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ReviewUnit V VersionA

Mata Pelajaran : Jenjang : Nama Kelas A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas : IX Semester : 2 (dua) Nomor Induk Tanda Tangan time. There is a great audio fair at the Garuda Exhibition Hall. Jenny : Really? When will the event be held? Ben : September 5 9.

This dialogis for questions1 and 2. Raffael : Shinta, did you know that today is the opening of the steak restaurant near our school? Shinta : No, I didnt. How do you know? Raffael : Armen told me about it this morning. Shinta : Have you enjoyed the steak? Raffael : Not yet. I will treat Armen there after school. Yeah, . . . to celebrate my success in the speech contest. Would you join us? Shinta : Id love to. Thanks. 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Raffaels success. B. A speech contest. C. Delicious food. D. A new restaurant. 2. When will the speakers go to the restaurant? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At night. This dialogis for questions3 to 5. Ben : Jenny, Ive got a good news for you. Jenny : What is it? Ben : You said that your father wants to buy a set of home theater. Now, this is the

Jenny :


It means that it starts from today. O.K., Ill tell my father about it. If you like, you can join us. Ill pick you up. What do you think? : Id love to. Thanks.

3. Ben says, Jenny, Ive got a good news for you. What does it mean? A. He is asking for information. B. He is giving something. C. He is telling Jenny interesting news. D. He is asking for agreement. 4. Why is Jennys father possibly interested in going to the event exhibition? A. He wants to buy a set of home theater. B. He wants to sell his home theater. C. He wants to see the latest audio product. D. He needs some audio stuff for his business. 5. How long will the exhibition last? A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Six days. D. Seven days. This text is for questions6 and7. Good morning, Im Rocky Jansen with your Mondays weather report. At the beginning of this week we will have clear weather. The temperature could climb to as high as

39 degrees Celsius by the mid-afternoon. Quite hot, right? Right now, Im at the town square and the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. Meteorologists suppose that there will be no rains in these three days. Thats all for todays weather report. Stay tuned for a look at whats in sports. 6. Where does the speaker broadcast the weather report from? A. A studio. B. The airport. C. The town square. D. A town hall. 7. What will the next program be? A. Sports. B. Entertainment. C. Local news. D. Economy and business. This text is for questions8 and9.

9. Which of the following substances is contained in the product? A. Sodium. B. Protein. C. Omega 9. D. Carbohydrate. This text is for questions10 to 13. Plastics are widespread nowadays. People use plastics almost every day. Plastics are polymer materials. They are made of many molecules joined up in chains. Depending on the structure of their chains, polymers can be stiff, stretchy, hard, soft or resistant to heat. Thats why they are so versatile. Many things are made of plastics. This is so because compared to other materials, such as metals, they are very cheap and easy to produce. Plastics make safe casing for wires and electrical gadgets because electricity cant travel easily through them. Although plastics are useful on their own, they can be combined with materials such as carbon, metal or glass to make even better materials called composites. One of the most ingenious features of plastic composites is that they have the strength of the materials they are combined with. However, they weigh much less. This means they are ideal for making aircraft parts, the outer shells of racing cars and other things which need to be light, but incredibly tough. Millions of plastic items are thrown out worldwide every year. That adds up to a lot of rubbish. For many years, plastics have been made using petrochemicals, which come from oil. Most plastics of this kind take several hundred years to biograde, or break down naturally.
Source: Phillip Clarke, Laura Howell, Sarah Khan, Mysteries & Marvels of Science, London, Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2004.

Source: Filmas Package

8. The product mostly contains ________. A. carbohydrate B. saturated fat C. cholesterol D. total fat

10. What is the superiority of plastics compared to other materials such as metals? A. They are cheap and easy to produce. B. They are stiff and easy to produce. C. They are soft and stretchy.


They are resistant to heat.

