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Robert & Phyllis Mills 56 Collet Street, Raceview, Alberton,

1450, South Africa

Forwarding Agent: Wilbur Boyd, RR4, 1704 N. Cunningham, Urbana, Illinois, 61801

LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English - Afrikaans - French - Geman Italian - Portuguese - Spanish Xhos# - Zulu - Tswana - Sotho - Sepedi - Tsonga - Shona Sintebele - Venda - Nysnja -

(Others cm be Mdt avatlable on the supply of approved translation sheets and a Bible)

r\V> \

April, 1974

Dear Christian Co-workers,

This is our first general newsletter since our furlough, though we have sent several letters of rather
limited circulation.

March has been one of our most busy months yet. We started the month by making a trip to the Umzumbe Bible School near Port Shepstone, where I had convened the committee for the planning of conference. The next few days were spent in various meetings, and I can honestly saythat it was one of the most pleasant planning meetings that I have ever attended. I had originally approached this particular meeting with a great deal of misgivings and much prayers. The Lord blessed-r-^

first ofthe month. It has been humming with activity ever since. I have sixty'fe^t^S^hetVM almost

Back in Johannesburg, work had just been completed on our print workshop, a^^^^mov^^^ at the

totally filled with single stacks of lesson workbooks and tracts in different languages, in addition to the old pidgeon hole set which is being used for tracts also. At the present time, there are 39 different books and I would not know how many different tracts. This month alone, we have either printed for the first time, or re-printed five different books and a large quantity of tracts. (Enough to total 51,000 impressions anyway.) April is started at the same pace and we hope to print at least five more books and the rest of the materials that we have ready for the press, the Lord blessing.
The nevy |PM Cnmposer (Type setter) was delivered this month, several weeks in advance of the date

^Rey naa promised iCand I am using it for this letter so that you can see a little of the work which it
is capable of doing. Of course it can also justify the margins. I am just not doing that because this isa

before our furlough. Daddv Nichols, missions professor"^BolsiT^BTiale College, has had a great part to
do with sending funds towards its purchase. It is capable of setting type in variou^Latin, Germanic^

letter. This machine was purchased as a memorial to-iyirs Edgar Nichols, who passed away some time

Nf)rdic..EngJis_h or Greek langauj^^ Obviously it can set up most European languages in a professional

The Kimberlev_Boad Church of Christ here in Johannesburg has also made a yjtry worthy contribution

YoWr eqOipmeTit in that" thev have paid for a new printing plate dey^J,p,pen andsuppi iesTThis shou Id Improve both the quality and the^^eTof our prmti^TWif'v^ir^ large contribution for so small
a congregation, costing them over $500 cash. Kimberley Road is a mission church itself with an average attendance of about forty people. "

At the present time, we,hayB...^160 peoole enrojjed in thp Rihle-Correspondence lessons, and the
number continues to grow rapidly, and to keep us busy marking books, and preparing ffiaterial for the
mail, etc.

lit^hgus^ which we have renovated and moved into,. It was in abad state of mainTerimiertS^ere ^ w^Tloito be done, and it was here thaTwe built print.workshop. In effect, we now have adouble \J garage, except that half of it is finished as aworkshop and photo-composition room. The third bedroon^
in the house was taken over as a study.

For those of you who have not seen our recent newsletters, Iwould mention that we have bouuht a -<^7^

At last conference of the African churches. I was elected to be supt. of the work again. It falls to

be mv responsibility to assist them with any difficulties they may have. So far Ihave not attempted
is needed here in Johannesburg on Sundays to carry people to church. Secondly, therejs ^^S^t4oSg observed just now so that it is not possible to travel very far on week ends.
them and I have been considering the purchase ofa Vnlkswaaon_camDer

S amtlg the churches for two very good reasons We ^ave one


BecausTof the state of some of the African churches, however, wereallyng^ me sort. This would make


an old Volkswagon to the roads for lengthy trips.

0nth.Mr>o".l*~"olyourivn=tkn,0.t w .

Sunday transport for the present time.

