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DIALOGUE (PERCAKAPAN) 1. Introduction (ungkapan perkenalan) Ada 2 bentuk perkenalan (introduction) yaitu : a. Formal Contoh: Allow me to introduce myself My name widi Let me introduce myself. Im .. How do you do? Respon jawabannya adalah: Nice to meet/see you. My names ./ Im . How do you do? b. Informal Contoh : Whats your name? Im whats yours? How are you? Hi Respon jawabannya adalah : My names Im Fine, thanks/thank you Hi . 2. Greeting (ungkapan salam) Salam (greeting) digunakan untuk menyapa seseorang pada waktu bertemu. Contoh salam dan responnya adalah : Sapaan Respons Artinya Good morning Diucapkan pada waktu bertemu seseorang di pagi hari sampai menjelang tengah hari Good morning Selamat pagi Good day Diucapkan pada waktu tengah hari.

Good day Selamat siang Good afternoon Diucapkan pada waktu bertemu seseorang antara pukul 13.00 sampai 18.00

Good afternoon Good evening

Selamat sore

Diucapkan pada waktu bertemu seseorang antara pukul 18.00 24.00

Good evening Good bye

Selamat malam

Diucapkan saat berpisah

Good bye Good night

Selamat tinggal

Diucapkan pada malam hari

Good night Selamat malam/tidur How do you do? Digunakan saat pertama kali berkenalan.

How do you do? How are you (apa kabar)

Apa kabar?

I am fine, thank you How have you been? (apa kabar?)

Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih



3. Expressing greeting and its response (Ungkapan terima kasih dan responsnya) Ungkapan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih (expressing gratitude) Contoh : Thank you Thanks Ungkapan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih yang lebih formal Contoh: I want to thank you for.. I want to tell you how grateful I am..

Im extremely grateful to you for. Im grateful for Ungkapan untuk merespon ucapan terima kasih

Contoh : Youre welcome Thats all right Thats okay Its a pleasure It is no trouble It is nothing Not at all Dont mention it. 4. Expressing symphathy (Ungkapan rasa simpati) Ungkapan rasa simpati (expressing symphathy) digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atas suatu kejadian, baik kabar menggembirakan atau tidak. Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang menggembirakan: Contoh : How nice! How exciting! How wonderful! Im pleased to hear that! Im (very) glad to hear that! Nice to hear that! Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang buruk Contoh : Im sorry to hear that. Oh, poor Jane. What happned to her? How awful! Thats too bad. How terrible!

5. Inviting and its response (Ungkapan ajakan/undangan dan responsnya) Ungkapan mengajak/mengundang (inviting) digunakan untuk mengajak melakukan sesuatu/mengundang ke suatu tempat kejadian. Ungkapan ajakan umumnya dinyatakan dengan:

Lets + V base/be+ Contoh : Lets speak English! Lets sing a pop song! Lets be happy! Lets be smart! Ungkapan ajakan/undangan dapat juga disertai dengan bentuk penegasan (Question Tag) Contoh : A : Lets go to the beach, shall we?

B : Thats a good idea. A : Lets be happy, shall we?

B : all right. Ungkapan mengundang dapat juga sebagai berikut: Id like to invite you to my birthday party. Would you like to attend the meeting? I wonder if youd like to come to my wedding party. Respons undangan/ajakan. Contoh : Menerima undangan/ajakan : All right. Id love to. Id be happy/glad to accept. Yes, Id be delighted to. Yes, that would be nice.

Menerima undangan/ajakan : Im sorry I cant

Id like to very much, but. I am afraid I cant No, lets not Id like to, but I cant Im afraid Im busy. Sorry, I have to see the doctor. 6. Expressing surprise (ungkapan terkejut)

Untuk mengungkapkan terkejut (Surprise), kita dapat menggunakan kata seru (exclamations) Contoh : Noun phrase: What..! How.! So.! Such.! Nice dress! , Pretty girl! What a lovely day, what an interesting hand phone I bought! How clean the room is, How beautiful I am! Its so wonderful!, Youre so tall. Such a nice picture!, Such a beautiful day!

7. Expressing for and giving opinion (Ungkapan meminta dan member pendapat) Contoh : What do you think of the Corrs song? How about the test? Ungkapan untuk member sebuah pendapat (giving opinion) In my opinion. Vita is a smart girl I think that this poem is good. I really think that this game is interesting. It seems to me that Novita has good voice. 8. Expressing argument disagreement (ungkapan setuju/tidak setuju) Ungkapan setuju/tidak setuju (Expressing argument disagreement) digunakan untuk menyatakan apakah seseorang se Expressing argument disagreement setuju/tidak setuju atas sebuah idea tau opini dari orang lain. Ungkapan setuju (expressing agreement) Contoh : I agree with her opinion. I can go along with that I think so Thats what I want to say

Im with you Im on your/his side I buy that idea. Ungkapan tidak setuju (expressing disagreement)

Contoh: I disagree with you. I cant go along with you. I dont think so. I wouldnt say that. 9. Expressing satisfaction (Ungkapan rasa puas/tidak puas) Ungkapan rasa puas atau tidak puas (expressing satisfaction/dissatisfaction) digunakan untuk menyatakan kpuasan atau ketidapuasan atas sesuatu. Ungkapan rasa puas Contoh: We feel satisfied/contented with it It makes us satisfied It gives you satisfaction. Ungkapan rasa tidak puas Contoh : I am dissatisfied with it. It is dissatisfactory It makes me dissatisfied.

