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Volume 1 Issue 4

August 2013

Following the Fellows

PAY IT FORWARD Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 16th
This will be a city-wide event hosted by the Fellows where you can enjoy a family-style meal alongside hundreds of other people in the middle of Elm St. downtown! Buy a ticket for yourself and for someone in need! More info. to come!

Our 9th Fellow: Kevin Palcsak

Kevin graduated from East Carolina University with a degree in Business Administration. He just spent the summer in Ireland with World Harvest, ministering to the people there. He loves working with youth kids and doing all forms of ministry!

The Fellows are coming! The Fellows are coming!

September 8 marks the official start of the 2013-2014 Greensboro Fellows Program!! The Fellows will be welcomed at Church of the Redeemer that morning, and at a luncheon that afternoon. This first week will be Orientation Week, with all kinds of fun activities planned! The Fellows will have time to get to know one another, as well as this wonderful city and community that they are now a part of. Later in September, we will be starting a weekly blog post, keeping everyone updated with all of the activities and experiences that are too numerous for this newsletter. Be on the lookout for that, or go ahead and follow the blog now!

Letter from the Director:

Hello Everyone, As August has come to a close and September is already in full swing, we have the privilege of welcoming nine new fellows to Greensboro this year! I want to thank everyone for your prayers and the multiple ways you all have helped to make this not just a possibility, but a wonderful reality. Over the summer as I have heard updates from all over the country from the first class of fellows and have been preparing for the second class that is already here, I can't help but think about Jesus' command in Luke 10:2 when he said, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." It is amazing to reflect on the fact that he has heard our prayers, placed a desire on young peoples' hearts and minds to share his love and truth with others, and has brought them here to love, serve, and be sent into the fields. May our eyes be opened to the reality of our loving Father at work in our lives and in the lives of those he is bringing to our community. We are truly "surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses." Expectant and thankful,

Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7

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