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Do not attempt to complete this application without first discussing it with your COPC contact.

Based upon entity size and other factors, auditors may choose to only require data from the largest program or a selection of programs.

Entity Overview
Fill in all cells highlighted in yellow.

Big table Entity Table This provides an overview of the scope and size of the entity and helps COPC plan the audit. Each program within the entity should be listed in a row. If a program consists of more than one Service and/or Transaction Type, each one should be listed as a row (a program may appear in more than one row).
Column A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Title S. No Client Program Description Number the programs/rows sequentially The name of the client associated with the program Name of the program Line of Business (if the client has multiple business LOB lines, e.g., games and hardware) Product The product supported by the program Transaction Type The type of transaction processed in the program Direction Transactions are either inbound or outbound The type of service provided in the program (see Service Exhibits 1A-1H) The number of CSRs on the program who are # of Full Time CSRs considered full time employees The number of CSRs on the program who are # of Part Time CSRs considered part time employees The number of CSRs on the program who are employed # of Contract CSRs by an outside firm # of Sups The number of supervisors on the program The volume of transactions received/processed last Transaction Volume month The hours during which transactions are received and/or Hours of Operations processed If fixed shifts are utilized, the number of shifts in a 24# of Shifts hour period Shift Changeover Times If fixed shifts are utilized, the time shifts change The hours during which the majority of transactions Peak Hours (approximately 70%) are received and/or processed The days of the week during which transactions are Days of Operation received and/or processed Queue Shared or dedicated The (desktop) system used to process transactions, System for Processing Transactions e.g., enter orders System for Staffing and Scheduling The system used to schedule CSRs The Knowledge Base system which contains policies KB System and procedures related to the program Start Date of Program The first day the program was in operation The basis for calculating client billing, e.g., FTE, Billing transactions, AHT, etc.



For each period, indicate who develops the volume forecast, e.g., client or CSP

Submit these documents with this application. An "X" should be placed in the appropriate column.

CSR and Program Data

Copy the worksheet and create a separate worksheet in this workbook for each month's data for each program. Name the worksheet Program Name - Month. Section 1 - CSR Data for the Last Three Months The data for each CSR should be entered in a row. Remember to create one worksheet for each month of data (three for each program). The CSR ID may be the CSR name or some other identifier associated with the CSR. List each agent under every type of transaction (voice, e-mail, etc.) which he/she processes. Section 2 - Forecasting, Staffing, and Scheduling This section should be completed for seven days of any week considered representative of business as usual. Data for seven 24-hour periods in 30-minute intervals (if the CSP uses 15-minute intervals, the data should be reported in 15-minute intervals) should be entered. This should be done for each inbound voice and web chat program. Section 3 - Daily Data Each row should represent a service (voice, chat, etc.) within the program. Section 4 - Recruiting and Attrition Data This section should appear in the worksheet containing the first month's data for each program. For each table, enter data for the previous six months. For the recruiting table, enter the number of applications received, the number of interviews conducted, etc. by class or hiring batch. For the first attrition table, enter the number of CSRs who left the program by class/batch.

Table F and the Performance Summary Table

These tables and instructions for completing them may be found on the COPC website ( They must be completed and the worksheets should be copied into this application workbook.

Submitting the Application

Data for the Entity Overview, Big Entity Table, and CSR and Program Data should be entered directly into this workbook. Table F and the PST should be copied into this application workbook. Save the final application workbook and name it as follows: Entity Name, Certification Audit, Application, Your Initials, Date. Required documents should be in separate files titled using the following naming rule: Entity Name, Certification Audit, Item Number, Title of Document. The application workbook and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Lead Auditor in a .zip file at least four weeks prior to the scheduled audit.

