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Ultimate CPA Blueprint

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Ta1le O) Content!
Chapter 8 ,ntro#u%tion
Chapter 2 8 The .etho#!
Chapter 9 8 Tra))i% Te%hni5ue!
Chapter : 8 Bonu! .etho#!
; 8 ,ntro#u%tion
Welcome to Ultimate CPA Blueprint. In this ebook, you are going to learn some of the most
powerful CPA methods around today. Whether youre struggling to make money online or e!en if
youre already making money online then this ebook is going to blow your mind.
Who Am ,<
Well, some of you may know me from the Warrior "orum. #y name is $oe Walter and I!e made
tons and tons of money online.
I released a product at the !ery end of %&&' called ()he *host #ethod+ which was a huge hit on
the Warrior "orum and if you had the chance to ha!e a go at it, thank you.
But now.. Im back with something much bigger. ,omething that is e!en -A,I-. than my pre!ious
product... ,omething I ha!e been using recently /I still am0 to make my earnings sky rocket.
)he problem with my pre!ious course was that a lot of people found it a little bit tricky to get
ranked in the ,earch -ngines, some people werent !ery aware of how ,-1 worked thus didnt
make much money. I tried my best to help e!eryone with it, but no matter how hard I tried some
people 2ust couldnt make it !ery far.
,o I decided, to create a product which doesnt in!ol!e any ,-1....
A product that anyone can get rich from...
A product that is pure killer, and will bring anyone forward in Internet #arketing.
)he product is designed by myself, but I ha!e a friend on board to assist me this time, his name is
)om 3.
A few weeks back, me and )om were out dri!ing in my new car, when he popped the 4uestion
($oe, how do you make your li!ing5+, (Are you still doing your Internet business5+.
6ow )om has always wanted to set up an eBay business but he 2ust recently lost his 2ob and was in
desperate need for some 4uick cash.
I decided to slip )om a few tips and tricks which I knew would get him to his goal.
)om had no pre!ious Internet #arketing e7perience nor any money to spend, so I had to tell him
the methods I knew that didnt re4uire any upfront in!estment or e7perience.
Within 2ust % weeks )om had earned enough money to start his eBay business.
)he methods I taught him are the e7act same methods Im going to teach you...
)hese methods are so powerful that you will see money coming in within minutes after setting this
system up.
,o grab a drink and a snack, sit back and rela7, and read on.....
What ,! Thi! -y!tem All A1out<
"irst of all, for those of you who dont know what CPA is, CPA is short for Cost Per Action or Cost
Per Ac4uisition. Instead of getting a commission per sale, you get paid for either a lead or an
action. )hese actions can be anything from a simple email submit right up to a mobile ,#, te7t
ser!ice. Basically, what the user is doing is subscribing to a marketing company. )his company will
ad!ertise products to them !ia the information they recei!e.
E"ery time a u!er %omplete! an a%tion' you (ill get pai# a %ommi!!ion*
"or this course, we are going to focus our efforts on one CPA company called CPALea#.
What i! CPALea# <
CPALea# is a CPA company that allows you to generate income !ia widgets that contain sur!eys.
)hese widgets act in the form of a gateway which the user sees before they see your content.
3eres a little diagram outlining how this works8
As you can see, the !isitor comes to your website !ia one source of traffic. 3e9she then browses
your website for the content they wish to !iew9read. )hen they get blocked by the CPALea#
gateway in which they must complete a sur!ey to unlock the page. -ach sur!ey pays anywhere
upwards of :&.;<. I know :&.;< is not much but there are plenty of sur!eys on CPALea# that pay
o!er := per lead. $ust think if >& people complete a := sur!ey on your widget you ha!e made :=&.
Pretty simple right5 )rue, it is and Im going to e7plain to you e7actly how you can dominate the
internet with CPALea#.
Its fun, easy and anyone can do it.
I know se!eral teenagers aged between >;?>@ that are making o!er :>&&& a day using CPALea#,
and they ha!e no clue what Internet #arketing is, nor ha!e they got much e7perience.
Im going to show you how you you too can earn this kind of money using CPALea#.
CPALea# is great for making money, and its so simple. It re4uires minimal effort to make money
with CPALea#, and the results can be mind blowing.
If you already ha!e a site getting traffic, whether its an authority site, a blog or what e!er. Use
CPALea# to make some money from it.
Before I started with CPALea#, I had a blog getting lots of traffic. )his site was monetiAed with
Adsense ads but wasnt making much money. As soon as I slapped on a CPALea# gateway, the site
started making me :%&& a day.
)he site was a blog which I used to gi!e away free information. I wont tell you the niche, because I
want to protect it but what I can tell you is that it wasnt anything super. I was ranked in the search
engines which is where I got my traffic from.
But in this course, Im going to show you the best ways to make some ::: fast without needing to
get ranked in the ,earch -ngines.
,o without further ado, lets proceed.
2; The .etho#! = >a%e1oo2 .etho#
1B in this method what Im going to do e7plain to you how I generate o!er :;&& a day using
"acebook. )his doesnt in!ol!e any initial funding, nor does it in!ol!e much effort. Its pretty simple
really and its a method that some of the big boys use.
Its so easy that anyone can do it.
We will be focusing our efforts on "acebook "anpages.
CPALea# Wi#get Con)iguration
"irst of all if you ha!ent already done so, you need to sign up for an account o!er at CPALea#.
1nce you ha!e done this, I want you to go into your CPALea# account and select CWidgetsC.
6ow click on CDigital ImagesC and then CWebpage Containing Digital Image/s0C.
Eea!e the skin as it is for now, later on in this ebook Ill e7plain how you can 4uadruple your
con!ersions by using your own skin.
,o click on CContinueC.
,elect C"ree ,ur!eysC and lea!e CPaypalC Unticked.
Click on CContinueC
6ow read carefully, if you do this wrong you will damage your con!ersions. ,o pay attention to this
ne7t part.
"or CDefault #onetiAe #ethod8C Eea!e it as C,ur!eysC
C#enu IconsC change them to CCustomC. )wo lines should ha!e appeared. Delete these two lines
and lea!e them blank. )his will remo!e the two circle tabs abo!e your widget.
CUse Image )e7t "or BannerC keep it as 61

6ow for CBanner )e7tC write this8 C,er!er 1!erloadedC or CWebpage 1!erloadedC.
"or CBanner )e7t ColorC use this F""&D%=
CBanner )e7t ,iAeC should be %=
And CInstruction )e7tC needs to be this8 )o pre!ent spam from bots please !erify that you are
human by completing a short sur!ey below.
1f course, you can write your own thing similar to this, but I!e found this to be the most effecti!e
way to get the !isitor to do as I say.
CInstruction )e7t ColorC and C,ur!ey "ont ColorC should be F""""""
And C,ur!ey "ont ,iAeC and C,ur!ey "ont "amilyC should be kept at >= and Gerdana.
Click CContinueC
6ow, this page is where you can choose whether you want the page to be unlocked for e!er, or
unlocked for a certain period of time. Also you can choose whether you want a C)ease )imeC on
your webpage. ,o lets say you wanted the !isitor to read a little bit of your content before they get
to the real 2uice, you would select C)ease )imeC and calculate how long you would want them to
wait before the *ateway locks them out.
)his is great for #o!ie sites, but I dont recommend it for what we are doing with "acebook. Ill talk
more about #o!ie9)G ,how sites later on in this course.
"or now, 2ust lea!e e!erything on this page as it is. And click CContinueC
1n this page, 2ust change CBehind Widget 1pacity Ee!elC to >&&H. And make sure that CClose
buttonC is $OT ticked. Click CContinueC.
6ame the Widget something like C"B Widget F>C or something. Call it what e!er, 2ust something
you can remember when you come to track your work.
Click CContinueC and then on the ne7t page, check that e!erything is correct and click CI Agree,
Create )his Widget.C
-etting Up Your We1page
6ow were going to mo!e onto the fun stuff. )his is where you will be setting up your free
webpage. 6o cash is needed for this, and it takes about % minutes to do.
,o first of all, you will need to login into your Blogger account. If you dont ha!e a Blogger account
then need to sign up for one.
6e7t you will need to create your blog.
,o lets click on CCreate A BlogC
6e7t you will get a page like this8
"or the blog title you will want to add something to do with (>& .easons why......+
,o lets head o!er to * and do a search for C>& .easons Why *irls Are Better )han
As you can see this is great because there is lots of results so this means that we can get a lot of
content here for our new site.
