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<div class="document-title">2020worldpeace</div>
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an invitation

david pinto

ideas to assist in our self-organisation


third edition
autumn 2008

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.. contents:: Table of Contents

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The year in which humanity makes a decision about transforming the face of the
Earth is set for 2020. There are seven conditions which need to be met, without
which the decision is rendered unfeasible.
One: the dream. Everyone on the planet is at least aware of 2020 and its
significance as a date for massive social change. It shall be brought about by the
people, and not by any political, military, or economic institution. It is
sufficient for people to be aware of the potential for change. Two: the minimum
awareness. This includes a global framework, acceptance and appreciation of
difference, detachment from historical conditioning, and a future orientation
recognising the need for mutual assistance. Three: local action. This means the
improvement of interpersonal skills. The development of a social force can only
occur through direct, primary, experience of social involvement. Four: history of
confrontation. The major institutions have been successfully confronted. Massive
social actions against economic entities (multinational corporations and their
political agreements), political institutions (governments, dictators), and
military organisations (nuclear arsenals, traditional warfare), have resulted in
global recognition that grassroots action is coming of age. Five: actuator ratio.
Every group of friends, every family, every team of colleagues, must have had at
least one actuator. The desired ratio is 1 in 5. Six: transformational mechanisms.
There need to be two technical support systems. The first enables actuators to
communicate across the globe, which includes mobile phones, email, video
conferencing as well as local in person meetings, developed over the previous two
decades. The second refers to the means by which transformation may occur,
enabling the right people to be in the right places. Seven: sustainable
projection. A plan of action regarding the new world order, Pax Humana (cf
Planit), developed over the previous two decades, and agreed upon unanimously by
actuators, as well as the means of implementation within the years 2021 to 2024.
Given all conditions are met, humanity has arranged for it to have the best
opportunity to deal with the massive social disorder that such a transformation
may cause. The first two are essentially subjective, giving way to collective
conditions, and the last two are technical problems, the last of which is also
subjective. The movement is from individual to collective. The cycle is very much
experience informing progress. Those who have contributed to 2020 must be brave
enough to face the probability that the conditions are not met regardless if it
has been a life's work. It can not be forced, and should not be imposed against
the greater good, or half-attempted.
The primary set of mechanisms are the Mass Production of Awareness, temporary
hierarchical structures (THS), and Re-evaluation. The secondary set includes
Inflorescence, As-one Trajectory, and Institutional Deconstruction.

---------------actuator ladder

The Actuator Ladder is an indicator of the mind-mass committed to 2020 as well as

figuring the thresholds for the Cystem.
At the beginning of the millennium, there were no actuators, no realisors and only
one dreamer. A dreamer is a person who thinks that world peace may actually be
possible. An actuator is committed to trying to achieve worldpeace within their
life-time. A realisor is a retired actuator whose contribution is considered
indispensable by active actuators, their experience being proven, their wisdom
evident, their balance established and dependable. Profounders are types of
dreamers whose future projections are found to be useful retrospectively.
The rate of increase depends on many factors, though optimal growth for 2k5, 2k10,
2k15 and 2k20 is as follows: for dreamers it is 100,000, 1,000,000, 1,000,000,000,
10,000,000,000; for actuators it is 100, 1,000, 1,000,000, 1,000,000,000; for
realisors it is 1, 10, 100, 1,000. This is itself the primary THS for Planit.
The Turning Point at 2k12 is marked by the 1,000 actuators meeting on the island
of Crete at the summer solstice, recognising the 10 realisors. If this can not be
achieved, then all radicals, understood as actuators within the Cystem
phraseology, should nominate and follow the particular predictive Standard other
than Planit which may be feasibly followed and fulfilled (see Appendix II).
Compare to the valency of truth. In 2k1, the valency of 2020 becoming true was a
little over 0.00000000001, and it must increase to 0.2 for any chance of massive
social change to occur peaceably in the year 2021, if Planit is to be a
realistically accurate future projection.

------------africa leads
People get the wrong idea about Africa. We are constantly led to believe that we
must help Africans, when it is obvious that we have a lot to learn from them.
Three elements constitute Africa Leads: true assistance, respect and proof.
Aid should not be in our terms. Once we overcome our insistance to provide help,
we may at least hear what their requirements are. It is assumed, for example, that
they require industrialisation when this aspect of European development can be
completely circumscribed. This reduces the necessity for conurbations (cf
Rurification). An adoption of the global shift to an experiential economy may
stimulate a re-emergence of traditional social cohesion and the eradication of
European-imposed political barriers. If Africans can unify all Africa to become
one huge country, and they expressly ask Western individuals to assist through
direct action, they may right themselves. This constitutes true assistance.
To win the respect of the world, of course, is not going to be easy. However, the
way to do so is to demonstrate the self-discipline required coupled with
phenomenal social cohesion. Gone are the days were black fights black at both's
detriment. Africans recognise themselves as leaders, and their fellows as
brothers, to die for and not to kill for (cf Gleick Group). They are hosts to
their own self-realisation and subsequent cultural blossoming. Respecting their
dignity, and exercising it, is Africa's path to respect.
And what would be proof of their leadership? For Africa, the entire continent, to
be a garden, envied by the entire world populace. People will pay to visit such a
place and to protect it from their own invasive influences, and such revenues may
enable state of the art social development: ecological, socially humane, and fully
wired into the worldwide community (cf Veridian Clarity).
If we can set aside our arrogance, and our guilt for the exploitative actions of
our forefathers, if we can help them break the cycle of dependency we
unfortunately lock them into on a daily basis, if we can open our hearts to their
wisdom, and accept their forgiveness, then we may begin to follow, and in so doing
we may learn true hospitality, and our children may be inspired by how a poor and
powerless people who have been exploited for generations may rise up through the
demonstration of the subtle qualities of humanity: generosity, trust, respect,
warm-heartedness, fun-loving, and honour.

-----------age concern
The central engine for change is through the individual. Unbridled youth, naive
and passionate, is customarily the strong arm of any major social change, while
the old remain slow to react, having passed the age of revolution. Age Concern
combines the vigour of youth with the wisdom of age. There are three aspects to
Age Concern: wisdom from experience, trust and communicating the generation-gap,
and awareness bubbles and beads.
Wisdom is not year-related. Wisdom is experience related, combined with acute
insight, and appropriacy. A person who lives their life in a box, will tend to
have box-eyes, as limited as book-knowledge, or mainstream-awareness. We can not
expect wisdom from a person who has lived a comfortable, trouble-free mainstream
life, cushioned from the bite of reality. But do not court misery; it comes.
Toothless granny may have nothing too useful to say because she has not lived her
life, but the life fed to her from her parents, commercials or movie-fantasies.
And then there are wise teenagers; it is not an age-tagged demographic, it merely
means that they are somewhat aware of their place, their self, and some. But be
wary of the wise-cracking, smooth-smiling wolf-wisdom; they have knowledge of
The generation gap is the great divide which separates the men from the boys, the
women from the girls. The gap manifests through differential of experience. There
are things which have been experienced by older people that can not be
communicated to younger people because of its essential quality. Being a mother,
for example. Although there is no such thing as motherhood, there are shared
experiences of motherhood which distinguishes such women from those who have not
had any children. Communicating the generation gap means that youth have
sufficient skills to be able to learn from their elders. Of course, the young may
be resentful for inheriting so many problems, and may resent their parents'
Trust is the condition to bridging the generation-gap. Find someone who you can
trust. Normally, it is someone who is not trying to push anything on you, whether
it is a way of living, ideology or something more course. There is no gain in
their staying by you. Traditionally, they are two generations above, look to your
grandparents. Most outlive their jealousy of youth, and find some pleasure in
living through you, but not in the pressured way that comes from a single
generation older. It might be a peer, an actuator is a likely candidate.
By all means, relate through the youth you once had, but remember you are no
longer youthful. You have concerns and awareness which outstrips the young's small
range. Be careful not to quash idealism, but encourage them to experience Reality
in such bite-sizes that the young subjectivity may not choke. They are in your
charge. They shall come to you, and when they do, you must prove yourself, must
prove the life you have had by living it still. The awareness bubble of a child is
small, and they are at the centre of it. The blooming of adolescence introduces
the possibility that a subjectivity may be on the periphery of another, whether it
is parent's rejection, or love's unjust rebuttal (cf Lovemate). And so awareness
continues to grow, and somewhere settles and may atrophy if the subjectivity
remains still, the waters of culture become stagnant.
Someone who has a good bead on it means someone has a good perspective on a topic.
It is like an awareness bubble, but more specifically tied to a particular topic.
Having a good bead on it indicates the person may have a healthy awareness bubble.
The question is, do they have a good bead on the big concerns as well as the small
ones? Are they comprehensive in their lives? Are they well-rounded? Do they talk
from experience, or is it from Opinion-Niche? It's easier to spin a good bead than
a two-way consistent awareness bubble that constitutes their reality, where the
inside knowing (cf Psycling) seems to match outer knowing effortlessly, called a
one-to-one correspondence.
Age Concern is the condition when youth is suitably equipped to discern wisdom,
trusting what they have not experienced, and is ready to follow advice in their
efforts of effecting change in the world.

-----------------as-one trajectory
The As-one Trajectory does not exist beyond the individual, and can only be
surmised upon the participation of all. Three dynamics define the As-one
Trajectory: alignment, unilateral action and self-defeat.
Alignment, being the congruence of will, must be extended beyond self to include
alignment with those undergoing a specific project. This encompasses those who are
unaware of the as-one trajectory, and enables the challenge of transformation when
faced with those who actively disagree with the as-one trajectory. This is not
group boundary formation, but alignment of will. It is the language of assistance,
helping and realising.
Unilateral action is to act subjectively, to flow from the inner source,
regardless of the conditions of other participants or context. There is no need
for a pact, no agreement, nothing to base regret or blame or any other form of
politic, whether personal or institutional.
Self-defeat is an essential part of the dynamic, both in terms of preventing ego-
boosting (loss of Pineal Balance) as well as avoiding the frustration of goal
orientation (loss of Veridian Clarity). There is no external monitor required
because of the internal discipline of humility. An equivalent maxim is: doing your
With alignment, unilateral action, and self-defeat, communication becomes smoothly
non-ego, confrontations are welcomed, and achievement is mutually celebrated
regardless of an individual's contribution. Reflexive Calibrations may help
evaluate a subjectivity's Pineal Balance and Veridian Clarity, thereby informing
which World projects to commit to. Within the As-one Trajectory, a subjectivity
trusts another and thereby outgrows self-defined constraints, while furthering
their goals means a necessary furthering of other's goals, and thereby
subjectivities realise a mutually beneficial environment, both respectful of, and
confident in, difference (cf Africa Leads).

