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SUBSECTOR : PROFESOR(ES): TTULO UNIDAD: APRENDIZAJE(S) ESPERADO(S): Ingls NIVEL: NB 6 CURSO(S): Octavo ao A octavo ao B FECHA: 25 marzo Maritza Cid Campos Daily activities 1.Master the simple present tense in the affirmative form 2.Use the adverbs of frequency properly 3.- Make questions using ever 4.- talk about daily activities 5.- talk about frequency INTERACCIN Write on the board breakfast lunch and dinner Translate the words to make sure they understand Ask then to tem the teacher what do they normally have for each meal Write what they like after each heading If the student dont know a word in English they can say it in Spanish. Open the books on page 5 Look at the pictures in silence Students look for the pictures where the boy is having breakfast lunch and dinner Play the CD. They listen looking at the pictures in the book Play the CD again they listen and repeat the words Ask students questions about daily routines, they listen yes or no Make sure the students know the word every day They check the activities they do every day Ask questions What time do you get up or watch TV , etc Students who perform the activity every day raise their hands Draw a star next to the activities they do everyday in their books Check the activity raising the hands Solve page 60 exercise 1 complete the captions for each picture with words from the box and write the times Check them orally. Students write the activities they do everyday in the order they do Some students read their daily activities


TIEMPO 10 minutes

MATERIALES Textbook Pencil Copybook Laminas Board Marker Radio CD



70 minutes


10 minutes


SUBSECTOR : Ingls NIVEL: NB 6 PROFESOR(ES): Maritza Cid Campos TTULO UNIDAD: Daily activities APRENDIZAJE(S) ESPERADO(S): 1.Master the simple present tense in the affirmative form 2.Use the adverbs of frequency properly 3.- Make questions using ever 4.- talk about daily activities 5.- talk about frequency MOMENTO INTERACCIN INICIO: Write the activities from page 5 in small pieces of paper and give each piece to some students. Have those students to come in front of the class and order themselves in the order in which they would do each activity. DESARROLLO: Name the activities shown in each picture Write Nicks homework silently and check the activities Nick mentions Leer el texto en voz alta Cada alumno lee la historia hasta un punto y se repite la lectura hasta que todo el curso haya ledo alguna oracin The student raise their hands every time an activity is mentioned Students call out the activity and the number they checked Give students some minutes to read Nicks homework again and memorize what he has written Students close their books Divide the class in two One child of each group say a sentence }the group who remember more sentences is the winner of the game Yeah! Page 61 exercise 2 complete the dialog with the word in the box CIERRE: Teacher says an activity students translate it. OBSERVACIONES: Worksheet with exercise as a homework CURSO(S): Octavo ao A octavo ao B FECHA: 28 marzo

TIEMPO 15minutes

65 minutes

MATERIALES Textbook Pencil Copybook Laminas Board Marker Radio CD


10 minutes


SUBSECTOR : Ingls NIVEL: NB 6 PROFESOR(ES): Maritza Cid Campos TTULO UNIDAD: Daily activities APRENDIZAJE(S) ESPERADO(S): 1.Master the simple present tense in the affirmative form 2.Use the adverbs of frequency properly 3.- Make questions using ever 4.- talk about daily activities 5.- talk about frequency MOMENTO INTERACCIN INICIO: Explain tan in USA people usually have lunch between 12 oclock and 1 p.m. and they have dinner around 6 oclock. Lunch is usually a small meal while dinner is a huge one compared to Chile that the big meal is around noon Ask them questions about time for meals DESARROLLO: Read a chart with the adverbs of frequency and the amount they are used Students find the sentences on their own Divide the class into pairs so students can compare their answers Ask a pair to write the sentences on the board so that everyone can check them Listen to Nicks sister reading Nicks homework to her mother Students write true or false for each statement while listening to the recording Check the exercises by pausing the CD Look at the position of adverbs when using verb to be or any other principal verb Rewrite the sentences using the adverb they are asked Exchange books so they can grade their works Write the sentences on the board. CIERRE: Rewrite the sentences in exercise 4 so that they are true for you Some students come in front and rear their work Complete the grid as a homework. CURSO(S): Octavo ao A octavo ao B FECHA:01 abril

TIEMPO 15 minutes

65 minutes

MATERIALES Textbook Pencil Copybook Laminas Board Marker Radio CD


10 minutes



SUBSECTOR : Ingls NIVEL: NB 6 PROFESOR(ES): Maritza Cid Campos TTULO UNIDAD: Daily activities APRENDIZAJE(S) ESPERADO(S): 1.Master the simple present tense in the affirmative form 2.Use the adverbs of frequency properly 3.- Make questions using ever 4.- talk about daily activities 5.- talk about frequency MOMENTO INTERACCIN INICIO: Write some sentences starters Finish each sentence chorally DESARROLLO: Students look at the photo and try to predict what Amy and the class are talking about Read the dialog silently Look for new words, write them on the board Give the meaning to the new vocabulary words Listen to the dialog 3 tomes Listen and read Listen and repeat Small group act out the dialog Match the names and pictures on their own Ask: Who is never late for school? They answer Sara letter b and so on till all the characters have passed Students contrast themselves with one of the students Grammar focus attention. Make sure they understand the word ever What is the position of ever in questions, depending on the verb to be or any other verb Students say how to express ever in their own language Exercise 4 and 5 page 62 CIERRE: OBSERVACIONES: Check the exercises on the board 10minutes Homework : prepare the memorization of the dialog to perform in front of the class in one week more CURSO(S): Octavo ao A octavo ao B FECHA:04 abril

TIEMPO 10 minutes

70 minutes

MATERIALES Textbook Pencil Copybook Laminas Board Marker Radio CD


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