10. Asking for and giving advice (ungkapan meminta dan member nasihat) Ungkapan meminta nasihat (asking for advice) Contoh: Do you think I should.? do you think I should..? Ungkapan member nasehat (giving advice) Should + V1 Ought to + V1

Contoh : You should save your money in the bank We think she ought to use her own style. Ungkapan member nasehat dengan sungguh-sungguh (to give advice firmly) Contoh : Youd better.. I think youd better Ungkapan member nasehat dengan sungguh-sungguh (to give advice seriously) Contoh : My father advices me to study French well I strongly advice them to be more diligent.

11. Asking for and giving permission (ungkapan meminta dan member izin) Ungkapan meminta izin (asking for permission) Contoh : Can I ..?

Can I use your car? Could I ?

Could I buy your computer? May I .?

May I visit your today? Would it be all right.?

Would it be all right if I smoke here? Do you mind if ?

Do you mind if I borrow you hand phone? Would you mind if ?

Would you mind if I borrow your hand phone? I was wondering if I could .

I was wondering if I could borrow your motorcycle. Ungkapan memberikan izin (giving permission)

Contoh : Okay Sure Of course By all means Ungkapan tidak member izin. Contoh : I was wondering if I could lend my fathers car for you. Sorry,.. Im sorry, you cant Im afraid not Could I switch off the computer?

12. Expressing certainy/certainty (ungkapan kepastian/ketidakpastian) Ungkapan kepastian/ketidakpastiandigunakan untuk menyatakan rasa pasti atau tidak pasti akan pernyataan seseorang atau sebuah kejadian. Ungkapan kepastian (expressing certainty) Contoh : I know that Diana can win the game We are certain that we can finish the job on time I am sure that Lia will give me some money It is obvious /clear/ plain that We dont doubt of his ability. Ungkapan ketidakpastian (expressing uncertainty) Contoh : I am not sure/certain/convinced that Romy can win the competition. They are uncertain of their ability. I doubt if Lia will come home soon There is some doubt about that truth. We have doubts about his promise There is uncertainty about that event.

13. Expressing pride (Ungkapan Kebanggaan) Ungkapan kebanggaan (expressing pride) dalam kalimat. Contoh : I am very proud of you. You are the winner of the biggest competition in this year. I feel proud my brother. He is one of the candidates in Physics Olympics.

14. Offering service / help (ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan) Ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan (offering servive/help) digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepad orang lain. Contoh: What can I do for you? Can I help you? Can I do something for you? Do you want something to eat? Shall I get you something to read?

15. Expressing possibility/impossibility (ungkpan kemungkinan/ketidakmungkinan) Ungkapan kemungkinan/ketidakmungkinan digunakan untuk menyatakan apakah ssuatu mungkin / tidak mngkin terjadi. Ungkapan kemungkinan (expressing possibility) Contoh : It is possible that she got an accident. It may be truth It might be a kind of bird. It could be a plane. Its possible for us to visit Bali next month. Ungkapan ketidakmungkinan (expressing impossibility) Its unlikely for us to have a trip in such a bad weather. Its out of the question to have a trip such a bad weather. It is impossible that he lost his motorcycle. It may not be a monkey. It may not be a good idea.

16. Expressing prohibition (Ungkapan Larangan)

Ungkapan larangan adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk melarang melakukan sesuatu. Ungkapan ini merupakan perintah dan permohonan. Bila yang dilarang berupa kegiatan. Dont + V1

Contoh : Dont go away! Dont smoke there! Dont open the window! Bila yang dilarang berupa kata-kata sifat Dont be + adjective

Contoh: Dont be crazy! Dont be naughty! Dont be stupid! Bentuk ungkapan larangan yang lain. Contoh : You must not tell her about my secret I am not allowed to buy that bad things.

17. Expressing capability / incapability (ungkapan kemampuan/ketidakmampuan) Capability artinya kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal. Capable artinya mempunyai kemampuan (an adjective of person) Incapable : berarti tidak dapat / tidak mampu, tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ungkapan kemampuan (expressing capability) Contoh : Although my father is old, he still capable of driving car well. The situation is capable of improvement. They think I have the qualification needed for this job. Andi is able to draw anything well. Ungkapan ketidakmampuan (expressing incapability)

Contoh : You dont know anything about making a good writing. I dont think you have the ability to do this work. They are not able to play basketball well.

18. Expressing apology (ungkapan permintaan maaf) Ungkapan permintaan maaf (expressing apology) digunakan untuk menyatakan maaf atas suatu kesalahan. Contoh : Sorry, I could not visit you yesterday. Im very sorry for my mistakes. We apologize for our late arrival. Sony really must apologize for disturbing my weekend.

19. Expressing like and dislike (ungkapan suka dan tidak suka) Beberapa kata/frasa yang menunjukkan suka (like) dan tidak suka (dislike) adalah : Dont mind Like be fond of, be keen on Love, be crazy about, be mad about, be a great fan of Adore Cant stand, cant bear, detest Hate Dislike Ungkapan suka (expressing like) Contoh : We dont mind having one servant I like grapes and apples I love singing. I do it every day. I adore Tom Cruise as my favorite actor. Ungkapan tidak suka (expressing dislike) I hate a careless man who often does some mistakes. We cant stand our boss. He is arrogant.

I dislike watching a war movie.

20. Expressing plan and ambition (ungkapan rencana dan ambisi) Untuk mengekspresikan rencana dan ambisi (expressing plan and ambition) Contoh : Im going to buy a new car next year. One day Id like go to London. My biggest ambition is to get a good work and nice husband.

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