-------------bank breaking
Once people have exercised their capacity to gather and perform direct action at a
national level, the opportunity will rise for Bank Breaking. The primary mechanism
is concerted unilateral action directed at inducing the financial collapse of a
nominated bank. The particulars described here may no longer be applicable.
Borrow a few thousand dollars from friends or a bank for any reason and then
return it. Within a few weeks, you will receive a credit card offer, otherwise
seek out an application form directly at the time your bank account is in the
black. Fill out the appropriate forms, pay the nominal fee if there is one and
wait for the card to arrive.
On an agreed date, use up the entire credit of the card, perhaps $50,000. It is
preferable that the money is sent to a charity, or a source which can not be
returned. If a million other people do the same action, the bank shall be in debt
for $50 billion, funds which it will probably not possess. Legal action will be
taken if the bank survives, but it will not be able to prosecute everyone
Other means to strike at the heart of profiteering are known, but it is timing and
concerted action (cf THS) which are key to their success. The devolution of the
stock market through the internet and the increase in flight-capital, have
resulted in a volatile global economy with exploitable weaknesses. There is no
system which can survive a suitably accurate offensive, but care must be taken to
minimise collateral damage (cf Institutional Deconstruction).

It does not matter what terms are used in any Cystem, nor how they are connected.
They are simply labels for things which occur in culture and people's heads. They
can be grouped as follows.
Awareness is primary for the 3rd-eye-entertainment grouping, which includes
Projection, Yage, Buoyancy, Realising, Jaxing, Psycling, The Power, Balance and
Reflexive, and satellite concepts Veridian, Metalanguage, Rurification,
Demystifying, Nowhere, Ladder, Actuation, Inflorescence and Socart. Re-evaluation
is primary for the natural-smile-movement grouping which includes Niches, Concern,
Plurality, Motherhood, Lovemate, Rurification, Demystifying, Cycling, Trees.
Preventative and Africa, with satellite concepts NonProfit, Nowhere, THS and
Veridian. THS is the primary concept in the heart-share grouping, and includes
Nonprofit, Nowhere, Torus, Minuet, Actuation and Ladder. The primary concept in
the psyche-knows grouping is As-One, and includes Planit, Reflexive, Balance, The
Power, Subjectivity, Veridian, Metalanguage and Niches, and has Plurality,
Rurification, Nonprofit, Nowhere, Minuet, Ladder, Inflorescence, Realising and
Psycling as satellite concepts. Relative to the listen-in grouping of
Inflorescence, Ladder, Actuation, Experiential Art Movement, Socart and Nerd, are
the satellite concepts Jaxing, Niches, Nonprofit, Torus and Ladder. The face-it
grouping is centred around Deconstruction, and contains member concepts
Rurification, Demystifying, Nomiddlemen, Breaking, Degovernmentalisation,
Confronting and Torus, and is supported by satellite concepts THS, Actuation,
Ladder, Inflorescence, Realising, Yage, The Power, and Trees.

Degovernmentalisation is the intentional degeneration of political architecture.
The primary determiners are loss of faith, virtual politics, mass action, and
opting out.
The gradual loss of faith in politics to achieve positive social change is evident
in the last half of the last century. Modern politics evolved with the rise of
nationhood, a degenerative form of 19th century empires. Elected officials work
for the greater good of their community, ideally, furthering the institutional
mechanisms which constitute that nation. With the emergence of eco-sensitive,
collective, global responsibility, such national interests are seen as limiting.
The international brotherhood meet not to further the interests of everyone but
for retaining the status quo of the most powerful nations, the declining power of
the UN against the rising importance of G8 for example. It is not enough to blame
the politicians, for they can not redefine the system of which they are part. High
politics necessarily fails the man on the street.
The rise of virtual politics (cf Yage), computer simulations which cater for the
power-gambling individual, delimited by virtual winners and losers as contrasted
with those who have to suffer the consequences of power-games in the real world,
the monoeconomies of many developing countries, for example. Virtual politics is
distinct from disinterest in world politics, where people would rather concern
themselves with televised soaps and pop-star gossip than with world issues;
disinterest is conducive to maintaining the status quo, and therefore furthers the
interests of established political institutions.
Mass action constitutes the greatest direct assault on the political landscape (cf
THS). Building from small acts of civil disobedience, grassroots power increases
in confidence, until reaching the threshold where direct action can be taken
against government bodies. The collective act of not paying of taxes in order to
see a particular policy being put into action threatens any government power. For
example, non-payment of taxes which governments redirect to invest in the military
(cf Military Confrontation).

Opting out refers to increased burgeoning on the state of those who do not wish to
work. The correct evaluation for the success of any society is the number of
people who do not need to work, the sum of children, elders, and unemployed. As
the work-ethic dwindles in a post-virtual generation, where youth are content with
their games and visceral experiences and less with material accumulation, so more
people have to be pressed onto the treadmill that powers the capitalist economy.
Initiatives to completely escape from the governmental funding cycle, through the
generation of independent communities (cf Rurification) or volunteering for
example (cf Non-Profit), has a greater psychological effect than a direct economic
one. Degovernmentalisation does not include any artist, musician, luminary, who
manages to make a living out of producing and selling their art; they are still
supporting the government in their participation.
With the dwindling power of Big Brother, state assistance diminishes, encouraging
local self-sufficiency and political independence (cf Virtual No-where).

----------------------demystifying religions
Demystifying Religions is the explicit aim of depoliticising, relativising, and
spiritualising religious institutions.
Religion is the institutional house of spiritual understanding. It is not the
actual experience of spirituality. It is the organisation of people and other
resources which boasts a deeply spiritual dimension. As with any institution, it
reproduces itself at the expense of the original inspirations. Most religions have
a history of reproducing themselves at the expense of other religions or social
groups, justifying bloody conflict. Confrontation inspired by religious difference
is the most difficult to resolve, since it comes down to an opposition of will,
manifest as faith. Depoliticising religion is essential, removing any claim on
ownership of lands or sites or peoples.
Religion is relative in two important dimensions. Religions normally have a text,
an inspirational source or prophet who has appealed to or experienced some divine
or transcendental existence, a church, and specialists, though many religions can
not be divorced from the culture within which it operates and such distinctions
may be redundant. Many non-literate societies have local experts who safeguard the
spiritual development of a community: shamans, witch-doctors, medicine-men.
Religions are therefore relative to the culture, and should not be regarded any
more important than another because of the size of congregation. Temporal
relativity also shows how religions evolve through time to compensate for
developments in technology and the complexification of society, in order to
exercise a unifying experience amoung its members. The truth of one religion
should not occlude the truth of another. To do so is the height of arrogance.

Spiritualisation is essentially the objective of the institution, to provide

sufficient experience for individuals to explore their spirituality. This
spirituality is essentially an inner exploration, which may be shared with others.
It is the exploration of the mystery of existence, assisting the subjectivity to
overcome difficulties and achieve realisation on his or her condition. Religion
should not be forced upon subjectivities at an early age, and should certainly not
be the cause of conflict. Subjectivities may be allowed to choose which religion
they follow, while generating a tolerance for others. This is the unity of
diversity (cf Respecting Plurality).
A depoliticised religion breeds tolerance while trusting its guidance of members
to live together peaceably. A thoroughly depoliticised religion has no claim to
violence for to do so in any particular case would be to seek only to further the
interests of one polity against another, demonstrated time and again throughout
history the shortcomings of all-too human leaders. If god is called upon in a
social context, let it be between people, which makes it impossible to treat
another human being deplorably without disrespecting god that exists between.
Empowered with trust, near all human beings on the planet pray for peace and have
the capacity of goodwill to live with one another and achieve this (cf The As-one
Trajectory). It is for all human beings, irrespective of conditioning, to demand
that their religious institutions relinquish any material claims. Without
competition over resources, people can live with their truth and let their
neighbours live with theirs, sharing differences only in as much as it may improve
the quality of life.

experiential art movement
A surge can be discerned in the social sea. Traditionally it may be called an arts
movement, appellated with -ism, and manifestoed by some critic-cum-artist. There
are no rules of conformity, merely an outline of its form, as presented here.
Providing a means of communicating Experience that does not rely on traditional
Virtual Arts, by Reflecting and being sensitive to inter-personal relationships,
the duality of mindXbody, and the inherently Processural Nature of experience
itself. It is hoped that such sensitivity may Empower people to break out of their
own preconceptions and prejudices in order to Empathise with other people's
experiences. The route is necessarily romanticist, Post-productive, sociological
and is essentially humane.
Experience is the feedback loop relative to the subjectivity, from more simple
interactions with Reality, to engaging other people's realities. Virtual Art is an
art which is representational; the only real value of a piece of virtual art is
the aesthetic evaluation as painter and viewers occupy parallel relationships,
engaging the object with their sensory interface. Non-virtual art Reflects the
viewers, their interpersonal relationship which are present in their observation
of the art, just like a mirror. MindXbody is the dissolution of Decartes-inspired
severance, acknowledging thinking is done with one's body, and thoughts are
informed by the entire sensory experience. Processural Nature refers to the
present state of being. Empowerment is the two sides of awareness: awareness of
one's conditions, and the awareness that one has part of the power to effect
change. Empathy is not extruded through a virtual art object, since the art
reflects the present flux of relationships, and hence empathy is real. Post-
productive refers to the conceptual framework born out of post-modernism.

The Experiential Art Movement isn't so much contained within a frame, or a

gallery, but is the natural inversion into the entire human condition. Business,
media, science and education are embraced inviting a communion of values. The
aesthetic judgment informs good business practice, where participants are happy
with their contribution and are proud of their products. The mechanisms of
efficiency, namely mass production and marketing, inform and vitalise the Mass
Production of Awareness. Explosion of fame in reality-TV, while self-publishing
empowers millions of artists (cf No-middle-men). Techniques evolved from physical
sciences having had difficulty penetrating psychology and alternative medicines,
find new rigourous forms, informed by aesthetic sensibility (cf Psycling).
Education continues to blossom as emphasis is shifted from teacher to facilitator,
from teaching to learning (cf Realising Potential). The nature of experiential
art, sharing the subjective experience of being human, branches into all the forms
of Social Art.

gleick group
The primary nexus between subjective awareness and social mechanisms is the Gleick
Group. The Gleick Group is defined relative to a subjectivity, and as such does
not constitute a homogenous, member-defined group. Gleick Groups are traditionally
divided into friendship subgroups, work colleagues, committees or teams, units or
cells, etc, whose boundaries are recognised and reinforced by shared world
realities. The three operational qualities of the Gleick Group are non-
boundedness, placing one's self appropriately, and actuation.

One's Gleick Group is open, always inviting of new people and influences. There is
no group membership, no condition for entry and is hence non-bounded.

Placing one's self appropriately means locating the right subgroup for a
particular task, sharing an acceptable means of communication with members of that
subgroup, and contributing towards the goals of the members of that subgroup (cf
Nerd Mentality).
Actuation is the experiential feedback loop of participation, deriving the skills
for placement of self as well as the evaluation of how to conduct a particular
task (cf Inflorescence). All the ramifications of participating in group
activities can be learned if there is a quick turn around of events, before
enabling larger scale events (cf THS).
Actuation of one's Gleick Group is essential in providing satisfactory
realisation of one's awareness as a human subjectivity, including as it does the
experiential nature of evaluation, developing sensitivity to one's place, and
encouraging an open-mind. It is an artistic endeavour (cf Social Art). The
realisation of Gleick Groups creates the right conditions for social change (cf
2020). Any physical group, team, or meeting of people, is naturally a cross-over
of the subjectivities' Gleick Groups. Awareness of this dynamic, and acting on it,
provides a powerful means of avoiding ego-conflict and by-passing the compromise
of agenda-agreement (cf The As-one Trajectory).

