L )



Vr= U+ )

ShreA,) A,., ilrn

V2 > V,

ll; ,nade his eyperirnrnl Berno und", tAc &/lounl U) {irLionlrrs {/o* (?l Sleady s[alc f/o"'


(t) No enerw is a//d

(" tl* f/*r, a( erLracLed f.o t/,cfl*.


in /A' fieaetred ll, ualu" ol p,rSlure of dif{ttenl locaLions (Arn obh;ned,

uen|eri lsbe, onC t$, Io/low,nj relaLian usai

fr {ol /}r*sure= P, Slah Pt"sure

p+ tsv^

* tu' : DgnamicPtcssure r', Glol pnswrc=. f(all. + dynanic ptcssurc. pressute

fr, {inol $*yessionoN Bernoll;,sefudlion is:


+it,1"* ISh,= A + {rv,'

shl, $a[

I s h,
mty belreen

JI is mpo,tont h

this eqrtali*t i5 aflied

3. punlt m ll,- semeStr"om linc, and *ilhul

uery adJitionor Exlractt:srr.

Naglet tr,
, p ressure and reduces uelociLT, noi3l< rncreases

: noYleis used * {i, sub:onic flo,, convergent


vz ) V,

P,( n
T ( T



( onur,,1 eaLnoglc'

fl*, {n, Supasonic

: di'u'g'nt noyle il used


f, { P,

n ( 7;
ol conuergcnb ( 5o,,,,conditions no11lc )

is on/ If tAe'c al*oXt frllr* tA- Pressure' )/ole , 7[, Lenperaturc

increasein frc*ure, $t is ony will tncrease' if /Aere te*peralurc

, (At te*p e'a[u'e "ti ll dccrease derreare in Pressarf

, D;ffurer;
h (4, noyle. 7F, d iffutu in.crearcl frclssFc, 7F" d;ffusrr is opposite veh:11i;Y-, ond reduc"s

- Fo, subsanrc ffi"' fl*, diue'genn

Vt ( V,


P,) P,
7; ) 7;

soni< f lo*, convergenE Wh {0, super

: is used

v1 (U

P, ) P,
E!: lr. il'"'.------'"

T ) 7r
( Sa,*- cmditioni otr dive'gent naglc)
'! ..

i r .


I d

,Illolel,. E
t1t ,1,-,.


nol3lc Subsontc

)uper Sonlc di I fuSu

,- lrh


Surr*,sonic noglt


o en1tne. 5.0 f ogc I tt* fo, gencnl layrulo{ a gas furbine

, j n' A ;, in take casing condittontarc and htgh presiure It is a d;ffusu duct. ( Lo,, velori|y, inlet, and this is doncby o d;ffuse,). refuiredof [h, comp(elso( /Va iolet uonei exiJlin the inLakc casinS' (an b, applied in ile regionaf /hu air ntakc G*Y Brrno/l;'s "lualion additionar extraction)' Sioce ll,r,, ii no work dane( no energ1

$, ol( inLakcasig is nad, b ilt air f7s^, manufurtotea.

fnlrt cone (A, raabof {Au Compressor bladrs, andpnu;des 6u hlct, cont{ove(s

a Snool|pot| fi, lht ntalc ah

Ifre inle[ rone i5 ryde by ile engine tnanufac[orers

: , ExAaus[ cane
(dwrr th, roots Tu exAausl cone af {Ac [ur bnc bladrs, r andprouide } air. a snoo th pa(hftt {Ae exhaus faclorcrs. is madebJ lAo enginemonu 71, exhausl cone

, Prrpu il,nj

nq3le ( Frl-rtl

nogh ) :

' t c ,t ducL I hgn aucc nry3lc il d no55tc ueloci h,gh verccity reTuireJa[ eI noylc e iltc noylc a I (hc x;I /r1 Q t$ teTured


ilt order ta tncreas-

ilrus( fircr,

an/ ilt;s it danc lJ a noSj/r/.

noyk' N, et(it uones exist rh ilc exhausL lAc reXion of tl" cxhaut Be,no//,'t efua/ion c(rn b, app/;eJ rh "o5il< done. Sinct (hetci; no work

noSjleis nade b! &lc at rtanc monu{o'{otcr5' - /tr. exhaust

Slalion'ia gas I urb,nc engnciI , ,f ,W, L"'"''" rn orde,b :pec;fy a loco[ion {urb;ncengin', il a,i// hsidc li,e*',7as 6e dul,l
rhk slalians.

n stnilc spoollurk iet engne' Stalions

Ai ,atake


(o*buslioncho^bc, o

- 7irba,






(Ac et {rcc atr strean { und;s\urbcd Jone) bcfa.c irtlel of (fi, enrne. 77tis f lotion it of il, ( surroundiry) rcndiliant E, vo, and T. ambient,

! r 5 totional (lte engirteintahe ( tA, intahc o{ (A, a,r d; ffused, (Au atr dif{uscc intahe, and (hc evit oF conprersar ilc of : stotion l j t and lAe ex;[ af cha^bers, o{ rA, co^buslron at (Ac intahe 5lorion

$e comPressor. $ t Slal;onat (Ae exit o! (Ac conbuslion chambers. il,, lurbirn ,ntate, a,td

(/" exhaust noi3h,ond il' at tA, ntale o{ fr SLolion a[ ('he cxit ol the erfia*lf not3le' 8 s SLotion

lubnc exit'

< A lfunalirc dacrrplionuscdb5 s|alionlt

O - I : Zoncbcftn


rnAoh engiac ,

j - 7 , Air intahe diffusc,( ei, intahecasing)


l# ,


cho^hc's' combusLion

5 : 7I',bine g :

nq3ltJ Exhaus!noyk ( Proprll,ng

' Lacolnno[ stotians6, 7, and ]: nogle and d ivergent a5 A fler hurnert, 7Eo*arc comfonrnkSuch {hat arc usrdn th.- r',ilila,la,:c:,!:! e xirl n gaslurb,hcengines d,7' a'd is spec;fndbJ sfationt of such components 78, locolion
q. A siryle spool Lu.,oje t ng'n<usedin tl,c ni/ita,y oir cralhsit Shawnin ilrc fa llouinX c/tagrant


Afle, bu'n"

Diuc,gnb no$h
I ql

t I


t I





bo,nn d :' Inlc( of ll,, afi1tr

7 t Inle| of tl,

ConucrncnE lrolile'



exitoFth oflo burncc

nry3le ( lt ;t rtaS3lc 8 r Inttt if tAr:dtuergent , ond exi[ of lhe conv,ygenL diuagnt nqSh] of (he convergenl!h, throat arca no53le' o,F ttl divergent 1t Erlnusb

' - A llernaliredescriplianused bg stotions
Z o n c ilefucu, (urbincefiL, and ilc ialc( of il, o flu fiurrtcrt,

5- dt

Il nay b, a d; ffuserthat increa$et(ho pressureand reduerrilz ueloci*.

n<l . Af kr bur ne,( e xist ia rni /i tay en7 (anucrgent n a11le.
craf ttS\iuergcnt no63t, { etisLrn supernnk Qir

d-/: 7- 8 I

g -1:

5 totions in lwn spaol tur baiet engines: (he S[a;ram in lAe &.,k spoal turboyt engtrt* are exartly l;frc

ia il, Sta[ions

lurhlct In #e {utinSpaal st,gle tpot lurhict ertgines.

t enginct. (h, folla",ng add;lionol s[altor't arc includcd

e,5 ! S[alion bcl*rcn L PC and ltPC.

- --:--


Stotion bel,*en H PT and L PT

L P( ,

low prrrru,i canrPtessac

HPC, llifi Fcsrwc conqrclsq, (urbinc,, HP f : /1i7, pressttrc



Lart Presturc(urbtne'

^ t,t Ett v!

, ,,fftolions in tAc fu,boftn e^gtnas:

/4, oF ile lurbo jct engines, haue$c Lailrc shahons 6rho fon engfi4er


dueL. in #o by pass add;lio,vl sLal;ons fu,bofan engncshavesom<

bcb-" 7|rr" sta[;onr arc shoun in /Ac {atin ipool turho fan engincdrawn




^' t . A ,

Io du1t, qnd i[ is ,.ca'r'spondng lA, bg pass S;o,i;ion,irs;dc



: ' : :

t , ; r , , . t l: '

I,s s flat;oi

instdc(A, 15pass *tt'


'r-' -J"' t.' to and it is corespoltotll

S[alton 3 tn [Ic ha| 5$eom region

'.' tt.,-- ^--l.l+, Jomc(/ting flaE tor Stations ..,7k r .;. J h I t' anl l'5,


cvctc; Jf,tr*
Sray lon cyct<( f* l|e gos lwh,ac



a - 3:

stages G^pression in (AcconPrestor

chanbets 3 - + : (a^bustton in tk can,bustan in ilc tu'bne slages + - 5 ; FxPan,iotl 5noSjle' 8 I [xpansionh lLc exhaust

(o^ponmt localion ideatif,iaboni' -,

, In ordu h specif1 o locotion insidc lhc enginc,il nusl 6cdntdcd -i h sectians. [olion.'' arc usol n spec;&,n3o lacation in /1, axial directtan.




