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Pender United Methodist Church Council Meeting August 21, 2013

WORSHIP AND REFLECTION KT Tarro opened the meeting with prayer at 7:30 pm and led the group in worship and reflection citing John Wesleys sermon #51 and Luke 16:2 about looking for people to be servants. HOLY SPIRIT MOMENT There were no moments shared. CELEBRATION MINUTES Karen Cross reported that summer Sunday school attendance was greater than last years. Many more parents stepped up to teach classes. Tim Lyberger reported higher attendance at youth sessions (approximately 30). PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION OF CHURCH MATTERS: Review of Upcoming Ministry Events (6-3-1) (KT Tarro) The planned activities were reviewed. Pender hosts the Thanksgiving service this year and Janet McConaghies cluster will be discussing those plans in an upcoming cluster meeting. The Joy of Christ at Christmas will be the theme for the Advent study and Sunday School classes will have option to lead their groups in this study. An Advent devotional of 30 short statements from people at Pender is being compiled. Party in the Dark will be held on September 14. In preparation of the upcoming mission trip, volunteers will be making solar powered lights for those villages in Thailand that have no lights. Dave will publicize this event and also evaluate the success of the program. September 8 is Back to Church Sunday. Breakfast food items will be provided during the services and a pot luck lunch will follow the 11 am service. Information about the activities at Pender will be available in the Fellowship Hall. Debbie McKamey mentioned that a display about online giving will be set up as well. Lloyd Rollins suggested having greeters in the parking lot to welcome people to Pender. Karen Cross discussed outreach efforts for Art of Parenting class (September 15). Letters to the parents of preschool children were sent. American Heritage Girls is gearing up for the upcoming school year. Doug Hugo mentioned that volunteers are always welcome and needed. Revised Faith Promise Missions Budget (Dave Shuping) Please refer to handout. The committee has recommended that $31,000 of the end of year cash amount of $84,966 be kept in the reserve funds, freeing up the remaining cash portion ($53,966) for funding 3 applications for additional missionaries and for covering the Faith Promise shortfall. After discussion and prayer, the council members felt led by the Holy Spirit to approve the revised budget as presented by Dave. When revisions or changes to the Faith Promise budget are proposed, the recommendations must be forwarded to Council for review and approval. It is also

beneficial to communicate any changes to the congregation via the Missionary Moment during the worship services or Penders website. Budget Cycle (Becky Bryan) The Income Statement Summary was reviewed by Becky. As reported in the past several meetings, pledge giving is behind. The finance committee is doing further analysis of this situation. Budget worksheets and instructions were provided to the cluster and ministry leaders 2 weeks ago. Each leader was encouraged to carefully review what was needed to fund their respective ministry. Becky noted that the narrative explanations of the proposed budgets, as done in last years budget preparation, are very useful please do this again this year. Budgets should represent the amounts needed to execute each ministry plan. Given the current financial situation, generally wed expect budgets to not increase for next year. In addition, please include in your budget package a description of what it would mean to your ministry plan if your budget was lower by 5%. Becky also noted the need to coordinate between clusters for any cross-ministry activities. If assistance is needed, please ask Becky. Completed worksheets are to be provided to Becky by September 8. The compiled first draft will be presented to Council for review and consideration at the next meeting, September 18. The final proposed budget will be presented for approval by Council at the October meeting. Becky recapped the budget responsibilities of the finance committee versus Council. The Council approves the budget; the finance committee compiles and reviews the proposed budget, and then it is required to provide the funding to implement the approved budget. Renovation Committee: Audio/Visual Survey (Kevin Smith) Please refer to survey handout. Kevin reviewed the items needing repair or replacement at Pender along with suggestions for possible audio/visual equipment for future Pender events or activities. The plan is to send the handout to all Council leaders for their feedback and to develop a short survey for feedback from the congregation. Dave Cacner suggested using SurveyMoney for obtaining this feedback. Kevin was asked to provide a simplified version to the general church population via the church bulletin for feedback. Mike Dingman will contact Jeanne Osborne, the chairperson of this committee, to schedule the next committee meeting. IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES/REMINDERS September 18, 7:30 pm next Council meeting November 2, 2013 - Leadership Retreat (late afternoon/evening retreat) CLOSING AND BENEDICTION: Reverend Kevin closed the meeting with prayer at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Hinkle Recording Steward Attachments

CouncilAgenda 8_21_13.doc

J uly 2013 Incom e Statem ent Sum m ary August Council Mtg.xls

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