Anda di halaman 1dari 13


Aqueous solution of sodium chloride is

n<utrnl (h) a<idic
(") ho'ic (/) nMe orthc Aboc
5. The b<>nd pr=11t in 0-H ;,
(o) coordinare bo11d (b)
(<) covalent bond(J) Ionic bor.d
6. Vine gat conm irn the del "hlch I<
(u) Jlfnpionic (o) butynic
{c) a<:<:tic (d) fonnic
1. Cubonmdum i used Q>
(a) 9 mcdicirt< (b) a cutter
(c) a pi.m (til
a. Water be>ils atiOOOC under pre&uft! or
(a) "7RO mnl (h) 71;tl nun
(o) 79U mm (<I) ' """' uf I he ubuvc
9. The enormous energy reloased in 1n alomic
explosive is due to the conv<rsion of
(a) neutrons into protOn
(b) enet"C,Y intu
(c) tn""" into O!ICI!;Y
(d) chcrnicalonergy into energy
Ill. In the process of rodiooclivuy
(r1) hcta ray!' <-r hullum tJuc)ei :'ln::
(b) gamma''*"' from the nuclei
(c) cl"ctrons are cmiLCCd a.q alpha
(d) none orthe above
11. 1ht stal>iliiY of ionic bond depends on
(a) Iaiiie
(h) pru:king fnMiun
(c) rdii t>l"the cnn"'iluting ions
(d) atomic number
tl. Tite Dalton's law ofiXIn:ial prelsorc:J6t:lli!'ll
applkable in
(a) a<id nn(J a lllllOil.""'o.;_;"' -
(b) nitrogen and oxygen "'""'"""
(c) sulphu r din:r<i en nt rnnm
rmpemt ""'
(d) lf)lnl",.e,
ll. The oo
(I>) po11itivo
(d) none of dto above
14. Which ofthe !ollm>ine the g:.<7
(n} a-prti<:le (h}
(c) '(p:ntic!e (d) X-my<
IS. The elemem which has mmic mdius ;,
(<l) Li . (6) r..
(<) Mg (d) K
16. The >olutlon "'hich will he closer to tile itknl
sal ution
(a) n<>miOI .<nlurion
(b) diture J:Olution
( t) .aturated se>lution
(d) ""fl""-<i81Unned ooluoon
17. One g.ram..,tnm <>f gold oorllains
How gmms ufmethane will be reqoired to
prnducc 1.1 KJ of heal on combustion?
(a) 16& (b) 32 g
(c) 6-1g (d) 128 g
2 '- Ionic theory of electroi)'Sis was given by
(o) Archimedes (b) Arrhenius
(c) Bo}1e (d) Charlas
21. With increasing dilution of 311 me
equivRient oooducrivity arul mole.:ular cooduc-
tivity ..
(n) not change at all
(b) acquire a maximum \'alue
(c) acqnir! a value
(f'! 11one c.f the abovB
2..l. C::lecrro-chemkal equivalent is
(a) of time is seoous wllcn one
of substln"" is deposittd by I ampere
((>} omour.t of SIIIY.<tonce deposiwd by I amptre
curo\'1\li'OISSing for one second
(c) ammmt of passing for one second lo
depooit l em <lf
(</) none of the above
:14. lll<! pctioo o>f tlC\:otttJ'tk'itiun of a cum-
puunll i:-i lf inhiul conCJ.;ntr<ttion is
mtJdc4 tht.: fmlt'lif'C p1.-riod
i e .. 2S \\'h:H i:\ the flnter of rea:-:fion
(c) 2
(bl 2
(tfJ 2
25. Pttr the lirl!l the halflife is equal to
(n) '-0 toir. (t.) 31J min
(") 40 miol (d) 60 min
26. - --
(aJ of of acti\"llted cnmplex
II>) rate of decompo<lion of NO
{c} rate\'ated C'omplcx
(tf) rate oflh2 formation ofNO
27. The rate uf cnnsti\nt K according to colli$i n
theory given by
(ul K -;:,-,.:,, . , (hJ K pz,.-'' .,.
(c) K pz,. "-.. r (d) K; 2(&""'
2S. llnlf-life period of J rcnction os tou dt:-
pellllem of in concentrs o!l. T t<l-ire erinn
mutbc +
(a) lsi <>rd" order
(c) 1rd order < ...,.dcr
' "
J(). t'>f reactitm
.1 + 8 .. ) c + [) is found to be ror y. then the
order ofreae.tion will be
(<I) ' (b) )'
(c) .dy (<fJ .t-,V
Jl. A ccrtawt gns occupies 0.418 litre ut 2i''C untl
740 II !Ill ot' Hg. lf lite weight of lhc s&.x is in-
creas'.!d lo J;t&m !n the vessel .mtl ihc
IC!!Ipcn!!urc 1:; <uuiL'u to 2.:)() K. then whit! wuuhl
(a} 2.27 atrn
(c) 3.26 atm
31. Airis
(b) 2.81 mm
(dJ 4.21 mm
(a) a (!>) a
(q 3n denrem l<i) none of 1
33. 'rite firs: metal used by mnu was
(a) (b) tl i Y
(c) cower (dJ n +
34. Gober coma ins IJ.;,.
(a) ethane ( uif e
tel ace:vlene a) !I ane
35. ' an not be removed
by ,,
(b) d\stilla
lc) chlorine gas