. h Hc raliol di,nlion' il,

as/ill*rs' locolrunis sfeciftcJ des;nnd

rto^ affu uie,,,( look,iylht enginc is [*, /t, eryr'ae 6, re/erencc

its bach ) '

(-Ui gt'^r


diuisnn t is accoding k (A' clack lacolron {A, Spec;lj 4, laca(tdn exomPle,llt;s

3 d'clock.

is at



.AA'^. is r'q dtuid'd .|,',,;JrJ ^h inh , 7f,, ertgnc trrr


ilrse nodrl"s cttc ass'embJc/

,:odul's' 'a oil7r,ln odcr k fi'^ tA: enghe' Any f h eacA

dn it;. ;il;", iodito's': -__ ''' I I _ '' :-:' '':: :


modul*;' ltr* otAc,r rnovtn1 *ilho"L and iefga,lely, asseqrbtcJ dis b. ',
ile will reduce nainier'taacccos|ail liae,
t I nodulr T bfcause f Ae 967lcd t^, r I

modulcis ftud a,ilho"L Qn be rephced-ilA a,pilc, of|Qtand tle sptlcd

skppt.g l/l. rr,ginefro^ o1erclion.



* Flongrs:
/6rrc acc 1 (ypcsof flangcs,$cA arc: (ons truclion flarycs'


florye' af il'' const'ucl;on Ut SAaP'

a mc lcls otc Bolt and nul

battel [a3etAe,

h) {unc[ionof (A, cons[ructnn flong, '
tagclhec A nan mo,)ul.s f langcis us,J in assetb/,n3 |f,, construction (tl \es$nation ( sPccifYiry )s of (Ae construc tion florye is nade bg lehLe,s. 7T, designalion


Auesso,y flangest oF ilc accessory flange: ttl Shape

flary, |tr" e&essary

js weldcA en d ( r"od ule) ca5e



t (eJ {unrLions of (hc acecg5ory flangc ( *aduftJ. ]l JI is a suppa,t fir (k cose [le case, (i,o| a,, - II is usc"lfo, fr'xation o! ory &npon nts and deutce, reguired bJ $e engine. [4. s[rerylA of increases

( l)

)esination ' {lange is nade \ TF, desgnalionof he accesso(y letl,'s and dgiLs'


gAbbre,tiations ond luminolagies :


ralioJ: E PR ( Fngirr Prcsswe




Turb,;r, exiL Pressut1i (ompretsu iolct Fessu(e

($e engin< ramponents nadc A JI ts inpolanl lo sdj (/,at nanuhthrrrs


( slation L), and endswilA begtn wil| ti,' comP(esv,(

( sLgL,* il, [w b'nc s)

, , i '


Prrtsu* ratio, = frrrru" raLio.


;P '

nol}le is no diue,genb l if {/,erc

raho=' ! Prrssure
il' It

if li,, dirrrguL nogl. exuls-


: In g enerat ratto Pr.ssure fr* lk exAaust Exit pressure lIrJk

inlo fi. Inhlc. prr';ssure inlctd;ffuser


( P R ( co^prcssor p r$s urc r a tio|

P t7


(omPressor exit Ptesture

.tt / (o.pressor nlet pressurc


(DP ( (o^pressa( disrharge Pressure)t C0P= G = ( DP = G^pressorexitPressuft.

Case pressute.

oF pressttre ne CDP is il, maximumualue {/,aL can 6e obLained inside fie engine,ond /A;s ualue is ilc rTloximum engne must wilh sLand.

ilat lk

5- TIf ( Tirb;neinlet t*pera[urc )z



E 6 T ( Erhoust (,*prrolure gas )t

( e"G T is (1, exAausl h^perature fro^ ile htbnc exit) gas

th t gas le^pera[ure( t o r/ is indical,ian{o, [h, surge 7tr, e xAaus ilt, to tno- /A, engine cornprelsor, and iL is ile main paromclrr used

' \ ^ G

relahonle[*e'n 4fre
EGT and TfT is /,h"o''



N ( rotational sped)t
= 11/

rohti*tal spccd of [h, s,Lglespoal gas lwbine utgine,!pn.


z in (wn spaol gas[ur,6aienginc 8- Kotali*ol specds lP*l , f'n' al [A, Iow pressarc NJ = rotalional spccd spaal , (Pm. ol lly.htsh Presiare ll^ = rotalionalSpeed
) '.-.-'..'_ q

| ,_ in triple >oaot aa, >perds Rotatiaml I U'


, ,-" turbne

Qnalnc 3

, (Pffi. spool NI = ro[attanal:P.qd of [h, Iou pressare spoal, r/m, N?,= rokLionol :pecd af [A" inlernodialepressurc (Pn' spaol, N3 = rolationol specdoF ti,r. h,th rlresliure

a , Fi' :il ,;


Io- Spoolt shafL,and lurbine. ft is il, co^bthalnnof colr,Pressor,




foil. II i, ile rotaliryatu

la Von"tt

ianaryair foils. A tyes af uo{ielt IAy TnrX a(e il, sLal ore,
( t ) Variableuenei.

of atlack wil| f/o* con be changed. Its onSle

(eJ Fixedtrene -'

Jts angleof a I laclr is unchangetrte.

t3- fOD ( {orrign o$"r[ da^ageJ: duc k lA, enl'anceof an oile'L h la \ontige oaurcd in [A, engine
ilte engine SUcha t blrds, Jloner,and drsl.

l+ - Do\ ( ho*rsLic 6g1"cL don"04

6J 4 doneslic ablec1 surhas a bladc \a^oge arcurrJ i" tA. en$ine

lAat left;It


t ratrio t5 - & poss

By passra [ia = ftld oir nass f/*' rale (rtr)
lloL ar, ffidst f/o* rale ( na)

lf .-{ /rt, laE f a l e t , ,yf




cdngive is /m;Led bJt . ffu tArrsL farce (A"l [Ae engin< JltaNi^u^ le^pualu" can witAsb"d' lAe ertgine

e - ilaximu^ pressutelhot (A, ensnc raie an utilhsLand.


and 7[ofrtto*;t diogr*n s/,o*s /A, EGT( exhausl gos le*peralure],

(1, ft ( (ase pressure)/*i[s dra*n in {Ar, tr ( (i,rwt foor}- oAT ( ootside air lempeature) Ciagran | "'"


F' iiih-. U:


FqF." b*,a!.ii


aal fro EGT f s linils


iwb nab6" exce.dd- tF #r* lnils qr.

c\cceded, tir, engincwtll .i d. danagd,


TFis curue lho"ts lhe nattimun

#rrustforc, (hab
il. cngine Qn

flive u f'l/'



Tr* 3 t/at

ratel knTera[u'e'

air [cnYraLu"s bela''' AI out sr,lc

, {A' {l'usl rt"' (Aol tAeengh<

is ,A! il;s (utrc is (an giue sofrU ( ^oximum lAr,sL) ;s Gns[ant. 6ot
i, i

"flo[ corlcend wil; {k expression Aboueiltu valucof '7iOf " tk



uilA foo, d rrreass rndximum (ArusL

' aP. oAT (outsideak Le'nPef [A. ncrease .atu'c]

' Tu= Is'C


lerel,and a[ sMard al sc,a,


7[, iltrusb reducti*t canb. madc 8y I diffrr"nt udys, onets dirrcL, ^orrfochrerz and (4, o(/,rr ir ,nadc 6J ilr. engirtc tAeS arc i


1" al

JI is adlustiry /Ac engin<lo giue onear tnorc rnalimum #rrs| foras tn*rn ntaximum ualu.s. Derol,iy rr donc $ lAe engnc,and ilit ^oJ mat,ng sancndiftral,ims o' nod;&,g include changthg

sr $e hard worc of il, saf I uarc tl-t

is done bJ (Ae engine conl,ols t/,l. e^gine. 7rt;s Proccss

norutor lo,rrs, otd no[ allowed (o b, maCe LJ !A, ai, line can'tflr)iel. Deral,y i5 Qn op/ion, ond il is on, nad< olten tA, atr /inc ccn7enYasks

f* il.
of de,al^g clear, consider /A, fo llo*^g. . 6 ^oLl- lA, procrss
< An engthe giues rnaxinum /Arus[ of So ooa-/L




I fliues trtaximun


4a ou lb


8.. F,

e flwes trdxfmun

of 35 boa lL th,usL
(orf 0, no n<rJ



is partnlly ftll"J wilh passengel ar

! ar dtrale A canba usrJ ,hsLc lh,usL. Aerale ad.

: r'i: , t,;, ., ---'' . I F .il, ,r""'--'-'' t t -l -"---

alginc a t Jull power td tafre maximun

ail::,'cra ft:

, Engic tuilA fi" clenl,iy op,laon is marceryns1ud lAot (1, sameenghe,6u[

. . .,

:t 'u,ilAort''"i1, aptin. drirattnj




7I" ngine (an bc adslsled k operal, on derale t, ar! wilAoul openlh1 i[ on (Ac ffiaxinun il,asl f*u, [o 6, de'atcA onll

ord (his is atcordthg

(equi(meofr and de^onds at il" air lthe canply,

. Itr, derale aption is made 4

(A< engiil rnonufaclor"rs, and ;[ is

not allawed k be nadc b/ any o/h, one.