11. Why do plastics make safe casing for wires and electrical gadgets? Because ________. A. they are electric materials B. electricity cant travel easily through them C. plastics are stiff stretchy D. plastics are light but tough

12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUEaccording to the text? A. Plastics are made of many molecules joined up in chains. B. Plastics composites are plastics combined with other materials. C. Composites can be used to make aircraft parts. D. Plastics take no more than one year to biograde. 13. Thats why, they are so versatile. (Paragraph 2) The word versatile has the closest meaning to ________. A. useful B. permanent C. multipurpose D. secure 14. Silva : What is the function of microscopes? Arya : They ________ to observe very small things. A. used B. are used C. were used D. are being used 15. Roy : Where did the students do the biological experiment? Yessi : It ________ in the laboratory. A. does B. is done C. did D. was done This text is for questions16 to 20. A laboratory (or lab) is a place where scientific research and experiments are conducted. All laboratories share some common features. They usually have at least one fume

hood. Toxic and hazardous chemicals can be safely handled in a fume hood. This reduces, and usually eliminates, the risk of inhalation of toxic gases produced by the reaction of chemicals. Laboratories usually have a sink for handwashing. A fire extinguisher is located in a laboratory to help exterminate fire in the event of an accident. There is also an eye wash station and an overhead shower in the event that chemicals gain access onto clothes, skin or eyes. Supporting the laboratory is usually a stockroom or preperation room, where dry and wet chemicals are stored. This stockroom prepares all the reagents (acids, bases, buffers) of various quantities and concentrations, as well as orders and distributes supplies (glassware, chemicals, personal protective equipment) to the laboratory. When researchers perform experiments in the laboratory, they use pure and sterile reagents. Impure and non sterile reagents interfere with experiments can cause undesired results. While laboratories differ in purposes and functions, safety is always a key issue. The following is a list of standard, good laboratory practices. 1. Wear goggles or safety glasses at all times. 2. Wear gloves. 3. Wear a safety apron where appropriate. 4. Do not eat or drink while in the laboratory (i.e. accidental ingestion of dangerous chemicals). 5. Consider all laboratory chemicals to be a hazard: do not taste, eat, or drink any chemical in the laboratory. 6. Read and understand experiment procedures before beginning any experiment. 7. Dispose of chemicals properly (the sink is not the correct place). 8. Ensure gas lines are shut off before leaving the laboratory.
Source: January 22, 2011 <>

16. What is a laboratory used mainly for? A. Storing chemicals. B. Doing scientific research and experiments.

C. D.

Preparing some scientific experiments. Producing the chemical reactions.

17. The researchers must use ________ reagents in the experiment. A. pure and sterile B. new and clean C. small and safe D. genuine and expensive 18. We should do the following while doing an experiment in the laboratory, EXCEPT ________. A. understand the experiment procedures B. wear gloves and safety glasses C. ensure gas lines are shut off before leaving D. dispose of chemicals in the sink

19. They usually have at least one fume hood. (Paragraph 2) What does the word they refer to? A. The researchers. B. The features. C. The laboratories. D. The chemicals. 20. Toxic and hazardous chemicals can be safely handled . . . (Paragraph 2) The opposite of the word hazardous is ________. A. safe B. dangerous C. sterile D. pure


Write a dialog using the expressions of telling interesting news.

menarik perhatian (showing interesting news). 4. A. Saat memberi tahu bahwa ada pameran audio, Ben berkata, You said that your father wants to buy a laptop computer.. Jenny mengiyakan hal tersebut dan akan memberitahukan hal itu kepada ayahnya. Jadi, ayah Jenny tertarik untuk mengunjungi pameran tersebut karena ia ingin membeli seperangkat home theater. B. Pameran komputer tersebut berlangsung pada tanggal 5 9 September. Itu berarti pameran tersebut akan berlangsung selama lima hari (five days). C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Right now, Im at the town square . . .. A. Sebelum mengakhiri ramalan cuaca tersebut, penyiar mengatakan, Stay tuned for a look at whats in sports.. Jadi, acara berikutnya adalah olahraga. D. Berdasarkan informasi nilai gizi produk tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa zat yang paling banyak dikandung produk tersebut adalah lemak total (total fat), yaitu sebanyak 11 gram. C. Dalam nutrition fact tersebut tertera protein, karbohidrat, dan natrium sebanyak 0%. Itu berarti produk itu tidak mengandung protein, karbohidrat, dan natrium. Jadi, zat yang terdapat dalam produk tersebut adalah Omega 9 (tertera dalam teks kolom akhir). A. Jawaban diketahui dari kalimat kedua paragraf tiga . . . compared to other materials, such as metals, they are very cheap and easy to produce. yang artinya . . . dibandingkan dengan bahanbahan yang lain, misalnya logam, plastik sangat murah dan mudah diproduksi.. B. Kalimat terakhir paragraf tiga berbunyi Plastics make safe casing for wires and electrical gadgets because