Eet me e7plain to you what we are going to do here. We are going to basically copy someone elses
>& reasons and put them on our site. )his is the laAy way, but of course you can write your own
reasons or you can rewrite the ones you copy.
I especially lo!e it when Iahoo answers shows up because this is where I get most of the content
,o lets take a look at Iahoo answers8
Eook at that, all our reasons are already there. With the click of a button you ha!e all the content
you need. ,o lets go ahead and copy the reasons.
And paste them into notepad.
6ow for this particular bunch of reasons we will probably need to rewrite a couple to make it look
a bit neater. But, there is not much need in doing this because its not like anyone really cares that
much about the 4uality of the reasons. Its more of a 2oke, rather than anything serious.
,o for now, Im 2ust going to lea!e them as they are.
"or those of you that are still confused heres an e7ample8 If I wanted to target males, I would
create a page called C>& .easons Why #ost #en "ail At Pleasing A *irlC or something like C>& Ways
)o *et A *irl )o Eike IouC.
What e!er you like, but it should be something to do with >& or %& reasons why... so and so.
6ow for the Page U.E it can be anything, 2ust call it (>&reasonswhythisthat+ or something, BU)
make sure you remember it because we will be using it later.
Click CContinueC
"or the )emplate, you will want to use the C#inima BlackC template. )his is so the opacity of your
widget is guaranteed to block out all your content.
Click CContinueC and then C,tart BloggingC.
"or the CPost )itleC call it C>& .easonsC
6ow, lets add our content that we got earlier.
"irst of all youre going to need to add the following line of te7t, this is to block out anyone that
loads the page faster than the widget. ,o add this8
C,croll DownJC
C,croll DownJC
C,croll DownJC
C,croll DownJC
C,croll DownJC
"or about ;& or K& lines.
)hen under that I want you to add C)he >& .easonsC and then your content that you copied to
6otepad underneath.
Bold the content you added and increase the siAe to CEargestC keeping C,croll DownJC the same as
it is.
Click on CPublish PostC.
Iour post should look something like this8
)his is how it should look.
6ow were going to configure the layout of this theme so we can actually put our *ateway
/Widget0 on here.
,o at the top right click on CCustomiAeC
*o down and delete these ; *adgets8
)hen you want to add a new *adget, so click on CAdd A *adgetC abo!e CBlog PostsC and find the
*adget called C3)#E9$a!a,criptC. Add this *adget.
6ow for the title called it anything, I usually call it C 80 C because the !isitor can see the title.
6ow go back to your Widget in CPALea# and click do the following8
,elect C-nable Adblock Protection C and C-nable Disabled $a!ascript Protection C but dont select
the other Ad!anced one.
Click C*enerate Code.C
Copy this code onto your 3)#E9$a!ascript *adget on your blogger blog.
Add the generated code from your widget and click on C,a!eC. 6ow !iew your blog and it will be
blocked by your gateway.
Creating Your >a%e1oo2 >anpage
6e7t I want you to head o!er to "acebook, and create a new account. Do not do this on your
personal account or you could get banned. If you ha!e some spare cash then buy a pro7y and a
"acebook account with some friends. Iou can get this o!er at Blackhatworld.
>a%e1oo2 #oe! not li2e thi! metho#' an# (ill 1an you e"entually* +o not !pen# money on thi!
unle!! you are a1!olutely %ertain that you #on3t %are a1out your a%%ount?!;*
,) you (ant to 1e !a)e then you nee# to u!e Pro4ie! an# multiple a%%ount!* , %an3t tea%h you thi!
1e%au!e , #on3t u!e pro4ie!* A)ter mil2ing thi! metho# )or (ee2! , only en#e# up getting a
(arning on my per!onal a%%ount !o no( , out!our%e mo!t o) thi! (or2' !o my per!onal a%%ount
#oe!n3t get 1anne#* , u!e >a%e1oo2 e"ery#ay' an# ,3# hate to thin2 that !omeone li2e me (oul#
lo!e their per!onal a%%ount 1e%au!e o) thi! metho#* But that i! the (ay it goe! unle!! you a1i#e
1y their rule! or u!e Pro4ie!/.ultiple a%%ount!*
-o i) you are a1!olutely %ertain that you (ant to go ahea# (ith thi! then let3! %ontinue*
After creating your new account, youre going to want to edit your personal info a little. $ust add
some random stuff that you can think of and upload a picture of someone from photobucket or
flickr. )o be safe, Id recommend buying a photo from a stock photo site like , or
$ust do a search for C.oyalty free picturesC or C,tock photosC on *oogle and youll get a big bunch
of them.
6ow, after you!e done all that let begin by creating a "anpage.
"anpages are the main money making tool with "acebook and this is why were going to focus our
efforts on this. Also the great thing is is that they are freeJ
If your fanpage goes !iral you can get millions and millions of fans and flip the fanpage for ::::. A
friend of mine sold his = #illion fan fanpage that he milked for :@=&&.
It took him = minutes to setup, and in % weeks he had made o!er :;&,&&& from this fanpage. ,o for
an initial startup cost of 61)3I6* he made :;@,=&& in % weeks. CraAy huh5 Its possible, because
"acebook is 3U*- and its e7tremely untapped. A lot of Internet #arketers are heading down this
route because of the potential in!ol!ed.
Anyhow back to our fanpage.
1n your "acebook homepage I want you to click on CAds and PagesC on the left hand side and then
click on CCreate PageC at the top right.
6ow select CArtist, Band or Public "igureC.
And for the CPage 6ameC I want you to call it the same as the blogger blog. ,o if you went with C>&
.easons Why *irls Are Better )han *uysC then you would call it this.
Click CCreate PageC
6ow you ha!e your fanpage. Click on C-dit PageC
And go down to C#ore applicationsC.
Click on C,tatic "B#EC.
And then CAdd to #y PageC.
Eike this8
)hen a bo7 should appear and click CAdd to PageC
Add it and then go back to your fanpage.
*o back to -dit Page and go down to where it says C"B#E ? "B#EC
Click on C-ditC.
1n this page, you will want to put the title as C>& .easonsC.
6ow for the special "B#E code that will be the first thing someone sees.
Im not technical in anyway so I 2ust do it plain and simple. $ust copy the following code and
replace it with your own U.E8
LbigMClick Eike )o ,ee )hose >& .easonsJL9bigMLbrML9brM
La hrefNChttp899girlsarewaybetterthanguys.blogspot.com9CM LbigMLuMClick 3ere to see those
.easonsJ LuML9bigML9aM
.eplace Chttp899girlsarewaybetterthanguys.blogspot.com9C with your own U.E.
Use this e7act code and you should do fine. I use this on all my pages and it works fine.
Click C,a!e ChangesC And then go to your "anpage and click on the tab ne7t to CBo7esC called COC
Add your new tab called C>& .easonsC and check that e!erything looks 1B. It should look
something like this8
6ow go back to C-dit PageC and click on CWall ,ettingsC
"or CDefault landing tab for e!eryone else8C select C>& .easonsC.
Deselect all the CPosting ability8C options. But keep C"ans can write or post content on the wallC.
And your done. Iour fanpage is made, now you need to get some e7posure with it.
)here are different ways you can do this. Iou can find people selling9trading status updates on
large pages or you can get in!ites to your page. Both of these will almost always cost a bit of cash
but you can find really cheap offers on the CPALea# marketplace. But the method we are going to
use is easy and cheaper. It will also help you in your efforts incredibly.
,o head o!er to >reelan%er*%om and sign up.
What your going to do is post a 2ob, asking for someone to deli!er you some facebook fans. Iou
can get >&&,&&& fans for as cheap as :;& o!er here but these offers are hard to come by.

Alternati!ely you can do a trade with another "acebook marketer for a status update. 1ffer them
something you ha!e, whether its a product for free or a youtube !ideo link, its entirely upto you.
But it has to be an offer that they will want.
In my opinion the easiest way to get fans is by finding a fanpage that has a lot of members and
buying the fanpage out right. Bare in mind doing this you will ne!er become the "ounder of the
page. Iou will only get Admin, so make sure you deal only with people that are trustworthy. And
dont spend o!er :>&& on a fanpage unless it has o!er =&&,&&& members. Ies, :>&& is a lot to some
people, but you can make this back in a day if you do this properly.
Its upto you which path you choose, but I started out by buying fanpages with tons of members
for cheap and promoting my other smaller pages with them. I 4uickly built up loads of pages and
pointed them all to small blogger blogs with CPALea# widgets on them. 1ne of my most successful
ones was a page called CPB1P @%&C which got o!er >&&,&&& fans in a day from this method. I made
almost :%&&& that day from this one fanpage. All the blog was, was 2ust a picture of an PB1P @%&
that I got from *oogle.
