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I'd like to throw out a few facts that may paint a picture most are unable to see simply because it's happened over a period of time and we all know about the short memories of most people. In fact, the powers that be count on that as their ace up the sleeve. I don't want to comment much on this, as the facts speak for themselves quite clearly. Sharing it in this way may hopefully open some eyes that can be used by the Lord to warn others. With that said, notice the following similarities between Roman Catholicism, and Islam. Roman Catholic priests molest children. Muslims marry girls as young as 9. Roman Catholic priests are anti-woman. Muslims are also anti-women, and see no sin in killing their daughters and wives in what they call "honor killings." Roman Catholic prelates call the Christian God Allah. We all know that Muslims call their god Allah. Roman Catholic prelates preach the Christian God is the Muslim god. Roman Catholicism preaches salvation by works. Islam preaches salvation by works. Roman Catholicism preaches eternal life in Hell. Islam preaches eternal life in Hell. Roman Catholicism commands the wearing of religious items. Islam commands the wearing of religious items. Roman Catholic popes teach Mary worship. The Muslim Koran has Mary mentioned 34 times. Roman Catholics pray to Mary. Muslims pray to Mary. Roman Catholics taught to see Mary as a model. Muslims are taught to see Mary as a model. The Vatican admitted on March 12, 2000 that the Roman Catholic church killed Christians and Jews for 1260 years. Muslims killed 165,000 Christians and tortured an additional 173,000 in the year 2009 alone Many legal documents and photographic evidence confirm the Roman Catholic church helped Hitler kill millions of Christians and Jews before during and after World War II. Muslims are well known for killing Christians and Jews. We have known for many decades that the Roman Catholic church invented the religion of Islam so as to use the Muslim people to again kill Jews and Christians all around the world once their prophecied mortal wound was healed. Yassir Arafat, a leader of Islam bowed to the Pope and was photographed kissing his ring in 2003 proving a deep seated alliance with Rome was all along a reality confirming all we have been preaching was true. (This act also confirmed many Truth Provided Newsletter statements and World Wide Truth Provided Radio broadcasts regarding the Popes and Islam.) Christian churches are right now being fed "Islam lite" messages on pulpits today even though history shows their recent activity is more about hatred of Christians and violence. For example, just to mention a few violent acts of Islam towards this Christian nation, as well as others. Roman soldiers, Vatican priests, Nazi soldiers, Muslim brotherhood soldiers, Hezbola soldiers, and Palestinian soldiers all display the exact same outstretch arm salute of the ancient Romans. In 1968 a Muslim killed Bobby Kennedy, in 1972 a Muslim kidnapped and killed Munich Olympians, in 1979 the US embassy was taken over by Muslims, in the 1980's many Americans were kidnapped by Muslims, in 1983 the US Marine barracks in Beirut were blown up by Muslims, in 1985 the Cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old passenger was thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims, in 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked in Athens and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslims, in 1988 Pan Am flight 103 was bombed by Muslims, in 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslims, in 1998 the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslims. To compare this to Catholicism, see my old 'quicky' and 'quicky archives' page as well as the Newsletter section, or the other thousands of pages on this site documenting all sorts of crimes by Roman Catholic priests over the years. I won't comment on, or add to the mix the September 11 attacks because there is too much evidence to prove the USA government did the attack and blamed Muslims because their bloody nature. They knew their violent history allowed them to be used as patsies on this so as to get the job done. Still, even with that off the table, do you see a pattern here? As history has proven, Hitler was used by the Vatican to do similar acts so as to allow the Vatican to assure certain global laws were enacted that would benefit them and them alone. As we look at what Islam has done recently, and what Rome has done in the past, and how Rome has been making friends with Muslim nations the world over, do we see a pattern emerging? (Notice how Rome's "salute" is used by the Vatican and it's cohorts to this day) As we look at many of the laws that have been passed around the world that help the Vatican gain power, while at the same time guarantee Muslim powerful political benefits, is there any wonder the man Rome would choose to lead the USA would be a Muslim? They did this very same thing with Hitler, did they not? Still, since we now know the Vatican invented the religion of Islam, it stands to reason they also invented the Koran. The fact this book contradicts itself repeatedly in how newer verses are now taught to supersede older verses proves it was a work in progress by man. The true God never has to change His Word when society changes due to Satanic influence because truth is eternal. Lies continually have to be updated and re-written to keep the deceived in check. This can also be seen in Roman Catholic doctrine wherein it changes over and over again with each new pope. So the Koran is going to be no different. And by the way, where you aware of the following? When speaking of the throne of Peter or the throne the Pope sits on, it says "when the French soldiers under General Bonaparte took possession of Rome, they found on the back of it, in Arabic, this wellknown sentence from the Koran, "There is no God but God, and Mahomet is His Prophet" -The Two Babylons, you will find the following on Page 213 in Chapter 6, Religious Orders, Section L. Another tell tale sign of Vatican influence is how the Koran prophesies. Within the Koran's pages are "so called" prophecies that can now be easily 1/3



