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English Grammar - a number of?

Okay now I know my grammar well. I pride myself on it. However, in answering a question elsewhere, I've got myself caught on the horns of a dilemma. Here's a sentence that I'm happy is grammatically correct. There are a number of things that I'd like to mention. All good so far? Okay then how about we extend that sentence slightly. There are a number of things that I'd like to mention and that number is five. I'd say that sentence is equally grammatically correct, despite apparent contradiction of the verb agreement being plural in the first half and singular in the second half. The question I was asked is why? Am I right in thinking that "a number of" is effectively an adjectival phrase that doesn't affect the plurality of the noun it describes?
2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 14:47:37 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Additional Details Yes I'm well aware that there are easier and simpler ways of saying the same thing (I'm a native English speaker with a degree in Modern Languages). However, that's not the point I wanted to get across. Dav eTheR...
2 years ago

Best Answ er - Chosen by Asker

Yes, it's an adjectival phrase. You are not saying: there is a number - and it refers to things You are saying: there are things - and a number of them
2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 14:52:05 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Asker's Rating: Okay so I'm bound to pick the answer that reassures me I am right. Thanks, though! old know all

Other Answ ers (6)

When using expressions of quantity, the verb is determined by the noun that follows "of." I'm not sure about classifying it as an adjective phrase, but when we teach subject-verb agreement, we generally go by the rule I stated. There are a number of THINGS. Some of the book IS good. Of course, as you know, there are some exceptions (I'm telling you this for others who may be reading this answer) like: ohpinyun One of my friends is here.

Two thirds of the money is mine. So, does "a number of" affect the plurality of the noun it describes? I say "yes, it does." Just a thought to add to the discussion and does not answer your question by far.
2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 22:07:38 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Hmm..... I'd say it's incorrect, to be honest. As you say, the first sentence is indeed correct as it's plural in it's entirety, however with the second half of the second sentence being singular then the 'number of things' is also realtive to the singular. It should therefore be "There is a number of things that I'd like to mention and that number is five" Just my opinion though! EDIT: Ah, I seem to have read the sentence differently to that of the Old Know All. I thought you WERE saying "there is a number - and it refers to things". Sigh!
Edited 2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 15:00:44 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Italie20... You are definitely right. It certainly an adjectival phrase that does not affect the plurality of the noun it describes. Like five eighths of the cake is chocolate and some of the tree is turning brown. You would have thought some was a plural but actually in this context it is not (to put it simply). I gave you best answer for my question (the unbiassed thing) so please can you give me best answer for yours? Thanks! :-)
2 years ago ( 2011-08-19 21:00:17 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Peach The plural verb 'are' followed by the singular noun 'number' doesn't seem quite right to me. The indefinite article 'a' reinforces its singularity as you never have an indefinite article with a plural. 'Number' is singular, so surely it requires the singular verb, 'is'.
2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 17:42:52 +0000 ) Report Abuse

JOHN I'd like to mention five things - would be both grammatically correct and easier to understand.

2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 14:52:10 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Amit Prabhu it doesn't sound right....idk.. it sounds weird

(and btw I'm on my phone. I don't have that to change my profile pic)
2 years ago ( 2011-08-18 14:53:06 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Nyena G

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