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Principles of Programming Languages

Abstract Data Types and Classes

"Get your data structures correct
first, and the rest of the
program will write itself."
- David Jones

 Development of large software

 Abstraction
 Abstract Data Type
 Class and Objects
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
Software Development

 Consider the objective of constructing a large

software system
– There are difficulties due to the fact that we will have to deal
with a large number of data objects and functions
 To successfully develop such software systems, you
need to consider two important aspects
– Data structures to hold data
– Algorithms to manipulate these structures
 Program = algorithm + data structure
Software Development (2)

 To reduce the complexity of development and

maintenance, the concept of abstraction is used
– this involves specifying the functionality of the software
system in high-level terms during design
 Two type of abstraction are typically used
– Procedural abstraction
 the separation of what a function/module does from how the
function accomplishes its purpose.
– Data abstraction
 separation of the logical view of a data object (what is stored)
from the physical view (how the information is represented).
Abstract Data Type (ADT)

 An abstract data type (ADT) is:

– a collection of data, along with
– A set of operations on that data.
 ADTs are independent of implementation,
and even of programming language.
ADT Examples

 Example: The SET ADT is a collection of

data items that are accessed by operations
such as
– Union, Intersection, and Set Difference
 Example: String ADT is an ordered sequence
of characters with operations
– concatenate, length, compare, substring, etc.

 List example
– new List returns an empty List, []
– list.add(a) adds a to the end of the list
[original_elements, a]
– get(x) returns the element at
position x in the List
– size() returns the size of the List
Information Hiding

 An ADT must obviously have some kind of

representation for its data
– The user need not know the representation
– The user should not be allowed to tamper with the
– Solution: Make all data private
 But what if it’s really more convenient for the
user to have direct access to the data?
– Solution: Use setters and getters
Encapsulation Constructs

 Original motivation:
– Large programs have two special needs:
1. Some means of organization, other than simply
division into subprograms
2. Some means of partial compilation (compilation
units that are smaller than the whole program)
 Obvious solution: a grouping of subprograms
that are logically related into a unit that can
be separately compiled (compilation units)
– These are called encapsulations
Encapsulation Constructs

 Encapsulation in C
– Files containing one or more subprograms can
be independently compiled
– The interface is placed in a header file
 Encapsulation in C++
– Similar to C
– Addition of friend functions that have access to
private members of the friend class
Encapsulation Constructs

 C# Assembly
– Collection of files that appears to be a single
dynamic link library or executable
– Larger construct than class; used by all .NET
programming languages
Naming Encapsulations

 Large programs define many global names;

need a way to divide into logical groupings
 A naming encapsulation is used to create a
new scope for names
 C++ Namespaces
– Can place each library in its own namespace and
qualify names used outside with the namespace
– C# also includes namespaces
Naming Encapsulations

 Java Packages
– Packages can contain more than one class
definition; classes in a package are partial friends
– Clients of a package can use fully qualified name
or use the import declaration
 Ada Packages
– Packages are defined in hierarchies which
correspond to file hierarchies
– Visibility from a program unit is gained with the
with clause

 A class defines the abstract

characteristics of a thing (object),
– Characteristics (attributes)
– Thing's behaviors (methods).
Classes and Objects

 Object is a particular instance of a class.

 Class Dog
– breed and fur color (characteristics)
– ability to bark (behavior).
 Object Snowy
– tiny dog
– white fur
 In programmer jargon, the object Lassie is an
instance of the Dog class.
Object Interface
 An object has to have an interface.
 The interface will Dim()
– Provide a way to let other objects to communicate
with it.
– Hide the details of the object implementation.
Object Hiding Information

 An object's abilities
– Dogs: Snowy, Puppy
– Cats: Kitty
– Snowy.bark(), Puppy.bark(), Kitty.bark();
– Dog.bark()
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
 Snowy.bark()
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
 Snowy.bark()
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
 Snowy.bark()
– Kitty.hide()
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
– Snowy.sleep()
Message Passing

 Message passing is the process by which an

object sends data to another object or asks
the other object to invoke a method.
– Kitty.scratch(Snowy)
– Snowy.sleep()

 Script-based <> event-based

Two paradigms of programming

- Data structures + Algorithms = Program

- Objects + Messages = Program
Object Oriented Programming

 Everything is an object.
 A program is a bunch of objects telling each
other what to do by sending messages.
 Each object has its own memory
 Every object has a type (class).
 All objects of a particular type (class) can
receive the same messages.
Class vs. Abstract Data Type

 Class == Encapsulated ADT?

Class = Encapsulated ADT++

 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
Language Examples

– All of the class instances of a class share a single
copy of the member functions
– Each instance of a class has its own copy of the
class data members
– Instances can be in stack or heap
– Constructor and destructor
– Information hiding supported
Language Examples

– Similar to C++, except:
 All user-defined types are classes
 All objects are allocated from the heap and accessed
through reference variables
Language Examples

– Based on C++ and Java
– All class instances are heap dynamic
– Default constructors are available for all classes
– Garbage collection is used for most heap objects,
so destructors are rarely used
– structs are lightweight classes that do not support
Object references

Primitive type int i = 1 i 1

Object type Circle c c reference

c: Circle
Created using
new Circle() radius = 1
Reference assignment

Primitive type assignment Object type assignment

i=j c1 = c2

Before: After: Before: After:

i 1 i 2 c1 c1

j 2 j 2 c2 c2

c1: Circle c2: Circle

radius = 5 radius = 9

Superclass Circle Circle Methods Circle Data


Cylinder Circle Methods Circle Data

Cylinder Methods Cylinder Data

Superclass Circle Circle Methods Circle Data



Cylinder Circle Methods Circle Data

Cylinder Methods Cylinder Data

 Add new properties

 Add new methods
 Override the methods of the superclass
Superclass and subclass

public class Entry

public int type;
public Object value;

$e = new Entry();
$e.value = new Integer($INT.text); $e.type= 1;
Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding

 Class B { int f(); } extends A { int f(); int f2(); }

A a = new B;
a.f()  JMP to If

xxx.f()  JMP to If ?

Static binding vs. dynamic binding

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