, if

fr. natn aduart"fc af /A, deraliry oplion is tAai;l is gua,onlrrd, t.e, deralc 1 is nadc o^ dn engthe ta giue t+s orc lL os an xonple, /Au,

lly flfre (A, /Arust forrc of L s oaolb .lpn [Ac aplian lAe engine a'ill er'ac of de,ah ! is sel"cLeJ.


t a - f LEx T/o ( f /"x;[L h*. o#,1

. j[ is reductng(A, ,naxlmun (/,rus[ foru of [A, enSme E Prtl,rl lA, af {Ac T\GA posilro, 7[;s lArust leueron lA_ rLEx T/0 fosilion thsLcod is donc -h^ or ca(|o' (Ae at crafl is parlia//y loadcd ui[A Pd$cr,gcrs


bd: tsr tr+:l &.i




L. c
!. a

Fe i{..-

(Aa ili'utl lerq an (A, FLEX Tlo pos;lioni, , Afli, alrc lAt a,m,'nt iitL,hJ is reTtred k 6, enlueJthh lA, conpuLcr af (A" thrwtforce reduction oF tie engine: ficro,rJ,njk [Ac ualuc oi,f lle parlia! laado,t ilc oircraft, [A, ualue oP 'Tlrrri cttll bc hna*n fr^ il. ap*at,ry manual , and enlald

v -

r' !1'

sysl*. in la ll,, engincconpuler



t F lcil[lc {e^pe'a[u'e'

bt&re , abwr Ttre ,al* of 6tr* nusl b, lagr,(h^ 7a*' (ns drsussel
/A, ualuco{ 6* oAT). It hasno meannq k v hore T4 (A* fiu", Srnallcr 6ecaur< al ualu,s , /A, n4oximun ilrus[ f*, uilA ll< nueale 4l decreasei

of Tlrr less(Aon Tttrt,

t1o reduc[ianin [A,usL fo,r, u'ill happen.

(A" (A,usL of Tr:, enlert/ ^lo /Aerc*puh' fn ordn lo reduce forrr, il, oaluc Ts

uni| ol (A, engile muslb, g,eaLc, lAan batA T,", ad

-i G4 :

le^peraiurc Aclual a,, {e^pera lurc { Surrauoding ).

- lf [A, ualwof T"t is greatrr[Aonl|nii, (A, EcT /n;t uil Ac

elcecdad {allawd b engtheclarnge. In rnode,n atr crafls, (A" engine

is pnLecLrd againsb exccedtry tAc EGT t,miL.

rvwial ,iiii;i"
KducrJ firusb





of 7fir, is smaller(Aon T* , (A, EGT /n;t uitt be ff il, ualuc


0bhncd fi,wL

(hz EaT [mtt






ff h

valu,of n,

is l"ss [Aon G6t n rto ilrrrsl reJuclia', can

: 6a achie,red

No ll*st ,/
reductimis achieutJ


. Lials of


( ftrxilh k^pemturr):

[;nils, Lowe, 7fl,,

9,r i4.

[n;t: Upper Let (4, ualu,of Let {4, wlu, a/


giucs {Arrsl fr,r, o! {ort of #t,n larce


tr, maxthumualueaf

. tE,

ba,dd bJ /4, fo llor,17 undi Lion:

Ff,., = 7 5 / of


I tnox,nun allartcd . I ,rductia tn (h,usL. ; I

FF,u = a.75 Fort

: In otAerurords

( 7"* ) conclilrans

reducbon in noximun lArusl fio^ /A. acluol opaalty

Jl is Inpa(l"rl lo sal lAaI [Ac ufpa ll^iL is a rryulabon uttsc l;ftt meanhg. and il Aasna scim condiLian,

t(eavnsfi, no/r,hj reduclrn in [A, (/,rus| fo,r. a[ [ah. off, q (Aan tA, arluol reTu;red Tiis is dme ,Arn il. aualall. lArast ;s ft1dre

volue K"duc,,y il, posslblc^o,{rs /A, eryuo< rnaqmum/rSrutlfrrr, *Arneuer

wilh latgu opat,ry /ife

,?educlion th rhath lenanc, anJ matnlatantc usls.

,?ecluclnn th Prrt @nsump hbn,

( lec|urc L)

aff,,rry lh,usLz

JTimperafure ( oukid, atr {enperalure)z uilh 7T" (Arusl fark decreascs [e^peralure inc(ec,v,,anJ rncreases


uith th. bnDeralc.redecreax.

s_dg:!t*-* srefp_s .alh: (Ae ly:,',p{q@, U

so (4, mast

f/w rate decreasrs irl tfu [Arus.[ follo*ed U decr.uqse forrc. 0n [l*

othe,hand , !: dtnl"t/ hcre,as^rs will' !A, !erPe,at":, i!:t-u:-F, so [A,

nnassF/a,t rate ncreases llawrd b, ncrease h lhc (Arust forcc{o
,l -*.*-9*"0:.";;.': ."''


7f. lArust{on, increases wjlh t7,.. pressureinuease, and decreasts

wi[A (Ae pressqre decreasc.

3 - Altiludc t
, , Tf,, (i,rust /i* decreases utjlA t|e a /lilude hcruse.

A I olliludcs up lo j6 o gq. zL f{,

boil k)p,rroturr, )rd ,,r*n

dur*se il,

utilh ile altitude hcrease. At ollitudcsaboue 3taEI.?.t*!!, dlarease, and {Ac le^pera fure hecurres

pressurc conliaues h


rust /i*, is Tfr

decreasd c.ilA (4, a tliludc


fl is ff, ,a[e of (Aruslfto, dccrrasc al alliluclesb"lo* 36081

ltu 8qft ' llitudesaboue rcs5(Aan ile a lliludc rall af decrescat a


enline: h- ,fulatiaultryd of lk

Alnosl of /l' [Atust forcc ,t achieod at (h

?,a/.of highrsL
(4. ralaliorol ilpccd,

5 - {6re.ard rpeed:

'/ al slaltclh*sE
LOO f.

a[ sealeu"l


3oo nplt



np|: milcsper hauc

(arvc(tl :

wilA il. J( sho*sil, lh'ust foo' al s"o lcue! uillwut tA, alatc droj.
Alfam f effcclt

,oi effrJ, iil

of ile lA,uslftn, du, h (Ae aclnn af d;ffuscr I/'e It is (A, i,tcreasc

d;{Tusc,reducrs inlalc uelocilyanJ rhcreasesnldke prcssure.

F b,

ii t: H

Intak, drofl' I( is il, rodurlion n (Ao (Arus[{arrc d* lo l/," specdof /A, i,hlalc

air. ( Irlo[ drry=

(urvc ( llt


ft shoon lAe [ArusL w ilA [Ae ren ef{rr|, and wtlh fo,rca I sea leuel
(Ae ,n[aleedrag (urueIs): I forcea[ sed leue!uti(Aoul [A, ram effot, and wilh shows/Ac (hrusL

(4, in[akc d,ag,

, (urue (t+): JI is {ii, cutue tzJ, brtt at ail;tad, of tro ooa f[. (urve (t+) flha,ts$,

o[ allilud, of trooffi ft ulA ilt'a^ il,us| farce

ntake drag,

e{f"{, anJ wilA lAe


Hunidily z Humid;ly decreasrs ile /rlrul forcr, anl ils effu.L on reducttj lAe

firust fork is rmal/, . Hurnid;ly decreases [he iltrwt torrr, because 4c uapor,na/uulr5 rcplatc ile at molecules ilwl are enler,',tj nlo (fie ngth,et so /1, hlal nu*ber (Aal arc usedrh conbrylbnls rcduced. o F oir moleculrs



Efficiencies l


T6er^o( e#;cieng ; Lrr" HE on eng inc sYt



llr o! adJeJ fu'l

Heat energy

flE '


lsiue ef f;ciencJ t P,vpu n tP=

L,Jor A on o;, craf I tl E on ertgine sYStcm


f/echooica/ energy


F:' f;I

. [Jork on air crafl t l( it ' Speed t lIE on eng,hcsyslentsupplies 0 t Penu^olk air reTutcd f* A ) Hechanica/ powetla & GI llydrauli< Pu^P &i uhaL (enatns gles h /A, prapulsiaz ( (A,"s[ f"*J , and losses, il' atycrafl

(A e utork

Coo, n order to lccep (he


air cra ft a[ ;Lsf/gAI, and,

I b

elec[rrc fluterakr'

\ \ s d

lIE ol1 engine = syslcm

Hf on engine syslcn


Oucrall effkiency ol /Ao engine: 'lo T 1,^ tt 7P on ai' c'aft t,JorkeJone HE af addd fucl

(anstrucI ion o t engine,

K, $,'.p 3@

TT" inta[c : of ' 7fr inlah< is QnPased J - 0iflust' du'L ' e- Inltt cone' a* discus*J ,h details [cbw, ffi" c;ffuser du"Lanc inlet cone

hi{fwu, duc[ t . Se. page / Yt/ for ile subsonic irtla,h diffusu duct.

, Itr. cl;ffusr durl has[A, falla*ry {unrltonsz

1a,'rd thueascs ReducrstA, uelociLy, Prcff,ure P/esJUre( n,l,alcr's build up).

{Ae engine I - Il s,tpp/r'es suff,z.;ur[ amount o f a,z fo, apbnu^

tian. ( T[ed iffusrr durL is nadc ty tA" a;r craft engine opera manu faclorers).

Slroigltlen lAeair f/o*. "f

, Losses arc a l/o*"J a{ lA. ,n lohr, buI not a llowed a5 mucA a s because 4fis rolahon ol

possiblcn (4" (ompresso, and lurbfneslajes,

(Art, componen f s is ,n a d, bg fuc/ consumplion, so oru /osses i,t iArsc Gmponentsare (ranslal"d Ia greaL lossrt ln /A, [hrust /orct.

Passibl"prablemsaL lie inLake; JIce {or^otbn, 7E;sproblem is solrrd bJ penu^a [tc AroLtiy h /A" engine^ osc

rcwls ( ntahe diffuse,J.

i -

Maiset rnohrs natse.

-, ,4i, (hoL;o ertlenngtrtlo lAe rhLateCui

fr, nols(

is generaledclue [a lhr- mechortical arran7enen*, onJ utbralions. qtr, noise is alsageneraled due lo [A, frrcI*n bel*orn &e laycrsof a,r

ert teri,y fnh lAe durt.


