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Capacity Building training Needs Assessment of Women Council in

district of NWFP (LEAD will provide assistance in developing the


Report Format for the LEAD Associate Projects (LAPs)

Each LAP should be divided into four main sections, which should at least
include the following;
• Front Page/Cover Page ( theme/topic; Associates Name)
Shazia Tehmas Khan
Theme-good governance/ environmental governance
• Table of Contents
• Acknowledgement (If any)
• Abstract/Executive Summary
Section I
Back Ground/ relevant literature review may be added/existing scenario
Scope and significance of the research
-------------- ---------
The one-third policy for women to make a difference in the district town and
union council created a critical mass of -----in Pakistan. This is a strategic
opportunity for women to make a difference but only if they understand their
rights, role and responsibilities and posses the skills to perform their duties
and functions..
Studies shows that although worker /peasant women got representation from
district to union level. But in 1st phase of the local Govt election very limited
competition was observed. Even in many union councils the women
worker/peasant seats were vacated. This is a alarming situation.
A rough studies shows that although many x councilors also participate in
the recent elections (on general and worker/peasant seats) and re elected but
majority of newcomers are also elected with lake of information and skills.
To over come this problem a Capacity Building, training and Needs
Assessment of Women Council in district of NWFP is necessary.( this
training is necessary not only in the Peshawar district but in other district too
but it depend upon the available resources)

Objectives and Outcomes

to provide women with a need based capacity building program which
Respond their own realities and life situation.
to enhance the impact of the presence of 33% in district, town and union
council by enhancing their participation in the formulation , advocacy and
implementation of a unified and gender sensitive economic strategy.
to strengthen the links between women councilors and their constituents
to enable them to play their leadership role for to protect environment

Section II
(This section will mainly emphasize on the source of data
collection/research methodology)

The LAP will be undertaken in Peshawar district of NWFP. (Can be

extended in other district too)A questioner will be designed and will be
distributed among the district councilors for the need assessment. The data
will be than analyzed and a training manual will be designed. The district
councilors will be chosen as a trainee for the 1st phase of the project because
of their powerful role among the other 2 councils.
And after district level training, the finding or the out comes will be again
analyzed and training will given to the town and union council’s councilors.
(But it will depend upon the resources available)
Section III
Results and Discussions
(This is the most important section of the report, which would include data
analysis, and interpretation of research results. the section will lead to the
conclusion of the research)
The a post training evaluation form is also important (in order to know the
out comes or the feed back of the participants.)
Section IV
Recommendations and way forward
In my view the questioner should be design in such a way that in 1st part the
name and address and educational background of the trainee should be
included and in 2nd part they should asked weather the councilors got some
training on LGO, on good governance or on environment etc…? or not.. In
the 3rd part they should asked about their expectation regarding training
manual or training materiel.

• References
• Annexure

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