Iou would ha!e thought that people would 2ust *oogle it instead of completing a sur!ey wouldnt
you5 Well not e!eryone is that smart, especially if you target people that are pretty young and into
computer games. )hey are your main moneymakers. )arget teenagers from the U,. In my opinion
this works the best, and the sur!eys pay a lot.
)hat reminds me. Iou will want to disable some sur!eys on your widget. ,o lets go ahead and do
that now....
1k, so click on CWidgetsC again, and then select the widget you made earlier.
Click on C#odify ,ur!eysC.
*o through each one for United ,tates, Canada, United Bingdom, Australia and 6ew Qealand and
disable AEE of the low paying sur!eys that pay below :%.
Iou can do this for all the countries if you like but I only do these.
And thats it, your widget is finished. Iour fanpage is complete and your Webpage is done.
)his is by far the most easiest way to make money with "acebook, but it does come with a risk like I
ha!e pointed out. ,o approach this method with caution. If you get banned, then please dont hold
me responsible because I ha!e warned you that "acebook doesnt like us making money off them.
If youre afraid of getting banned them you can always e7port your contacts and sa!e them to a
notepad file on your computer. )hat way if your account is banned you can easily add all your
friends again.
If you do get banned, then do continue with the method. Dont feel bad about it because at the
end of the day there are hundreds of people making :>&&&O a day with "acebook using similar
techni4ues. -!ery week one of their accounts is banned and they 2ust keep going with a new
2; The .etho#! = T@ -ho( .etho#
)he ne7t method Im going to teach you is for #o!ie9)G ,how sites, this re4uires a lot of effort so
for those of you that dont want to do put in much effort then this method isnt for you. But for
those of you who want to work at something and keep yoursel!es busy then do this.
Con)iguring The Wi#get
"irst of all you want to configure your widget, this is similar to how we did the "acebook widget.
Apart from the fact that we are going to lock a page that contains a !ideo.
,o go ahead and Click on CWidgetsC at the top of your CPALea# dashboard and click on CGideoC.
)hen click on CWebpage with GideoC.
"orget using your own skin for now and click on CContinueC.
)ick C"ree ,ur!eysC and then click CContinueC
Use the same settings as the "acebook Widget and but change the following8
Banner )e7t8 Before watching this mo!ie...
Banner )e7t Color8 F""&">@
Instruction )e7t8 Please complete a 4uick sur!ey to unlock this page.
Instruction )e7t Color8 F""""""
Click CContinueC.
1n this page, you can either choose whether you want to allow the user to watch a small amount
of the !ideo then lock them or 2ust lock them out before they can watch anything.
"or this method were 2ust gonna lock them out completely but allow them to !iew any page for a
certain length of time without needing them to do a new sur!ey on each page. Iou will lose !isitors
this way if you lock them on each page after they ha!e competed a sur!ey so dont do it.
Any way, )ick CI want to set access time for each monetiAation method indi!idually.C
)hen select how long you want your site unlocked for. I recommend unlocking it for %K hours. But
do what e!er you want.
Click on CContinueC.
)his time keep C1pacity Ee!elC at =&H.
Beep the Close button U6)ICB-D. 6-G-. CEICB )3I,J
Click CContinueC and name it what e!er. 6ame it something like C#o!ie Widget F>C.
Click CContinueC and then check that e!erything is correct and click CI Agree, Create )his WidgetC.
6ow go and click on (,ur!eys+ and for each country disable all sur!eys that pay under :&.=&.
The >oun#ation!
Iour widget is now complete, but we need a skin that works nice with your mo!ie site. ,o you ha!e
se!eral options here. Iou can either design one yourself or you can purchase one for like :; from
the CPALea# marketplace. Custom skins ha!e a huge effect on your con!ersions, and I recommend
using a skin that is similar to your site.
"or e7ample if I was going to build a t! show site based around "amily *uy then I would get a
"amily *uy skin. Understand5
If you dont want a custom skin right now then thats 1B, you can always come back to this later.
,o lets begin creating our site.
If any of you bought my pre!ious product called ()he *host #ethod+ then you will be familiar with
this ne7t step, because its pretty much the same thing. We are going to find a domain name which
contains the e7act same words as our t! show. ,o lets say I wanted a site done around "amily *uy,
I would find a domain name to do with "amily *uy like or Do you get me5 *reat,
,o lets head o!er to *oogle and do a search for ( top t! shows (.
"rom here what we are going to do is find a popular show that doesnt ha!e much competition.
Iou can always try going after the most competiti!e ones if you know what your doing, but I tend
to go the more easier route and go after smaller shows with less competition.
#y ad!ice would be for anyone that is new to making money online, please stick with the smaller
shows because you are much more likely to see results. Dont go all in thinking you can rank F> on
*oogle for "amily *uy because ' times out >& you wont.
1k, so now browse a couple of sites that show you accurate results of the top shows and choose a
)G show you would like to use. If you already ha!e interest in a particular show then by all means
go for that, as long as it doesnt ha!e too much competition.
)ake a few minutes to find a )G show and when you!e found one, proceed with the ne7t step.
6e7t, I want you to check and see if episodes of this )G ,how are a!ailable. ,o go to *oogle again
and type in ( I1U. )G ,31W episodes+ or (watch I1U. )G ,31W online+ and browse the search
results. "or this method, Im going to go with a popular )G ,how called (*ossip *irl+.
)ake a look at this screenshot8
Eots of search results appeared, (>=,>&&,>&& to be e7act so this is a definite 61 to go after, but for
this e7ample I will do it.
,o click on the first result.
And find where the episodes are. Basically what we are doing is finding where the top sites get
their episode links from, so we can use the same links on our site.
1nce you ha!e found the episodes, click on one of them and click play on the !ideo. Eook out for a
watermark on the !ideo player and identify which player they are using. #ost sites stream from
#egaGideo, so its a good idea to 2ust go to #egaGideo and browse the listings there. But that can
take time. Its 4uicker 2ust to do it the *oogle way in my opinion.
"or this *ossip *irl e7ample, I found that t! was using a link to #egaGideo8
As you can see, this is greatJ We ha!e finally found a site that is linking to a good stream of our )G
,how. ,o the ne7t step would be to either bookmark this page or copy and paste the -mbeded
Code into notepad.
6ow, that we know are episodes are a!ailable on the Internet, we can start by finding a domain
name rele!ant to our )G ,how site.
,o lets start by heading o!er to *oogle Adwords Beyword )ool and enter our )G show name. Iou
will need to do 4uite a few searches, and this can take some time because its GI)AE that we find a
domain name containing the keywords we want to rank for.
"or this e7ample, Im going to stick with *ossip *irl and try to find a domain name that is good,
and a!ailable.
,o start with searching for (I1U. )G ,31W 6A#-+ like this8
,ort by -7act #atch so we can see the e7act searches, you should ne!er do a Broad search because
the results will be inaccurate.
Also ,ort by Eocal ,earch.
We sort by Eocal ,earch because if you li!e in the UB, there will sometimes be domain name
a!ailable which means we will rank e7tremely high for the keyword. As you can see *ossip *irl gets
%KR,&&& UB searches, which is insane. ,o if you were to snatch the F> position with a
domain name then you will hit the big bucks.
,o now we know people are searching for the )G ,how, were going to do another search, and this
is where we will pick out our domain name.
In the search bo7, do a search for (watch I1U. )G ,31W+ like this8
6ow this )G ,how didnt ha!e any searches for watch gossip girl, so I changed the searches to
*lobal. )his is fine, but this is an indication that there wont be any good domain names left. I was
hoping to find some high searched for keywords from the UB but oh well.
Ill still go ahead and show you the steps you need to take.
6ow that we!e found our list of high searched for keywords, lets head o!er to 6ameCheap and
do a search for a!ailable domain names containing the keywords we got from the Beyword )ool.
Watch gossip girl online got the most searches, so Ill head o!er to 6amecheap and do a search to
see if the domain name is a!ailable.
Eike this8
,o, non of the 2uicy keywords are a!ailable but I ha!e noticed that is a!ailable. ,ometimes
these rank 4uite well, I ha!e ne!er tried to rank with it but when I do a *oogle search I sometimes
notice a lot of on the first page.