------------- inflorescence
Inflorescence is the social engagement where people gather, decide, and experience
together. The stem definition of Inflorescence, termed going experiential, has
five stages: invitation, preparation, decision, event, and plenary.
A person should only accept an invitation on the day if they possess the two
requirements: an open-minded attitude, and some money. Going experiential normally
costs about the same as a reasonable meal at a restaurant, but may be more or
less. Preparation starts at a particular pre-arranged time and lasts about half an
hour. Participants propose games and exercises which generate a sense of groupness
and improve individual communication skills. The money is gathered and the
participants have to make a unanimous decision within an agreed time-limit,
normally half an hour. This primary decision focuses on the event for that
evening, but discussion may also involve subsequent, related events. The event is
experienced. This may involve the gathering of resources, transportation, as well
as the actual event and may use part or all of the money collected. The plenary
session allows participants to review the experience, and allocate remaining funds
to an individual.
The essential aspects of going experiential, specifically time-management,
unanimous decision-making relating to money, and the group experience, provide an
important root for Gleick Group actuation. The particular communication
technologies used are open to the participants. For example, the host may invite
new games during the preparation or provide pre-determined activities. The
decision-making may use different techniques, for example the peace-pipe or
circle-time, or adopt a group dynamic structure, for example AA-based plan. It is
advisable to separate the positive proposal of alternatives, a kind of group-
brainstorm, from the critical evaluation, envisaging practicalities and obstacles
to overcome.
Inflorescence has three aspects. Firstly, the growth in the individual learning to
participate in group dynamics with real experiential feedback. Secondly, off-shoot
events as money generated from one gathering may be used to fund other pre-
prepared events, hence not conforming to the above stem definition. And thirdly,
since the group always dissolves after the experiential event, going experiential
tends to be open, inviting different people to participate, making going
experiential unique to the particular combination of skills and proposals of the
individuals involved.
At first, Inflorescence may bring together friends in experiential nights, self-
help groups, celebratory political actions, or Social Art pieces. The real benefit
is when strangers come together to effect a specific change, joined only by their
unilateral participation and not by any historical or institutionally invested
qualification. The results-based confidence in working with others makes larger-
scale grassroots actions feasible (cf Actuator Ladder), capable of countering the
largest economic, political, military institutions in the world (cf Institutional

----------------------------institutional deconstruction
The various forms of self-sacrifice are concerted in effort to confront economic,
political and military machines. This constitutes Institutional Deconstruction,
which has three central elements: precise targeting, isolated destruction,
The target is not the individuals which compromise the institution, but the
institution itself. Although there may be internalisation of the institution, or
institutionalisation, this may also be attacked as something which is not self but
that which informs the growth of self. Those within the institution are to be
loved as any other.
The destruction of the institution must be exemplary, and not annihilatory. An
institution may only be disarmed, descaled, as a result of awareness generated
within the institution itself. The point of destroying an example of that
institution is to demonstrate the power of collective organisation, in order to
shake people's belief in the hegemony of the military, the political, or the
economic. It is implosive, rather than explosive.
Of course, reorganisation of the system which enforces destruction of
institutional power, will effect individuals, freeing them from employment. The
psychological shock of this, as well as financial repercussions, must be catered
for in the plan of any destruction of an institution, hence the need for
constructive reparations.
The destructive capability of consensus must be compassionate in its execution. It
must always be clear that collective action is not intending to hurt people, nor
is it annihilative in its goal, nor is it lacking in alternatives. The destructive
capacity of youth in particular must be given vent, but in ways which are
simultaneously constructive. This is a balance to be achieved in consensus, in
groups, as well as within each individual (cf Inflorescence).
The Institutional Deconstruction of high-end industries, such as the music, games,
books (your reading this book for example), induces an exchange of cultural wealth
and potential religious reforms (cf Demystifying Religions). Only once there is
proven success in such Institutional Deconstruction, can the primary systems be
tackled, including the global financial network (cf Bank-Breaking), the
international consortium of nations (cf Degovernmentalisation), and the military
machine (cf Military Confrontation).

Jaxing is the hijacking of a piece of music with an over-dubbed commentary. Jaxing
is sensitive to the listening experience, is not performance, and is deeply
personal. The primary relationship is parallel, the jaxer is listening to the same
music the listener is. The emphasis of both is on the experience of listening. In
this way, the experience is real and shared.
Jaxing is not performance. It is a commentary on listening. The emphasis is on
pursuing lines of thought or feeling, regardless of the musical quality of words.
The music provides the ambience, the texture of flow through time, releasing the
jaxer to ride thought. The poetry is in the sensitivity to listening, the loops of
thought, the trip; beauty emerges from the music as the surfer's glide rides upon
a wave. Jaxing normally filters the dubbed voice to place it appropriately in the
soundscape, whether a whisper in the corner or more actively in the music itself.
Primarily, jaxing is done alone, responding personally to the music, so that the
listener can participate in mental trips or physical experiments or social
happenings. More sophisticated jaxing deals with group dynamics, thereby enabling
subjectivities to listen and experience together. Group jaxing is also feasible,
but the subservience of ego to the listener is more difficult to manage: the focus
tends towards jaxing as performance.
The purest form of jaxing is when the listeners listen to the music for the first
time, so the jaxing is live, the trip is fresh, stimulated and inspired by the
music itself. Jaxing can be used to exercise a differential cascade, although
presented with a rant (cf Tortoise Minuet), the listener should feel at ease
knowing that the jaxing is for their benefit. At best, it is sensitive to the
experience of being, and as such is a primary channel for the popularisation of
awareness (cf Mass Production of Awareness). With sufficient improvement in
telecommunications (cf Technical Bouyancy), TV dramas and documentaries can also
be jaxed.

Lovemate is a descriptor of a specific kind of relationship that is neither
marriage, a closed or an open relationship. Lovemate is based on genuine
partnership, centred on children, characterised by respectful parturition, and
suits the smudging of gender roles in a culturally diverse society.
A Lovemate relationship is one which a couple believe is deep. That is, the
partnership of personalities, the mutual respect, the pleasure of each other's
company, and the resonance of projections, means that the couple could live
together indefinitely. Their differences complement, and their similarities
Marriage is primarily a social contract to establish a financially, emotionally
and spiritually secure environment for the birth of a baby, growth of a child, and
development to become an independent adult. The pressures of creating this
environment are often too much for a couple, and hence requires an extended family
either of blood relatives or friendship groups. The commitment to having a child
is spiritually deep, for it is to bring into the world another human being,
enjoying the birth of a completely dependent baby, accompanying it through all the
stages of awakening, to welcome a fellow adult onto the planet. The commitment,
therefore, is realistically life-long. The growth of the child is primarily the
parent's responsibility who may make use of public or private services available,
specifically health and education. Once an individual reaches an age,
psychologically, spiritually, and economically, and is ready to commit to a
family, that individual should have a choice of relationships which s/he has
already experienced as being suitable.
Respectful parturition refers to the experiences of a mother giving birth to a
baby, of parents allowing their children to become adults, and for partners to
part confidently. Although birth is painful and watching one's children repeat
mistakes frustrating, we hold on to our babies with love and we allow our children
to grow into adults. Lovemate relationship is characterised by a mature
parturition (cf Pineal Balance), there is no break-up, no broken hearts, only the
painful experience of separation because the time is not right, ameliorated by
your partner's deep and lasting love for you and by the realisation that one day,
you may come together to have a child.
Lovemate avoids many of the mistakes in the search for a suitable partner in a
complex modern world. The individual may be too young or too self-centred, unaware
of the commitment of twenty years of life, unable to deal with the demands of a
dependent, lacking the confidence to communicate with a partner, not having the
strength to overcome the challenges to be faced, having insufficient, long-term,
financial security, or simply bedding down with anyone because one is feeling
broody, accidental pregnancy, or one's biological clock is running out.
When a man promises a future, it is an act of will, and there is strength in this,
which women may believe in. Because of the shift in social values and behaviour,
the standard gender roles as well as the responsibilities of parents are
metamorphosing, and hence the future that men may promise is not this lone-
standing security, but the security that when a women wishes to have a child they
know a man who would lovingly father that child, through a conventional marriage
or alternative (cf Motherhood). A woman who wishes to have a long-term
relationship without producing children must acknowledge this as unrealistic and
essentially unsustainable. In this way, the respective biological and
psychological integrity of men and women can produce a choice of rich
relationships and sustainable reproduction of the next generation.

----------------------------mass production of awareness

Mass Production of Awareness is the concerted effort of bending the current
machinery of production to achieve mass-liberation of subjectivities.
Traditional means of developing awareness is monopolised by religious
institutions. However, reconfiguration of spiritual matters within scientific and
political and artistic boundaries, liberates the subjectivity.
High-brow culture is often seen as an impediment to social fluidity, with the
consignment of intellectuals to workgangs and gulags. This is distinct from the
institutionalising effect of education and the encouragement of exchange in the
Opinion-niche. Intellectual stimulation is more tangible if experienced whether in
schools (cf Realising Potential) or through popular channels of entertainment (cf
Jaxing). The memestreams of reality-TV, the evolution of the chill-out scene and a
more discerning intelligencia, the decriminalisation of less-potent psychotropics,
converge and possess the potential to provide new forms of music and performance
which are inclusive, participatory, and popular.
Most of all, it's swift. It's hip, cool, and altogether new. Long-term goals can
only be achieved if short-term experience validates the effort. Once
subjectivities experience improvements in their awareness, together with the
capacity to act on it (cf Inflorescence), the positive feedback cycle will
accelerate in an exciting social context. Achieving the minimal level of awareness
(cf The As-One Trajectory) is a necessary condition for Planit, while representing
a step towards more sophisticated, traditional systems of spiritual development
(cf Demystifying Religions).


Metalanguage sits above normal language. It is non-verbal, listening-focussed, and

is tied to degree of awareness.
When miscommunication occurs in a conversation, it is usually voiced in the same
modality as the original, and therefore tends to interrupt the flow. Metalanguage
is non-vocal in operation, consisting of signs and thereby uses hands and eyes not
mouth and ears.
In addition, Metalanguage communicates aspects of how the communication is going.
Rather than replacing or substituting for the spoken word, Metalanguage broadcasts
the listener's state, whether appreciating word-composition or empathising,
dis/agreeing or appreciating its lyrical nature, following the train of thought or
communing insightfully. As such, Metalanguage is a formalisation of subliminal
cues. As with normal communication, it is up to the speaker to respond to these
cues. A more sophisticated repertoire is enriched by active listening skills,
regarding the type of dynamic, the precision of a point, or the intention to talk,
reflect, repeat, or end a conversation.
People learn Metalanguage personally, one-to-one. It can only be taught to a
person who has been seen to need it, to resolve a specific communication
difficulty. Most of the repertoire can not be taught to children because of the
self-referential nature. A speaker who becomes aware that another person is using
Metalanguage may make use of it, but should never address it directly in a group
context. The only context to talk about it directly is when it is the central
topic of conversation in order to further the participants' skill. Misusing
Metalanguage relegates it to a topic of conversation in the Opinion-niche.
Metalanguage constitutes the first truly global language as it can be adopted by
all subjectivities (cf Science of the Subjective), supplementing indigenous
languages everywhere.

