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Annotated List of Videos

This is a video that explains the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson and
the development of partisan politics. It demonstrates the development of politics through
the history of the difference between Hamilton and Jefferson focusing on certain events
like the Sedition Acts, Election of 1800, and the Whisky Rebellion. It also represents the
precedent that Washington set on how many terms a president can serve. This video is a
great source for grabbing the attention of the students and makes learning the subject as
fun as possible. Although, it was created by a high school student it provides an excellent
source for teaching the Early Republic at the high school level.

This video provides information on the role of woman during the American
Revolution and the Early Republic period. It explains how woman became polticized and
key players to the march of independence and the politicking of the Early Republic. It
explains examples of how these woman demonstrated their patriotism on and off the
battlefield and how woman’s education increased during the Early Republic time period.
It provides students with a different look at woman’s history other than the box that talks
about it in most history books.

This is a two-part video on the life of Benjamin Franklin, a key figure in the Early
Republic period. The first part explains the inventiveness side of Franklin, while the
second part explains the diplomatic side. Benjamin Franklin is a very important and
strikingly interesting person in the early American history and most students find the
developments or inventions that he created intriguing. By presenting both sides of
Franklin these videos offer a political and social/cultural historical perspective of a man
during this time period.

This three-part video is on the life of General and President George Washington.
It is divided up into a part on his early years, military years, and presidential years. It
provides the students of a visual of what George Washington accomplished and how he
became the first president of the United States. It also provides a solid interpretation of
the Washington presidency. This is an excellent source for students to obtain who
Washington was and the things that he achieved during his lifetime.

This video provides an overview of the Alien and Sedition Acts that were passed
during Adams presidency during the Early Republic period. It touches on how this upset
many Americans and on the importance of liberty and protection of rights. It provides in
good detail what the Alien and Sedition Acts were and who how Jefferson and other
Republicans opposed them. It is a great source for students to develop a solid
understanding of the importance and significance of these acts.

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