understood to actually be "agenda" rather than prophecies that were literally penned by Vatican prelates. For example. In a Commentary on the Koran we see the following so called "prophecy." "The Hour will not be established until the sun rises from the West: and when the people see it, then whoever will be living on the surface of the earth will have faith" Bukhari vol. 6 book 60 #159 Notice the logo for Obama's campaign on the left here. It depicts the Sun rising over the ultimate symbol of the West, the flag of the United States! Is this why we have so many pictures and websites speaking of Obama as Messiah all over the world now? Is this why we have a Muslim Mafia in the USA right now? Is this why the Vatican is helping to spread tolerance towards Sharia law all across the globe? Is this why even though Muslims continue to commit bloody acts of violence they are still offered all sorts of benefits in the new world order that will allow for Sharia law to be implemented everywhere, and those that commit such crimes are completely ignored? One major example has to be the World Trade Center debris which was quickly hauled off and buried to prevent an in depth investigation, as were the most recent events in Fort Hood and other crimes of Islam. It's almost as if they have a license to kill today. Is this why Muslims are burning Christians alive inside their own churches around the world without fear of punishment? Is this why Obama's speeches bolster sales of the Muslim Koran and inspire Islam prayer rallies almost every time he speaks? Rome has invented Islam for the very same reason they invented Hitler's 3rd Reich. In fact, I believe this is why Yemens al-Qaeda is calling for jihad against Jews, Christians as we speak. The killing is about to get much worse than just 165,000 Christians a year. By the way, just so you know, Obama is actually no more a Muslim than he is a Christian. He is more about the power aspect of things like anyone else in D.C. To prove this as fact, like all those in D.C., he knows bowing to the Pope is very advantages to his career. Even Islam itself knows bowing to the Pope will bless you politically. (Notice Yasser Arafat bowing to Pope John Paul II on right) Why else would there be talk of Obama following after Tony Blair and others to convert to Catholicism? Will he do it? Time will tell. In any event, these leaders are clearly power crazed, and they know Rome holds the ultimate key to global success. Especially since the New World Order was their baby to start with. Little do they know their power is fleeting and it will only last until Rome burns as 'real prophecy' predicts is to occur very soon. (See Revelation 18:9,18) These political leaders have been deceived by Satan to think they can change that prophecy as is evident in their attempts to violently remove Christians from the planet. And yes, that too was prophecied by the way. It's called the little time of trouble that precedes the plagues they are soon to receive as their just deserts. Bottom line is this. Prophecy says the Vatican is home to Antichrist. That being the case, Rome must be able to attack Christians all over the world and force men of all religions to bow Satan and receive the mark of the beast. But the Vatican needs to play the moral card so as to act as if they are Christians. This is why they used Hitler in his day to kill millions of Jews as well as Christians. This is why they have altered all the history books they could reach to hide what they did during the Inquisitions to 500,000,000 Christians. And this is why they needed to create a religion that everyone on earth accepts as being evil and out of control. Rome can use the Muslims to do their bidding as they did with Hitler while at the same time act as if they are appalled by their acts. This is the perfect scenario for them to get their agenda met. They can stand beofre the people as moral while killing them and their children wearing the mask of an Islamic terrorist. The stage is set, the players are on their mark, and the Christians are in the targets. That being said, are you ready? ARE YOU SURE!?

By the way...
I created and posted this page online on 11-26-12. All these articles below have been posted since then. There is a LOT of activity going on lately in the Vatican between the Pope and Islam. A LOT! Hence, I realized the need to compile their actions.