ph be puritied by
liSI arion (h)
(dJ solvent
tc rnD>'t abundant halogen on the cat'lh's
(<>} thiOl'ine (b) bromine
lc) iotl'ne ldl none above
Which of the following is used a$ an anti-knock-
(a) 1'euunethyllead
(b) 'l'el::>ethyllead
(c) Common salt
(<() 1\lkyl mngnesium halide
3'1. Alcoholic renneutation can be brought about by
UJ!: Ut.iliuu of
diutru\c (h) oxygon
(d) carbon dioxide
40. Wlucll of the as a refrigerant
(a) Ammonia {h) Ether
(t) Aceume \c/)
"'I. Why a pie(:t or llri.!ad wlleu
(11) II n1>t taste il ic; just an
(I>) 11 ta.<te buds ;ue stimulated chow
(() The ugar content of bread is drawn out
(d) iva's ction con1ens starch <nto
Which of followillS StdiCUICitCS COM'\'.Cl '!
(u) llronze is an alloy of C<)ppor Md tin
(b) is an alloy of copper and silv<r
(c) !Jronze is an alloy ofzinc 3nd copp.!r
(d) Uronze is ;m nlloy of zinc silvl!r
(iasolinc is the nam.: glvcn to the
(a) crude oil (/>) naluml g.1.1
(.:) J>C:rnl (") cli"<el oil
(iun t)f :t Sll iXSllfC ur
Th'l' ""d ch.,cool
(t) and
{c.:) . :-;;1ut.J aud clmn.:oill
(d) >HnJ und l'N'T
!;<lS \\hich formed fwm uJ'gl'lnic
rmHh::'l' <utd in "oal rn imt:s is 1hc cou:mon for
{(l) (ftJ
(t:.J prop,m< (:/J
present in 1h(: atnount in 1()\;:ks
a: ltd n1 is
(a) ,Rold (b) carbon
kl hydrogen (dl silicon
Oenydration ofttuiiS is done before. tinning. !ltem
f<H food whkh is
(al tl) preserve the menw in full streng,tll
(I> l t<> prevent microbial growth
(c) to remove bacteria
(d) to add nuttients in the fruits
The chemical subst:mce pt<!Sent in bM<!S tet.
c>lciun> 'ulphale (I>)
(<') calcium borate
J\(etyl s:alicyclic ilcid i. 1
(u) teor t'cltiti7.e-r

(u) ri 'C
(,t,) W n wi!h wah:r 1md
{c) curlx>hydrar.o: content becomes more
(d) solid enlarge on heat
S 1. In any co be thcnnodynamically reasible,
the chartge in irce energy should b"
ne&ati\'c (I>) mto
{c) positive (d) none of the ,,hove
Kinetic sludies ot' re3ctiun ate car .. ecl
<IUt 3t
(a) vartableconii)O!:itinn
(h) variable pre .. ure
{c) constant tempero.ture
{J) con!>tn.nt pressure 0
53. The member of tcacting molecules whost oon
a resnh of chc1n ical -.:ha
IU tCrtlll5 a$
(tt) OJ'del' of 1
laril y oi' rti'ldiou
(c) t:nlmlf')' t.lf re<-tt.:liun +
(d) ur read ion
54. Tlu::: whidl t;,1k..:o CI e et
(to) j,>nic
(h) >l'ouueous 'jJ.'.t' 1
{4::) fU
;<;:<;. n at any
t t(l io1fdl h) IJI\HJucl of tht utuk'Cu-
lion of r:actants" was stated
o acuon
e" PrincipiP.
twald dilution l..;lw

'he dimibucion holds under fol-
lowing conditions
(a) concentration of soltlte in two >I vent
should be tight
(h) The concentr alion of >nlute in two :10lvcur
l'llU" ho low
(.:) The temperalure ld vmy thtnughnnt
\tl) 111e unde-rg .. o n..c::socintion or dis
S7. The lonnntioll ol' so, frolll so, ""d 0
will be
fomod by
30 . ., 0, 2SO. :\H 42,000 cal9
(tJ)' higJ) (11)
\. I 0\ .1\L.. :I' \.1,:,