Alotse is on enuiron^en la I Prablern, and th man! cou, Lrt'a, (erh;n nofse leuelis only allo*d.
frr"[ion bel*cn air

Aboue lAts fiotse/euel, lAe air craft

loyers due h rela|ive mol;an be[*err-, tAot,

will nol b" allo*eJ (a f/y n manyatea, arrcundlA, uoid

ffe noise/cre/ .is reduced by usn1 orcurlic fonc/s (Aa[ are rnad< of W malerialt, ( usuolly Aonry co^b). composile
i:G<G;;:-.;-;: ;;;;--*'::' i -

nleLcanet f"
7F, tnleLconchas lAerh//o*,h! funct,bnst ,J - Jt auu, [Ae rootsof lAe /an bladcs. - It SLreaot /ines /4, a,i f/o,u, ..,.e

. 7f,r.prablenz tAoL ftrr, /Ae nteL cone is /A. icc cantamination.

ed by /4, fo llorrry me lAad 7trisproblen (dn b" salu s,



Us,ir3 electri c heale,s h preuenL i ce for^o lion on il"


A- Us;ry rubbe, l,p,

I{ ice is for^rd on lA, rubbe,ltp , il will not 6c balarued and iI anll naL. ubralrans. finolly, (4, ice/lrncd on (A, lip ui/! be renoud 6y (A, certLrifaga/ frrcrs.


By nat,ni done ( V ) sAapel nte[ canei 7tredon, shapcd inlc| &ne preueats

onj ice cnntaminolian an iL

5hapeJ nlct cane.


( Ll<Lur-!)



al gat lurbtne ertgthcal CansLruclian

* lont

aily. Ttr'fa" is useJIo guc'ale , Trt,hn epslsin lu,bo fon engina

totd ilrrusL'
' con lon blades uniL)' \ne o( ffior replacenertt LRU(('n' Fonsarc

ond {his canbe nade on t|c f/Ehl bladrs, orhe, wirA fan repraced be ent be done*Aen {o^ blade rep lacen tan (:he ( A- dt 7:r4pJ1 ). 7tre f t . ( no. neeJ l0 ht' {Acenflne (Ae engners nSldtle/in il, a,r cra
inla Ih, shoP)' rnainlendnce

s . Vibralionsuruey
_-1:: .'- :..:: _-

is not on ile rolalng ol nassol [Ac fon assenbly If (Ac center pabhn 7d' urbmlion p roil*s wlll aPPea'(: vibratian Ax15 al [A" engine, usuo Ily aVpears oflu uibtation af u, o( more /ailladcs ' ffic replacencn| melAodsi

bg aneof ilc folloug problem an hz avotideA

t ! - Po;rchangc

ftn IF a fo" hladcis re,otaccd, (h, oVPoxte

he replac"d. blademusb alsa



lc 7f, fo" 6lale, and (4, appos;

onemus[ hare #,

same we$lt[ rh order

h auoiduibrationproblems.

iryz e - fin nurnber

tn tAe fo/low;ngdiagnn' fr, fon blad's arc nu^bertd os shown

5lar begin fl" lladrs a,e Auo'/'19 rtunbered k ilei' /ocaltans'

fu ag /A, /an bladcsarc disasse"tbled

h lk nu*baig aeco'd;'y , ilry mus[be re assembtcd as clcaniry sucA reason plarc in lh,' blade A can not be nslatled a| (A, blad's'( fo' uxanple a blad, is wficn ils plorr,j..'AIw oF blad,h., i[ musl 6e ns[alleJ in nu'nberof '/A' al!:Y replatrd, ilre neu6tadc musi haw ?ltesdme Aft* bep*fomed. Tfrcuihalim lesbnusL uibroLion trvtal!;nj(A, blades,

du'tni -ile qbahon lcuel anJ measurtry hsL ii nadc bj rolal,g..,lfi..angine


ro[o[io,. $
?,-r'; .. ':

welhLs a rcrhin uolui, caunlcr lcuelexrceds l[e utbralion

(A. wegh- li,ol is causinj uibraliuts. mus[ [e nslalleJ rh orda [o balanl.',

in il" lon shail' o,? insLallcl 6unk, weghk




tn (A' roaL of fan blades

ffi, lon llod, it f,'rrd

nlo /A. rool bJ en\ettny

{i" blade

/A. do.rc [ai/ ,oat irtk (4" groove.

7Ko groor" flxolion Preuuh /A, !o, blal, lo* onq rnour^,nl n (Ae 'al;a! d;'e..Lio^

of IA, Ia" Jn ordt, Io preurnt onJ rnouemen|

n (A, aribl bladcs

d ire.tton i s couerd by re.[ainthj plaLe. , (A* $rooue

fadtol d,irr[t'*

Awl direrl,ion

tr" rehintnX P/atc

ls e''J axiol ^olion preuen of ile fo" b)adrs



' fibrolion of {on lladrs itr' uibralion problcrn TL natrt pro[lcn ffiaL ha- {an bladrs is uibra!;on, ' raho ( k^utt, h u'idlh aPPea(n tal, bladcs/hal hauelag" cylindernrss e ol cyhdern.ssratio fo, o cylndtr anda fan blod raltu). 7F, calcrlalion is shown belout

t (ylindernrss ra,l, fo' o cgl;nder (yIrde*tcssralio = f L : Qladcr lc"gll

[: Qlndcr dnneler

P (y /,nd"rnw mlio {o, a fan blado:

rdtio = Qlnderness

L : Fo" btad,lengltr
C : Fn hlad' chud

raln is delnd qzly frr atrjels ft it mporhnl lo say(hat il" cyl,izJwncss

(Aat ai, ftxrd froi ort< e.nd,an/ /le o(Aurend is frtr, such as ile


U;6roInnof fon blade' /4" ualu, af cg/ndeness is reducedly decreasng ralio. 7[, cglndenessralio netAads: (A, lengilof fan 6lodn. I - Decreosng
e- fnrr.ot,hj /4, cA*J ol fan hladrs.
o reduted bJ usin3 *,tJ leasL or tJiilralians a[ s[opped be cen 3 iPon can be reducrJ IJ one ot' morc

of (4, fotto*tt

as shoun irt lA, fo llau,'nj (Ao[ is nslall'J o" /A' frn blz.drs Shroud'


hn blad"s

pd tp,on


ch'oud 7rt mi/ sPo,,

is /ocalrJ n /rl"


of /1. frn middle ilodd.

'ahio follo*"J by [Aocyl;ndan'ss AdJi^g tAt mid spanchr*d reduc,.'s

of aihratims reduction

ot{" nsloil'ni Qlnluness,ah'a (k nid ' Wn cAroud ralio Qlnderness

rr't a (trtv


-^r h / L


s enPressors

crafts, and a'r aafl iet . TTro are a QPct of canPresnrsusrJ ,n atr
engines,[Aeya(e I




3 al (A; cenLrifuyt'"^P'ltsor (o^ponents

U) LP"l\'

u''prcssa6' 7f,2 of (A' centr;fugal Jt is lAerdlahrycomponenL o! air flo, ( nacaary' iln tnrl;, enerflJ is usedh naease inpeiller
i ' ''

oi( wlociIYJ.
--5*+c; '..'-':: -;--'

/fig canpna] oF lhu,cenlr;fugalcoilpressafi. JI is il, sLaLiondry

(reduc;,'j ueJocily, and b inueae air prcssurc diflwer is usd t" reduce kne[,'cenagJ,ard thcreastypolunt-nl //o*],

a! 7/k s|ruchuc 5e page t to f* (A, ca*rifg al conpressor. shu,n h Fry, anJ d;ffurt uones arc npiilr, lit shornth pagc It(, drogra^al ile tnpcllec lf-1. A 3'd'nensiov/


(i* of il, Propr, I LrilugaI con cen f ressu

(tI /l,st, pressure ralio is obhinrtrf,o^ onc slogc ( t^ptllt, + d;flusrr).

(z) /oss.s belrren sLogrs ore high, so /Ae s[agrsn tA, cenLrifugal

(ompress o(t arc Ltmi ted, -I



/T, centr;fryal comfressars are conpact ( requircanrysnall srytrJ.

::(A{, t / l.f) t ^ arc usedby APU( orXilla'3 Paq uni[)' t+/ tentri/uqat Canpressol \ -.v v I <Y-/'




t )l

e - A x;ol conpressol3 s (o^pornolsol (1, axtdl comPresso( (ll folort Ttr"rakr is usd J( is /A" rohlng conparn[ of & axial coiltPressar.