Yours and His,

Robert and Phyllis Mills


57 Coilet Street,

Robert S. Milli, Mipt.

1460, South Africa
Raceview, Alberton,


\ 7s/
869 8331

Church of Chriit Million

l.0. Box 5136,

2000, South Africa

tettieSpdl TiORfa Shona SIntebela Venda Nyanja (Others can be mad# available on tha supply Of ipprowad translations.)

lIMON-BOOKS^AN^O TRACTS IN: English Afrikaans French German Italian Portuguot* Spanish - XhOM Zulu Twfia

May, 1974

Dear Christian Co-worlcers,

I am sure that many of you have been praying with us, and God does answer prayers in a wonderful way. Afew days ago the opportunity came to purchase a late model used Vollcswagon Micro-bus to

a probt^m, but, by dipping very deeply into our emergency travel funds, we were able to buy it. The
balance will be due the first of June.

which had been added camping facilities without greatly reducing the seating capacity. Funds were

We have already started to make use of it in the work. I have prepared display panels for the large

with a note explaining that they may be requested from the driver or that the address can be left

backside windows ind w? have on show a selection of our lesson books in various languages along

under the windshield wiper blade and that they will be posted free of charge. This means that even when it is parked in town it will bedisplaying materials. We are also, already making use of it as a church bus, and this week we are to make contact with an elderly lady, Mrs Mann, so that she can have a way to church at Kimberley Road. Her granddaughter, who already attends there, is thrilled that we will beable to help the old lady. We are also, already in correspondence with the ministers
of several of oUr African churches to make preliminary plans for me to visit them during the next

few months. On those trips, I will carry Bibles, hymnals, and lesson books and will bring specially prepared sermons to strengthen, encourage, and teach them for their own work. I may be able to

as some of them may require three nights on the road because of week end gasolene restrictions
in force in South Africa.

plan classes at some ofthe calls as well. The camping facilities will be a real blessing on those trips

One of our students, miss Patricia Sing, and her sister, are now regularly attending services at
one of our young Chinese preachers is teaching her and her sister.

Kimberley Road and we pray that she will soon wish to be baptized. She is a keen student and

During the month of April, we published five new lesson books, bringing our total of books to forty-three different editions presently in print. As we mentioned that we would do last month,

we are now concentrating on tracts to bring ourstocks up to par with the books. We have printed thirteen thousand during the month and this month we will continue this work. I have been busy at the composer and the Shona tracts are ready for the press and I am presently working on the Zulu. As soon as a new font arrives, we will be preparing Sintebele and some of the others requiring
special accent marks, etc.

I also prepared and printed most of the needed supplies for the local African churches this month.
Most of these will actually be distributed at the conference in September, but they are ready now
for those who are out and need them earlier. Conference plans are beginning to be completed and the actual programme is starting to "jell". We look forward to a very fine convention in September,
the Lord blessing.

Forwarding Agent:
Wilbur Boyd,

Your^ Cl^ist Jesus,

RcfeSt &Phyllis Mills

RR4, 1704 N. Cunningham,

Urbana.illlinois. 61801


Robert S. Mills, supt. 57 Collet Street, Raceview, Aiberton,

Church of Christ Mission

il leW
869 8331


\y ^

P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg.

1450, South Africa

2000, South Africa

June, 1974
A. \ O

Dear Christian Co-workers,

shop as there is no heat there, but, we have managed to print sonne forty thousand impressions including nearly fifteen thousand tracts, and also a new edition of one of our English lesson books. The more cold days have been spent in the study, in the house, working on the typesetting of other
tracts to be done later.

Winter seems to have hit us with a vengeance andcjt is jurt

days to work in the print

Ruth was assisting us with the typing of the mailing lists today when the typewriter keyboard locked, so we are presently waiting for the repairman. In the meantime, Ihave managed to complete the layout for the Vacation Bible School poster and there will be acopy printed on these newsletters.
Please remember the ladies as they make their preparations and lead in this school.