(<i hJ\, .. pre:s:mre (C!) none of the
If on lhc M)hlluln nf !n,,. iu c' Juil i
bri m'i'l wirh the il:\\! lf is the
S;)htb"ily vf wi ll b..;
(u) dc,reosc (IJ)
k ) rcma in the i ii me (c/) IK'IIIC HflO"r'C
l h-.! JD.!(,! 01 whH:h H >-UIJ.!\ IWi l'C rCKC1l\ i., 111"0J'flf
liwtal la> iL\
( n)
( i) weir)n
(c) olwne !ell acrivr mi\U
In tt 21-i, 11, 1,
K .,. I(

I hi K
< K
(C) F;=l(

(dJ nf the
(<lj en .. .c:, (hi
c .
(<) c .. (.,'II tdi t: -c,
Whn ir<)Jt rusts'" wolloht
(a) (h)
(c;) l'ttunin.'S (di uuue of the ::Wove
Moltc-u or MJUCt'us solution of iunic compounds
(11) !ns-uhllOI"'S
(b J
(c) gc.:od d"clcc!riclty
(/) h."rl A <"If c-lt,;l: l!'tCi\y
G4. ..:orl(luc:ivil >- itt ;, rnctnl tluc lu
(tJj uf dt.:m..:nts
CbJ positi\'c: Hnd flcgativc i"ns
(f) positive ions only
(d) uegativc ions <Jnly
65. A whic.:h usc..J l'l shell tillers
(tl) mixture tJfpicrit ilcid nn<l
(b) mlxlUT?. oftri-nitrotoiUt'11t :utd '" "'._ .
(c} of ol1111noni1mt n:trDc.e

(.J) cri1irmrotucnc
In un 11bfK.111tmc fa

<<:!>S of
(a) neutrol
l;"lkins it
(!) dt y
l<fJ ud .Jic
r.?. l'i
n n to
c on of nitrosttn intO
o itroge com pounds
\:arbon mono:<ide
( .. t) n ttmgcn
ich oft he fallowing i.'i n n }
(a) ilk (!,) nbkr
(c) J>lni< (,./) ecllollo<
Synthc1ic nrc
(a) a rni-xrurc nl' :)&lt'i of aruuwti-.; ;1nd
U,.J 11 mixHrc of wc.H11111 !ltKI !.xlit11:1
chlufit le:
(c) llliium $th5- tl:llly ilt:Kl
(d) cnlc:ium .:ll:s orhydrucltlorit acid
75. The iulu>l rial ofUoc 111(1 1 aluminiur.
rrum iR\o' (.J\.-cs the uf
{b) rcd-ol\ion
(c) rrauional di>1illalion
(d ) fr;,.u i('f1HI t: rysta 11 i s3-fivn
Wcx>Li cbaral by i.he Wc>Vtl
\Q) in wim
(/') i11 'Atllh &it
icJ t.Hl cf ,,IJ11Wd witll air
(r/) <>f wnlacc wicll o:urbon dk\xid<
Hypo, which is in

(tr) :>ilvu.r
tl>) scxlium
(<") ;odi um (1\iosuJpbMIC
(d) 'ilv-r hro mhlc
ism$\lfuJ a(; a flrt

(') it n l>ir:wkct fhr lir
I b) it waM , . hich 1i1e
(,) it cmics foom which extinguisllrs tire
ltl) it dct,;ornpu:st:S Ofl healing to !ti\'C' codn .. n
is not a suiwNc ""'"'"' tu Pill <>1U p,'trcl
lire 'I
t:.) W toc. s lips ptcol
whid tlw::; remains in comact " ill\ itt