(A, Lne{icene'VY of oi f/o* ( Acrust$ atr uelaalY). [-a rhaease

t El S[ahr
7I' sLaluis af (A, ariol ralnp]esso,: Jl is [], slaliany confonent ene'f! ( raduaryat used t0 lrdnf|, (Ae hnelic enegy la Prcssue_ pressure ueloci[yanJ h creasig ). wii.h (Ai,. slages legin wilA ile ,olo' anJ a'ds I^ axial compressars,
wilA i'hpe/la'a'/ Slahr. ( In cenLri fugal co^pressort (Ac stair- 6gtns

ulA d;tfuse,). ends

5r, pafle t f.o {o, /1, a xial conPressa('

t Propuhrs,olil, axial ComPreSstr

(/) Lo*

( rolo,+ s|aLor). raIio is obLatnedfro^ onesta7r. Pressure


th Lassu belrern s[ages ore lo'tt, 50 mon! s[agcs con be used

axial cortlPressa(5'

sParc ilo" a {ertLri lugol,*rp,rt'' requiresrno(e axral campressa( G) Tf," nc'Cs' bl 71" axro! &^presso,is acd n lLcicl engirc,-

, fntry gu;dc uoncsi

T;-, =\

(A, oir ert lernS inla !A' 7iu ertLry guiCe ucttts Are usd tn d,i"clng

nto ttr, I,isl shl' { tAV *oio tlt o,i ertlec /i,rLskgc al /lc calttpressa(i wilA t/te rEuurd angleo! a[[acl)' 71" n'A gu'/e o{ tAeconpress( ay uaneonly dirrcts il' atr flon, iL darsnol nat*
o( preSSUt.

in ueluif cltangcs

oeladLY' Pr.rsu,"t

in ptessute' No cAong"s
, or {r,rPaa lun art uelocily

h nrod,,lt^ aiYryott#tory /1, uky guideuane.'





tlage af an pt"ssure, onJ [e^pero(ureprofilcs in a

axia( u*p'"sswe j

K: ftol'an
f,r SLahr
l): Uelacily P: ptessure f : {,e,nperalurc

fre ,otar ad& energ!{o

(lcarr, (Ad[ t wfu (4,

naeax /ircrturcand uelocitY ln [1. ,alo, rcgtdt' fr' le^peraturcfo/l*s Pftsswe' he Sanoll;', qualtn' canrtal opptieJ in tl, ,ok, reglon

adJag 7frilalu donoL ii"yy A (le a,7, a ,rtoaly

decrcascs, ncr<asd. And p435tJ,c

prcssu*. fr^poraturfo tlors Brnollt?eTuatiuan k A il, shhr regian' aTplirJ

'fixo lun o{ ro[o, blad-elt


arc A gp* of fi'xotiofi, ily are'

J - Drum:

h lAc fa/louinj droJro^, part as sho,on Jl is one

Sparcr*t frr! ar? brlreen th, Spaccs

{roovet Uofre)-,

fu \tr, slahr


f /

Po' rokr fircoues


, .

oxyl nalnn ff, c/rr* prevenlsllrc [hde {;o^ , and all blad'slAal , i I is replatrd lJ ana(ler otle il. dru^ ts spatlcd d'u^ orc re'nwd and re inslalluidn IAent* on t[.- sPot.t"J urc insLalltJ lf drum.

| - Rohr d'scsI


oP dtscs a,l . Sccpagc l1Y, fguo h fo, llre aseorbly

. Spacers t


7Ty are canpu.tents of ile rohr discs ilot ^a/'- space befuen a rokr Slages, and h lque spacc fot (A, slakts.


D isrs, tr y arc used {o fi'x roh, iladosan t|e*.

. 1parcrs a(e assenhlrd[o lA" shafl bJ rehn,y d*cs andd;sr,s dixs Keb;o;ng

Spcrrs - dtsct ase* I h

)*'.'A I tacl,^rnLol ,olo, bladesz frro arc 3 m"{Aod, usrJ in al{ach;ry roto, bladts rhlo dru^s or ro{or dtscs, lAcy are i


Salid rao[ t Seepafle

ringS. t1o lan sal;droo[, ailA rehinnSph and lach,ry

e- fi, [ree roaL:

. seepagc t10 fo, fi, [re" roaL,wilh lock,njplale.

7f, /i, br, 'ao( tt couad Ia irt arde' b lo"h;ryplaLe

anJ axial nolion preuent

plalc. lo.L"yplab= relaintry

, Tf,, {t lre, ,oot all*s ilu^ol eyfatton and for [h;s property, il is ( 7hb;n" hladrs are enposed usedin fu,bn1-bladcs. h uea hg h le^p emlwes duriy {A, engin oryt,[ion , and to Mrmol (erpera[u,rs is not runnfng, */,rn (Ae ngtne tu a//awry (Au^ol arpansion is u*/ bhdes/. tnporbnl in lurbotrc

3 - DoueIail rool t . See poge t1o {0, dauetail rooL tutlA tark;ng blodc and screus.

rhla {A, doue[ 7T"roh, lladrs a,e enler"d a;l raal fro^ a s]aL , lArn

{ttg slide h ga h llr,r {nol pasiltut. 7[s dwctai! roal preuenb [lc rah, blodrtfro^ anq rad;o! na[ton. (sl;d^g1 , Itru aryular malton of bladcs r's tl"ppr-,' allu enlerq all l7e roaL, ink ilrc douelail ralo, blades and f,nll7 bg tulall;ry a sponl ,ahr baseova (A. slatuilA scrcws, destgned

(hra b 'ftslm
t frun i,n oneor fftott extif Slot ( graa*J cc,n a;l raat on (h. douet SloL Qru'c) ait havtl rcoL Drura( ratordisc


If,, douetail rooLis rnuewe/ {hon satidroal, anJ fi, lrc. raol.

If a bladcis spailei, oll tle bladrs bel*, fAespotlcd [, bladc must

ditasse^blrd in ader h ge[out il, spatd bladc.

(anpress* casth3 and sbh,st casing' . 5e. Page t1V ft, $pirol canfresso(

7tr, cnmpteisor caseis usua/lyconpased0| L parls , each pa,L 4Fcl, par[s are assenblrihgetAc, balts /tas flangrt a[ ils endstr $ and nuls lhat assenilct fi, f/o,g* nexlh alAus.



7fr compressff ca*ry is conpse/af fl.patts( Pa,tJ an!

forl e) . Po,lt ! and ?, at atsenlbird



f /a"grsb 6a/h anJ nu(s.

-l Scc pag, l A fn conprcsw casthl and


Sho*s llE ins[ollalion ol shhr b]ades thlo lAt thhrnal o'r,ltsol {Ae campresu (rs,W'



fixalic,rt oF slalar blodrs, q fo, s[alo, blad* alhch^enl . See page l-1 ,
(J,se. assern blri inla il, cornPressar Slalo, bladrscon be indiuid,nlly

shratd inslalkd * lhei, Qroupof shto, bladrs(an hau" a common ['pt as Sha,m in tAc follu'ry diogromt (*presv,( cav


fohr blad, Shratd

[9 sfalor

7[: shroud has{Ae/6l/owtryfunrlwrs,

J( thcrean It suppuh (4, case [Aesl,orglA af tlo rax).

-or at lcosLrdtce Lip /osscs: e . '' J[' shps t ft"lr bel*cenhPs'Brcrsltsult .-'z'

Seab be/**,

hPx SlrouJ ^a/

evs[ ar nay nolrrl


L o' ,f"

*:e Fng,ne mounts t


\ ' 4g;-'*


Sgtoc nounls are pinls f*,

*h;cA (A. engnc is cosid wj;p mouthg

it f,w, tie airkoft lo (4" netn lerronce tne , or fto^ (A. na,iolerronte
/;ne h l[e atycmft, At leosLL ,na,nls nus1 exisl in an ensine.

( S". pag. tvc fo, engnenount ).

t( 5L,uls z , 7trry As be[*"tn are [;n

engine b"arny, and lA, ar{r, c4SC ol lAee'gw.

Struh @rryall lAe engine. Fngine mounls arc located on of [4" enginf. ' )'l,uls musl [.
il,ea^ lnd

{1," ouler c,ase

tn order no- [o ditLublA" arr flo*.





e. q::

:' -. :

L Sl t z t ? o a s

t oPerclian Prohlr* in lhe cnmpretsor



ol got lurbtneugines begon wt[h !h. sthglcspaal engthe. Itr, design

lhe follouttr!probhns' haue Qtrusngh spool gaslurbin, ngines wi(A surf onJ slall appwrrd prableni concered AI lo, rolalionolspeeds, cha^be')' shgrs ( s[ryrs tlea(lo {A, combuslton in /A, {al, Camprcssor

- nt
in lh,

and sktl appeat'] wilh surye cancuned prabrcns hghra[alianal speeds,

( slagesncor'lo ht early comPretnrsLages enlry guid' uan")'

- lt

[AaI aPPw'in ile l|1. 3ut0candslall pra6]erns diff;cutt b solue urc,s

An allerna[iueslutla" by rolatng il o[ cn opli^4ed sperd' conpressar is usthl lwin spoolengtnes' pro1ems SLdtt and surfe lhe f*

$e vturdby usthl (winN II. su,c and shil prabhns


af rle lgh n /lre early Slagcs lhal appea( [dr,, arcslitt sane problcw

n d;ffrrencc dut h ilc /r,AA cggtpntsonJ appear -Surh ' - : - - - i ' ' - prailens Dressure --"-" ' 'll - - ,,..j:.:'---.1..--#-'-1

( cbnyesur) t ond HP((hryh rolal;a-,ol Sprd, belrern' LPC h* Presture CanpressorJ. press[rre

slagcs confressr,r thol alpearcd 7f,,prohle^s n lA" eorly of ilc htth prcssure

a(e tulud

t brtlc fritlowthg

F, iF k



i. L,


VBV ( Uarrablc 6le.J ualue)z arc lxateJ in s[alian X,.5( 6rl*rrn hgt 7tr,uariable bl.rd uolues ftnfressad). and la* pressa/e Presru,:e air {ro* sLalianA.s Uartablcbterd ualuqarc usd [o extracLsotrg

la adjust n order :Wr:ssd4

into {A" h,ghPr6su!+. anglcof a&ack.ofat, enterthS

h Saluiry[/,, Surge and slallpraLle^sa[ /Ac entr^c. and hence

and al early slaXcsa{ [Ae Aigh prcsiurecompressar. air at slalian^'5 changrs [A, f/o* paramelen ota;, Extra"liry son,e
condibms. confressor {o nore canuenient enlertnj inla lrie h,gA Prcssu,re


YSY (Variablc shlaruanc5l:

II slagcrol lhehyh ",',;1,, fr, uaria[lc s[o[or uanesare loulod in Ih'. *r),

P:":lu:. comPreY
Su'ge andshll prohlcnt (et k sa,lued. by usngilJvarrallc slak uoncs.
7[. uartablc slala u6nc5 hor, [Ae ahlily (o cho"gc ilo,r angle algk , sucA con 6. adlwled n order la achteue ile rgufted angleaf a lbct , be[*ecn il. ttartallc SLahruones and air shum lnes. 7f,e orylea! allark i>

ope,atiry adlusiedacrcrdng l-o t.nrcu,d;Lions $ tle an[rc]unitaf ilz engrhe.

ffill",on'!/!'Waf (Ae uartable sLah,(.nra.and lA, is (A, aryL bel*r- the cl,ord
axe' ngthe Sloga angle--->,
{ ( 5r" Pagc I lt lt Eltginc

angkJ h" s[agXe, vsv ( va,iabl'shlat ua'u) are locat'J nsl'J df (Ae /''d 7I' vsu( uarnhh slalu uancs) /A" eo,tj iay ca'tpressu)' af {Ae HPr( /"gA Prcssure tn uancs

6y tle ngincantal unih d'saitd qt /l' ncv[ 7Tc#agXoang/c is cortlrollcd


ir n!,n cmkal unltst

TTcn are 3 hprt ol engne ranlral anlls, iltc* arv t

J- HEC ( Han enginc ronttol) 3 'riintrol J( lir-o n;tt t foinJ ;n o.ldait craf Is:= . fr, main engine hydro mec hanicol con trcl .