Iam scheduled to preach for the services ofthe African church at Klerksdorp this coming Sunday. This is the first trip that I have been able to make out of town for African services in avery long time because ofthe lack oftransport. Iwill probably be taking some ofthe young people with me. Perhaps

they will consent to take the guitar and to bring aspecial number before the sermon. The microbus is being agreat aid and we have used it at least every Sunday since we bought it. 1often^onder how we
managed with the old transport. Actually, we just were not able to take as many as we do now, so we
our working fund would be so smalt, Iam not sure that Iwould have had the faith to buy it.

praise the Lord for it. We make the final payment this week for it, and had we known that this month
Patricia Sing has not yet been baptized, in fact her parents have asked George not to call for her for
the next few weeks while the children write their school examinations. I am confident, however,

that it is only a matter of time and prayer. Please keep her and her friends before the Lord in prayer.

She now has about four or five high school age friends attending with her. We would also like to

ask prayers for Agness Schullard, agood friend of Donna's and for Chris Cloete, Becky sspecial
friend, that they will both also soon accept their Lord and be obedient to Him in baptism.

We were so happy Sunday to have one of our former Christian men return to services. Gordon is the
return is a really wonderful prayer victory.

husband of the church treasurer, and he assures us that he has returned to stay this time. Gordon had drifted away from the Lord some years ago and we have all been praying for him by name. His

agreat increase. By then, we hope to have the most of our new tracts prepared and printed and
ready for use.
Forwarding agent:
Yours in His Service

each month and are marking about a hundred fifty returned lesson books each month. Our incoming mail is starting to reflect our emphasis on circulation, and probably in the next few months will show

In our Bible Correspondence work, we are still mailing a little more than five hundred sets of lessons

Mr Wilbur Boyd, RR4, 1704 N. Cunningham, Urbana, Illinois, 61801

Robert S.


Box'.U'^'V ^


Robert S. Mills, supt. 57 Collet Street, Raceview, Alberton,

869 8331


Church of Christ Mission P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg.

1450, South Africa

2000, South Africa

BIBLE LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English -Afrikaans - French German - Italian -Portuguese -Spanish sifho St.o. smioB... venoa Nyan,. (O.I..,s can be on Ih. .pely ot .PB..." traoiltlon..) July, 1974
Dear Christian Friends,

Those of you who remem^^Moth^l^rom her long years as our forwarding agent or perhaps

who knew her personally, wifTWm to know of her present condition. We would ask your prayers for her as word has just now come to us indirectly, that on the 7th of June Mother was admitted
to the Rest Haven Manor at Albion, Illinois. 62806. I understand that she does not know even my

brother or her sorters, but, Tfiat th^ey v^niia letters to her and perhaps she is still able to read cards or at least see the pictures. They might be a cheer to her in her illness. Unfortunately,

it is not possible of course, for us to go to her, but we would especially appreciate your concerned prayers at this time as well. I find it very hard to realize that it could easily be several weeks
before I know any developments.

The state of the finances of the work remains very difficult this month and we have been obliged

to withdraw our emergency funds in order to meet current operating expenses. The re-evaluation
of the South African Rand upwards in relation to the Dollar is no help just now.

During the month, I was delighted to be able to pay a visit to the African church at Klerksdorp. I brought the message and Donna, Agness and John brought a special number with John accompanying them on the 12 string guitar. They dearly loved it and insisted on singing several
numbers for us as well. This was John's first time to visit an African service so he was fascinated,

especially with the way they gathered the special offering to assist us with our travel costs. They
had their favorite "penny slapping" with a "hand shake" circle at the close of the services. This month we made the largest mailings of lessons and had the largest increase in enrollments that we have had in any one month since we returned from furlough last year. We have now only a few hundred short of 75,000 students enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Lessons. On examining
and distributing more than a Million tracts and lesson booklets representative of nineteen
languages. " ' " -

our printing log, I discovered that we have, in our printing ministry, long since passed printing

The Mabel Nichols Memorial IBM typesetter is being kept busy with the work of laying out new

materials for printing. As much of the present work is entirely new and is in complex African
not to mention being exhausting and tiring for the eyes.

languages requiring the insertion of unusual accent marks, it is sometimes very slow work indeed,

We have had a great deal of illness at the Kimberley Road congregation as a result of the flu epidemic. One of our ladies has been of much concern to us as we have seen her fight pneumonia at the hospital, then be released and now to have a relapse. We pray His strength for her and for
all the others of the church who are presently ill.