(b) 'fhc ux>gcn of waer Is !:iOh\U-:! l))
pcci'Ql nrlthus it in bum
(c) Pt'frcJ ;:; (oc; !ntlammabJe t ct O(: CJCln1y_uisfnx!
by wa1er
loi) Wntcra11t1 m:cml mi>. nN! n:akes cnore nJtl'l
(lr) at '""" tt'nlper.T.Ilft givo:s
(d) w.,..,. (IT) C0
(<') Sltil)' Wn!CI (d) li!(Hid CO
iJSil hJtic uf ?I !Cohn ion Is di
(t) lvwerinJ? ;:'If -..apour press
( b } or :.a
\t:) nmh.:c.;hu .vc>ighr ofs
,.d, 11011e nff:,'"' abo"'
' '
c t:liuilihrium
quilibrin m
</) ,,. " I R'i')'"'
1'\,. -
----- ..... . , ... .... .......... ...
Hill. Frum uf ";(pour pressure
trs) wd ::;hl cf either solute or s
cur. he the llH
wt.aghl. u{ the
(h} Mco:c<ulor >fhoco; &o n
ht c:1l::uhHed +
o.f only cat
w larcd kr.-vwing r: of
(d) MnJccuk.ntc.: rl( c:au bt ,u!
(b) 'olutc
111t1 (d) n()nc (>f cho ut>ove
:I g i:s tied ro
Yht!>i!i , which of th? following quant.iti .. .l
o:tul to z.e:cr')
<Jq (b) AS
(c) .lE (d) None i>ftho obov
87. Entrupr ',honge ?r system
(a) pro>SUT( (M volome
(c) ((/) none of the
ll8. A po1ilive vni11e of 6S thai
(cl) lf nd; 10 re3ch at<quilibrium
syscem Is at equilibrium
(CJ bec.umes
(11) beconts mor di!>llrdel-.d
39. f Jll)' ur
( a) M uO (t)
iJ.S < 0 \ c/) ..,o
90. T<Hul tnhupy <hangc re"'fsible is"'hemtol
eye. I< is
(') (I>) zero
() (.JJ poslltVe
91. Which of \he tollowi" @. crmtains cam<>" 'I
(a) J'hO<JII\orite (hJ (;lunm\te
(t) flnuxite (.J)
92. Otont: ts impo1t:mt 1> mmdc incl. ba\11lt1Sc
((,) it in iuto ulmQY
(f) ir j n tufl h1tuiuir,:; lh1; h .. 1np.:r3.lure uf
(:) il rclt3S<:':s u ygcn in rhe ir
(d) it tn.:a\l"'S a pn ttct:li"c covtrin::;

>.\. RuJio "''bun dating is lu find the age of
(al building fi>) fossils
(<) (d} rocks
The )o\f\\Cn co INn' of lho due ro
(II) siHr<h (b)
(c) chi\INphyll (<I} none of th abnv<
?5. -"' ilicial rain i prodt.:ed ciouds with
(Ill pol.,sium iodid< (bj silver ind:de
(c) silver nimnc (d) <Oillltr sutphille
?6. tx-st 10\fT\:C of vit3min l\ is
(ll) CUITOI (b) milk
(c) (cl) benns
?7. H'droiYsis (\fo>ls and futs bv nll<.nll ls knnwn n>
. . .
(til hydroxylmion (/o)
?8. Mo1.aic is
(tr} nlicurall'y occurring :tiri<:t
(/') c.ry.\tal linc '-ta nnic
(c) on nlloy which ahiu like &uld
(II) impure form nf cokl
(r:) d!oxillr:
( rl) Ouoresee:tt po"de r
J 02. Coloured fOr
(".l nxi<lc (b} hmllmnid:: c.txid..:
(<=} (<() ferric
10.\, Whtch vfthe foiiOIill)l, fl';).,L
n:t.:civc lulcUl linger
(n) Skin (!.) Gl:l$'
(d 1dl Pon:eloou
104. t' lutoniurn i$ com.iden:d i11111an;e l1. l'\.'\:4UI\(.
{cd il b u lnttroJnmic matcrittl
(.h) i1 he m:cd io
(c) i1 is l'nr a nuc: 1.::'11'
(ti) il ' :1111 dirocll)' U$t:ti f'ur

cnmml :iY:.ill'l:t
rttilc=d iO keep it -.1p dllc u 1)1'
cnsh ruergy pro\l;sinn in the $]):11-'::c:nfr
I was nul inlttlli C:tJ to il:t y :n SJ1itf..'\: rt.:- ;o:..'
kln:: a ptTi od tt ri id
99. t:Jrbon oil \s used for
lh.l! ecmununication betwcc11 NASA
:tnd hmkcdown af'lcr:'l (n) veogemhle oil watc,r
(h) nnd lntup blck
(") VC'J.emhle oil. po(rul "''d lamp
(t/) lllr.Oht.))l'HnJ liuu.;
JOB. The hitf <:<tusliBn;nl uf. 1
(fJ) mn.vwsiun1 4.:arbor.ot
(b) ""leitm sul ph
, <:} t.. 'tt h.: ium pi,
101. 1'1rc paw
II 111111
fi<XI pcriud
108. ln thu ol e-!c"roptatin
{aj coti\'..:rto\1 tnto
Cllt i C.' '
({) ::-< (.'(11}\' f l't..,'\i ittllll ll!lj}ll'lic

{<:} .:lct t rl..::r'.