----------------------military confrontation
Military Confrontation is the means by which people confront the might of the
military and the industry which arms it. In the same way capitalism can not be
competed against economically, the military can not be fought directly. The power
of the confrontation is in mass action and therefore constitutes a final step
towards achieving global grassroots power. The mechanism of military confrontation
consists of self-sacrifice, grassroots efficiency, and weaponry downsizing.
The visceral source of power of the military is the threat of death. Once the
threat to be killed is taken away, there is freedom which may be constituted
collectively as power. Casualties in another country must have a one-to-one
correspondence with lives in the aggressor's own country, so that when the
military bomb the enemy, they are effectively killing their own people. People
must be willing to place themselves on the side who are suffering. This self-
sacrifice may be realized by volunteering to enter war zones, or locally using The
Power to Stop Everything. Few soldiers will fire upon their own families.
The history of military conflict is the evolution of the technology of killing,
however it is the organisation of the military structure which needs to be
confronted. The chain-of-command, the pyramid organisation of squads, troops,
regiments, armies, promotes a durable efficiency which has proven successful.
However, the Romans were defeated by the loosely affiliated tribes of Huns, Goths
and Visigoths in the 5th to 7th centuries, while the Chi'n and Sung were over-run
by the Mongols in the 13th, and the might of the Russian, Japanese and British
Empires were repelled by revolutionaries, the people's army and Indians in the
20th century. A stable temporary hierarchical system (THS) could organise a
grassroots, non-military response which has greater efficiency than a heavily
bureaucratised military.
Weapons are not the problem. They have particular design and operational use, and
as such they constitutes objects which pull human-beings in certain directions,
behaviourally and psychologically. However, without weapons, humanity would have
suffered and probably died at the claws and teeth of many vicious predators. We
have not evolved symbiotically, but predatorily. The most powerful weapons we
continue to use are pesticides. This has been part of our nature and will probably
continue for many years to come. What may change is the need to use weapons
amoungst ourselves to resolve conflicts, and therefore we have a need to downsize.
If there is a need for physical conflict, then let it be reduced to simple, hand-
to-hand, one-to-one confrontation with no more than a knife, if that. To do this,
the arms-industry needs to be completely abolished.
Confronting the military can only be done when enough people are willing to die
but not at the cost of harming others, by acting together unanimously and not
funding the arms industry. The threat of imprisonment or death must be faced if
peace is to be brought to transgressors as well as the oppressed (cf 2020).

The power of Motherhood is the most effective leverage for world change in the
modern world. Motherhood is neglected economically, lost in the feminist
intellect, misunderstands gender-difference, and the ultimate power of species
The expense of bringing up the next generation of workers is left out of every
theory of economics. If women demanded payment for prenatal carriage, risk
compensation for child birth, and the years of toil caring for baby, toddler,
child, and adolescent, it would bankrupt the world economy (cf Institutional
Deconstruction). This is not merely child support, which is the evaluation of cost
of bringing up a child, but the wages paid to the carer and educationalist which
is the parent's role.
Feminism suffers from the same fragmentation that philosophy has. There are as
many different types of feminists as breeds of cow, including the male-friendly
feminists. The war of opinions amoungst women rages on as to what constitutes a
woman free from the imposition of male-modeling. The place of women in society has
improved; although glass-ceilings in business still seem to prevent upward
mobility in management, equality is at least outwardly promoted. Women have every
right to perform the same tasks which men do.
Gender norms, regarding such things as spatial awareness, manual dexterity,
linguistic proficiency, should not determine the selection of a particular
individual for a particular task. The overlap of norms proves that there are many
women who are better at spatial awareness than men, even though there are more men
with better spatial awareness than women. It depends on the individual. This is
the misapplication of generalities to specific contexts. On the other hand, there
are differences and rather than forcing an artificial equality, it would profit us
all if differences in biology and cultural relativity, were to be wed more
meaningfully. For women to perform the same job as men in the workplace is
neglecting the fact, whether indoctrinated in early age, that women may do the job
differently, altering the job specifications. In a male-defined world, this is an
impossible situation, where only those women who happen to fit the male-definition
are allowed to perform the task; politics is an obvious arena.
Until the power of motherhood is completely taken out of the hands of women, women
would do well to empower themselves. Technology has helped shift the mystery and
miracle of child-birth from midwife to doctor, from natural birth to cesareans,
from home to hospital. The violence of separating babies from their mothers after
the trauma of child-birth has profound effect on the psyche of both (cf Lovemate),
and if the clinical cleaving of the natural harmony continues into genetic
modification, women will become redundant in the reproductive cycle. Were the
women of the world to unite (cf Respecting Plurality) and refuse to give birth to
the next generation, the future of the human species would be under threat. Such a
measure can only be imagined as the last and ultimately collective act, in order
to prohibit the destruction of life on Earth and to ensure peace (cf The Power to
Stop Everything).

--------------nerd mentality--------------
If it took the disempowered greens thirty years to become politically visible, how
long will it take nerds to realise their political power? Nerd Mentality consists
of three factors: their essential social contribution, their logic, their distrust
of centralised politics, and their roles as social power facilitators.
Since computers have become a pervasive part of modern life, those who write the
programming scripts occupy the same position that priests did in nascent
civilsations and engineers in the industrial revolution (cf Technical Bouyancy).
Their contribution to the entire social fabric is essential. Their service is to
upkeep of society.
Nerds are, by the exercise of their practice, logical, practical, and isolated.
Their minds are trained by constant interface with logical calculations (cf
Science of the Subjective). Some nerds retain imaginative excellence, exercised
through science fiction, while others become so saturated by number-crunching that
they begin to emulate the computers with which they work. Between these two
extremes, nerds occupy a strange social position with their non-computer-literate
Nerds occupy a strange social space since they do not acknowledge the real world
politics, and those that do normally exhibit individualistic practice. They are
like cowboys in the wild west, enjoying the free from central policy, though
because of their understanding of the internet, and the inherent mutual
interdependence, they see themselves as upholding the privacy and essential
identity of the common man.
Nerds eventually realise the power they hold and acting in conjunction, as well as
informing and motivating internet users, establishing open-sourced platforms
inviting mass-contribution, and eventually establishing computer network systems
which facilitate the easy and quick execution of social power in the real world
(cf Virtual Nowhere).
The culmination of nerd power is not a representative in the archaic hierarchy
tradition of politics, such as the rise of greens in parliament, but the
manifestation of self-organised direct action.

On the road of economic efficiency, middlemen are necessarily cut out. The
distance between producer and consumer is thereby reduced, redirecting funds from
middlemen to the producers themselves, thereby increasing the total population of
producers of all kinds.
The great Reformation by-passed the catholic institution of clerics, placing each
man before God. The development of building societies substituted collective
saving for petition to the landed gentry in order to generate capital. Educational
reforms enabled the merit of students to be the primary measure for entry into
universities. No-middle-men is established in the experiential industries of art
and music and entertainment, before spreading into services, goods and
commodities. It has the effect of placing the artist directly in touch with the
recipient. Money spent on a story or a piece of music goes directly to the artist.
Instead of spending $20 on a CD promoting one artist, one can spend $20 to promote
twenty artists.
If you like a piece of music, send the established minimum directly to the artist
or the central pay-through centre. For example, if you like an entire album or a
book, send $1 directly to the artist. It does not matter how you acquired it,
whether bought or borrowed or taken off the net, simply credit the artist's
account at the Co-operative Bank. The difference is in the packaging. If you want
the official product, then you are paying for the distribution, the production
costs, and the artists involved in producing it. Ideally, the paythrough centre is
a custom-designed site to process payments, however an established financial
center possesses consumer trust, and The Co-operative Bank has been nominated for
its ethical financial policies.
No-middle-men works more efficiently in a Non-profit environment. Overheads are
limited to production costs and minimal wages which enable reasonable living
conditions. No-middle-men evolves most efficiently in a voluntary environment (cf
Actuator Ladder). Workers have alternative means of guaranteeing equivalent living
conditions, and hence their contribution to production is not a cumulative burden
on the system. A similar dynamic down-sizes civil bureaucracy (cf

Non-profit is a way of working which promotes voluntary work.
Let every individual in society be given sufficient funds to provide the bare
necessities of life: food, clothing, housing, a little entertainment. Once this
minimal living threshold is met, the individual is free to volunteer his or her
services to any enterprise.
This system merely relies on the unilateral efforts of individuals. Because the
minimal living threshold does not provide for high rate of material consumerism,
affluent lifestyles need to be altered. Companies may provide volunteers with tax-
free incentives, company cars, medical insurance, tuition fees, bursaries, and so
on to honour the individual's contribution to the company's success.
A practical widespread solution would be brought a step closer if a voluntary
group is set up which would lobby for changes politically, legally, and increase
the profile of such a system, and conduct the necessary administration to ensure
individuals receive the minimum living threshold. Given such an organisation,
companies may seek volunteers, thereby drastically cutting wages. Similarly
organised groups may provide non-profit housing, cars, as well as other
commodities or goods. Incentives given to volunteers may take the form of
commission or credit-trust in lump sums, constituting a return for the time
invested thus enabling the individual buying-power in the capital-high living
conditions of modern society.
The system becomes more efficient by minimising the cost of bureaucracy, reducing
the aggregates of capital, cutting out future-profits such as mortgages, pensions
or insurance, in order to ensure the maximum through-flow of money. Ideally, the
through-flow of money should balance the working practice, and should avoid the
peristalsis which defines capitalism. Tax is replaced with the notion that working
contributes to commerce which generates the commodities, goods, services, and
experiences useful for society, while at the same time funding the minimum living
threshold of other individuals, such as children or elders or the sick. In time,
such a system, suitably efficient, should reduce workloads to minimal limits
giving rise to altered work patterns such as the complete separation of
entertainment from the commercial cycle, leaving a maximum industrial service of
two days a week, a quarter a year, or ten years of one's life (cf Institutional
Deconstruction); personal service may account for another day.
Such a working system erodes the notion of ownership, replacing it with shareware
which is conducive to a sustainable, eco-friendly, relationship between humans,
animals and the entire global ecology (cf Veridian Clarity). Such a system can
only take root with individuals who are willing to risk themselves without the
support of an intermediary, well-established voluntary organisation (cf Virtual
Nowhere). Volunteering while unemployed with the pretext of training and
developing skills and experience, interspersed with seasonal work should enable a
college- or university-leaver to survive five to ten years, given a necessary cut
in the material standard of living. This may be impractical unless the
subjectivity sources non-ownership deeply (cf Paying for Trees).

--------------opinion niches
Opinion Niches refers to the entire ecosystem of unchecked facts. Opinions are
over-estimated means of defining individuality, disguise facts and influence
values, promulgated by a multi-billion dollar media machine.
The opinion-system of a subjectivity normally contributes to the sense of self,
the personality. It is a common misunderstanding that a subjectivity needs to have
opinions to be a functioning adult, whereas it is only operational opinions which
are necessary, better understood as beliefs or facts. A subjectivity burdened by
unsubstantiated opinions can easily become confused, and will avoid confrontation
with Reality through acts of denial.