Yo^^ m^is Service,

Robert and Phyllis Mills


Robert S. Mills,
57 Collet Street,

Raceview, Alberton,

869 - 8331

Church of Christ Mission P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg.

1450, South Africa

2000, South Africa

sifho SepeaTw Shona Sl.ueD.le -venda -Nyani, -(0.l.e,s can be mad. availabl. on the supply o. approved ans,ao.,
October, 1974
Dear Christian Co-workers,

HIRLF LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English -Atrikaans - French German - Italian Portuguese -Spanish Xhosa Zulu -Tswana

Fortunately, we are not under quite as much pressure every month as We have been this past month. We posted over a thousand pacl<ets of lessons, but have probably 500 more that we have not been able to process because of the lack of time and funds for postage. The Lord willing,
these will be in the mail in early October.

Two hundred twenty five certificates were issued for acceptably completed work done and about fifty reports of baptismal follow-up were received. (FoMow-up of the correspondence work is done through the African churches and is often not reported to us at all.) While we printed 85,000 impressions during August, because of the re-pr nt of a maior booklet, we printed only about 21,000, mostly tracts, during September. Much pr nting is still waiting attention because of the week out for the convention, followed by preparation for ami the revival at Kimberle\ f^oad church, plus the fact that our home was fiHed with quests Our trips to and from Stutterhelm for the convention were uneventful, only tiring, but the convention itself was a wonderful Spiritual experience and we had some nappy fellowships with

co-missionaries as well. I had scheduled several evenings to be free so thai we could have this, and, I am sure that it was good for the over all work. I was relieved, however, not to be returned to the executive committee, which means that I can concentrate on our more personal mission work in the coming year and will not have the administrative responsibilities. We camped the entire trip
in the V.W. micro-bus, so it was good to be home again when it was over. Our return home, however, meant that we started preparations immediately for a short revival at Kimberley Road. Brian and Dianna Guy arrived a few days later with their children and her parents, Mr and Mrs Miller. Janie Gee was also with us at the same time. We had nine people in the house

for most of the meetmg, though not always the same ones. Brian preached some inspiring sermons
and Dianna thrilled the children (and the adults) with her "Silas the Slung (snake) " hand puppet

and his lessons. Our little building was packed out most of the evenings. Though we had no baptisms during the meeting, our people were thrilled and the Spirit is at work among them because of it.

The closing Sunday of the revival was also the 5th Sunday Rally day, and as we were host church for that, it was a busy day! There were three services, in two separate buildings and food was also
served at two of them.

Thus far, we have not been able to add any funds to our Equipment Fund, hut, we shall be keeping you informed of progress and it will be included in our financial report which will be ready at the
end of the year.

Watch for our new slide set, soon to be available through Mission Services, and Note that our

forwarding agent has a new address. The house at his old address has been demolished, so, this
is very important. Use the new address!
Wilbur Boyd, financial secretary 502 East Evergreen Court, Urbana, Illinois, 61801
Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors.
Yours in Jesus Christ,

Robert and Phyllis Mills

Dear Friends at Missions Services,

During July, we printed more than ten thousand tracts on our own equipment, and
enrolled about a thousand new students in the correspondence lessons.

Arrilla Harrington visited us on their way from London back to Ame jca for retirement. We were delighted to have them and they were a great help in many of the tasks that needed doing just then. Arrilla was the most help to Phyllis as she was busy just then with the preparation of the wedding cl-thing for Donna s wedding. Following their visit. Miss Janie Gee arrived from Rhodesia on her way to Cape
Town and she stayed with us for a week. We immediately put her to work in the ^ office and with the Vacation Bible School that was just then starting. Each morning Janie went with Phyllis to picX up the faculty and students ^ school and then helped with the teaching. We were delighted to have 43 different children enrolled. That is about equal to the average Sunday morning service attendance, and obviously, means that we have many potential members listed. Last Sunday att endance was much improved. In the afternoons, Janie gave her services as a typist,

We had visitors early in the month for ten days when our old friends Horace and

ana, in particular, in operating the IBM composer to do the final draft of a number
of Lw tracts. We were sorry to lose her. I really think she would have just liked to stay with us, but, she was already committed to work with another family for
the remainder of her stay.