(.rr. ut <tf"\;. . 11e
109. ;') mineral of
t:l} c:"-'l'l l'e-!" ( b) iron
t lO. NitrC\gl!u lta\o'rllg mit>.:immn of
(u) AnhllOcltitnu {!hiiJriU..:
(bi t''ulusslum
(c) Aonmnnium
(d) t !1'.;<1
Ill. Wioich oflhe is not relat<ld t<>the tone.
tioo uf rhe lh>Toid gland'!
("} {i>) Myxeriema
(c) Cretism {d)
II Z. The compound which is n.>l a consihoenl of nor
mal urine is
(a) (b) Uric 3Cid
(c) chloride (d) Albumin
113. Which of the foilowio1g ;;ocumulat iu oh<>
muscfe as ('j l'esult of the vigorous '/
(11) Carbon
(h) lactic oxcidtyric acid
(i:) M<J3cif. g!ycotein acid
(dJ A
111. The !:Tatemeot is
((t) en?.ymrs are sp:ific ;nthoi: actions
(bl of cllcutlt:ul
(, ) :r::: ill
{tl) arc sensitive hl,l.\\
11!;. ,.,,. de10elll which i5 round :o all pmlcinx
(ct) 0 (/o) N
(c) H (b) C
116. Whid't of tho fol!owir.g h< be"n as a
(<) sulplmpyridinc
(cl (rt) none oftl1c a'
117, Secondary altuhnls are o:ddt7.ed to 0
(11/ (f>)
(<'J (dJ aldehyde
c t8. eJc-m-.::nl \\ohicb is . . :ttl 111-
( d
119. Whith <:f 1hc f no, " os ot a propeny of

120. '11\o pH ofacid ic jodce wnuld be
(11) 7 (b; l>o)ow 1
above 'I (/1) oiOIIC of the nbo>c
12 (. F.or a sr(')llmUC0\11:
(<I) <'v > i
( c) ;;..
. T
122. ''Tile heot cha<tge associat<'CI whh agivct\ chc::tni
cal (hange: always 11n1 indepencicnt
volvcd is called
(u) Hess; lnw 0
(o) Afh>::c's l.11w
(,) Law
ot' a:..O"c
RT 1,, .. ...;.
10'1 v,
2 .. j f.l);-
U03 !i. (I') 2 (1)
. I. .,
127. Work done in adiaJ}atic exllaMitn' or one mnle
ol' n idnl <t'-' i given by
(a) W.-(.U',-T,) (b) W=-C,.(T,- T,)
rc1 w c,.a, 9 <J . c, <7;- T,)
I :Zit rhe ctlt':i'r::Y of a i11 ndt li11 ltt: i1 r.x..:d
U1depr.11dt * ('I f ltl1: (lf
,,)f I he 1.1r lhc. of
is cnlll!d
th) t.;(
((') 2nrllaw thcfmod)'nnmk-s..
ldj Jrd bw oi thcmiCdynonoic'
129. lb. prOfl<rti"" .v S)'>l<nl wloirJo U<1><fld Q(1 lhc
\,r m3llt.:r in lho sysat1n is
lrt) ptopcrty
(h) dlcmicai i'"'I'"IY
(C) <'> f\>l<l lV< y
{d) intenlli,c prCipt'lly
1..\0:. If the tau ncilhC.:' nu.Ucr unr
with 1t,c il he to:alh:d
{'i) (1-J
(c; '""'"'"' (o)
1.11. fhc < name of is
{a) Chh.11flCihano (r'>) t.uL:urin
kl C.<timoniuo (.IJ
131. M:ss irr.un1 cal is produced dtAring
(a) (/,) wJur:ec
{c:) S\!JIWU (a) ll
I H. Plo<>phor;s ;, kept wmr bccu.e
[>) io i> h . in ..
{J;) 1t is h1ghly Slent;ilivo in wntcr
{c} a cc-.ltin{t l'ln ;(
(</) of lhcs.:
134. A monma<le clenlCnt is
(<1) plull)nium (b) U2lS
(c) thoriu:t. (d)
135 .. 7.jnc ioe; tlnt pro:A:nt in :tllU)'
{a1 br" (b) bronz
(<) solder (a)
I J6. Lo>od poncils +
(,;) contain leAd
nl ''iCOiiuc
(J) mild
l3ll. G is :. j;O<>.J
(a) (V}
::.CmitOndlK'InJ' (t:t) lh\U(! uf ll1..:
139. So"!' il '""h of
(aJ illtnboi {b) pitrk
(c:) .u::d { /j acid
l40. V..'hich ofrha iypcs cl"g\asc;c.1 is
(u) .,,r, ;;I"'"' (h} h.m! gJ=
(L-) Jl}"' ::1= (d) llir.t
141. will
tfult h:
tocidi<: (h) ""->ic
U(. 1 !h'i'11 {d) Qt\lr;aed
14!. f\:!o\!'oin!,; when tuY..tet.:
\\>HI thl! 1\"G Itt bur .ot ?
(n) dis1ihed W;tftr
(b) hr ill\'!