If our )G ,how doesnt get searched for a lot in the UB we want to go for either .com, .net, or .org
and #AIB- .info. We get much more weight on our site if we ha!e a domain name with these
If you manage to get a keyword with high UB searches /o!er >&k0 and the is a!ailable then
take it.
A lot of the time cyber s4uatters will horde domain names and hog them for life until some idiot
buys it for a ridiculous price. )hese companies annoy the hell out of me. 3a!e you e!er found an
awesome keyword and then looked it up only to find that it contains no rele!ant information and is
for sale by a company5 I can tell you now that almost e!ery decent domain name out there is
taken by one of these companies. Its illegal and in my opinion they should be shut down.
)ake a look at this awesome keyword (watch gossip girl online+ which got %KR,&&& searches a
month... Its being held by a company that domain s4uats, and 4uite frankly Im sick of it. And Im
sure you are too.
6ow if this was a!ailable, we could ha!e snatched it up and been almost guaranteed top rankings
on *oogle for this keyword but 61 a company is s4uatting it, probably trying to sell it for a stupid
Anyway enough ranting, 2ust try and find a domain name that is a!ailable and has a lot of searches.
1nce you!e done that you will want to begin setting up your website. ,o if you dont ha!e hosting,
then youll need to grab hosting from a hosting company that allows )G ,how9 #o!ie streaming
sites. *odaddy is one of them, and Ill walk you through the steps you need to take to get this
3ead o!er to 0o+a##y*%om and type in your desired domain name. Click continue to registration,
if you dont ha!e hosting I recommend *oDaddys Einu7 Delu7e 3osting. *oDaddys 3osting
Control Center is a little slow, but I ha!e used them for years.
Iou can enter this coupon code8 ..)G@ and get >&H off your order. If this doesnt work, then you
can always do a *oogle search for *oDaddy Promo Codes.
Anyhow lets 2ust assume you purchased the domain name S hosting through *oDaddy /Einu7
Delu7e 3osting0. Eets head into your 3osting Center. Click hosting on the side bar, sign in, you will
then see a page with your hosting account, click on (#anage Account+, this will now take you to
your 3osting Control Center where we will begin setting up your website.
Click on (Iour Domains+
)his will then take you to a page which should be empty, you want to add your domain name here
and the directory you would like it to be in.
)o the top right you should see (Add Domain+, click it.
-nter the domain name you recently registered, and point it to a new folder. )he new folder should
be something similar to your domain name. ,o lets say you went for
you would want to call the folder 9watchgossipgirlonline. )his is so when you ha!e a lot of websites
you know which websites are where. It 2ust makes the whole process easier 80.
Click 1B.
6ow, you should see your domain name and the folder, the ,etup should say (Pending like this.
)his usually takes about %&minutes, but *oDaddy say it can take up to %K hours. 3opefully it wont
take this long so what I would like you to now is go and make yourself a drink and snack then
hopefully when you return the ,tatus should ha!e changed to ,etup, which means we will be
ready to proceed 80
1B ne7t I want you to click on .efresh. )his will refresh your listings, and hopefully your ,etup
,tatus should now say ,etup.
Assuming that this is the case, go to the top of the page ho!er o!er Content, and go down to the
bottom listing called (*oDaddy 3osting Connection+, )his will then bring up a page with all the
applications for *oDaddy.
1n the left hand side you will see (Blogs+, click on it, then click on (WordPress+. I ha!e seen other
peoples demonstrations of installing WordPress !ia CPanel on a different hosting company, but in
my opinion *oDaddys installation of WordPress is much easier.
Click on (Install 6ow+
)his should then take you to a page where your domains are listed. Before you went for a drink S a
snack, we set up your domain. ,elect this domain, and click on Continue.
)his will then bring up the database page. Beep the Database name as WordPress, but create a
database password. #ake sure you keep this password safe, perhaps store it in a notepad file and
sa!e it to your desktop.
6e7t remo!e 9wordpress and lea!e it blank. )his helps with ranking better in the search engines.
6e7t fill in your details, admin name and password etc. )his will be needed to log into your site
when we come to editing the content.
-nter a real email because when you get comments you will be notified !ia email.
Blog )itle8 #ake this your main keyword, so lets say you chose use the
keywords (Watch *ossip *irl 1nline+.
Click "inish.
6ow you need to wait a little longer than before, this can take up to %K hours as well. But normally
it only takes about %&?;& minutes. Iou can keep checking on the status by clicking 3ome, then look
to the right and it should say WordPress, then underneath Creating Database. Wait until this says
Installed. )here is another way to check this, you can click WordPress on the right hand side and
look at the status on the ne7t page.
1nce this is finished, you may now begin adding and editing the content on your site.
1pen up a new tab in your browser and type in the domain name you purchased.
If you did the steps correctly, you should ha!e come to a wordpress page saying (3ello World+ and
($ust Another WordPress Blog+.
At the end of your domain name type in 9wp?admin
-7ample8 http899watchgossipgirlonline.com9wp?admin
Eogin with the admin name and password that you chose.
)his will then bring you to your new site.
Eets add a new theme to our site.
Before doing this though, we are going to need an ")P client to get your files onto your website.
)he best of the best ")P Clients has to be >ileAilla. I ha!e ne!er e!er had any problems with
"ileQilla, and Im sure almost e!ery marketer would recommend "ileQilla ")P Client to anyone.
,o head o!er to http&//)ile7illa=proBe%t*org/ and download it for free.
Install it and open it up.
Iou should see something like this
At the top where it says "ile, click that and then click on ,ite #anager.
Iou are then going to need the details of your hosting account.
If you didnt note these down, which you should ha!e done before then you can phone your
hosting pro!ider and ask them what they are.
What e!er happens, you need these details or else you wont be able to upload files to your web
After you ha!e entered your details click (Connect+.
)his will then bring up the files on your hosting account.
Beep "ileQilla open, you will need it in the ne7t bit.
1pen up your )heme using winAip or winrar. I prefer winrar because its free for e!er, and WinAip is
only a trial.
You %an get Win7ip trial )or )ree here*
You %an get Winrar )or )ree here*
6e7t unAip the files to the your new folder.
And then open up "ileQilla. If you look at the top of the screen, "ileQilla should say
-rror8 Connection closed by ser!er.
If this is the case then you will need to reconnect by clicking...
"ile T ,ite #anager T Connect.
6ow what I want you to do is on the left side of the screen find the folder on your desktop that you
2ust recently made and double click it. )his should then show you your theme folder.
Eook o!er at the right hand side of the screen now and find the directory folder on your web ser!er
that you created earlier for your site.
"or e7ample, if you did and the folder was 9watchgossipgirlonline then
look for the folder named watchgossipgirlonline.
Double click this folder to open it, inside I want you to double click wp?content then double click
themes. 6ow with your downloaded theme folder on the left hand side of the screen, I want you
to right?click then click Upload.
At the bottom of the screen you should see your files uploading to your ser!er and a new file
should ha!e been created on the right hand side of the screen named after your downloaded
And thats it, all you need to do now is acti!ate the theme by going into your wordpress
-etting up your T@ -ite
6ow youre going to want to grab a theme and install it. *et a theme that suites your site. If youre
targetting a show like *ossip *irl, you will want to go for a white background with a smooth look. If
youre targetting something like 3eroes, you may want to get a darker background with a more
mystic effect. Understand5
A great theme for )G ,hows is )G -lements by Press@=* )he only problem is that it costs :@= so if
you want a free )G ,how theme, then you can get T" Chil# Aom1ie Wor#pre!! Template from
freewordpressthemes4u* -ither will work, but )G -lements is the better choice in my opinion.
6ow that you ha!e your theme, you will want to install it.
1k so now you should ha!e configured wordpress and installed your theme.
What youre going to do now is your going to start adding content to your site, and adding new
posts. )hese posts are going to be where your episodes will be shown and the CPALea# gateway
will block the !isitor before they can !iew it.
$o( it3! e4tremely important to remem1er that you #o not 1lo%2 the "i!itor on your homepage*
Thi! (ill #amage your %on"er!ion! an# you (on3t ma2e any money thi! (ay !o you .U-T Bu!t
u!e the gate(ay on inner=page!*
*o to http899yourdomain.com9wp?admin and login to your dashboard. 1nce inside were going to
add the content. ,o click on (Add 6ew+.
6ow for this, I want you to name the title (I1U. )G ,31W ,eries >+. "or e7ample8 If I built my site
around *ossip *irl, I would name the title (*ossip *irl ,eries >+ or *ossip *irl ,eries 1ne+.
Change the permalinks to 9HpostnameH.
