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Basic Christianity Class

Session 2

The Doctrine of Man

Man was directly and immediately ______created___________ by God in His image and
in His likeness. When we say “image and likeness we mean true knowledge,
rational, spiritual, moral, holiness, self determinant, immortal. God’s intention
is for man to _____glorify____ Him and ____enjoy_________ fellowship with Him.
This was to be done as he lived his life in the ____presence__________ of God.
And by this accomplish God’s purpose for man in the world that God created.
Evolution assumes that man existence came about through spontaneous generation
however humans are ____created_________ beings. Theistic Evolution believes that
_______natural process_________ was used by God for the creation of life.
Although the bible is not a textbook on science its assertions supersede
___scientific knowledge_____________. Scripture asserts that God
__breathed________ life into man rather evolving from other life forms. Man is
distinguished from other animal life by being in the image of God in that he is
give authority and___ dominion ___________ over the creation. Man is made as a
triune being composed of 1. Body 2. Soul and 3. Spirit. Imagine three circles.
The outer circle would stand for the body of man, the middle circle for the soul,
and the inner for the spirit. In the outer circle the ‘Body’ is shown as touching
the _____ outer ______world through the five senses of ‘Sight,’ ‘Smell,’
‘Hearing,’ ‘Taste’ and ‘Touch. The __soul_______ relates to the ‘Imagination,’
‘Conscience,’ ‘Memory,’ ‘Reason’ and the ‘Affections. The “Spirit” then receives
impressions of outward and material things through the soul. The spiritual sense
of ‘Spirit’ is ____prayer__ ‘Faith,’ ‘Hope,’ ‘Reverence,’ ‘Prayer’ and ‘Worship.’
The fall of man speaks of man’s fall from life with God into death __and
separation______ from God. This fall is a result of _sin_____. The violation of
the prohibition alienated humans from God and ___damaged____ the nature of their
perfect design. The nature of man once perfect is now in what is called a state
of ___depravity_________. This condition has rendered humans incapable of doing
anything spiritually good. Our inner conscience has also been damaged; this is
reflected in our feelings of ___guilt________ and shame. The inner workings of
our spirit is unresponsive to spiritual activity of ___prayer_______ and
_______faith_____ and ____worship________ therefore we need a new nature we in
fact need to be Born Again.

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