. "'l"ivlonl wei::J\1 ""' I .COO
h of f<ollowing will rect wilh walerlo
c 11n tsolution ?
<I) H
(b) SO,
(c) f:O (d) NH,
4..'\. Oxyecn fx in 1he laboratory by
{a) honing chlorate
(h) h:::tling puU!'.i!\lum
(.-:) hcuting nnn .. metallic o:<icl5
146. A d>enoic11l hnnrl f01'TTIi by lbe uf el!!e-
l roti!C"t.'Cft lh.? f\!tlcting is knO'Al\ '=>
(a) an ionic hond (h) a <:ov .. lcnl bund
{c) pol,..lmud (1} a
l4i. Which o..1c 11nr 0\11 irSiumc::nl for;
rttefuorion 'J
(<>) F.loctr.,...l(>o:
(r.J filo11w!ge
(b) (;,;."..,. cuum.:r
(d) C)'l'iol ron
.l-< :,,; " :.!.;u li..,Sillll n:-adit111 is
lr:J \h.-ct;,,u \h) jlrtllllll
lr't pusit11JI1
). ,., 1: t':<ll1h;l::-s arc<: lccait:all:r
:,:1 Jtom (b)
:t:: i\dium alorm:
1 \\ '\act. is
,.;) 11r J:!ttin ,>f
l .o..) "'':<: ur o(
'-r 0f Yllen.ce eiC'clron
(.,') ,f;Jin il\ weight
1 1. 11 a cao r.ou1 ;:nd cufrr.y
the s.u\nmdin&. b \..:a1Jcd
:. ;J <>pea
1: J dns.C!d
\ sys\t.'U\

'-ipo!dlit; ht..'C\lS cUe fUt\Cti(m on)}'

F.'J l.t:at vojumt"
pressun: (d} tt'mpc:r.aturt
I:;.'. I r air S(JlU:'t.tted, the i$1 and
1h1.. :-:pc-.:ilic l.umidit) h
,,.,! equal I<> I (i>J gremerthan I
!<') less rhan I ( 1) none of the abov<::
1 11 be Jeavin2- no
drru1ge 111 !he
{u) S!>Slcm or surroundings
{h) 'tate
/c) ropcrtios
ldl nouc ofthc above
Tl:(.; Utw point of a of wttl vu ur
is dlc t':!'lnl>eratures r.t whiril t!lc \'ai)Oul' .. ill ..
,kme tf the mixture :s coold
at volume
: '' J .sotolpfca IJy
:<) iH C<liUtant
Whnt quanti!}' i:; syt1
., eM Flow W<"ri<
(L) ..:ntmpy t:l'
ttl} ..:mhulpy
158. "ichite law <1f thenno-
dynamics hrn ils elliciency b?comi.
(<1} 100% (h) 25%
(c) (i.h
WhNI a lhcnnoC'oupl:! iS m;ed :n JnC":l!;Ure
Oil(' obr.-.ins tl\e e.m.t'. at the ice
t't'nr.l the cun.f. atlhe 11team point anti dtvidin,
(h) ::;
\({J m
oxltlalinn r.:.:ttclinn
dj5plnccmcnt ion
164. Low ionistKinn cucrgr i.'i nt'n
Itt} mc1al (b) non-metal
tc) m:lolloids (t{J inc.t !l!'"
165. Lilhiu<n diag<mol relntionshit> with
(<1) Sodium (h) Mgncsium
(c) Bcrilium (uJ !'/ono ofthc<e
D'iiltoi'do. iS('({ in g<:n<:rolts 166. Wjtflnut hut11iog paflC:r, watct em be hoi led iu
paper cup. Thi:t il\ ht..:c!lusc
1:(1) igni:ion tcmpcratur-:: nt paflCI' more !han
bo1ting point water
('.,;) or hc3.t
(dJ watrr is a coudut,;.ror ofhei.kt witn high
f(,';, IMiiJt.'r; r. .... , r11,jvr plant was ,,r
(ii) f b)
{.:) (d) Ruurkda
In Wilkh nftl;c n ... aowint. Cull 1\ XJ.
.skm be useful
(ol r.'h!io
(.'l) j 'cwe:J
(i!) OJ,r. ... l n!Ctir4. ilt ditrtcul! prae(
(t/) No:t1.: ofihr ahr,\<.t
16?. Which ur Uu: i i u,.:cd fm
(u) (b) I))'JCx
(c) libre (<I) llilllt of me above
17'1. 1.f.c '.lscJ for of fruit
(o) (b) lHbii3Tio;
. :) a-:: i:i (: /) uu11G
J;l. Whid1 ')f the w1ll fCX: I wirh t!ilure
add :o 1\>rm nd '.oluhlc
(.u) 11:: (II)
\c) ll;; (o/) 2.
172. Pick. llUt the w.rt>ng statement
(a) Ory<1nic catnnGt b..: (I om
\X)tll j'l'UI\c.J
(}!J Or6A<'Ii.: urc i<u1 ic U\!ln in ..
(c) Orpnic arr more com
smtcture than inorttatlic
ttl) !lOne ':'bt.wc
173. Which o f the 1bllnwill.
i\ n\cmhcr l)frl:c alkane
(ul c,n, (c) ,:,t
kl C,ll" \ C, H,.
17 ... /\u t.'r ' '1\"> 5
(u) Ury ug\
(<') p!Mric ::no
\""' ' -"- \U} t
17&.. Which ,ron.; r\llhnYl. 1fi l!'' ;:1'
lhJ..:: ?
(u) tl,I':"(:-:--;H,
\.1-1 - C- NI :.
' -
CH, C OCU,- -UI,
(b) 11
N- < - -OCH, CH,
(a) llr.>fh,lillmtp!.nh;
(h) 'rit,hnsph;,tt ' 0
(c/) 31.Jo,t;
178. 111e ofrhc i$