In the bo7 underneath, you will want to click on 3)#E.
Eike this8
6ow we want to add our content. If you already know about the show, then that will speed up the
process a lot. If you dont, then you can either watch all the episodes and write your own
description of each series indi!idually or you can copy another sites description a little and reword
Before this though, put (I1U. )G ,31W 6A#- -pisode >+ in Bold.
6e7t, were going to grab some content and reword it.
3ead o!er to http899www.t! and find your show. If it isnt there then you can *oogle the
name and find a description that way, but for now were going to use )GDuck as an e7ample.
"irst of all, copy the first line or two of the description, wrap it in 4uotes / ( ( 0 and paste it into
*oogle then click ,earch.
"or this e7ample I!e gone with *ossip *irl8
As you can see, =>K other sites are using the e7act same description as )GDuck, these could be
Autoblogs but not all of them will be. Which means )GDuck has copied the description from
somewhere, so it should be 1B if we do the same.
,ome of you might think this is duplicate content, but I!e ne!er been penaliAed for ;& or K&H
duplicate content. ,o yes, we are rewriting around R&?@&H of the description 2ust to be safeJ )his is
only re4uired if you want to rank high in the search engines. Iou can skip rewriting the description
if you want, and copy e!erything but not rank in the search engines then 2ust use other methods to
generate traffic besides ,-1.
Ill show you how to get huge amounts of targeted traffic without using ,-1 later but for now lets
continue with our site.
,o with the description here, I want you to copy it and paste it into a notepad file. 1nce you ha!e
done that, I want you to read it, and rewrite it. )ry to rewrite e!ery ;
or K
word. )he description
#U,) be about the whole series, if it isnt then find another one.
1nce you!e done that, copy it onto your new post underneath the title on Wordpress.
6ow were going to need to grab all the episodes for that series and place e!ery episodes
embeded code into our post. ,o go back to where you found the episode earlier on, and grab the
embeded code. Eike I said before, most of these sites link to #egaGideo, so for this e7ample Ill use
Click on (-#B-D GID-1+.
A drop down bo7 should appear, now youre going to need to change a couple of bits here so it fits
perfectly on your site.
,o change the following8
Change (width8+ to ==& pi7els.
Change (height8+ to ;;& pi7els.
And copy the code onto your wordpress post.
It should now look like this8
Click on (Gisual+ and check that the !ideo appears correctly.
It should show a yellow bo7 where the copied embed code was.
If it looks like this then that is great, click on (3)#E+ and do the same as abo!e for all the episodes.
Put them underneath each other in the same post.
When you come to create a new series, then 2ust start o!er again with a new post. Do this in order
for all your series and you will ha!e a site blooming with content and !ideos that people will come
back too, time and time again. If you ha!e a site that doesnt look rushed then you will ha!e people
telling their friends about it. Its all about how well you do it, and if you do it in the way I ha!e
shown you then you will ha!e no problem keeping your !isitors happy.
2; The .etho#! = .o"ie -ite
,o we ha!e talked about setting up your )G ,how site, now I want to show you how you can ha!e
your !ery own mo!ie site in 2ust a few clicks. )he method is similar to the )G ,how site, e7cept the
scripts we will use are e7tremely helpful and they basically do e!erything for us.
Bare in mind, that mo!ies will constantly keep coming out e!ery day, so you will need to keep
ontop of your posts if you want to keep your !isitors happy. > mo!ie post a day is enough, and the
post takes about % minutes to do, thanks to the scriptJ ,o without further ado, lets mo!e on.
Iou will need to grab yourself a template for #o!ies9)G ,hows, one of my fa!ourite templates for
a #o!ie site is .o"ie -ite Pre!!, it works great for mo!ies and contains all the scripts etc. Iou
basically 2ust create a post and it makes the post as a new page contains the !ideo, its awesome
and e7tremely fast.
Iou can build a full #o!ie site in a single day using this template. All the scripts come built in so
there is absolutely no technical work in!ol!ed.
,o go ahead and grab .o"ie -ite Pre!!, set it up following the instructions and lets get started. If
you get stuck, please dont message me about how to set it up because I am not the creator. I had
no problems setting it up. )here is a forum where you can ask for help on their website.
1k so once you!e set the template up following the instructions, you will want to start by adding
your !ideos. ,o first of all go to http899yourdomain.com9wp?admin and login to your dashboard.
What we are going to do is add a new post containing your mo!ie, so click on (Add 6ew+.
If youre making a mo!ie site then for the title of the post you will want to call it the name of the
mo!ie. Eike (Eord of the .ings8 "ellowship of the .ing+.
Change the permalinks again to 9HpostnameH.
)hen for the content, you will need to grab it from other sites. ,o lets head o!er to *oogle and do
a search for the mo!ie. "or this e7ample, Im going to go with the new mo!ie called (3ot )ub )ime
,o in google you will do a search for 3ot )ub )ime #achine. Iou will see results as follows8
Iou will want to click on the I#DB link and then open up 6otepad.
In 6otepad, youre going to copy the info o!er, and use that on your site. )his isnt illegal I dont
think, because you will be using a link back to the original page anyway under a (#ore Info+ link.
1pen up notepad and set it out like this8
)his is how it should look.
#ake sure you do it the same, because we will be copying this into our post.
,o the ne7t thing we will do is we need to add the correct information from the other websites.
1n I#DB, copy the .elease Date, Director, Actors /main ones0, ,toryline and the I#BD link at the
top of the page aka the U.E.
6e7t you will want to get the image, so open up a new tab in your browser and go to *oogle.
,earch for the mo!ie again and click on (Images+.
What you want to do here is get the mo!ie co!er, so you can use it on your site.
3eres an e7ample of what to do8
)he first image result is the D!d co!er, so we will click on this.
6e7t click on the picture at the top in the *oogle bo78
Iou will then get taken to the actual U.E of the picture which is what we need.
,a!e the Image by clicking (,a!e Image As....+
.emember where you sa!e it because we will be using it later.
Copy the U.E of the image into your 6otepad file ne7t to the word (Image8+
6e7t we will want to get the ,tream and the download.
,o go back to your browser, open up a new tab and put in http899stage!
,earch for the mo!ie you wish to use8
6e7t you will get a page of results, you need to pay attention to these results because a lot of them
are fake or 2ust trailers.
I ha!e highlighted the parts that you need to pay attention to8
Iou need to pay attention to the title, because a lot of them will be different rips, cams etc. And a
lot of them will claim to be the full film but really its 2ust a trailer or a fake !ideo with 2ust a still
)ake a look at the Eanguage, Giews, Eength and .ating.
1b!iously, you are going to want -nglish language.
)he Giews are important as well, usually if there is a lot of !iews then the !ideo is decent.
Eength, well this is pretty ob!ious as well, Im sure you know how long a mo!ie lasts, but for those
of you who dont they last roughly around '& minutes.
)he .ating is similar to Giews, this will gi!e you a clear !iew as to whether the copy is decent
enough to use on your site.
Before we mo!e on, take a look at the bottom !ideo in the image that I ha!e highlighted. )his
!ideo is named (3ot )ub )ime #achine /%&>&0+, looks legit huh5 1B take a look at the Giews,
Eength and .ating.
6ow this is where it looks a bit dodgy, look at the length. > minute > second. 1b!iously a full mo!ie
doesnt last >8&> so we ha!e already Identified that this is fake. )railers dont e!en last >8&>, they
are at least % minutes.
I ha!e also highlighted a part of the )humbnail /Image0, can you see why5 Well, there is writing
o!er the !ideo. )his probably says something like ()o !iew this full mo!ie !isit and
watch it for free today+.
I dont e!en think its a !ideo, I bet its 2ust a still image with te7t o!er it.
)his is a way of promoting your mo!ie site, but e!eryone who has a mo!ie site does it. Iou can try
this method, but I will teach you another way with a uni4ue twist U0.
#o!ing on...
,o now that you ha!e identified a good copy, click on it.
)he ne7t page will contain the mo!ie that you will stream.
Copy the U.E of this page into your 6otepad file ne7t to (,tream8+
And then scroll down to where it says (,hare+8
A new bo7 will open up below.
Change the Width to ==&. )he 3eight will change automatically.
6e7t you will need to grab the iframe code. ,o where I ha!e highlighted (Iour ,tream+ copy all
that in the bo7 and paste it underneath in your notepad file.
Iour 6otepad file should look like this now8
Eike this8
)itle8 3ot )ub )ime #achine
*enre8 Comedy
LstrongM.elease Date8L9strongM %Rth #arch %&>& /U,A0.
