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Power Problemsand UPSSolutions

Power Surges

Voltage above 110% of rated RMS

Heavy eleCtrical equipment being



dataerrors, flickering lights, equipmentshutoff.

voltage(range of
usable voltage) for one or more cycles.

turned off.


Rapid voltage peak up to 6.000 volts with a duration of lOOmS (mS -l,OOOth of a second) to 1/2 cycle.

Ughming strikes, switching operations, ardng faults, static discharge.

Memory loss, data errors, data loss, component stress, burned circuit boards.

. Power tine Conditioner 0 Standby UPS . line-interactive UPS

. . 0 . .

-+ Proteclion dependson components

Powerline Conditioner StandbyUPS line-interactiveUPS On-line UPS SurgeProtector

On-line UPS
Surge Protector

Switching Transients

Rapid voltage peak up to 20,000 volts with a duration of 10mS to lOOmS.



Memory loss, data errors, data loss, component stress,burned circuit boards. .

0 0

switching operations, aIring faults, static discharge.

Powertine Conditioner StandbyUPS tine-interactiveUPS


On-line UPS
Power tine Conditioner

Power Sags

Voltage below 80% to 85% of rated RMS voltage for one or more cycles

Heavy equipment being turned on, staning laIge electrical motors, switching power mains (internal or utility).

Memory loss, data errors, flickering lights, equipment shutoff.

~ ~

Some up to 2 cycles Onlywheninvtrter andbatterya~


Standby UPS



Electrical Line Noise

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and other frequency causes.

Electtic motors, relays, motor control devices, broadcast ttansmissions, microwave radiation, distant electrical Stonns.

Data error, data loss. keyboanI lockup, storage loss, system lockup.

. . . . . .
0 0

the power soun:t

tine-interactiveUPS -0 Boost dn:uit (~qui~ batteryhelp) On-line UPS SurgeProtector Powerline Conditioner
Standby UPS

Withfiltering line-interactiveUPS


On-line UPS

Frequency Variation

: A change in

: : than3 Hz.

frequencyof more

Erratic operation of emergency power generators, unstable frequency power sources.

Disk crash, keyboard lockup, program failures, data corruption.

SurgeProtector StandbyUPS -.. With filtmng Une-interactive UPS -.. Withfiltering On-line UPS

0 PowerUne Conditioner

~ Premature hardware j failure, data loss : and corruption.

. .


A steady state of RMS voltage under nominal by a relatively constant peocentage.

Heavy equipment being tUrned on,



starting large electrical mo[o~, power mains (internal and utility), overloaded cin:ujts.

. On-line UPS

SurgeProtector Powerline Conditioner -+ Some up 10 2 cyc~ StandbyUPS line-interactiveUPS -+ Boost d=it (rEqui~ battery~lp)

Power Failure

A zero-voltage condition lasting for more than tWo cycles.


Cin:uit breaker tripped,power distribution failure, utility power fail~

. .

Surge Protector Power UneConditioner

Standby UPS Une-interactive UPS

On-line UPS

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