(b) "'"
(c )
1 ?9. e!l%}10 llbidi r.> the nl

il116'1i (b)
(' ) :f.:l5. J'''P" (!() no roc <>f llbtWO
180. 1 I 1s 111 fur. .. o(lnori&MiCSQit?
S I t_v
fh1enu ttw: muttdcs
ainrnln p3opernsmoti.c pn:s:s: urc
J M aintoin ba I nee
lf twosub.stanus !he redo.tctd l<m-
:'\ud Pltwlre.. thei! , "())tJn\'f-i wii!
t>.: 0. oiled
(o) lsw oreosts
(O lav:
(C') !nw
(,1) V1u Wmah.
1fl2, preSSlUC Of('. i$1.hc
(a ) r..zql.iuwlco ' iqutf.v ,,(t,,vc crili-
(b) tc Vl'- ;u l:(jl iLul
('-') pr-snlit m.: he low cnti(KI
te1-nper.al11re ,_,&it:h h bft:ome' li11uid
(d) Pt'C$Ui n: at wbi:::1 ir beconas liquid
"ont: iner:; \'Oiuu,,, Fli11 ut h.:r11
pcruhm: TC, p:,':J:ourc:- P c.aw1 , thc.: n the l'a. lio f
no. ot' :no;ccu!cs of the two gi\Ses
t a l 1 : 1 (1>) 1 :2
(<") I (i/) I : .1
IS-I. The roat m:on sqwm vclocil: ,.;iwn by
l !t