LstrongMDirector8L9strongM ,te!e Pink.
LstrongMActors8L9strongM $ohn Cusack, Che!y Chase, .ob Corddry and Clark Duke.
LstrongM,toryline8L9strongM "our guy friends, all of them bored with their adult li!es, tra!el back to
their respecti!e <&s heydays thanks to a time?bending hot tub.
Image8 http899www.shockya.com9news9wp?content9uploads9hotVtubVtimeVmachineVposter.2pg
,tream8 http899stage!u.com9!ideo9ka7fm7si!plh
Liframe styleNo!erflow8 hiddenU border8 &U width8 ==&p7U height8 ;K=p7
,o now that e!erything is complete, you will need to get a Download link of the file. 6ow of
course, you can link them to this page but that is free, so why dont you try and get a commission
3ead o!er to and sign up for an affiliate account.
)o get to their affiliate section, scroll to the bottom of the page8
And sign up.
Iou will basically be linking the !isitor who wishes to download the mo!ie to a page where they
will buy the #o!ie. Iou will then get a commission for e!ery #o!ie they buy.
Pretty good huh5
,o not only are you making money !ia CPA, but you are making money from downloads aswell.
1nce inside the affiliate section grab your affiliate link, and paste it into 6otepad ne7t to
6ow youre ready to finally add your post.
"or this e7ample Im going to stick with 3ot )ub )ime #achine.
,o go back to your Post and copy the following o!er in the 3)#E section8
LstrongM.elease Date8L9strongM
Underneath this add the following code8 La>%;>=<@9CM#ore
Change>%;>=<@9 to your I#DB link of the mo!ie.
And underneath that add the iframe code that we copied.
Eike this8
LstrongM.elease Date8L9strongM %Rth #arch %&>& /U,A0.
LstrongMDirector8L9strongM ,te!e Pink.
LstrongMActors8L9strongM $ohn Cusack, Che!y Chase, .ob Corddry and Clark Duke.
LstrongM,toryline8L9strongM "our guy friends, all of them bored with their adult li!es, tra!el back to
their respecti!e <&s heydays thanks to a time?bending hot tub.
La>%;>=<@9CM#ore InfoL9aM
Liframe styleNo!erflow8 hiddenU border8 &U width8 ==&p7U height8 ;K=p7
)hen underneath that you will want to add the thumbnail, so click on (Browse+ and find the DGD
co!er image that you downloaded. )hen click on (Upload+.
6e7t, add your A.L affiliate link in the (DGD Download Url8+ part.
If you want this to be featured on the banner on your main page then tick ("eatured+. If not, lea!e
it blank. Iou only really want BI* mo!ies to be featured.
6e7t you need to add the (Post )ags+
,o in that bo7 2ust put the name of the mo!ie.
Underneath that you will want to add the (Categories+.
,o add e!ery single category that you can think of, 1. go to *oogle and search for #o!ie
Categories. Copy a list of them into notepad and add them into the Categories.
Iou will need Categories, so !isitors can find a mo!ie easier.
1nce you!e added the Categories, make sure you tick the appropriate ones related to the mo!ie.
1nce you!e done all this
It should look something like this8
If e!erything looks 1B, then click on Publish.
Giew your post, it should look like this8
If e!erything looks 1B then we need to mo!e on and add the *ateway.
,o go o!er to8 CPAEead Plugin Download and download the plugin. Iou will need to unAip it, and
upload into your plugins folder.
1nce done so, you should see a section on the left hand side of your dashboard called (CPALea#
*ateway 1ptions+ like this8
Click on (CPALea# *ateway 1ptions+.
6ow head o!er to your CPALea# Dashboard and click on (Widgets+
Click on (Create 6ew Widget+.
)hen (Gideo+
)hen (Webpage With Gideo+
If you want, you can get a skin related to a mo!ie and use that, but for this were 2ust going to use
the standard CPALea# one.
,o click (Continue+.
"orget the Paypal option, and 2ust tick ("ree ,ur!eys+ then click (Continue+.
Change the following options that I ha!e highlighted8
Change (#enu Icon Colors8+ to (Blue+
Change (Banner )e7t8+ to Before watch this mo!ie...
Change (Banner )e7t Color8+ to F""&<%&
Change (Banner )e7t ,iAe8+ to %R
(Instruction )e7t+ can be kept the same.
Change (Instruction )e7t Color8+ to F""""""
)hen click (Continue+.
1n the ne7t page, like I said before you can change the )ease )ime so if you want the !isitor to
watch part of the mo!ie before locking them out then change the )ease )ime.
"or this e7ample Im going to lea!e it, so click on (Continue+.
1n the ne7t page, lea!e e!erything and click (Continue+.
1n this page, name the widget like (#o!ie Widget F>+ or something.
Description can be anything, or lea!e blank.
Click (Continue+ and then on the ne7t page click (I Agree, Create )his Widget+.
6ow click on your Widget, and select (Giew Widget Code+8
1n the ne7t page, you are going to need to enable (Ad Block Protection+ and (Disabled $a!ascript
)hen click (*enerate Code+.
*o back to CPALea# *ateway 1ptions in your Wordpress Dashboard and add the code like this8
As you can see, you will add the code into the big bo7.
Where I ha!e marked (PA*- 6A#- *1-, 3-.-+. Iou will need to grab the U.E of the mo!ie. ,o
lets say you ha!e 2ust added a post for the mo!ie (3ot )ub )ime #achine+, and the title was (3ot
)ub )ime #achine+ you would go to that page and copy the U.E after your domain.
"or e7ample8 http899I1U.D1#AI6.C1#9hot?tub?time?machine.
Iou would copy 2ust hot?tube?time?machine.
Iou will need to add the same code for e!ery post you do. ,o after e!ery post, come back here and
add the U.E and the code into the bo7es and click (Update+.
6ow that we ha!e finally added our CPALea# *ateway, we can now see if it blocks us from !iewing
the page.
,o, lets test it out.
*o to your site, and click on your mo!ie.
Iou should be blocked by your gateway. It will look something like this8
Ignore the skin, I purchased that from a site. If you want some of the best skins a!ailable then head
o!er to .eady ,teady Website and download some skins.
If e!erything looks 1B, then congratulations you ha!e 2ust completed your mo!ie site.
,o I ha!e shown you how to do mo!ie sites, )G show sites and "acebook fan pages. )hese three are
absolute killers when it comes to making big bucks with CPA. "orget all those trial offers, re?bills
and what not. )he future is all about E-AD,.
Eeads are simple, especially the CPALea# ones. All they re4uire is the !isitor to complete a 4uick
sur!ey and thats it. )he sur!eys usually re4uire the !isitor to enter their details such as their name
and email. 6o credit card is re4uired.
9; Tra))i% Te%hni5ue! 8 T@ -ho(
)his method is slightly blackhat but it works wonders. )his has the potential to get you thousands
upon thousands of !isitors per day. It doesnt re4uire much effort also, which is great.
,o what we are going to do now is upload )G shows to other t! show sites with a link back to our
,o head o!er to http899)
Before we proceed with this method, I want you to know that this will not work without the
Ultimate CPALea# Plugin. )his plugin will pre!ent you from getting banned from the websites we
are going to use. If you use this method correctly then ' out of >& times, you should be fine.
Please be aware that if you do get banned, you cant hold me responsible because Im teaching you
the correct way to do this. If you do it a tiny bit different, then you can kiss your accounts good
Also let me point out that I" you ha!e the CPALea# *ateway on your site and then use this method
WI)31U) Ultimate CPALea# Plugin then you will be banned.
Use this method wisely.
.ight so, lets assume that you ha!e gotten the plugin and installed it. What were going to do now
is start submitting episodes of our )G ,how to a bunch of websites8
,o first of all, open up any one of these sites, Im going to go with Iidio.
,o sign up at the top right8
Iou can connect with "acebook, but I recommend not doing so and 2ust creating an account on
1nce you!e signed up and logged in, click on ()G ,hows+ at the top and then in the bo7 saying
(,earch )G ,hows+, search for the )G ,how you ha!e chosen.
"or this e7ample, Im going to go with (*lee+8
Click on the search button.
Iou should get a big bunch of search results8
Almost always the first result will be the one you want to click on, but if not 2ust find the result that
contains a U.E like (http899yidio.com9show9I1U.)G,31W.
1nce you!e found your show in the results click on it.
)hen click on (Add Eink+.
A bo7 should appear where you can input your link.
Before you add anything, youre going to need to get the link.