An opinion is determined a fact when it fills a similar opinion niche of many

subjectivities. Alternative facts, wrong facts, beliefs, misguided perspectives
and so on, may contest the same niche, as carried by different subjectivities.
Statistical majority does not make that opinion right, nor does it make it wrong.
A fact is a matter of degree, as is belief. Underlying values should not be swayed
by opinion. Values should be the driving force which invests belief with truth (cf
Demystifying Religions), as well as demands a rigour of validating facts (cf
Science of the Subjective).
The primary operating machine for the promulgation of opinions is the media. The
media makes money out of peddling opinions, whether it is the tabloid obsession
with the rich and famous or the broadsheet respectability of knowing what the
politicians are up to in the world. With no monopoly of ideology, free-thinking
appears to dispel state propaganda. However, agendas are set by owners and their
politics, and radical criticism is rarely entertained. Additionally, readers and
viewers have the cathartic experience of playing out irrelevant arguments amoungst
themselves, as they are presented with situations upon which they have minute
influence, if any.
Opinions are like gossip. If information is passed without due care and genuine
concern, it can be damaging. Opinions can be contested, but if neither
subjectivity has any personal experience of their opinion, discussion thereof will
tend to be empty, a pugilistic affair won by eloquence and not veracity. A fact
verified in two independent sources increases its veracity.
Increasing the veracity of opinions towards making them facts or beliefs, being
wary of unsubstantiated claims, not participating in reckless gossip, not
trafficking unchecked facts; that is, being aware of Opinion Niches is a milestone
in awareness (cf Mass Production of Awareness), balancing youthful arrogance with
wisdom (cf Age Concern).

----------------paying for trees

Paying for Trees, is the redistribution of global funding to reflect the
significant shift in priorities within subjectivities towards an ecology of mind.
The flow of money is directed through world heritage, gleick seeding, and long-
term tourism.
Transglobal agreement on the importance of maintaining a rich biodiversity results
in a shift from aid-packages, with the association of charity and hand-outs, to
the legitimate bid for maintaining a forest against bids by international
corporations to extract those natural resources. This signifies an extension of a
national heritage to a shared, global heritage.
Funding pays for the upkeep of villages and towns, living traditionally or with
modern civic amenities, and is initially dispensed through government and NGOs. In
order to avoid politically-vetted programmes and governments taking a share to
fund their military or unsustainable development, funding is managed through
individuals living in the field. Sponsorship through the actuator (cf Actuator
Ladder) or THS framework, is the diversification or seeding of gleicks (cf Gleick
Tourism is no longer the daily passage of strangers but the annual migration of
conscientious inhabitants. Living in a place for several years, contributing to
the local economic network, enjoying cultural sharing, provide people with a
deeper experience of life and functional communities (cf Inflorescence).
Paying for trees, for forests, for the entire ecology it supports, is a true
indicator of development. No longer development in terms of the history of the
west, the development of industrialisation, but the development of an ecology of
mind. Supporting biodiversity, maintaining a rich ecosystem, is the primary goal
of a preventative economy (cf Preventative Action) and is a financially lucrative
strategy for Africa, South America and the Far East.

pineal balance

Pineal Balance is the state of being which is in harmony. Regardless of the

external effect, the internal condition is calm. In this way, one may be in
movement and yet be still, one may be angry and yet be disciplined, one may be
afraid and yet fully capable. The three conditions to achieving pineal balance are
acceptance, appreciation and thankfulness.
Acceptance is to recognise the way things are. Practicing this means doing less.
Let oneself feel low and melancholic, rather than evaluating this as negative and
making it worse, turning it into depression. Let insulting words remain as words,
and not investing them with emotion which might hurt one's self.
Appreciation is to cultivate a respect for the way things are. To commend an
ability, to laud an achievement, to view life with wonder, even if it appears to
be going in a negative direction.
Thankfulness is to root one's experience in the endless capacity. Directing
appreciation and acceptance within one's self, through the act of thankfulness,
roots one's experiential capacity. The depth of root is conditional on the
awareness of the individual, and correlates to maturity (cf The Power to Stop
It may be sufficient to achieve balance in one area of life, and the blooming of
awareness may allow this to spread to all areas of life, thus achieving the state
of Pineal Balance. Consequently, contact with others will always prove beneficial;
limited balance can imbalance others and is often pushy. Pineal Balance enables
judicial following and leading, and its primary modes are guidance through
patience, pointing not pushing. To a person with Pineal Balance, life becomes a
wonderful journey regardless of its turns (cf Psycling), words which appear
lifeless and untrodden become stepping stones to a useful and prosperous communing
with Reality (cf Demystifying Religions).

Planit is a blueprint for world peace. For world peace to be true and long-
lasting, grievances which have troubled humanity must be resolved permanently in
order to generate a stable, self-sustaining presence for life on Earth.
Firstly, the solution can not be derived by any one individual or endorsed by the
majority. The solution shall not germinate in a military, political, economic, or
religious institutions. The solution lies dormant in the hearts and minds of all
subjectivities. It is to be formalised and implemented from 2021.
Secondly, the solution must cater for the minimal requirements of all humans to
live reasonable and healthy lives, without undue pressure on the life-cycle of the
planet. Once this has been established, progress can be made to further lifespan
beyond naturally established thresholds, into old age or towards conception. A
natural inclusion should include animals, and the care-taking of plants and all
life. To begin with, the minimal requirements must raise human conditions above
the struggle for existence which constitutes the life-cycle. The primary target
must be cease competition over vital resources.
Thirdly, because the theory of evolution recognises the primary mechanism of
collaboration and symbiosis rather than competition, several solutions or
Standards (see Appendix II) will evolve over many years as our understanding of
how we work becomes more accurate (cf Science of the Subjective) and trust in
Preventative Actions is popularised.

-------------------preventative action
Preventative Action is action taken before it is too late, in an ecological
manner, experienced locally and facilitated centrally.
We may see an orange and say it is not a banana, a tennis ball or a shoe. A thing
can be described by what it is not. In the plentiful space of future alternatives,
it is impossible to cater for every eventuality and therefore there is a need for
possessing healthy, scientific problem-led techniques. However, there are certain
problems which would be better avoided than attempted to solve. Biologically,
cancer should be avoided or AIDS or malaria or diarrhea. Preventative measures can
be taken to reduce contracting the disorder; the last can be fatal if the
individual is suffering from malnutrition or has no source of potable water.
Globally, depletion of bioversity and pollution of water cycle are problems which
humanity should not wait to face. Preventative Action creates the necessary social
movement before it is too late.
Preventative Action is ecological in the sense that any action taken is sensitive
to the current environment and does not lead to larger-scale problems. DDT
originally targeted eg malaria and had widespread use in the eradication of many
species of insects harmful to agriculture; only later was it realised that natural
insect-hunters were also poisoned, and the accumulation of DDT was toxic to the
entire ecological cycle. Hence, Preventative Action is large-scale first,
resolving into finer and finer details. In this way, the solution-problem cycle is
Every subjectivity inherits an existing social system, and though there are
doctrines, courses, environments which can liberate a subjectivity from its social
conditioning, there are few means of influencing the social machinery, leading
many mature adults to a sense of defeat. Preventative Action is the social-level
inhibitor. Inhibiting system behaviour (cf Institutional Deconstruction), be it
disarming the most potent weapons, cutting out economic exploitation, or reframing
waste and stopping pollution, is feasible at a local level only with sufficient
confidence in the numbers of collective unilateral action (cf Actuator Ladder).
Doing one's best is sufficient at the local level, but so far has not been
sufficient at the super-individual level.
In order to co-ordinate Preventative Actions, one central body working through
consensus, prioritises inhibitory actions. Although the evolution of such an
authority threatens to perpetrate the violence upon subjectivities so common to
institutions, Preventative Action is purely inhibitory. It is a social means of
inhibiting a social dynamic, and as such exists nominally at the social level (cf
Africa Leads). The authority is not competitive, but nominated, and it is not
financially supported. Particular actions are described accurately, stating why
there is a need in the real world, what the action is, the consequence in terms of
where and when, and how the action will satisfy the need and achieve the results;
who is you.
Preventative Action is not a means of avoiding all potential problems.
Preventative Action is the express use of actions in order to maintain a self-
sustaining and ecological existence. Preventative Action is a local means of
achieving global results.

Psycling refers to the mechanisms which abate the social storm manifest within
each subjectivity, leading them to the inner-eye calm of Pineal Balance.
Subjective balance is cultivated through the insider-outsider parity, the
following-leading dynamic, and sourcing a higher power.
Insider-outsider parity refers to the capacity for a subjectivity to understand
something from the outside, through word-modeling, or from the inside, based on
primary experience. It is the difference between someone who guesses the
underlying message to an aphorism and who knows, the difference between before and
after a critical experience. The difference is crossed by a leap of faith.
Representations thereby reflect experience or create it, as oppose to define it.
Verify descriptions of how we think (cf Science of the Subjective).
The interface between subjectivities is critically important, how they first meet
and how relationships are maintained. Sub-individual entities may improve the
balance of a subjectivity who has inherited a social interface which is
disrespectful, not-presenceful, or negligent in any way. However, in the conflict
between competing beliefs and dynamics, a subjectivity's evaluation of the
healthier dynamic defines the following-leading dynamic.
Internal dynamics is self-governed. However, because of the differentials, the
passions can whip up a storm and severally effect a subjectivity's balance.
Acknowledging God, Allah, The Greater Self, a higher power, is an elegant element
in the self-righting system of a human subjectivity (cf Demystifying Religions).
Without it, a subjectivity may suffer from the excesses of ego-inflation, the many
varieties of madness, and a socially irresponsible way of living.
Knowledge of how internal and inter-subjective dynamics determine mass social
events is instrumental in the liberation of the subjectivity from social
conditioning (cf Mass Production of Awareness).

-------------------realising potential
Realising Potential is both the awareness of thinking-space as well as the act of
materialising ideas in the world. The transformation of an idea into a physical
reality is a thing of magic, and though a subjectivity may grow up indifferent to
the wheel because it is so pervasive, it remains one of the greatest human
inventions. Realising Potential is feasible through sensitivity to thought,
insightful guidance, and self-determination, all of which constitute education.
The growing subjectivity is highly sensitive to the ambience of thoughts and
feelings. It can be brutalised by blatant violence of thought or emotion or will.
To maintain sensitivity is the objective of anyone wishing to Realise Potential,
and can be done by maintaining a humourous disposition, a freshness and innocence
common to children, and a willingness to reveal vulnerability.
Insightful guidance becomes feasible if the leading subjectivity provides the
right environment for following subjectivities to draw their own conclusions
faster than they would otherwise do so alone. In a way, each child should reinvent
the wheel, discover the efficacy of mathematics. Babies learn language
osmotically, piecing sounds and actions together. A similar process can allow them
to piece together ideas which have taken thousands of years to develop. For
example, the notion of zero escaped the venerated Greeks and set mathematics back
for hundreds of years in Europe. Teaching is therefore replaced with guidance.
Self-determination is the capacity for the increasing awareness of the
subjectivity to parallel intellectual and physical and social development. The
emphasis on knowledge alone, the predominance of academic subjects, is indicative
of a brutal educational system. Life-long learning is not a goal to be achieved
through policy. A wholesome sensitivity engenders a respectful subjectivity. Trust
of guidance, whether through parent or teacher, enables the subjectivity to
estimate the needs of its own growth more accurately, until it can trust its own
independence within its peer group; this constitutes the maturity of a human
Reorganising the educational system from within is difficult if there is not a
corresponding movement in society in general (cf Mass Production of Awareness).
The realisation of potential is a form of artistic endeavour (cf Realising
Potential), balancing comfort with challenge, safety with risk, the real world
with ideals (cf Social Art).