6. 7.


KunciReview Unit V Version A

A. 1. PilihanGanda D. Pada awal percakapan Raffael bertanya, Shinta, did you know that today is the opening of the steak restaurant near our school?. Jadi, Raffael dan Shinta berbicara tentang pembukaan restoran steik (restoran baru) di dekat sekolah mereka. B. Mereka akan mengunjungi restoran tersebut setelah pulang sekolah. Itu berarti mereka akan pergi ke restoran itu pada siang hari (in the afternoon). C. Kalimat Ben tersebut artinya Jenny, saya memiliki berita bagus untukmu.. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan menyampaikan berita yang 9.





electricity cant travel easily through them.. Itu berarti plastik aman untuk menyelubungi kawat dan alat-alat listrik karena listrik tidak dapat mengalir dengan mudah melalui plastik. 12. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya plastik memerlukan waktu tidak lebih dari setahun untuk terurai tidak sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf terakhir, Most plastics of this kind take several hundred years to biograde, or break down naturally.. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf dua, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf empat, dan (C) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf empat. C. Kata versatile dan multipurpose memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu serbaguna. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya berguna, (B) artinya tetap/permanen, dan (D) artinya aman. B. Kalimat Arya artinya Semua mikroskop . . . untuk mengamati bendabenda yang sangat kecil.. Kata kerja yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut berbentuk pasif dan simple present, yaitu are used yang artinya digunakan. D. Kalimat Yessi artinya Percobaan itu . . . di laboratorium.. Kata kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut berbentuk pasif. Karena penelitian itu telah dilakukan, kata kerja pasif yang tepat digunakan berbentuk past, yaitu was done.

percobaan. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat ketiga paragraf tiga, When researchers perform experiments in the laboratory, they use pure and sterile reagents.. 18. D. Paragraf terakhir teks menjelaskan hal-hal yang seharusnya dilakukan saat berada di laboratorium. Hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan di laboratorium adalah membuang bahan kimia di bak cuci. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat Dispose of chemicals properly (the sink is not the correct place). yang artinya Buang bahan kimia dengan benar (bak cuci bukan tempat yang tepat).. C. Kata they dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada laboratorium (the laboratories). Hal itu disimpulkan dari subjek kalimat sebelumnya, All laboratories share some common features.. A. Kata hazardous artinya berbahaya. Kata tersebut berlawanan makna dengan kata safe yang artinya aman. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya berbahaya, (C) artinya steril, dan (D) artinya bersih.







B. Jawaban diketahui dari kalimat awal teks, A laboratory (or lab) is a place where scientific research and experiments are conducted.. A. Para peneliti harus menggunakan bahan reaksi yang bersih dan steril (pure and sterile reagents) saat melakukan




Contohjawaban: Ferdy : Shelly, Ive got an interesting news for you. Shelly : What is it? Ferdy : Read this magazine! There is a story writing contest for teens. Why dont you join it? Shelly : Let me see. Ferdy : I think you had better join it. I have read some of your stories, and they are interesting. Shelly : Thanks a lot then. Anyway, may I borrow this magazine? Ill note the requirements. Ferdy : Sure. Shelly : Thank you. B. Suppose its your mothers birthday. Create a card to show your love to your mother.

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