With the DVBS and visitors cleared at the end of the month, Phyllis went to work

on final preparations for the wedding and Daking is unacrway. There seems to be endless shopping to be done as well. The big day is set for August 2nd. so will
soon be with us.

Our work is beginning to escalate at such a rate that we just ask your prayers
with the physical demand at least, the Lord willing.

that we shall be able to keep pace with the demand both physically and financially. We hope to be able to lease some new equipment that will make it possible to cope
We have a prayer request to make in that on July 3rd Mother MUls, for many years our forwarding agent, fell at the nursing home in Albion, Illinois, and broke

Olney , and at last word was expected to be transferred to Burgen Manor, 928 Scott Street, Olney, Illinois" where they would be able to give her therapy for the break. Neither she nor we have funds for this kind of treatment, and we are stilly unaware of the present developments. Please pray with us that the Lord will under take on her behalf until He sees fit to call her to her rewards. Her sister has been given charge of her affairs and we understand, will soon be selling mother s house
to meet expenses.

the ball off her hip joint. She was immediately transferred to the

Wilbur Boyd, financial secretary,

RR4, 1704 North Cunningham Ave.

s Mills,

Robert and Phy

Urbana, Illinois, 61801, Webber Street Church of Christ - sponsors

9th September 1974 Dear Friends at Mission Services,

To usI this month had an exciting beginning with the marriage of our


daughter Donna and John Ivan on the 2nd at the Craighall Park Church of Christ. As the minister there is not yet authorised to perform marriages, it was necessary for them to be married earlier in the day at the magistrate's
court. That formality was briefly over, however, and the church service was

lovely. Ruth and Becky served as usherettes and their lighting of the candles was the signal for the services to begin. Donna's best friend, Aaness, was maid of honour, and John's brother served as best man with his younger sister being flower girl. Phyllis had decorated the building and baked a beautiful tiered cake for the reception. The building was filled to capacity with
friends and relatives.

At the present time we are enrolling about a thousand new students in the

Bible Correspondence lessons each month. There are presently 76,234 people
on the list. We mailed out 1227 packets of lessons this month, so, you can
see that we have really been busy in the office. I also marked more books

and sent out more certificates for completed work than we have done in any one month since furlough. As if this were not enough, we ran out of lesson

books in three titles during the month, and one of them was the first English
book. As we use more of that particular one than any other, I have had mountains of printed pages to be assembled and finished into books. I managed to finish that one and to get the next one printed before the end of the month. The collation of those and the complete work of the third one will have

to await another month, along with the re-printing of a number of tracts that are also short in supply. With growth like this, we really wish that we had funds to make it possible to purchase completely automated equipment.
In fact, we have decided that we shall start a savings account for a fund to eventually replace our present equipment with completely automated machinery. The total cost of this if purchased today, would be in the vicinity of

$50 ,.000,. so* it is not likely that we shall be making any purchases very soon.
In the meantime,, we shall use and be glad for it, that which we have.

On the African Church side of our work, I have been busy getting everything ready for the annual convention, which is in September. Most is now ready,
except my own closing sermon,, which still has to be finished. One of my pet-peves is assigned sermon topics, and I even assigned myself this onel I am to preach from Ephesians 5, a sermon titled, "Walking to God". The emphasis is on Christian growth and I have the capstone sermon. Our own Kimberley Road congregation had its Choir Special D^y and it was so nice we decided also to present it for the people of the Coloured Old Folks
Home where we often have services. Matron was thrilled that we remembered


Now,, we would like to have an evangelistic meeting during the school

holidays, but^ we have not yet been able to find a suitable speaker who is
free at the time. We are also host church for the 5th Sunday Rally at the end of September and are wondering how to fit everyone into our tiny audi torium as we have not been able to hire a larger hall for the day.

