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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Today's Opinion Keep up the pressure on redistricting

Published 9/13 at 11:31 p.m.

Common Cause in Wisconsin is doing its best to keep up the pressure for redistricting reform in Wisconsin. The watchdog group held a press conference in Madison Tuesday and displayed maps of congressional districts drawn by majority Republicans in Wisconsin and majority Democrats in Illinois that contrasted sharply with the simple congressional districts created by a non-partisan state agency in Iowa. Also attending the press conference were state Sen. Dale Schultz, RRichland Center, and Sen. Tim Cullen, D-Janesville, and some former prominent Republicans who are now on the board of Common Cause in Wisconsin. The senators and others are urging that reform legislation get public hearings. Bills have been introduced in both the Senate and Assembly that would create an Iowa-style process for the redistricting that is necessary after every census. The process in Wisconsin is handled by the Legislature. It has been secretive, expensive and damaging to democracy. Over the years, both parties have contributed to the problem, but the last redistricting, controlled by the Republican majority in the legislature, was particularly bad. Very few districts are competitive in the Assembly, Senate or Congress. Most are either overwhelmingly Republican or Democratic. As we have pointed out many times, such districts encourage hyperpartisanship. The representatives elected from politically lopsided districts have little incentive to compromise with members of the other party. More competitive districts do not guarantee that representatives would move more toward the middle of the political spectrum, but at least they create some incentive to do so. Many voices from around the state have been urging legislative leaders to schedule public hearings on the redistricting reform bills. So far, there is no evidence that the politicians have listened.Apparently they feel so safe in the comfortable districts they have drawn for themselves that they dont have to listen.Thats just wrong. Common Cause deserves appreciation for trying to keep this issue highly visible. The public also needs to keep up the pressure. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, need to hear from the public. Contact Vos at 608-266-9171 or Contact Fitzgerald at 608-266-5660 or reform is important. The bills should have public hearings. Legislative leaders like the current system because it works well for them, but it doesnt work well for anyone else.

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