,. --
"r- - u \ '
.:.: ) m - >:1..! (d)
"''"" I' I the abl>'"c
Tho velocity or ld<81 gcu nwlccules is by
lh: n:lu ioo
li .If cr'MlR1'
(t:) .. RT (c() Nuue uf tl.c :tbon
JSb. 'I l1c uf auy l.vmponclllln K gus
(a) mole ti"n.ction
(h) t!1e to:>l pres,oco
(c) lh< "I"""" of mol.. fra"t iw1
icl) neue ofthe above
I H':. Wli:u Ill OS! ut'1l1e !;olS.,; orco ;Uiowtd \0 oxpalld
tl1crc is a in hut tl \CA\
twn which d1 uut,;,bey lhis Jaw
\<:) H,. CO,. (b) 0,. He
{<-) H,. Ji< (<I) Cl
, 0,
1 RR.. There dcviatinn tlom law, when tJ_1c
gM: i'l al
{a) low (b) medium
(c) (d) high tempemturr
1!1?. ora !!,US rnalcculc i scqual to
(ce) c,. C,.. (b) C
, + C,.
f<:} c, .. c, (tl) (':""
190. L,chrn;dl lhu nbcr is the"'' ul'
i<r) cmlccule3t>l'<sent in I e.c. of
tbl ir. one gm. mol. gos at .
tc) ntom prcliCOt h! I c.c t
(d) itl . Uf &AS ,n
(<>) Na,CO, Ill) K,CO,
(c) r\1.0 , (</J MsSO,
I'll. Cnlour'ur >Oiicl iodiuc is
(/>) vi.>kl
(d) rwdish brown
(h) a <lr<>Ojl J'Oi$00
ll. Lead (ir) Sliou1 wrbc
C. :->Odi\ {iij) A-l: tdi<: tiHh
D. Quitline {iv) Ga!ona
E. sotli u (> Fs ;,.
bi<:IU'btlllU(..: '8 J
(a) (A-.). (Il-ii). (C-iii)e .,
(b) (A-i/1). (8-ri), (Civ ll Di).fl'l
(d) (A-v), (R-iii r. >1). (Ei')
(c) (A-v),
197. olumn n
A. r) SugM <:au
R. AI 'm (ii) found along with
C. Coo . I Snr (iii) l'luubk sail
(>) Sodium hy<iroxide
!11-c), ('flir). (D-in), if:v)
(Aii), (FIiv), (Cv), (flil, (f.iii)
(A-iii), (A), (Civ), (0 .. ,). (l'i)
(Ai). (fl). (Ciii), (O;i). (Ei)
t.'n}umn A
A. Cnal
Cr . .Jormr. [l
(ii) S.n l( ollp
(ii) Mixed sa il
0 .
Rlue vitri())
( F'llnHed d11c ftJ
high P"''s"rc
F. po"'<lcr (i Copper >Uipbltlc
(A-ir). (B-iu), ( C-iv), ;o...,). (E-r)
(A iri). (lli\o), (C>). (Er1
. ..... ,._ ... - ... - .... , ..... , ,. '
....... , .... .. ,., .. .... ,_ ...... , .......
(d) 11\-,i, ( R-fi. (C-:v), (0-,'ii), (F.-!1) (u) (A-iU), (0-t} (C ). (Dil), (LUI')
r 99 . Cul11 ,,m ..l C11lmun fl 200. Co/11,. n A
Crllw B
A. C.ol.l (il l'itcl>hk nde A. Glass i. Potass.'um
fl. Uranium :_;;) Nvmlal Sllll 0. f. crtil i-r ii. Sod lum c lllo:'id c
c. llypu (hi) f't.JUIUl in l\llli! H c. Salt iil. Lepidolite
un of D. Iron l '
Sod rum
lh4J mini.$ E. Lith ru m v. HcmatAo
D. Sodi um chk>riUI' (iV) H1vc" (a) (1\-iv), Cll t), (C-1(). (Ur). (1:.- iil)
(>) Sudi.rtn (h) (A i(l, !U/l, (C-:it), ( lJ->'). ( EM
(a) V i!J, (B- lifJ. (C i). (D-J. {EI) 111-ii;}, (ll!ll. <l-n), (F,,)
(nJ (Aii). (Biv). (C-fi/J. \1>-V). (I:I) (.:il l h il'), !C-iii). (D-i). ( F.-)
2 3 6 7
\:) (of} (o:) (:1) (c) I,C."j {h)
II 12 IJ 14 Hi 17 :w
(c) (rr) (nj (b) (b) (b) {a) (i!)
21 22 23 24
26 Zi 30
(b) (IT) (h) (b) (b) (b) {c)
31 33 J4
(a) (I>} (o) (b) (a) (it)
41 42 43 44 4(t
(d) (a) (o) (b)
(i>) (b)
51 52 53 54 59 60
Ia) (<) ( a) (d)
(b) (<lJ (c)
61 62 63 64
68 I>'J 70
(aJ (<!) ( C) (o) (u} (c) (r.)
71 72 73
77 78 79 80
(h) (c) (r) (cj (d) (a)
81 R2 R3
87 89 90
(u) (d) (fo) (a)
(a) (dj (b)
'.II 'JZ 95
9ft 99 100
(<{) (b) (fJ) (c) (h) (11) (c)
lOS 106 107 109 10? 11 11
ltJ) (d) {uj (tJ) (uj (</)
Ill IU 116 117 l 18 11
1 120
(<) (a) (/>) (r.) (h) (i>) (o) (It)
121 124 125 126 127 128 U9 130
(a) ((I) (c) (b) (ul (c) (c)
(.) rc) (til (b) (.:) (")
(c) (<.O,l (c) (I)
M2 143 14<1 ,.5 l4o 147 148 U9 150
( b ) (<>) {c ) (c) (a) (I,) (d) (<') (cl (t)
l SI 152 154 ISS l 56 137 I :58 159 1{,0
(tl) {d) (c) (c) (c) (0)
(c) (h)
161 1(;2 163 166 167 168 l(t9 178
(c) (tJ) (c) (a) (b) ( CI) (I>) (<') (<-) (t )
171 172 173 174 175 176 117 17!1 1110
(d) (u)
(c) (b) Vi) (a)
(" )
I HI 182 183 IR4 IRS 11!6 l87 ISR 189
(I>) (lo) (a) (<I} (u) (<>) ( )
(") <')
I 1!12 194 \ 96 1'17 198 199 l ftO
( <I) ( b) (u) (r.) (lo) (<') (t!)

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