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Renal Quiz

1. Which of the following factors causes the nausea associated with renal failure? a. Oliguria b. Gastric ulcers c. Electrolyte imbalance d. Accumulation of metabolic wastes 2. Which of the following clients is at greatest risk for developing acute renal failure? a. A dialysis client who gets influenza b. A teenager who has an appendectomy c. A pregnant woman who has a fractured femur d. A client with diabetes who has a heart catheterization 3. Which of the following conditions is a common cause of prerenal acute renal failure? a. Atherosclerosis b. Decreased cardiac output c. Prostatic hypertrophy d. Rhabdomyolysis 4. A client is undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The dialysate dwell time is completed, and the clamp is opened to allow the dialysate to drain. The nurse notes that drainage has stopped and only 500 ml has drained; the amount of dialysate instilled was 1,500 ml. Which of the following interventions would be done first? a. Change the clients position b. Call the physician c. Check the catheter for kinks or obstruction d. Clamp the catheter and instill more dialysate at the next exchange time 5. A client with a history of chronic renal failure is admitted to the unit with pulmonary edema after missing her dialysis treatment yesterday. Blood is drawn and sent for chemistry analysis. Which of the following results is expected? a. Alkalemia b. Hyperkalemia c. Hypernatremia d. Hypokalemia 6. A client is diagnosed with chronic renal failure and told she must start hemodialysis. Client teaching would include which of the following instructions? a. Follow a high-potassium diet b. Strictly follow the hemodialysis schedule c. There will be few changes in your lifestyle d. Use alcohol on the skin to clean it due to integumetary changes 7. A client with receiving hemodialysis treatment arrives at the hospital with a blood pressure of 200/100 mm Hg. heart rate of 110 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 36 breaths/minute. Oxygen saturation in room air is 89%. He complains of shortness of breath, and +2 pedal edema is noted. His last hemodialysis treatment was yesterday. Which of the following interventions should be done first? a. Administer oxygen b. Elevate the foot of the bed c. Restricts the clients fluid d. Prepare the client for hemodialysis 8. Which of the following interventions is inappropriate for a client on hemodialysis? a. Palpate for a thrill on the arm with the fistula b. Auscultate for a bruit on the arm with the fistula c. Report the absence of a thrill or bruit on the arm with the fistula d. Takethe blood pressure, or start an I.V. on the arm wit the fistula 9. An 80- year-old man reports urine retention. Which of the following factors may contribute to this clients problem? a. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH ) b. Diabetes c. Diet d. Hypertension

10. After which of the following procedures is a postoperative wound infection most likely? a. Radical prostatectomy b. Perineal prostatectomy c. Suprapubic prostatectomy d. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) 11. A client had transurethral prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperthropy. Hes currently being treated with continuous bladder irrigation and is complaining of an increase in severity of bladder spasms. Which of the following interventions should be done first? a. Administer an oral analgesic b. Stop the irrigation and call the physician c. Administer a belladonna and opium suppository as ordered by the physician d. Check for the presence of clots, and make sure the catheter is draining properly 12. Proper maintenance of a continuous bladder irrigation system includes which of the following interventions? a. Regulate irrigant flow to maintain red urine b. Regulate irrigant flow to maintain a good outflow of pink urine c. Maintain a slow flow rate of iirigant to prevent bladder distention d. Stop the irrigation if there is leakage of large amounts of urine around the catheter 13. A client admitted for acute pyelonephritis is about to start antibiotic therapy. Which of the following symptoms would be expected in this client? a. Hypertension b. Flank pain on the affected side c. Pain that radiates toward the unaffected side d. No tenderness with deep palpation over the costovertebral angle 14. Discharge instructions for a client treated for acute pyelonephritis should include which of the following statements? a. Avoid taking any dairy products b. Return for follow-up urine cultures c. Stop taking the prescribed antibiotics when the symptoms subside d. Recurrence is unlikely because youve been treated with antibiotics 15. Which of the following instructions is given to clients with chronic pyelonephritis? a. Stay on bed rest for up to 2 weeks b. Use analgesia on a regular basis for up to 6 months c. Have a urine culture every 2 weeks for up to 6 months d. You may need antibiotic treatment for several weeks or months 16. Which of the following is/aremanifestation of acute glomerulonephritis Hematuria Proteinuria HPN Oliguria Wt loss High ASO titer

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