A - EEC( . 7f,,

Fleclronic engn< cont ail 3

eleclranlc enginc conlral exrrls n

tebh,rly noden ah oafts.

mgtne conlrol ir uscdin monilor,n, {lt /tr, eleclron;c bu( llc cottlral of {Ae agtnc i s nade E

nginte faranelc"'

/6' ll EC( natn engne rcnlrol)'

(Ac di,ectton of a;r n lAc ea'ly also car-rlrdh FFC( eleilronic engineca^tra!)

by od;wt;ng tAe shggu o"JJ'al ile conprcssar of (A, h,th Pressurc Shges
VsV ( ttartobl<slakr uanzs) . Ana(A",{u"clton of il into controll;nj lh" anoun[ af frel ertLer;ry


engtnccanlrol ?la,Lronrc [ion chanber. conbus

( hanr"ls of Egc: ( harnel is used l" rcad di{frrrnt ope'aLig patonelers co*on'l
(h, engi(\Q. conlrol has L Ea"A EE( ( electran;cenginc channelt , ortd ls aperalth3,

''i lh

ancl tA, ather is Sland 4.

at TFV operalcit lurn, l,- ottc operalcs.

ot' [Ae nex| fl?ht' a ftyhl, and (A" ollo oferates

al rec 4re nanled CAonneh tf 'channel A', and 'chorrrl B'

I is A h op*elc t\r axanple,and channcl fu (u,rn & fo, channc!

(/wn channel A, chonne!B c"'ll be ope'ald' faund k hc trvrc hea/lly

lf Sanenonihnr-tj paramelers are rtat read by one al can k read bJ {Ae ollt.* channel.




' controlJ 3 - f A0E( ( ft tl au l/,orily Cig;tal engine conlro!is usedn (4, most^den air crafh. . rytr,fal aulltortly dgitot engine /4, engilEconlrol), buLiL folh conlrols , 1ADE( is lih" ErcIelrctrartic engtne,


' FA\E( reads rhPul data of s' f aranete' Surounct,^j almosp|e'ic

paranelus( 'p* ' flo' 'ate' EGn "' j engine h) Ac;uo! (t) (a^ and {}'o^ ucbptt for achieuthi lA" reTuted lh'usL.

t (onbusLion chanbs 4
. air flo* h a 5ec Pagc tAo {o'

chanfu,. conhisLio,',

is shownh (Ac fo l/0,'n3 af lhe ca"bustan6hqm$c( 7tr,constructnn {;.1

5cco,ltY ai flu'

oir flart

at, flo,
[.o* ConPras$or


Pefaral.ecl {fa,e
Swirl;a3 uanct


n a combuslian Sc, page lAn fo, (rass scc/,ron chambtr. , Di{frse,,

/tr, diffusu is lacated betrern li,r- cornpressor and (Ae cambusLian rrhonkr. /trz diffuss it usrd h rdurc air uelocilyente,iryiolo ile clta^hr, ond lo increac{k o,;,Presl,(e. conbusLio^
of air en Lertng velociLy 4tr, reasonof decreasing n h ile conbuslion

cltanberis ls slahlije il" ca^buslrn Proccsj, and lo auad f/o*, o/{.

enhances /A, cambuslanpra,ss. 7k irtcruse th air press{rre

flow pol{e,nst /Oir 7t. at f/a* patlern, ate dis[,ribuld at {ollo*s,

7- Pr^oryoh ftut
, Tf,. primay ah //out t't tt I

of tl, kkl

oh camtnho

f,o^ /1,

@^Prcsso( slqe, and *;s suidwi&d h ?, fl*s,


(1J Pe,forolilf/a,"t

JL it I r af {A, tahl oir conninS fto* lAc Comprg,sSar.

(Aro,gt, fr, pt,hralrJ f/*, ts uscJ k malgile air,,passlg iL_

nares in il" axial di,"rh'on'



uoncs: il*ugAll, su,rl*1

JI is to /. ol (1, hlal oir con,rntng {,*,t lAe coa,fre:w. linS L)anu arc uscd h ,nalc, suirliy [o il, air /lol is 7tr" suttu
il,. pas*ny lhra,gh
,_*+:, _.-

7[, efn of ^ahry

io l|e air noues

ilc axial dirrrlion, ond in tk


[try /1" s*i;,lrng ol ai, is gud mixirywilA (4, alo*i3rdU. , n" pnmaryai, flo* has/,1,f"tlrrnt funrlrons,
(lJ SLar|s cambuslian: (al 6aad mixrinSby lle swirl cane hcl*crn air and fuet.


Serandry oir flo* ,


, Tf,, secondry a;, flo* is la'/. ol ilc {dlal a;, conning fro^ roe tunpressar t4r.

, Ttr,srrond,y air f/ut li,'u il, fr lt*ry funcl,onst

[Ae anbuslion UI lt conpleles'

(eJ lL slabil;jr' {lc /bi,

r.e.'?t t"rps ll, f/are n lle cenluo!

(le ,*ibwlion chanb;21 awt! f,tn,'ils ,nalls. ( 7[e f/^, uill ha,^ [A, walls af (A, coorhdn, chanb* il it is dt*rt anh"L wilA ile wallsJ. *l

3 - ft,tu'y airflori
. /f," le,lio,y a,r //o* is 7?/. al {A" [ahl air conmtng ft*, ile slage. (?m1fessa(

" 7tr,trrlta,yair flo,,,fio1l|e follo*ingfunrtions:

u) lt dilutes $,
b!adrs ) (z) (oal;ryof l/,, au f/o,t fro* {Aeco^busle13onr[ kh, gainjla il,
conbusLd air, ond nakrs fla^, cut out ( f lo^" la tA, [urbne cutouL mer,^l,prevuL;ry(4, f/o^, [ro^ reach;,y

slagc furbttu

Typrs ol conbusLtat chan', cha^bat,(Arg TTrrcarc 3 Upn al co^buslian arc3


(an [yp,

, S"e . cha^bers, Pa,gc I 1 fo, ,nuI tiplc a,nbrstion

4t cha'bol fr, (in bP, combusliat


arc ndiutdwl mr

O-= (a*hslion O" lliPlc conbaslian OgfcAanbc't


dtanhcn ( conplelely ndePndcnL) ( lt is noned 'con', il lecamsc fs Gnposel of ert shapeJto,nbusltan



(h' {ollo*tni 6nponen[s-t -canhot (11 furl nqglc.

(a/ Air supply.


lls own flo^''

lh ottn f/o*e Snila


e - (an annular l1P' t . 5e. PaJc tqt fo, con arznula, Canbusliq'tCha*bo.

cAanbat 7I" (dn artnular conbuslron

jt' tnn lfp, , but /4, are snr lo, la l

lXPcorc ol /k (on annutar cLanbers wi(A f,i, lufus. connecl,el

(t oss auu kbes)

canbw|lat chanbcr ane 7[e f]r, lrb"s otc uscdh p'opagalc fta^" f'o^

. only.Afle' fuetgml;o' ': chambc,s in ?, ambutturt , 1tr,f,z, $nirdr cxrsrs

h ['l.- olA" anbwh'mcltanbe's it proPasated fla*, in //rrs, chambers,

lo onoll'r


(Ae fiie {ub" lhraugA


, canin il, can annular9p. has/A, lo//o*,:f (ampnentst
(ll [icl no13lc. W hwn flr^r. ( A[it;ly o{ f/o^c propagalionf*^ one rhanhr lo anoil,r,

is auailable il"a,gA llc fin lubu). tn {Ae conannula,[ype hos comnmoir l/, unbwtion chambus


enL,y casinX,

3- Arnula,[ypet
chanba l?t fo, onnular ambusLion . 5e. PaflL

(s'ryhJ JI is a urti?ue amhsLan cha^hc'' iln

0uler lin*
Jnnu liner

camposd and af inrcrand oulerl;n"rs, occursbel*"n fi" anhtsLlo^ Proccss inner and afut linc's'

t cAa*bu hos{A, !olto*,n1 @nPaner[s ltr"aiii,iio, conbu,s[,ion



;n ilr, ca'nbwt'vn a\a^bu 1elof noglrs luatly disL,ibutrl

(onnon afr cafiry

(hiryue //o*r.