A functional Re-evaluation of important standards in global culture precedes any
social manifestation. These standards are time and water, precious metals/minerals
and money.
Time is the base unit of subjectivity, the measure of existence. The base
evaluation of an activity is, is it worth while? Do not sell your time cheaply,
whether it is to perform physical tasks for somebody, or to devote your thinking
or dreaming to somebody's thoughts or actions.
Water is the base unit of biological life. Its importance can not be
overestimated. Sources of clean, potable water is essential for social existence.
Gold must be devalued. On a personal level, replacing precious jewellery with
cheaply produced materials though optionally crafted, and on a social level,
altering the stock market evaluation. This will result in massive political
instability in countries hoarding such revenues. The real valuables are not gold
or silver or precious stones, but the functional metals and minerals required for
light bulbs and microchips.
Money must also be devalued. The time that people give to tasks, to inventions, to
work, to contributing, is the primary evaluation, and money is the means by which
a complex social system can facilitate this transaction of time, so everyone has a
reasonable share in their contribution. Inverting the standard costs is feasible
only after The Great Balancing, where working in sewers demands more pay than
working in an office, where money should not be tagged to rank in the hierarchical
organisation. At a local, more immediate, level, people must generate enough money
to live a reasonable standard of life, and not incur profit. Non-profit is the
working ethos. What constitutes a reasonable standard of life is relative to
cultures and societies worldwide, but must be tagged to a global unity of all
The correct re-evaluation of time, water, resources, and money constitute the
intention of human rights and the sanctity of life. Because of the shared
experience of time in human existence, everyone is involved (cf Age Concern).
Because of the pervasive nature of water in the ecology of the planet, there can
not be political segmentation of clouds, seas, and lands (cf Water Cycling).
Because people live on the same planet, the Earth, resources must be shared as
they are by people living on the same island, or village, or flat-share (cf
Rurification). And because money is used to facilitate human activities, a global
economy equalises rates of pay dissolving political boundaries (cf Virtual

---------------------reflexive calibration
Reflexive Calibration is the means by which subjectivities may reflect on their
future projections, thereby enabling comparison. Reflexive Calibration constitutes
a subjective test, is a symbolic vessel, and is chosen for its actuation
There is no objective, absolute, or correct answer to the test. Correctly
speaking, the questions are as much in question as the answers. Subjective tests
are unique in their experience, and their evaluation is self-determined. An
appropriate test is one which stretches the capacities of an individual, and
therefore it is often set by an external source. The test may be a koan, set
questions, experiences, or any medium (cf Science of the Subjective).
A medium such as a film may be a symbolic vessel in that there is sufficient space
for subjectivities to invest their own meanings. The symbolic contents of the
vessel can then be partitioned by priority. Comparison between subjective symbolic
networks becomes more accurate: ascertain the symbols, and then determine relative
importance. The primary relationship is parallel: between vessel and
subjectivities (cf Jaxing). Myths have space for symbolic investment, ensuring
experience before comparison with alternative interpretations. Dune, Highlander,
Matrix are examples of modern myths with sufficient room to host imported
As a product of imagination, a myth, drama, story contains the symbolic structure
which dramatises the human condition. Because the filmbook Dune was conceived and
designed as fiction by its authors and directors, because of its hermetic stylised
world scenario, and because of its underlying subject of time, Dune provides a
means of evaluating central streams in future projection and as such is well
suited for deep actuator actuation (cf Actuator Ladder). The ego-conflict which is
common in more didactic work, is avoided in Reflexive Calibration because of its
subjective and parallel nature, thus fulfilling the post-production criteria of
the critical reconfiguration of a multiple-text work.

---------------------relative determinancy
The interaction of dreams and action, of tradition and aspiration, the play of ego
and institutions, is the magnificent flow of culture and society throughout
history. To stipulate an event, a layer, a factor, in the determinacy of social
development, is necessarily a theoretical imposition, an imposition which belies
its own epistemology. There is no escape from this. The best that can be done is
to highlight factors, naming them artificially, useful only as long as they point
to the dynamics, before dissolving away leaving only a shadow in mind.
Relative Determinacy is achieved through genus, and interconnectedness. Each
conceptual entity is defined in terms of a number of subconcepts which comprise
it, termed genus. A genus-one concept is one where understanding the concept is
sufficient. A genus-two concept is understood by two subconcepts, and genus-three
by three subconcepts, etc. Genus can be understood as the number of handles
required to be able to pick up that concept, from a simple one-handled teacup to a
seven-handled pot. This circumvents the characteristic problem of misunderstanding
a concept through premature conclusion, trying to pick up a large concept using
only one or two handles. What is likely to happen is that the two handles will
come away and a new level of concept is born. This is a result of the plasticity
of thinking. There is no genus-specified concept existent beyond the
subjectivity's wishes. Once it is used, the concept is comprehended, it dissolves
away. It is not a fault to use only two handles of a genus-three concept, as it
may produce a useful genus-two concept. It is a fault if it is used to evaluate
the genus-three concept.
Interconnectedness is achieved by cross-referencing concepts and subconcepts. What
makes a concept a complete conceptual entity or a subset is its position. Hence,
in a genus-three concept, a subconcept may be referred to because of its
background character, while it may itself be a genus-two concept. In addition, a
subconcept may be in the background or the foreground relative to another
subconcept. Again, there is nothing which defines a concept as background, for it
may be the foreground with respect to another concept.
There is a tendency to generalise events, owing mainly to inadequate precision
rather than lack of verity. In this way, it is tempting to isolate the
experiential economy, globalisation, pluralisation, awareness blooming to name but
a few, as determiners from afar, having pervasive effect, when there is little in
the way of concrete, specific determinacy. It is hoped that the degree of accuracy
for a practical appreciation of the range of concepts required, is sufficient,
sufficient, sufficient.
In this way, the conceptual terrain is ever-changing. It is this ever-changing
quality which may capture the relativity of evaluation. The flexibility of mind
required to conceive of this multidimensional, relative thoughtspace can be
exercised through imaginative plays. The representation of conceptual entities,
however plastic the terms of genus and degree of interconnectedness, can never
reflect the precision and movement of thinking present to a subjectivity. Hence,
fictionalisations, embodiment in stories, wordplay, reinterpretations, are all
means of encouraging the conditions which might accommodate the subsequent
conceptual entities.The conceptual entities Cystem and Planit are networks of
concepts clustered around individual responsibility, social movements, mass
actions, and entertainment enterprises in order to bring about massive social
change (cf 2020).

--------------------respecting plurality
Respecting Plurality is not a theoretical state or psychological intention, but a
practical condition exercised daily. Language, similarity, and equality delimit
When entering another house, one obeys the conventions of that house in order to
respect the order and lifestyle of its inhabitants. One such social convention is
language. Learning another culture's language is respectful in the intention and
act of speaking. Similarly, when accommodating a foreign speaker, a receptive
culture exhibits patience and rewards the attempt. Becoming fluent in the five
primary global languages of English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, and Hindi will
only serve the individual well.
Polyglots should be wary of swimming entirely in the sea of language; rather focus
on experiencing the reality beyond words (cf Mass Production of Awareness). Hence,
grounding difference in a deeper similarity, is the sourcing of respect. A black
man and a white man are both men; a man and a woman are both human; a bear and a
person are both animals; a tree and a fly are both living; a flag and a word are
both symbolic. The grounded similarity requires only that both parties acknowledge
it, and hence it is a social fact realised between people rather than a personal,
internal perspective.
As found in the theory of relativity, the constant is the speed of light from
which all physical phenomena may be co-ordinated. The social constant is the point
from which all other phenomena may be co-ordinated. Ultimately, that point is all
sentient beings, including plants and animals, that is everything which exhibits
sense of Reality. Practically, the social constant is the existence of human
subjectivities (cf Planit). All cultures therefore are equal in the sense that
they are invested by subjectivities. The problems which may occur are those
involving competition over limited resources.
Respecting Plurality is the social version of Otherwise, and is an essential
practice which accompanies resource sharing and quickens the subjectivity's
realisation of Veridian Clarity.

Rurification is the movement of people from urban centres which is eco-sensitive,
globally sustainable, and based on community.
Eco-sensitive means suiting the living conditions to the environment, including
building eco-friendly houses, sharing community amenities, and maximising local
produce, using modern materials and insightful design. Careful architecture can
replace air-conditioning, turf can insulate, subterranean heating systems can
regulate temperatures, alternative power-sources from solar panels, local wind- or
wave-turbines can reduce the reliance on national grid. Local cultivation,
including permaculture, may be encouraged as long as it does not transform local
wild areas into fields.
Global sustainability is achieved through correct placement in the global economy.
Income through high-tech connection enables virtual homework, and provides
opportunity for experiential economy. The economic sphere of the household is
nested in the economic sphere of the local community, which in turn is part of a
larger economic network which encapsulates the world.
The basis for environmental and economic sustainability is the co-operation of the
community members. With the empowerment of Motherhood, the generation of node-
communities becomes feasible, where small settlements are permanent and the flow
through of people is facilitated primarily through a greater sophistication in
communication dynamics, threatening the centralising pull of cities (cf
Institutional Deconstruction).
Moving into the country does not necessarily mean it is rurification. Indeed,
boxed living conditions infringe green areas year to year, and new houses built in
old villages is the downscaling of urbanisation. The objective is not to turn the
world into one big city, as boxes tumble from metropolises into satellite cities,
trickling into towns and villages, producing miniature urban sites. The movement
is very much sourced in environment, with people choosing to leave the urban
living and its ideology and way of life, and embracing a co-operative relationship
with the natural world. When the conflict over depleting oil-reserves rages, rural
communities may suffer as much as urban centres if they have not been judicious
with importation of non-local produce and amenities.
Living within a natural habitat, informs the enviro-conscious attitude of Veridian
Clarity. This may seduce actuators with the comforts of local community, the
pacifying annual time-cycle, and uncomplicated experiences such as gardening. This
is a false haven. This tendency to naturalise will suffer eventually from
decisions actioned by other, larger parties, and may manifest in the form of
pollution through industrialisation, global warming, economic policies, and even
forceful military eviction. It is imperative, therefore, that members of local
communities remain wise to the global economic system, and recognise their part in
For example, telecommunications may enable the West to command logistical
distribution of commodities, goods and services globally, but it is supported by
heavy industrial basis in the East (cf Nerd Mentality). Rurification may be
encourage in the affluent West, however the manufacturing still requires a
localised workforce; we are still not in the age of robotic work freeing us from
manual labour. The only way the South can escape the path of industrialisation
which developed countries have sold them, is for the values encouraged by eco-
expansive mindsets to redirect funding appropriately.
Rurification finds its maturity in massive grassroots action, leading to the
protection of the remaining forests and jungles (cf Paying for Trees), the Water
Cycle, and people's equality globally (cf 2020).