Entity Overview
Entity Applying for Certification COPC Coordinator Name COPC Coordinator Address COPC Coordinator Telephone Numbers Office Cellular Home Fax COPC Coordinator E-mail Address Parent Company of Entity (if different from the applying entity)

List the name and physical location of each site that is included in the entity. Location Name Physical Location

Big Entity Table


S.No. Client Program LOB Product

Service Tech Supp/ Voice/ Chat/ ECustServ/ mail/ Inbound/ Outbound/ Backoffice/ Outbound Electronic Hybrid Commerce/ BPO/ Fulfillment

Transaction Type


# of Full # of Part Time Time CSRs CSRs



# of Contract CSRs

# of Sups

Transaction Hours of Volume Operation

# of Shifts

Shift Changeover Times

Peak Hours

Days of Operation





From - To




Shared/ Dedicated

System for Processing Transactions

System for Start Date Staffing and KB System of Billing Scheduling Program Monthly





Item Number Document Directions from the airport to the site A selection of nearby hotels Any logistical/security requirements, e.g., picture identification, business cards, etc. Organizational charts for the Entity and, if appropriate, the relationship of the Entity to a parent company Statement of Direction Approach to Planning Strategic Plan Annual Entity Plan All Department Plans Approach to Reviewing Performance to Annual Business Plans Business Plan Review Reports Corrective Action Plans Management System Review Report (Eval Tool) Corrective Action Plans New Capability Development Process Opportunities Identification Filters and Selection Two Examples of Services Developed in Last Twelve Months and Processes Used Implementation Plans of at Least Two Programs/Clients/Services Results of the Early Process Audit of at Least Two Programs/Clients/Services Documented KCRPs, if any Approach to Controlling Processes At Least Two Examples of Variation Reduction Root Cause Analysis Approach At Least Three Examples of Performance and the Approaches Used Documented Approach to Process Audits Process Audit Report for Two Audits Corrective Action Plans Transaction Monitoring Process Process-Level Analysis of Data At least Two Examples of Process-Level Improvement Approach to Calibration of Monitors Calibration Data for One Program for Three Months Submitted Not Available Not Applicable

1.1 1.2 1.3










Item Number Document Submitted Correlation Between Transaction Monitoring and End-User Satisfaction Results for the Same Program Not Available Not Applicable

Item Number Document Historical and Forecasted Arrival Patterns 2.7 Approach to Staffing - Required vs. Scheduled and Scheduled vs. Actual Example of Changes Made to Staffing/Work Rules Based on Arrival Patterns Over/Under Report - Required vs. Scheduled Over/Under Report - Scheduled vs. Actual Schedule Adherence/Attainment Report Outbound Dialer Strategy (for each program) Outbound Dialer Results (for each program), e.g., abandonment rate, list penetration, etc. Contingency Plans (minor/major interruptions) Actual or Simulated Results Data Security Policy List of Sensitive and Proprietary Data and Key Opportunities for Security Breaches Security Audit Report Privacy Policy Implementation Verification Approach to Providing Timely Information Minimum Skills Listings for all KCR Jobs Hiring Profiles Hiring Process Analysis of Results Table of Contents for New CSR and Supervisor Training Copies of Tools Used to Verify Skills of CSRs and Supervisors Approach to Addressing Personnel Who Fail Verification Reverification Approach and Schedule Completed Sample Performance Evaluation Forms (for CSRs and supervisors at a minimum) Any Financial Incentive Plans in Place Submitted Not Available Not Applicable



2.11 2.12 3.1 3.2

3.3 3.4



Item Number Document Approach to Measuring and Managing 4.1 Client Satisfaction Client Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Results for Last Year Approach to Measuring and Managing Client Dissatisfaction Analysis of Complaints Approach to Measuring and Managing End4.2 User Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Analysis of Results, Including Identification of Drivers of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Summary of Client Requirements (this will be verified on site, so all contracts must be available during the audit) Table F Output of Backlog Calculation for One Program for Previous Three Months Approach to Supplier Management SLAs Feedback to Key Suppliers Action Plans Method of Calculating Attrition Approach to Measuring and Managing Staff Satisfaction Method of Calculating Absenteeism Absenteeism Results For Each Program for Last Three Months (by month) By Shift and By Team Method of Calculating Safety Method of Calculating COPQ Performance Summary Table Submitted Not Available Not Applicable



4.7 4.8

4.9 4.10

0 Section 1 - CSR Data
Program Name: Inbound Voice Perf. Appraisal Score- If appraisal score is not available, then rate CSR as: Top Performer/ Average Performer/ Needs Improvement Total No. of Transactions Processed by CSR in the Month


Batch No.