,o head o!er to any of the following websites8
And do a search for your )G show.
Alternati!ely you can search on *oogle for (Watch I1U. )G ,31W 1nline+ and find a link that
But I ha!e found that using ,tage!u has worked best for me.
When you add your link, make sure you input the correct details because once you submit it, you
will need to wait until its been appro!ed.
1nce its appro!ed you can edit the Description bo7 with a link back to your site.
)his method will e!entually get you banned from Iidio, but you can milk it for a while before they
catch on.
A good idea as well, is too take a look at the #ost Popular episodes of that )G ,how at the bottom
of the episode page8
If you manage to get a link for one of the #ost Popular episodes, then add that one.
Iou will get massi!e traffic from adding links to popular episodes.
Also, if you wanted, you could do it the longer way which would be to download the episode from
a site, then upload it to stage!u or any popular )G show site with either a watermark or the
description packed full of your website link. )hen add that link to Iidio or any big )G show site.
Its all down to you, which e!er route you want to take you ha!e to be aware that these sites do
not like you promoting your own stuff. Iou ha!e to do it discretely.
)he safest way to do it would be like I!e 2ust told you. Download the episode first, then upload it
to different sites. Iou can use to do this rapidly. 1r you can do it manually.
What e!er way you choose will bring you traffic to your site.
9; Tra))i% Te%hni5ue! 8 .o"ie -ite
Youtu1e .etho# C
1B this method is all about uploading trailers or still images to youtube with a link back to your
site. Consider it a teaser of the actual film. )his makes the !isitor who wants to watch the mo!ie
!isit your site.
3eres an e7ample of what will happen8
,o in the blue circles, these are your promotional methods !ia youtube. Iou will upload either a
trailer, still image or part of the mo!ie /aka clip0 to youtube. -ach thing you upload will contain a
link back to your website.
)he green circle is your website, the user will land here from youtube and then decide what mo!ie
they wish to !iew. ' out of >&, they will want to !iew the mo!ie that was shown in the youtube
!ideo but not always.
)he red circle is your gateway which has blocked the user from accessing the mo!ie for the time
being. 1nce the user has completed a sur!ey then the page will be unlocked and they can then
watch the mo!ie.
If you ha!e added the Q#E part /download0 then they could also download it.
Its pretty simple stuff, and doesnt re4uire much effort for great returns which is why CPALea# is
the new best thing.
,o lets proceed with the Ioutube method.
"irst of all, you will need to ha!e the mo!ie on your site. ,o lets assume you already ha!e the
mo!ie on there and want to start getting traffic and :::.
"irstly Im going to show you where and how to get a mo!ie trailer that you can upload to youtube.
@,+EO* ,0$ORE TD,- A$+ YOU -DOUL+ BE >,$E*
I!e been banned many times by youtube, and they dont 2ust ban one account, they ban e!ery
account from that IP. ,o if you ha!e a good youtube account that you wish to keep then grab
yourself a pro7y and get some accounts made, or outsource this by creating the !ideo yourself and
then paying someone to upload it to their account.
Dont be annoyed if your account gets banned, yes you ha!e lost your chance in promoting !ia
youtube, but there are plenty of other ways to get traffic to your site. )hey 2ust take a lot more
Back to the method.
.ight, head o!er to *oogle and do a search for (I1U. #1GI- trailer+. "ind a site that contains the
mo!ie trailer you desire and download it.
)he best way I ha!e found to do this is to go o!er to and search for a mo!ie trailer
Click on ,earch
"or this e7ample Im going to go with 3ot )ub )ime #achine.
,o Ill do a search for (3ot )ub )ime #achine trailer+
,o Id click on the second result and see what that has to offer. It should contain the trailer clip that
we can download and then re?upload it to youtube.
Well, it contained a trailer but wasnt downloadable. Iou ha!e to look around for a downloadable
Euckily the first result has a downloadable trailer8
,o once you ha!e found yourself the downloads, download it in K<&p7. Do not download it in a
higher PP because your upload time will increase dramatically and of course we want to do this
4uickly 80.
When you ha!e finished downloading your !ideo open up Windows #o!ie #aker and import the
1nce you!e done that, click on Caption at the top. And enter this8 )o Watch )his "ull #o!ie Gisit
After that, you will need to increase the time that this appears for so people wont see it on the
Change (,tart )ime+ to &.%=s,
And change ()e7t Duration+ to >&>s.
)his will e7tend the length of the te7t 2ust before it should show on the thumbnail. Eess people will
watch your !ideo if you ha!e spammy te7t all o!er the thumbnail.
6e7t up, mo!e the te7t so ( is in the black part underneath the actual
mo!ie. Eike this8
And change the te7t color to .ed.
Iour !ideo is now complete, so the ne7t part would be to render it so its ready for uploading onto
youtube. Iou can do this is different ways. Iou can either upload directly to Ioutube from
Windows #o!ie #aker or you can simply con!ert it, sa!e it, then upload it manually.
I!e found that the manual way works best, because when using the Ioutube direct upload it
sometimes times out, or doesnt upload properly and when you !iew your uploads on youtube it
takes fore!er to say the upload has completed.
,o for this, you can either do it the long way by using the Ioutube direct upload, or manual. Eets
assume you want to do it manually.
,o what you will do is, you will click on (3ome+, then scroll down to (,tandard Definition+, click it,
then ,a!e it as (Iour #o!ie trailer+8
Iou will see that your sa!ed !ideo has ()o Watch )his "ull #o!ie Gisit+ written all o!er the
thumbnail, thats fine. It wont look like that on Ioutube, so dont worry about it.
1nce you!e done that, upload it to Ioutube.
Change the !ideo title from the title youtube gi!es it to (Iour #o!ie "ull )railer /3D0+
Change the description to8 ( ? Watch all the latest mo!ies for free in 3D+.
1f course, add your own little twist because this is 2ust an e7ample.
Also change the tags to the mo!ie name, mo!ie trailer, and main star.
,o if I uploaded the trailer for )ransformers, I would put for the tags, )ransformers mo!ie, #egan
"o7, ,hia EaBeouf.
*reat, well thats it for the youtube method.
)here are other youtube methods around but they re4uire the usage of spam bots and so on. )his
is a sure way to get your account banned. Ioutube hate spam, and anything considered as spam
will not be tolerated.
If you want to do it the manual way, like comment on other mo!ies then go ahead. #ake sure you
lea!e a link back to your site underneath your post.
6ow that Ioutube ha!e changed the commenting, its becoming more and more harder to post
links in the comment. )he best way I ha!e found is to type it as I1U.D1#AI6 . C 1 #
Also, lea!e a friendly post, not some spam comment because if people read your comment and like
it, then they will gi!e it positi!e feedback which will mean that it will stick around on the first page
of comments for longer.
*reen thumbs up comments remain top of the comments on the first page of the !ideo for long
and ha!e massi!e e7posure. -specially if its on highly !iewed !ideo.
$ust take a look at this one on Beshas music !ideo8
%R *reen thumbs up and its on the top of the first page. With o!er >> million !iews, Im sure
almost e!ery !isitor sees this comment. $ust imagine if that was yours with a link to your site.
)he possibilities are endless.
)ry it, see how it goes for you. 6ot e!eryone will succeed at youtube commenting, but most people
will. Its easy and does work.
If you want to automate the commenting then get yourself )ube )oolbo7. A close friend of mine,
who works with me on my pro2ects uses this and says its by far the best tool for automating your
Ioutube tasks.
I wont tell you too much about it, because it will spoil the surprise if I do, so go and check it out
for yourself U0 )ube )oolbo7.
Iou can do this for all three types of uploads, trailers, still images, mo!ie clips. All of them work
well. #ake sure if you are using an image that there are at least = other websites using that image.
If you use an image that is used on only one site then you could end up being sued.
Ies this method is slightly greyhat, but the benefits are huge. Iour earnings will sky rocket with
these techni4ues.
Whats more is that if you ha!e a lot of traffic coming to your site, you can then flip the site on for a 4uick buck.
Youtu1e .etho# C2
Another youtube method is to basically do the same thing e7cept use no image, trailer or mo!ie...
2ust a plain black background with words o!er it saying (Iou)ube has remo!ed the mo!ie because
of copyright issues. Iou can still watch the mo!ie for free o!er at (
)his works wonders...
)he title of this can be the same as before, or you could put ( Watch Iour #o!ie W Part >9>= "ull
#o!ie /3D0.
Doing so, will make the !isitor want to go to your site to actually !iew all of the mo!ie.