Pope Francis and Islam: following papal precedent "This isn't the first time Pope Francis has expressed his "respect" for Islam. In July, he even went so far as to tell Muslims that he expected their Ramadan observances to "bear abundant spiritual fruit," when according to the Qur'an, the purpose of Ramadan is to "magnify Allah," the false god that Catholics readily recognize as the figment of Muhammad's imagination." --That's right, even the Catholics don't agree with their own Pope. In fact, many already see him as "anti-Pope." But does this make them realize they need to "come out of Babylon?" Yes, some do see it and are blessed by their obedient act. Sadly, the overwhelming majority won't leave. And because they refuse to leave, Satan can use their disobedience to further fan his hellish flames so as to bring in Muslims, Buddhists and yes even card carrying Atheists into their number. And all of them will join in together without denouncing their false gods so as to join hand in hand to worship Satan, which in turn leads them to eternal destruction. Only the obedient can claim the promise of eternal life. For it is written in Proverbs 11:21, "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered." French imams to meet pope "A group of 10 French imams will meet Pope Francis on Wednesday in the latest sign of rapprochement between the Vatican and the Muslim world." -2 Corinthians 6:14 says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" Now do you see why the Popes have always declared their hatred of the Word of God in writing? It exposes them as devil worshipers. And no, I don't say that with sarcasm. Truth is truth! In fact, they have already been caught holding a Satanic mass in the Vatican Articles, Newsletters, Blog entries and Videos confirming they ARE devil worshipers. But then, what better way to destroy Christianity then to act as if they are Christians? Isn't that what propehcy said they would Pope do? Francis reaches out to Muslims at end of Ramadan Sun and crescent moon manifested in the Roman Catholic Eucharist The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Masonic Mafia Movement, US Sponsors Terrorism Catholic Ireland refuse to to blacklist HizbAllah "no comments posted on video" --If this turns out to be true, then we have yet another smoking gun that connects the Vatican to the Muslims and their Muslims Find a Welcoming Home in Famously Catholic Ireland hell inspired hatred of Christians. The Popes, with the exception of John Paul I who was murdered for trying to remove the Masons from Rome and then Saudi King sends message for Pope Francis through ambassador replaced by John Paul II, were all in bed with Masonry, which mounting evidence shows its inception being within Vatican walls. And no, I am not Pope God for peaceful coexistence Chrristians Muslims pointing thethanks finger at Rome again because I havebetween a personal vendettaand against them as some assume. The facts are the facts, and Satan claims the Pope: Dialogue with Islam, olive branch to China Vatican as his throne as is obvious by well documented Papal characteristics over time. Prophecy says all evil will stem from this church because it is Truth Provided Audio clip from - "The Common Pope andsense, Islam" and a rather basic understanding of the Christian Bible, along with its well Satan's home base while trapped on2003 this planet. Roman outline Catholic Cleric Celebrates Palestinian State documented exposing the character and plans of the enemy of souls grants us the eyes to see this clearly. But for those that doubt the Muslim Muslims boost Catholic food drive connection, click here. And for those that doubt the Masonic connection, click here. Catholics and Muslims worked together on food drive Christians and to Muslims pray together "Message the Arabic world: We need reforms now!" "Muslims and Christians came together in St. Peters Square today and prayed using words from their own religions. Many described this as the Islamic prince to attend Pope's interfaith meeting in Assisi miracle of Pope Francis ecumenical appeal and during fast and four-hour long vigil of prayer which broke the barriers of faith in an attempt to stop Relations between the Iranian Embassy thetodays Holy See the war in Syria. 100,000 came to St. Peters Square in the late afternoon to join the Pope in his appeal for peace." --First of all, Catholics are not being taught to be Christians by their leaders. Sure, they are taught to claim Christ Lord, but their doctrinal foundation is not found in Scripture. They are not 2/3



Pell sees "a world of opportunities" in Christian-Muslim relations Are Catholics ready for the growth of Islam in Europe? Council should be starting point for dialogue with Islam Islam changes relations between religions in Europe Speaker Kadaga receives blessings from Pope Vatican says it will promote religious liberty in Saudi-backed center Vatican Hails UN Palestinian State Vote, Calls For Special Status For Jerusalem Expose: the Vatican Welcomes Iran Vatican Seeks Islamic Allies In U.N. Population Dispute Vatican supports call to teach Islam The future holds lasting alliance with Islam Muslim-Catholic dialogue event focuses on bridge-building French Bishop Slams Rising Islamophobia Muslim Ivory Coast leader meets pope after dissolving government Pope playing the Muslim leaders Saudi Interfaith Center Opens In Vienna Pope: Importance of ecumenism for new evangelisation Europe Turns Churches into Mosques The Prophet to be Broadcast via Satellite Networks Teach-In to Explore Faith-Based Topics Vatican joins King Abdullah intl center for cultural, religious dialogue Religious freedom, Islam greatest challenges church faces

The Pope & Islam Video The "religion of peace?" The Brutal Truth About Islam The Roman Catholic Vatican created the religion of Islam Vatican claims Islam = Antichrist to hide truth Pope endorses teaching Islam in its schools Vatican, Islam & Hitler Vatican, Obama, and Islam


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