-------------------------science of the subjective

The Science of the Subjective is the rigourous exploration of the human condition
as experienced by the subjectivity. It is reflexive, verifiable, and uses
Science of objects is logical, predictive, simple and linear. The Science of
Subjects can be illogical, is normally nonpredictive, nonlinear and complex, and
highly self-reflexive: the means of studying it influences the thing studied. It
is a comparative exploration of inner belief, psycho-social dynamics, and
institutionalisation. It is not statistical, since the contextual conditions of
each subjectivity is unique.
The Science of the Subjective exists in the realm of belief, self-fulfilling
prophecy, attitude effecting performance, the function of faith, awareness and
presence, empowerment, inter-subjective dynamics and mass social movements. It
tends away from statistical proof and falsification, towards subjective results
and verification. Subjective Science acknowledges the inherent efficacy of
headsets, whether self-liberation orientated Taoist-Zen-Buddhist and socially
integrated Judeo-Christian-Muslim, or the druid-shaman-pagan organic network and
communist-capitalist-economist institutional construct.
Fuzzy Logic frees logicians from the law of the excluded middle, Neuro-Linguistic
Programming manipulates the submodalities, and various Life-Affirming courses
orchestrate social dynamics to overcome self-repression; these are examples of
metalevel tools which afford a rigorous exploration of subjective experience (cf
Metalanguage). A liberated subjectivity can shuffle perspectives, is well-rounded
in existence, and is appreciative to a wide range of humour.
It is not so much studying the behaviour of a cat, as comprehending why it behaves
the way it does from the cat's perspective. This leads to insider understanding
(cf Psycling) and subjectively confident groups (cf Torus). The Science of the
Subjective is the exercise of wisdom (cf Age Concern) in a social context (cf
Gleick Group), may guide subjectivities to the efficacy of a belief in the divine
(cf Demystifying Religions) and therefore is expedient in the formation of world
unity (cf 2020).

----------social art
Social Art uses people as its medium. People experiencing Social Art may do so co-
elaboratively, trusting the orchestration of experience.
Subjectivities' quality of experience is the art. Although there may be an
external objective, it is secondary to the achievement of subjectivities
participating in the piece. Social Art is thereby reflexive, enabling a
subjectivity to become aware of its social context (cf Experiential Art Movement).
It is seldomly concretised in a saleable object: handshakes and gestures, compound
thoughts, unique experiences of unity.
Fine Social Art includes the aware subjectivity within it, rather than
manipulates. The co-elaboration of subjectivities willingly produces significantly
more aesthetic pieces well beyond the capacity of a single subjectivity to control
(cf Tortoise Minuet).
Orchestration of experience can only be managed with the dynamic of trust, the
leading-following dynamic (cf Psycling), which is rewarded with the immeasurable
quality of personal experience. This necessarily involves mistrust and the embrace
of the horror that is in the world: the economic exploitation, the media
manipulation, the environmental pollution, the military conflict, the educational
institutionalisation, etc.
Social Art embraces all forms of social aggregates including business, family-
life, politics, military, and to do so functions without any financial reward (cf
Non-Profit). The epitome of the Social Art aesthetic is world peace (cf 2020).

------------------technical bouyancy
Technical Buoyancy is the period when information technology has reached the user-
friendly threshold of two-way networking.
Radio can be considered one-way, as TV or cinema are. A book also appears to be
one-way, with the writer dictating to the reader. However, the roles are reversed,
dialogue at a social level exists, books evolve, commentary upon commentary build.
The limiting factor is the feedback delay. With a telephone, this delay is erased
and conversations can occur naturally. The advent of two-way television combines
the power of telephone and radio and television and computer into one medium,
dissolving the boundary between producer and consumer, performer and audience even
Technical Buoyancy is defined by the pervasive existence of two-way systems in
every home in the western world, and deep penetration in developing countries.
Such a natural medium for communication generates a stronger global social
network, releasing people from ties of geography or even nationhood. The
centralisation which has occurred in physical reality, with the development of
civilisation through cities, the delimiting factor of physical proximity
constituting grouping and the generation of clubs or like-minded people, is
further exploded.
The third aspect of Technical Buoyancy is the development of user-friendly
interaction. The high-standard production of music, art and games, is made
feasible by user-friendly gadgetry which was once prohibitively expensive.
Everyone has broadcast capability and post-production facilities.
Technical Buoyancy constitutes a new threshold of the information revolution,
radically redefining markets (cf Degovernmentalisation), enabling new forms of
entertainment (cf Jaxing) and education (cf Realising Potential), altering work
patterns globally (cf Rurification).

the power to stop everything
The Power to Stop Everything is understood from the outside as suicide and from
the inside as the ultimate expression of dissatisfaction.
The Power to Stop Everything is expressly a political and spiritual act, aimed at
the highest level of achievement and not an expression of depression. It may be a
subjectivity's last resort, but it is to be done positively, at the height of the
subjectivity's powers and love of life. It should not be used as a personal
responsive threat. There is no occasion that permits an individual exercising The
Power in any local, personal context.
The use of The Power to Stop Everything should be limited to a period and
condition which is wide-spread in order to avoid cultish interpretation. For The
Power to possess any political force, it must be successful at every call. It can
not be seen to fail. Once The Power has been invoked, it must succeed. Do not
invoke the power lonely (sic) or locally.
To place oneself in the firing line, to protect the innocent, even to prevent your
enemies being bombed or shot down, may happen by physically relocating oneself to
the target, by offering a human shield. The greatest realisation of The Power is
depriving oneself of sustenance until the forces which are perpetrating the crime
desist. Once a government realises that killing other civilians is resulting in
the death of the civilians it is vowing to protect, the political resort to
violence is made unjustified and unsustainable. This is the primary mechanism for
confronting a government and its military (cf Military Confrontation).
The Power to Stop Everything is aggressive, and is hurtful, and causes pain.
However, it is more acceptable than taking up arms and causing direct harm to
others. The harm that is done, is self-inflicted. One is willing to commit this
crime upon oneself more than commit a crime to another. The collateral damage is
not meant, but must be born by family and friends, as with any relative of a
A good way of safeguarding the misuse of The Power to Stop Everything is to ensure
it is not managed through any external means. Subjectivities may learn how to
inhibit the autonomous nervous system which includes one's heart beat and
breathing, by the act of will alone, with no recourse to drugs, devices or any
means outwith the natural system the subjectivity is born into. To exercise this
degree of control requires the defining maturity of a human adult and is not in
the realm of control for children (cf Science of the Subjective). The resolve in
the execution of the act must be completely convincing in order for it to be
socially useful. Lesser forms, through denial of water and food, may constitute a
practical alternative before 2020. Any artificial means of self-destruction
acknowledges the incapacity of will to see it through to its completion, and is
therefore insufficient.

---------------tortoise minuet
The Tortoise Minuet is a moniker for the last ten thousand years of human history.
Social complexification, competition and co-operation, and dream-factoring are the
primary themes in the Tortoise Minuet.
The Them-Us distinction, otherwise known as relation to Other, has defined the
social grouping throughout the Tortoise Minuet. The grouping of families and
clans, bloodfeuds, declensions of royal or divine bloodlines, continues to this
day. The stratification of society, grouping by occupation and profession, class
and role, have also exacerbated the distinction into conflict. In the
complexification of society, Other has been closer to Enemy than to Friend.
The period is characterised by localised peace. Peace within the village as war
rages in the region, peace within a nation as war rages internationally. It is
also a characteristic that those occupying the privileged high-end of a power
differential, are also plagued by virtual psychosis, the neuroses of self-
invention generating psychic tension as the Them-Us boundaries are constantly
reinvented and justified. The social theory of competition over limited resources
has been reinvented every time there is a shift in evaluations, from food, to
pride, to honour, to money, to peace, circulating as values have done in the
endless generation of polities, be they families, governments, committees,
congregations, collectives. The justification of co-operation is mainly a
consequence of status-quo, the acceptance of pecking order, the power-dynamics of
the tribe, rather than a subjectivity's genuine accession to a healthy way of
The disparity of what is going on and what people think is going on, is the space
filled with dreams, those directed to be realised and those dead-ended to sedate.
The endless fascination of gossip obscures the satisfaction of legitimate needs,
the dramatisation of politics and war justifies the aggressive economic policies,
the naked greed for pleasures drowns out the cries of hunger outside the palace
gates. With the feedback loop of modern technology, the transformation of society
has been faster, plateauing the masses in the neuroses of navel-gazing or the
imbalance of wanting more. Dream-factoring is the quotient of a culture which
isolates subjectivities in subcultures. The greater the number of subjectivities,
the greater the number of dreams, and as cultures diversify, the ability to share
the same dream also dwindles, enabling a status quo of the society's economic and
political relationships with other cultures. It has been the aggregate of a
culture dreaming the same dream which has been the single most significant factor
in social change, giving rise to the dynamics of bifurcation, revolution, and
The period is termed the Tortoise Minuet for the speed of change in contrast with
the rate of conscious development in every human child given a nurturing
environment, tagged to the technological changes which has proved time and again
the determining factor (cf Relative Determinancy). There is also a certain amount
of clumsiness in how we have treated the luminaries of the world, misrepresenting
their words and deeds. There is also something about hibernating, hiding in one's
home and the rather tentative exploration beyond the safety of one's shell. The
Tortoise Minuet comes to an end at the rise of the science of the subjective (cf
Science of the Subjective).

Temporary Hierarchical Structures, ths, is the term to describe the aggregation of
individuals to perform particular tasks. Three aspects define it: the task, the
execution, and the dissolution.
The formation and membership of the group depends on the task. The task determines
everything. Once ascertained, people aggregate to be able to ensure the task is
executed correctly. It is not necessary for individuals to agree in motivation,
share a common agenda or experience (cf Torus). All that matters is that they are
together because they face a common problem and have designated a THS to be able
to overcome this problem.
The execution includes the election of facilitators who are empowered by the group
to be able to effectively orchestrate the group to be able to carry out the task.
The dissolution of the group is essential once the task has been performed. The
formation of the group is determined by the task, but it should tend to be as
short as possible. Hence, the avoidance of continued power-relations in an
individual or an institution, the inertia of embedded power is avoided.
All institutions, all bodies politic, are hierarchical structures (cf Tortoise
Minuet). The military, governments, and businesses have shown the efficiency of
organising hierarchically. This very much informs the mechanisms of the execution
of ths. The difference is the time factor and the task-orientation. Traditional
aggregates of individuals outlive the individuals and the tasks they were designed
to solve, and must be induced to collapse internally (cf Institutional
The skills required to be able to successfully see through ths are gleaned through
experiential feedback. Once efficiently participating in a political arena, that
is with mass involvement and low-inertia power, ths becomes organised anarchy.