Iou can e!en upload part > of the mo!ie, but then do this on part %, this way you would seem
much more legit, and increase your con!ersions by miles.
Its all down to you how you promote your site. A site with no traffic is a dead site. Iou need traffic,
and youtube has plenty to go around so use this to your ad!antage, and use it wisely.
Youtu1e .etho# C9
In this method we are going to talk about buying links.
Basically, you will find a !ideo or trailer with tons of !iews, and pay the person to link to your site in
their description.
Its simple, but can be !ery annoying.
,o, lets head o!er to youtube and Ill show you e7actly what I mean.
.ight, do a search for either your mo!ie, or your )G show, either doesnt matter because this
method will work for both.
"or this e7ample Im going to with the new (Iron #an ;+.
After searching for your mo!ie click on (,earch 1ptions+ then click on (Giew Count+8
6ow browse through the first few pages finding !ideos with no links in the description.
1ne thing to remember is that you want to pay attention to the upload date, try to get relati!ely
new uploads that are under a year so hopefully the !iew count is still rising or else you want get
any traffic.
As you can see from this image, the description bo7 doesnt ha!e a link back to any website so this
is a good start. Also take a look at the !iews... KK,>=@ !iews in 2ust o!er > month and its still rising.
)his is awesome, so what we will now do is go and identify whether this guy doesnt know
anything about marketing or not.
,o what you do now is youll click on either (.elated Gideos+ and browse through them to see if
any of his other !ideos ha!e links to other sites, or you can click on his name at the top and look at
his9her (Channel+.
-ither way, it doesnt matter.
1nce you!e identified that this guy has no clue about marketing, you will then proceed to
messaging him with an offer he cant refuse.
Iou will need to offer him9her around :%&?=& for a % week link in his description bo7.
If he9she refuses, then by all means offer them up to :<=. Dont go abo!e, unless youre absolutely
certain that this !ideo is gold.
''H of the time, if the guy has no clue about linking to websites, then they will most likely say yes
to a low offer.
$ust approach them in a nice, friendly way.
)reat these people as gold because what they can gi!e you could bring you in some really chunky :
If the !ideo you ha!e chosen is a winner, then your returns will be 3U*-, Im talking thousands per
day from this. ,o dont be afraid in spending a little to make a lot.
1f course, if you dont ha!e the funds to do this then skip it, the other methods will work 2ust as
good. But if you can afford this, then I recommend doing so.
9; Bonu! .etho#! = The Cra7e .etho#
Alright, now were going to talk about a method which I call ()he CraAe #ethod+. What we are
going to do here is create a free web page with !aluable information which relates to a current
(craAe+ or (buAA+.
,o we would base the site around something that people want.
"or this e7ample, Im going to go with "arm!ille. -!eryone who uses "acebook knows about the
game "arm!ille. )his was a huge hit, and is still e7tremely popular.
What were going to do here is head o!er to *oogle and find popular keywords related to
,o open up *oogle and type in (*oogle Beyword )ool+ and click the first result.
Click on (Pre!ious Interface+ on the top right.
6ow in the bo7 type in your (craAe+, for this e7ample Im going to type in ("arm!ille+.
)hen I would click on (#atch )ype+ and then select (-7act+.
)hen click on (*lobal #onthly ,earch Golume+.
Eike this8
And then find keywords with high searches.
)he keywords that ha!e high searches will be used in our domain name. Iou only need to choose
)hink of something people want, is it a hack5 A !ideo5 Cheats5 ,oftware5 Cracks for games5 It can
be anything but make sure its something people are searching for. )his is why these steps are
crucial. If you use a keyword that nobody is searching for then you wont get any traffic and no
money for you.
,o you need to find that golden keyword.
A good search would be to search for a game like (Battlefield Bad Company % Crack+.
Iou would follow the ne7t steps and then add the link to a crack in your post.
1nce you!e found a high searched for keyword, then you will want to head o!er to *oogle.
,earch for the keyword you chose but search for it in 4uotes. Eike this ("arm!ille *ame+8
"or this e7ample Im going to go with the keyword (farm!ille game+8
,earching for this in 4uotes will show you the e7act number of sites competing for this keyword.
We can identify whether this is a good keyword to try and rank for or not.
,ince we wont be purchasing a domain name, nor will we be doing any back?linking then this
keyword isnt a good idea because it has >K@,&&& competing results.
)his means that there is almost >=&,&&& other sites all targeting this keyword.
Eike I said before, "arm!ille is o!er saturated by people promoting Clickbank ebooks and what not.
It was good while it lasted, but I recommend going for something else.
)ry a new "acebook game, or an e7isting one with lots of searches. Iou will need to do your
keyword research like I showed you before, for e!ery site you want to make with this method.
Eets assume, you!e chosen a popular game and ha!e founded a keyword with a small amount of
competing sites but has high search !olume.
"ind keywords that ha!e o!er ;,&&& searches a month.
With under ;&,&&& competing sites.
)his can be tricky, but there are plenty of keywords out there that ha!ent been touched yet.
1k lets mo!e on.
"or this, Im going to continue with "arm!ille and the keyword ("arm!ille *ame+.
3ead o!er to Blogger and create a new blog.
)he name of the blog should contain your keywords8
Iou will need to create it similar to the Blogger blog in the "acebook #ethod earlier on in this
I wont go through the process of setting up your blog in this section because we!e already gone
through that so it isnt needed.
But what you dont need to do is add the post.
Instead, you will need to add something related to your name. ,o if you ha!e the keyword
(Battlefield Bad Company % Crack+
)hen find some links on *oogle which ha!e a link to some cracks. Place these links into your post
and publish it. Iour page is complete after that.
What Im going to do is go through the process of finding the content.
,o lets head o!er to *oogle and search for (Battlefield % Bad Company Crack+8
Eots of results ha!e appeared for this so that means that we can get a crack for this.
Browse through the searches until you find a link to the crack.
Iou can also do it 4uickly by typing in (Iour Beyword isohunt+ and find it there.
"or this, I found it on
)his is ob!iously a good copy, it has tons of seeds and hundreds of comments. I would then go to
my blog and copy the U.E into the post.
I recommend writing a paragraph or so about your keyword and then adding the U.E underneath.
)his way, you look a bit more legit and more people will complete a sur!ey on your widget.
1nce all that is done, youre going to need to bookmark and ping your Blogger blog.
,o open up
Iou will need to sign up to all of these sites, if you dont want to sign up to them all then 2ust select
"ill in the details like this8
,o for the title add your keyword and maybe something similar to what your keyword is about. ,o
instead of (Crack+ I put ("ull *ame+
"or the U.E put the U.E of your blog.
"or the te7t, write a short description about your keyword or your site.
And for the )ags, put your keywords but seperate them with commas / , 0.
1nce you!e done this your site is finished.
I cant guarantee e!eryone top search engine rankings but if you find the right keyword then youll
get there no problem. )his method isnt for people who accept defeat. Iou need to keep trying
with this method in order to find that winning keyword.
9; Bonu! .etho#! = Re(ar# -ite .etho#
Alright, this method is going to be really short. 1nly because I dont need to go into much
Basically a reward site, is a site that offers rewards in return for completing a sur!ey.
Gouchers work well for this, you can basically set up a site and gi!e the person a reward once they
complete a sur!ey/s0.
1ne of my fa!ourite ways, that I!e founded to bring in the most ::: is a reward site that
automates e!erything. ,o basically, its autopilot and all you need to do is email the reward.
What happens is that a user will earn points for completing sur!eys. 1nce the user has earned
enough points, they can then trade their points for a !oucher.
)here is a great theme and script which does e!erything for you. All you need to do is follow the
instructions on installing the script then your set.
)his script automates e!erything. ,o all you need to do is bring traffic to your site and it will bring
you ::: on complete autopilot.
)ake a look at the script, its called #y Goucher *eek.
)his script rocks for reward sites. I recommend anyone who wants to !enture into this method to
use this script.
Eike I said, its super simple to set up. $ust follow the instructions in the template pro!ided and you
will ha!e your site up and running in minutes.
1ne thing to bare in mind when you do this, you will need to do your keyword research like I
taught you in the pre!ious method. But instead of going for cheats or hacks, you will be looking for
coupon codes, !ouchers, gamer cards, discounts.... anything that you can use to reward your
!isitors with.
)hats it for this course, I would like to thank you for reading this, and we wish you all the success
in the future.
All the best,
$oe W
Copyright 200 Ultimate CPA Blueprint All Right! Re!er"e#

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