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The One God prescribes fasting for the faithful; and it has many

benefits. Fasting requires staying away from food and drink and
sinning. This builds and strengthens a person's self-control, making
them more closer towards All--. Other benefits of fasting include:

· Fasting gives person patience, teaches self control and discipline.

· Fasting makes you feel of the poor and hungry around the world.

· Fasting has many health benefits.

“And men who fast and women who fast…God has prepared for
them forgiveness and a vast reward.” (33:35)

O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed

to those before you, that you may learn self-restraint. 2:183

Fasting for a fixed number of days; but if any of you are ill, or on a
journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days
later. For those who can do it with hardship, is a payment, the
feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own
free wills, it is better for him. And it is better for you that you fast, if
you only knew. 2:184

Now look at Imam Hussain and how fasting was done throughout his
life. While all of his family and friends were dying, being struck down
one by one before him, and his daughter asking for water. Imam
Hussain refrained from anger and had self-control. Imam Hussain
and his family fasted for days without food and water. Little Baby
Asgher was killed by being struck with a arrow! , A little baby was
not even spared! This is a good example now, as to whenever you
see water, do not waste it. You should restrain yourself from
everything that leads you away from Islam. Fasting makes you feel
the pain of the poor and feel what Imam Hussain and his family and
friends had felt. On the 7th of Muharram, when yazid wanted
Hussain and his family to move away from the river he didn't fight
for it, he simply agreed and moved away. And on ashura when
hazrat abbas when to get water, when he saw it he was about to
drink and he said to himself, how could I drink this water when
children like ali asghar and sukaina are thursty. Another example is
that when Ali Akber went out to fight and came back, he was thirsty.
Imam Hussain then put his tounge in Ali Akbers mouth to give him
any water droplets left in his mouth. Then Ali Akber replied, “Your
mouth is even drier than mine”. This meant that. Imam Hussain
fasted and refrained from water so that other people could get the

The Hajj is a unique gathering for muslims which every adult Muslim
must undertake at least once in their life if they can afford it and are
physically able. To underline the importance of Hajj, there is a whole
surah in the Quran name Al Hajj. It is also mentioned in other surahs
of the Quran, for example in Surah Al – Imran it says In it are clear
signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be
secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the
sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to undertake the journey
to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient,
above any need of the worlds.

Every year about two million Muslims come together in Mecca - the
holiest place in Islam. Many Muslims save for years in order to
perform Hajj They often have to travel thousands of miles. Then,
once they arrive, they must go through the hot heat of the desert as
they perform the Hajj rituals. All—gifted everyone who goes on Hajj
with a celebration, which is called Eid . It is thanks to Prophet
Ibrahim who was willing to sacrifice his own son for All—that now
everyone does Qurbani . All—was impressed that Prophet Ibrahim
was willing to sacrifice his own son.

Now that is one sacrfice for All--, however if you look at Imam
Hussain (as) you will be amazed. Seventy of his closest friends and
family were all brutally killed and murdered one by one in front of
him for Islam. He then sacrificed himself for the sake of Islam. Look
at Imam Hussain; When Yazid sent people to fight him , he could
have had the battle in Mecca, though he left because he didn’t want
to spill blood on the holy land. This shows us all how important Hajj

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