(onparisar beh*ecncan, con anrtular, and annula,
Combus Llan cAanbers:


LOa Qrtnular
g==5== =



H rgh redundancY

H,ghcsL redundonlr


,"dund ancy

P*babilily of iler^at

f,obah l;LY o|

I [ he,rna

{aligu, is h'Sh
- - - q - -

is hryh lalrguc
L -t;;

Na /Ar,^olfaliguc


LongrsL co^busLian chamber

I +. -<H +

a^o*'L,n chanhc, 5Aorf combusLion


Easiest replarcmcal

I lr

basy rtplatemen t

l'IArc rplaecnent



HordrsL ma'nletranc<

[lard tnar: Lenancc

easy nainlen ate

deJ iniLians ,T , )ome ' '' ' ,


t t) 'r -

a$incs z cotr,ccneJ uIA 7as-furbinc



, 17 atrorini is rolat'ry lfu engnc lpooh by an exlernal powe( saurl. No fr"l


iqnr Lion i5 nadc n tlte caseo! malorhj,


, 7Ic NI spoolran h manual/y rolald,' and (Ae Ne spl lran Hte crankiry pdd. , /frerc are 7 4ypoof nolarthg,(Aeg ore:
l\ tt

(dn be rolaLe/

Mt rnotorng,\fu
( ,olal,ry {Ae 5p6ts) wilh fue!supp)y.i It is molor,:ng lut wilAouI rgniLian
/7" wet molorinj is made n order {o cleanlAe co^bustion chambers:frorrt an1 unconflele -norrbusLd fuel.

?l Dy rnolorag, 5fu${
t5 suppty ltr.'d,y ma[ann3 JI is moto,,n3wtlhatt fuC,l fnade n ode( to
l. I I

duc lo utu| m'aLortng. [A" eng,h,a dry tA, fur! exisl,ng thsid+'

?,* hronopr, ' n" Soroscf is usd k nsprr[ il, engines' 4f,o, ate opar,ff in tAe
ength. oulcr casrhg, 4tr, larcliqtsaf llrs- oPniaPh slat..Jh ilz nanteaoncc fidnuals.

Utr! higl

eyryrrance is requircd in or&t lo irrSPe"t ile Wirre ,oE b

Porosuprs.7tr.porostoy il, magnihes

tlfisltr, [4" high e4peiancets rc1uic<d.

uiw Secnin ilc engthc, Pulin


, )/ 1/

1cff suslarhnX ffecd t

at *hicA {4, rtgtheran suslathilxlf, Jl is {1, ,olaltqral spccd

ral-altng wilAoultle aid at ll,, air driutnJ powcc tun conLinue

t.C. ile engt'rrc

/-4 t/

Sh,t up problens:

UI H*l s[art:
(A, id/, 76[6Lionol spr*] duc h uayni 7[e engne connat reachIa
j , l

os Jurgc fuxhout[ SucA an/ slo// h /1. ftrytssdr; 11,gA,,,,f67' Trobl*,rs gas I r^peralu,c ) is read o l lAt ardi lon.

(aI Hatslail :
T" nflneltas reaclrd h il, sel| suslo;y,,!! tprd, and ittt not |tr, /,ois[o,[ * an at1k farl

oLlc lo reac|V h /1. idh specl,

ra[ta, and E6TnY! becdn c uey AVA.


ffu rolal,ly spccdof /r1, shoft lfi i5 nonilareJand canbalkJ.

of shalt' ile rdlal,lJspcei Howeuer, i:,*tl[;J,']n'l iit N1 tin

duc\s, Grt of Ly poss
7Trrc are X, Upu af 'lJt Fu ileg e,rt,: dur;s,


J- fho,L du"t''

Hot anJ cald s{rca"s arc no| mtxd ( t\ty do naL mecL| , P,opolics al slwL ducL t (il " . | :W Lcssue7lt lliglter notse
: ' . I

--1 _-t



e -

La$ slucE2

. r. : I

. l

. '

/h[ a,J cotrJ flo*s

On miled, {A. hol-co6 m,h* r;l,ll 6. cula $^ t/,. /,obs!-rcan.


frEoliut of l*J duct' UI Nxc uftnh|


(f J La*r 11gtse

2t / tLl zaos ( kr(urt s)

, extracLnn {io^(h, engin ry

. air r'susd frr, 4Ft extractcd itiontnj syslcrn. J - A;r craf I a,' cand rols' A- hlor,ningf /ighL canL lt 3 - UaminX engnc tlosccow 4 - Gol,"j hftin 6ladcs.

af air r} nadc bcfoc $e conbusLnnrAanrbcr, l{ormally, an! exlractton s[ag"s. 7f,, exlnction af air ls usuallynode {ro* ilr14on,pressar n add;l;an Tf,"combusleJ a,r h ucy har^ful lo lfi, airfrane sbrucLure,

lerape'alurcs lo ueY lr,SA due on lln,at,fio e strur.l'urc h il, (Aumal shock oF (4, u*buskd aic

7[c gasturbin engi* is d;u;dcl h ? parls f*^ !A, hqt/ catd pkt of oiert, /lry cl(e i J - Gld sec{ton, BeforelAz cn^busliut rfiwmbg,.

e - HaL sechion: and whaLoltu !lr- conbusliqcAa^ber. 7F" conbwlion chanber,

ff" got /urb;ne

erlgtrte is diu,cleJ h cold ad hot seclhns.

(onbus lurt
c hombert

G/J scclrcn

Hot secthn

)c# frilat

slqcs, lo exbacl sane enegr! fro^ /Ac combwleJ

- ffc tu$tt is ud

f/o* 'h orcler(o opcralc lA. (nmfrcssa|

' ffo numler af skgcs lh &{e htllx

ts ,nacA hr, /A*, ilc fiunltr

o f slagesof /A" carnpresst, and (Ait is undo [], follow,nj anJl*t, Fncrgy (onsumcdlg comfressu = energy gencralol b (urlt*. ff, ,roron of hau;ry il" ,nucA mort /r1* /l< con'prcssa( s Lagcs


s[ags it (Jbt tlc erpansian of air is a natu,al pruaess, so

4tr. rcsull is #al lAc eypansion is nurA asier /A"" campresslon. ?-y ponsion ,nill reTut\e^u"h lcsr furbnc slages (Aa" ilc co.r,prctsor.

tr. NcV { tVaylr. : guid uancsJ . Jl is /1, fiul slalar slaXc in l/,. [u,bine, afler (Ac combusLian cha^ber.

in h

4tr, Ne tt ( nogl. flu;dcuants) arc uscd h guidc il,

(A, sFrif,, d,recl;on reTuired

cambusLed arr {/o*

[ubin ,a[o, bladc. Itr" N6l/ A lh {},sL

is docn*td du, la alsa incruses ai( ,telocily into l/,o rolars , (A, Prcssare
/1, in spe'-J., increasc


{A, NGr/ and fir lr:[ rokr.




etlrarl dnJ cner7Yf*^ /h ot //arr. E"rnoll;t equalion

caa b, applid * ft

tlo /Y6/.

uctacil t/6/ rhuuscs

ond redu'': Pressurt' frt roh, axha"k etTW f*', /Ae a'ir//u' in arJtr
1o aoauu(i( /d nec/tanta/ encrju. Eerrwlli't eTualln can nol he oP/;eJ on il* rcht, brto,rs..of il' arcW

eylrailia, n (his regm.



I [,.rbr,. blador/]o^ h,SA[c^pemlurcs @

h ile air {lau commirtjfro^ ile. co^Austtatt P,oterlion(1, tu$nc blad.s

7T, hr|inc Eladrsarc expxJ

(hamber, ana/ (l;s a;, hasue,ghigh le^pr*lurrs. {ro^ tA, ue,J h'SA lu-peralu'es i5 danc by'


of (ub,n, blodrs.


Lrkrnal coolinjol (urbineblad.t: a ir pa /A tn sidc lA' Scc p agc ( | t {6r IAe thlerna! cool'n\ ff. exrunar su,Fo* o! il, lu,bn, bradrsharc l,,, {allor^g ' lurb'nc bladc

shop. slwrn

th lk {otlo*ry diog,a^'
o o o qo o D o o o o o a o oto

' /{o/cson tA' swfaceof lA' hrl,i*


b'gn fro^ blad". TE's'hol,,t

Oooga(aoaO o o Q a oo o o o

thlcrnal cool,'yat Pa/Aa"J mdt


on (h. outettutf,.'. of llz {wbin bladc.

qoOOoOoctr oo o tt o o @ o o

oooogoaaoo A o O O o oo 6 o O



ff, fun"[i*'

ol (/te hol<t is

h co(ff il.

atrrya/A h fia o,lsid<sufa'< a,r /]*, (A, coalt\T coo/,1g

df /Aetuhrrc bladc, naknl a lih of cool;y air arounj U. bl,.de-




i,ol..s arc rhcltneJ on (A, surfacr a/ /1. {urb,ne [hdo as shautnfn /Ac


rn arCcr h ^aL

ile ai, f/a* sLreom/nc/ u,ilA $t (ub,nc

$lad" surface. 7F" slrra^ /;nrd atr nalrs frt^ o! a,', (/,ot oue,rs il. bkl<.