A Torus is a closed group committed to exploring a particular future projection.
The objective of a Torus may be political (cf Degovernmentalisation), conceptual,
religious (cf Demystifying Religions), military (cf Military Confrontation),
artistic (cf Experiential Art Movement), or economic (cf Non-profit). It may
function as a think-tank, an activist cell, a cult, a gang or unit, or a
collective. The defining feature of a Torus is that the agenda is underlined by a
belief that it will bring world peace closer. Any military expediency can not be
offensive, and must rely on low-technology, personal confrontation, with any
substantial damage allowed only to buildings, materials and institutional systems.
The generation of a Torus depends on the independent acceptance of outsiders to
join the group. Once the membership is determined, the group is closed.
Prospective members can be approached by i-calibre or straight-forward invitation.
The identity of members of a Torus need not be known outwith that Torus. Because
of the variety of objectives, some Toruses shall be secret, while others
transparent in their practices.
A Torus has a set membership, defining the group as closed as opposed to the open
system of Inflorescence, and should stay within the limits of operational
capacity, say five to nine people. Any association between Torus should not be
formalised as this will lead to large scale aggregates, power hierarchies, and
related problems. Torus formation is isolated.

----------------veridian clarity
Veridian Clarity is the state of awareness which comfortably places the
subjectivity in the living wonder of the world. Informed by knowledge of the
natural world, supplemented by personal investigation, and formalised in one's
placement in it.
Knowledge of the interaction of living organisms, the water cycle, life cycles,
from minute bacteria to entire global ecosystems, from the germination of a
single-cell to a complex, million-million-celled entity, the mutable boundary
between chemical and biological, the mysterious interaction of biology and mind,
the five billion year history of life on Earth, the interaction of super-
organisms, all contribute to appreciation of the natural world.

Personal exploration in the natural world, generating questions from a healthy

curiosity, responding to the environment, to animals, to plants, learning about
one's own interaction with nature, recognising one's effect including pollution,
all extend awareness into the subjectivity's own nature.
The veridian clarity is achieved once knowledge and personal investigation is
coupled to one's will in placement. This last is critical. It is not objective,
but must necessarily place the subjectivity in nature. This placement could be a
Buddhist's deep appreciation or a child's willingness to get his hands dirty.
Veridian clarity is the particular state where a subjectivity realises his place,
regardless of the level of knowledge or degree of personal exploration, as being a
human (cf 2020). This confers a responsibility upon him or her to live within the
world in a harmonious way, and places emphasis on sorting out the human condition
first. Only then may s/he approach rectifying cultivational practice (cf
Rurification), resource extraction (cf Paying for Trees), and ecological
sustainability (cf Water Cycling).

----------------virtual no-where

Virtual Nowhere is the transitional step between a world of politically active

nations to a global village enriched by cultural diversity.
Virtual Nowhere has no conditions of entry since there are no borders, since there
is no possession of land.

Virtual Nowhere issue passports which declare their human rights. Carriers of the
passport agree to live by the laws of a host nation. There is no institutional
protection of people living in Virtual Nowhere since there is no government or law
or police or army; members must rely on assistance from each other locally or
through the global network.

Virtual Nowhere reaches operational social impact when it is recognised by the UN.
Since there is not a governing body and as it constitutes a collective, its
presence at committees, summits, and regular meetings is not representational of
all members of Virtual Nowhere. Subjectivities who occupy such positions when
engaging polities speak for themselves only and do not possess a role or position
beyond the task they set themselves. There is no political power invested in
institutions and executed by heads of institutions, but resides in direct,
collective action (cf THS). It is committed to bringing peaceful solutions to
problems without resorting to violence.

Virtual Nowhere is the functional pivot which supports biodiversity, sustainable

co-existence, and self-determination. The human is no longer the centre of the
world, the natural environment is primary (cf Rurification). It is the empty set
of politics, functional only as a means of disarming (cf Military Confrontation)
and preventing (cf Preventative Action) and inhibiting (cf Degovernmentalisation)
institutional exercise of power.

Watercycling is the achievement of putting water first. It catalyses the
unification of humanity, services everyone on the planet with potable water, and
purifies intent.

The water cycle is not restricted by political borders. Water abuses the notion
of ownership. Pollution can be carried by clouds as acid rain, salinated
irrigation water can be carried by rivers into neighbouring countries, a rise in
the water-level because of ice-cap melt will effect port-cities globally,
alterations in weather patterns threaten established farming practice. Ensuring
water-tight practice is the route towards unifying social differences and
producing a sustainable, global economy. It is the essential resource about which
humanity needs to be pro-active and preventative before it becomes irrevocably

Every human being on the planet should have access to potable water. The prudent
use of water in drought-sensitive areas, the relocation of people to natural,
replenishable water sources, and efficient hydro-agriculture, are within current
civil engineering capacities. Ensuring a drinkable water supply is arguably the
greatest preventative health measure (cf Preventative Action).

Watercycling is the local action of drinking water straight rather than any other
form of dilution. This has direct impact on the production of alcohol, coffee and
tea companies, and constitutes an assault on soft-drinks companies, if enough
subjectivities act together (cf THS). The benefits to the individual is to purify
the system, reducing dependency on caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. National
economies hit by the action have an opportunity to restructure its agricultural
policies to provide for local markets, in some cases alleviating the risk of


Yage is virtual politics with real power.

Yage is to the west what the Olympic games were to the ancients. Instead of
killing, rules and regulations of boxing and wrestling; instead of hunting, the
challenge of competing to be the best. Yage sanitises politics, placing it in a
safe environment where people won't actually die (cf Nerd Mentality). The gameplay
is real and demanding, possessing all the qualities of real politics, without the
danger of bloodshed.
Yage is not just a more complex strategy game such as Chess or Go; it is an
extension of war-simulations and role-playing games. The more complex the virtual
world, the greater the number of players, the greater the range of actions
available to players, the more kudos in that game. Action is easy, but once the
technical standards can support personal dramas as seen in films, Yage becomes a
mass-viewing as well as participation event (cf Technical Bouyancy).
The most powerful Yage games enables empowered players to severally effect the
gameplay of other players. Since players invest their time in playing a Yage game,
building power in a virtual environment, they experience a real loss when they are
removed from play.A Yage game capable of hosting a mindmass of 1,000,000 players
indicates a significant shift from real-world politics, in terms of economic
investment, where high-ranking players can live from their earnings, technological
research and development of the computer hardware and distribution network, and
subjectivity devotion to playing, game design, and coverage. Because of its
internet availability, subjectivities living in the country can experience
virtually busy environments as well as participate completely in global
entertainment from the privacy of their own homes (cf Rurification).


I about me

Parents are Portuguese, born in Scotland, a lot of racial abuse, tight friendship
group, accepted to Oxford Uni to study maths but decided to study Social
Anthropology at Edinburgh instead. Wrote fiction for a few years, enjoyed
swimming, learned tai chi, exploring an Introduction to Zen Buddhism, three long-
term relationships in my 20's. Learned about teaching with the Edinburgh Science
Festival, gained my teaching qualification at 28, began experimenting with social
dynamics in schools, learning about learning through tutoring 20 students a week.
Traumatic conclusion to a relationship brought on a critical appraisal of my life
so far, marking the experience of mortality with a tattoo. Wrote a book containing
every idea I've ever had/will have, introduced to the joys of skin-diving, women
taught me to tango, students helped develop a system of self-discipline, read the
sutra on the foundation of mindfulness. Now, 2020worldwalk, inviting adults to
experience risk and trust games so I can learn how to strengthen the social fabric
of our lives, compiling this booklet for family and friends.
II standards

You know as well as U that there is nothing here which will accurately describe
their manifestations. However, it's been a while, so comparison is now possible
(p803). Your primary mechanism for encouraging change is the actuator ladder,
isn't it? By creating a kind of alternative, global, civil service, in the cracks
of society, so they are free to volunteer, to help others, dedicated to helping
friends and family, through local assistance, then maybe a world-wide event may
come about. Nice idea, and U know you encountered difficulties trying to introduce
this idea yourself because of the belief meshwork in each person's head, their
headset (p404). So, what are the alternatives?

Let's call the first, the Eutropia Standard. Travelling well, a path of self-
realisation. Individuals suitably empowered by advances in subjective science,
would attract others to them, who we can call disciples. Over a course of time,
these disciples follow their own path, become aware, and volunteer to take part in
Eutropia. They use techniques and understandings like the lack of negative,
vectors of intention, and zeroing distance, an experience something like intimate
meditation. Eutropia may organise themselves financially using an alternative of
pyramid structure, with disciples passing on $1000 which is passed on to their
master's master, and with a spread of five to seven people, and two level turn-
over, that's about $36,000 which should enable a master to live freely for a
while. But then again, some may not. But you get the general idea. These people
are experts. They are experiential experts. They form something close to a
religious order, something like Hesse's Order, though remember his retrospective
doesn't cover how it came about. So although people may devote themselves to Glass
Bead Game Playing, they haven't actually worked on a first-step epigenesis of the
Order. It's the classic cart-before-the-horse mistake.

Unlike the priests or monks that embody Eutropia, the Parallax Standard is
impersonal. Such people believe that by creating alternative systems, in politics
and economics, for example, the entire system will change. That is, people
reorganising institutions from the inside: politicians, economists, and so on. A
similar continuity occurs in the Dharma Standard, where central buddhist
philosophies and social organisation are reconfigured for the current crisis,
where meditation and right action is exercised according to some ritual procedure.

Details are unimportant, at least written here. What matters is, these
alternatives have had some time to be set up and run, and closer to 2012, people
have access to the real events, the precise details available to you living now,
to decide which Standard seems the most realistic, and you all have to work on
one. Otherwise, the attempt to achieve world peace will not be achievable, because
people are pulling their energies in different directions. If the Parallax
Standard seems best, then actuators and Eutropians must desist with their paths,
and show solidarity. But this isn't too difficult for them to understand, as you
have understood through your own experience. What is needed, as U know, is

III using this book

Concepts are grouped together under titles and there is a rich cross-reference
between them. When developing the ideas it became clear that there was no logical
or linear sequence and thus a network of concepts evolved. I had to draw a concept
map; it resembled some kind of neuron network. (This doesn't read well in black
and white, so an accompanying colour postcard of the image is available.)

It is not important in what order they are read. Nor is there emphasis on any
particular node, though perhaps 2020 appears pretty central. No node is more
important than any other. Different people find resonance with certain concepts.
The reader should be careful not to be critical; dismissing a concept may lead to
a confrontation with those who think it important. If any of the concepts resonate
in your life, then may it be affirming: the value is in you, not in the word-order
of this book. By honouring what you know to be right, the growth towards
consilience, or alignment towards a shared objective, may emerge.

After coming up with the concepts around the turn of the millennium, I found that
my methodology was a kind of thought-experiment, specifically back-casting. The
trick is to imagine the opportunity for world peace in 2020, and then to think
about the events which must necessarily proceed it. A perceptive reader may
appreciate that it does not matter exactly how we define the opportunity, since it
is far ahead, but that it is sufficiently and relatively defined such that one can
determine what one does with one's actions today. The contention and subsequent
confrontation, becomes real and informed by daily experience; ideas and
expectations are thereby mutually generated. In this way, the greatest bugbear
that prevents intelligible progress in the development of large-scale systems
thinking is thus avoided: premature, and indeed needless, argument. (cf The As-one

I believe humanity faces one of its greatest, if not greatest challenge, and we
are fortunate enough to live during these times. The coming together of the family
members that comprise humanity for so long dispersed across the vast distances of
the globe now come together to share the global village, the all-embracing network
of financial ties that span the globe, the advent of the internet as a many-to-
many medium, the detaching effect of post-modernism, all contribute to making our
time a time of great potential.

2020worldpeace. We are all invited. Hope you can make it.

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