God has blessed the work, however, and. we praise Him and just pray His guidance in overcoming these little problems of space and time.

/XJhrist Je^s,
Robert and Phyllis Mills

Wilbur Boyd, financial secretary, RR4 1704 North Cunningham Ave. Urbana, Illinois, 61801 Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors



Robert S. Mills, 57 Collet Street, Raceview, Alberton,

if les<2>
869 - 8331

Church of Christ Mission P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg.

1450, South Africa

2000, South Africa

sXo sSed Tsoga sZ^^^

RIRLE LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English - Afrikaans - French -German - Italian - Portuguese -Spanish Xhosa - Zutu -Tswana

Venda -Nyania -{Others can t>e made available on the supply of approved transla.-ons.)

Dear Christian Co-workers,



November, 1974

^ A? ./i T J Each month we have new reason to praise God fo^^is wonderful blessing on His work her
This month we praise Him for His blessing in thatVOfe have been enabled to mail out more than

tW\ce as many packets of Bible Lessons than, last month, which was in itself a record month. We
mailed 2159 packets. People do still thrill at the wonderful Word of the Lord, and they do still want to hear. Again,,it was a record month in the number of lesson books that were marked and

hNd certificates issued to show that they were acceptable. We issu^ 262 certificates in October.^^
Our printing schedule was lower than last month, partly because there was just not enough time, and partly because there were not enough funds to purchase supplies. We did, however, print twelve thousand certificates for the African Mission work. That included a year's supply of baptismal certificates for all the African churches. We re-printed one booklet and did twelve thousand tracts ,as they were in very low supply. These tracts just had to be done. Now we have two books that just must be re-printed this month. There are exactly 4 copies of one of them in stock, with a few more tracts than that to accompany it, and there are 32 copies of the other one.

These will have to have priority as they are in very popular languages and will soon be entirely

God does answer prayer in wonderful ways. Near the end of the month, when we had come to the conclusion that aside from God's intervention, there would not be enough funds to pay our accounts, yet, there was no problem. The paper bill had already been set aside for one month, so, we knew that it would have to be paid promptly. Our working fund check arrived on the very last

day of the month, and there was plenty to pay all bills, and even to lay a little aside for the equipment fund. If it is at all possible, we have decided to delay the purchase of this equipment until we can pay cash, thus saving the very high rate of interest on hire purchase and gaining any cash discounts we can get. Please pray with us that God may provide quickly as the longer we delay the higher the pressure mounts upon ourselves, physically, to keep up with the work. We feel that, using our present personnel and equipment, we have about reached as lage a number as we can handle each month. Certainly another month with doubled demand for studies would leave us "swamped". God can and will provide if we pray in faith. Our first item of priority is a Nashua computerised attachment for our IBM typewriter. We used one of these on loan for a week or so and we know what it can do. It can type news letters, personal letters to our students urging them to continue with their studies in the classroom of the nearest New Testament Bible College, can set type for simple printing material such as book pages, and most important of all, can keep the entire mailing list and records of up to 160,000 students in as little space as the four small drawers of my typist desk. From these cassettes it can type addresses on the books, envelopes, transcripts of the student's progress, certificates, etc. I have just printed our new certificates in a "computerised" foremat so that the Nashua can take over instantly it is installed. This month, God continuing to bless, we expect to pass 80,000 enrollments. Mission Services should most certainly have our new set of slides ready for loan by this time, and,
remember, our forwarding agent has a new address. Wilbur Boyd, forwarding secretary 502 East Evergreen Court Urbana, Illinois, 61801
Webber Street Church cf Christ - sponsors
Yours in Jesus Christ,


af-. jfi-

December, 1974

Dear Qiristian Co-workers,

It has been another wonderful month in the work of the Lord here in Johannesburg.