Ai,fi/^ ,.Vrt


^/nl'eno/ coo/t"i a'r Pa/l , /fr, fun"{ion al tl. air ft/n is [a @ol do*n il. air bc{o'c it canhusiecl

feachq lo il,

ouler surfaee of lA. lurb,he blo{es, artd he'vc Lt'P'nJ lh

k^peraturc of (1, furbn. bladrs wilhin lAc salc Ln;b'

, ,

Sca pagc(.? f*

guidc vo,os) . {ixoli* and cul,ng af N6v{no53lc

5e" Pagc St' f", fur[in uniL crostsection'

' tr Lorolnj sphnes

(1, carrrPresso, l, and furbao on a s,'n1 ' JL it natpacl;rol t" asse,nllc

(Ae ihaf|, becaus< tile shaltmaybe uerJl*j fro^ br,ry sncpat(. llln
Conp rets6( can bc rnadein a canfany, Company. and /fie lurbine cari be "lade n ond{Au


/arc/'rny sp/,ac5ctreused fu f,,

{le conprcssor and {uran" sAafts comptesstand lurbthe, ( sc, folt V).

irtld on nler^ed;ale shaf{ bel*acn il,

(1. for {A, local,nj spl;nesi,'t an nleXra/ shaft - fii*,

'r [It,alion a[ furbn, bl&st fr, "{}, {rec ,ool' fixohon Up, /i usri ,v f'xthJ tle lu-riine|Jadesrhla ( secPdflc l1a al/o*s {Aer^ol expansion-

(h;s frxol;* {lu ,ool, becaus" fo, frr (rec rool ) .

Shro"olodhrbn. blad.zt , 5c. pdflc t tf, {o, l,p 'Shro"d. {r7Tuhncbl"d, , Trps/vo"d


tr, hp shroudcan hc {or^"d iy firg'ry d snpll segncntat lAc l,P of

ench blacicn order h {*^ ItA ltow all beo, /\ltcd o per;phe'a/ ''hg a'ounJ l\c hla'Je t'P' oncc tnlo [Ae lurbtnc d;tr'

7[, (,p slrot d hos il, J-

follo*ini f'unrli*s '

'' at (ubtn' bladrs. { t;A, lAe mol u1$ralian /F, lip shroud recJwrs shraxh tn il, fon s|og4'

i:'i t

' rftduchona{ l,p lossrs

, ffe t,p slroul h uscd h prcrcn[, or al lv,st h rcdur, il* a,r [A"t scapcs f*r, (A, clroron* bel*ceail, [utbn' bladeLt\' and {Ae kabtnc lrp will redu" il<

cast$. Anl laakagc of orr ocrasstA' b/al' ef4raency af fu\. hrhrr.

IAc fi/lo*'rt p'ablcn: of shraud causes Tf,. existgnu

7[, furln, bladdexPndduch tfh oryol',| h^pe'a(ucs'ord ilt

resuil is ll, f hroud #,ni[s /A;: erpansian. 71,
r tl Ttrcsscsrr1 tfic lurlur t

generalianaf ca"Torcssian

bladrs du, h il'

[Aet^a/ e]tponsbn'

(le""ol e,Fn*an rh lA" [utbtx' blad"sdueh 7I, ftnfretsiafl S.lresscs ncrasc wi{l ol Tl f ( {*b'a' nlcl le^puatu"J ' and {lit tie thcrcasc

folla"ed w;ll be redurrd nuns lAat lA, *awnun atlar,rl wlw af rrT af tA< Ee T ( exhaust gas larpcralureJ Lnit' b! lj," reducL,on

0AT: Ouhidc at horperoture'

E|T- lniL uilAo't #, liP sh'a'dan h. habtn, blarJ"

7f, hp sJt,o,rl
redrart /1. EGT horil,

EaTtn;L wi[h on th, {iP sh'auJ {h, (u,b;n*hlod'



'Prolle^t of lurbnc bladcs,



a'e eIpos.d la a uerJutide lc^p eralurc ra^g. fr, - 77, k rbnc blades lo ueg hgh le,"pualutet durrg lA, ertgthe {urb,n, bladrs are ey,poscd it ofN, ,*,hen{Ae engnc and {o atnbient Ienperatures aperaLion,


}eV is nlernal mo[ion of parliclcg insiclc [4, otaleriol clu, (o ony

appticd fooo, lar a bry ltinc. { frerc is a minthurt wlu. of (A, tar6. /AaI callscs crccf t klo", iltis ualue, (A. nalcral creef ). wil/ nol b" erpscd Ia




ternperalu,u, /7. lurl'ix blalcs arc eypateJh cenlrifiiga/ fsms and /r,SA

rale is ncrusr/ ,,nilA tl, h'rh fd [Ay aft ery:ud h orrp. ( E, Crcep

of k^pealurcs). uolue

llad"s do rtal Aou,il, trcep 6. conpressor prablc*a/lAryA #,g a," expsrd

h il.

arc P6pasd{a. 7fiis samecenbilugal fartut l/tal lhe Iu, bin bJ"dts cornpressor bladrsb, {b,, cre{ t alsa

is becausu olAc, prahlco,s appeal irt /k

(4" confess* bladcs arc no[ erpascd[o /r,SAle*peralurcs.


sho*s (1, crcepilran versu hnc {* o furhirnbladc'. {o//o*,nX cutue.

(recp Strath


Sccandry. crty

/ntrary trcep

D. I fima?


period, bu[ a deueas,Tg occu6 rdPiJlf oue(a relalt'uetyshor/


c(ecf slagc hkr,

1ue(once(A, prnay

tree/ sl%,


Duri"g thit period, il.

uecprale is small and (anshnl.

I t-l

< Erlu?

(reep shge begns ofk, ile endof (1, secu,dry Siagc. hurt.n' tlts

pertad, {1" creepis rapidly assenclirtl [o lAe /]orLur" ytarnl.



of (qrbheblades,

. Ttrere &re ^ $p"t aN {urb;n blo4.s, lfu aft :


JnPu lSC.

A- fteartion' See pagc ( tl fot impulscblac/ry t and reaction bl*l,t',g. (o*parisan be'l*eu, ile mpulselurbthebladus,and lA. rulion blad.rst s sho.n be1ou, t {ubne

t mputS?



7[. imputsc [ubn*

bladrsare ust/ *Acn

tt uey inh il, lurbino /le rhht presswt

qtro kubn, bladuat useJ ysac{ian nla ilc uhen ilc inlet pressurc lwbn, is relali,rcly la*,

lr,'gh. 1trAarc also usd fu rdua [A,

eUit Pressurc Lo b. nea([a llt surrourcIg Pressc.rtth order lo auatd cAochr'yal ile engftn eri L.


cras, sec[ian o(a


(A. ,okr T[. (rass seclian otea across

bladcsis uariable,and (Ae rolorblodrs a* as s noSjlc.

rola, blod"s t s cnnshrtL,





ff 1P,,agurc

V elaciLT



lO^l t rat I

_ _ q _ < _

< -

R cacfion -{- < H q



Crass Sec(ion O,reaA(rass 4o lAea (A, [e^pe,ature

Sncc lh, crassseclionored Au655 lAe rolor bladesis uat able , {Aen ll. prcssurt , uelocily, anJ ! e^perafurc uilll be changcd

ra[ar bjadcs jr conshnt, ptssttttr uelocity , and

wtll na| 6e chanXed.

q -

Shlo, uattet for^ 4 conucrgenl diregent nq3k. ( Surousantc f/o, is oblathel in ader fedue. Pft.siutc and increascuelacity)

Slalo, uoncs ftr lroglc.

a @wergut


In genera/,//,

lurlne is a c,orn bnalion i"l*rrn


,^prlse, anc! reactlart

(urbin, bladcs. 4tretnpulsclurbn, blod"sare used n ile enrly'; of tk

(urbnc, and (A" rcocLi*t l,rrbin, bJ"A.sarc ustJ rh ilc hhc sfqes,

zv / rtf zoos

( LecLur, 6)


fxhousl nq3ter


KrX** +

.7F, exhausL no33l,has ilc folla*ing funrlions, JJl convcrls {Ae po{enliol eney alo ln"li, energy. ( ft rrJurcs pr-csstrtt,

and n ueascsuelaaly). 7tr, resuil-is rncreasc in ilrusL duc Lo uelacily hcreaset ond decrease h (empenlure.



h{e ai, f/o*, ( ,oh.s lA. slr"a* linrs aP lAe exhausL sLraighLen

t lncs). lc in sLrayh

3 - lt

clears{4. ah crafl bodyfio* lAe exhaust gasrs.( 7fre exhaus[

fir {Ais fascs ctre uerJ harnfal ond can da*o6. tAe air eraf[ sLruclurc, reason, (Ao nayle dirrr[s il" athattsLgates awoJf*^ tile atr cra/t).

tr ilag of /Ao nq3hdepends an lAe ttalueaf tle inlc{ prcsure inlo il, rta33lc. Tfrrrc arc L possiLleshapes, ltrX o,rx:
1(onvergutl - dirergeol nogSh: tr, catuerlu,l- dirergcnl nogle I use-d wltentAe nlet pt$sufr, inla

ltle nagle is uelyhlgh. Jl is uJd lo intrease ile ilrusl frru, onJ

{a ovoid choclc,nl al /li rtg3le exi L.



(onrergenI n a3i le t 7f. canuergentnoglc is useJ *lren (Au hlcl ptessureIrtlo lAe na1;,Je is

relolively lo..

FxhausL cone t - ExhausLpkl = Fxhoustrcne.


7f, erhau,sl P/W


?FxhausL Plug


/oaleJ aI

llc lurbtac end'

Qf,uexhausL ptry haslA, {a/lo*ing funclions:

J- ll slrea, lnes (Ae exhawL {l*.

a- il

(oue(s lle

teer roo[s af /Ae lo* prrsrare l,urbine.


Mtsc reduclian2 . nq3lc is largc, /Ao" 7F. fioise lerel al' {4, exhaust

!, !1 i1

[,' :



a ( (A, n|afte cliffuser. Itre noiseleuet canhe reducedb j t



L rtogle noisc /euel j s rrdrrrJ aL ile exhaus

ustha auuslic

ponels [Aa[ ore but{ up tJ us,n' curtpos;le nalerials ("sur//y h*V a*l),
( 5"" pagc <<v fo( atowLtc hn;"gs).

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