Tenure of CSR With Company

Tenure of CSR With Process/ Program

No. of Transactions Monitored in the Month

Transaction Monitoring Score for the Month

Accuracy Score for the Month

<CSR ID 1> <CSR ID 2>

E-Mail/Back Office Processing


Batch No.

Tenure of CSR With Company

Tenure of CSR With Process/ Program

Perf. Appraisal Score- If appraisal score is not available, then rate CSR as: Top Performer/ Average Performer/ Needs Improvement

Total No. of Transactions Processed by CSR in the Month

No. of Transactions Monitored in the Month

Transaction Monitoring Score for the Month

Accuracy Score for the Month

<CSR ID 1> <CSR ID 2>



Batch No.

Tenure of CSR With Company

Tenure of CSR With Process/ Program

Perf. Appraisal Score- If appraisal score is not available, then rate CSR as: Top Performer/ Average Performer/ Needs Improvement

Total No. of Transactions Processed by CSR in the Month

No. of Transactions Monitored in the Month

Transaction Monitoring Score for the Month

Accuracy Score for the Month

<CSR ID 1> <CSR ID 2>

Section 2 - Forecasting, Staffing, and Scheduling

Inbound Voice Abandonment Rate (if there is more than one switch routing calls, please mention abandonment for each switch No. in Service in a separate Level column)

Time 0:00 0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30

No of CSRs Required

No of CSRs Scheduled

No. Of CSRs Available

Forecasted calls

Actual Calls Offered


16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30

Chat No of CSRs Required No of CSRs Scheduled No. Of CSRs Available Actual Chats Offered No. in Service Level Abandonment Rate

Time 0:00 0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00

Forecasted Chats


20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30

Section 3 - Daily Data


Date <Day 1> <Day 2>

Abandonment Rate (if there is more than one switch routing calls, please mention abandonment for each switch in a Calls Offered separate (call volume) column)

Service Level


Avail. Time

Forecast Accuracy

Schedule Adherence

Section 4 - Recruiting and Attrition Data

Recruiting <Class 1> Applications Received Tests Conducted Interviews Conducted Offers Proffered No. Hired Attrition <Class 1> <Month 1> <Month 2> <Month 3> <Month 4> <Month 5> <Month 6> <Class 2> <Class 3> <Class 2> <Class 3>

Month <Month 1> <Month 2> <Month 3> <Month 4> <Month 5> <Month 6>


External # of CSRs at Attrition: # of Internal Attrition: # of Beginning of CSRs Who Leave CSRs Who Move Out of Month Company the Program

Training Score

Coaching Payroll Period, Hrs, Hrs Hrs

Logged Time, Hrs

Talk Time, Hrs

Hold Time, Hrs

Wrap Time, Hrs

Ready/ Available Time, Hrs

Callback AUX Time, Volume in Hrs the Month

Callback Time, Hrs

Training Score

Coaching Payroll Period, Hrs, Hrs Hrs

Logged Time, Hrs

No. of Escalations

EU Sat Score

AHT, Hrs

Any Other Metrics Used Transactions (either as FTR Score Transferred part of KPIs or for reporting to mgmt)

Training Score

Coaching Payroll Period, Hrs, Hrs Hrs

Logged Time, Hrs

Chat Time, Hrs

Wrap Time, Ready Time, Hrs Hrs

AUX Time, Hrs

No. of Escalation s

EU Sat Score

AHT, Hrs




No. of Calls Abandoned at IVR

No of Calls Abandoned at Trunk




Repeat Calls % (based on Absenteeism offered)

Aux Time

Calls Monitored

Logged Hours

Billed FTE/ Sales $ / Hrs (if Hour (if applicable) applicable)

Payroll Hours

Fatal Errors

EU Sat


No. of Escalations

EU Sat Score

AHT, Hrs

Transactions Transferred

FTR Score

Any Other Metrics Used (either as part of KPIs or for reporting to mgmt)

Transactions Transferred

FTR Score

Any Other Metrics Used (either as part of KPIs or for reporting to mgmt)

Backlog (Avg. Cycle Time)


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