The work continues to grow rapidly, and the Lord has met every need as it arose. We had anticipated that our next item of equipment for the work would be the NASHUA typewriter attachment, however, the Lord provided through a dear friend, an equipment fund contribution which we wished to keep together as a memorial to her, and at the same time directed our attention to the availability of a used Thomas automatic collator that this one contribution could purchase. In our printing of thousands of Bible lesson booklets, the collation has always been a troublesome bottleneck. Now the Thomas can fairly zip through a thousand books in a single evening's work. Included with the collator was also a double electric stapling attachment which makes short work of binding the assembled pages. Praise the Lord, and thank you aunt Mary through whom He chose to provide for this need. The location and purchase of this used collator and double stapler attachment goes a long way toward reducing the amount of our equipment fund needs. There are only three items now needed. Probably the most urgent is still the Nashua word processor attachment for our typewriter as it will enable us to cope with the massive student enrollment and related correspondence that we now have. (R5,150), but, not far behind is the need to replace our present elderly 350 A.B.Dick press. We are offered a newer rebuilt 380 A.B. EHck press with double the printing area for about (R3,000) plus our old machine. The double area would make it possible to double up the printing as well as to handle a larger foremat of material if desired.Our present plate making equipment should still handle this size. The third item is a larger and more efficient folding machine. (R450). One can roughly estimate a Rand as being equal to $1.50 these days. Our enrollment this month reached 80,500. General expenses this month have left us shorter of funds than we have been for some time, even last month, and we have about

700 packs of Bible lesson materials addressed and ready for the mail but not yet posted for lack of postage. Hundreds more applications are waiting to be typed up and readied. for the mail. The accounts will soon be arriving for envelopes, paper, and other operating
costs. God will provide.

We delivered the year's supply of baptismal certificates and other printing to our miss ionaries at Umzumbe this month, and while I was there, I preached for the chapel service at the Bible School. It was good to visit the school again and to see our old friends there.
Sunday the 1st of December, we are scheduled to attend African services on a farm near Ventersdorp. Phyllis and Becky will be going with me this time, then on Monday, Becky will leave for Rhodesia where she has made anangements to help at Mashoko Hospital during her holidays from the Germiston Hospital where she is in training. It wiUbe a "busman's" holiday. She hopes to be back home for Oiristmas.

Next month, we will be including our annual financial report in our news letter, and the month following, will be making an annual revision of our mailing list for this news

letter and report. At that time we will review the list of contributers to the work and will remove addresses of those who have, apparently, no real personal interest in the
work. If you have not made a contribution during the past year, but, you still wish to receive the news letter, would you please let me know immediately by airmail so that you do not miss any copies. This is just one way to trim expenses and save waste.

U;i [\JL /Itcu dVuL jOA, OUHU

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Robert and Phyllis Mills

We had a ratheiunusual printing request thismonthfrom the Craighall ParkChurch of

Christ They wanted ^dal handbillsprinted for a ^dal meetingthat they are

planning forthisSunday and they, naturally, lefttherequest to thevery lastminute.

To make things evenharder, they brought a huge posterthat they wanted copied. It was printedm ted andblack withwhite lettering! That was an impossible challei^e, as1 can not print in sudi solidbackgrounds on my press.I had one night to do the
whole thing and it happened to be prayer meetingand BibleStudy ni^t with Choir practicethrownin. I cut the poster^art with sissors and reduced the overall area to a sizethat would fit my copy camera,then I photogr^hed these piecesas one, and finally photogr^hed the resultantn^ative to give me a reverse negative of black lettering on a white badcground.Finally with my pieced together negative I got up at S:30 the next morning and printed the 5,000 copies they wanted and delivered them

before breakfast! Igather that they had them to the di^buters before work that
and that next time they will give me at least a few days notice.
Yours in His service, Bob and Phyllis.

moriiing and we met the deadline. I just hope that the resultsare worth the effort,

is. /Oav<

Wilbur Boyd, forwarding secretary

502 East Evergreen Court Urbana, Illinois 61801

Webber Street Church of Christ - ^onsors

Pictorial by Fred Sieb

CPH litho in U. S. A. 84-3172

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