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Does Termination Of Pregnancy Violate Human Rights or The Right To Life?

Human rights are rights inherit to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence or ethnicity, sex, skin colour, religion, language or status we have. We are equally entitled to human rights without any discrimination. For the mere fact that we classified as humans, we are entitled to such human rights. Human rights are globally recognized and apply the same to everyone in particular countries. The substantive right is a firm basis in reality and therefore its important and meaningful. The right to life is one of the substantive rights and every human has a right to life, including an infant. This right is to be protected by the law and no individual should be indiscriminately deprived of such a right. It describes the essential right to live, particularly that a human being has the right not to be killed by another human being. Does termination of pregnancy (abortion) violate the right to life? Abortion is the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo prior viability. Foetus is an unbon child and has no legal capcity to litigate or act therefore it causes controversy whether an unborn child can benefit or inherit the right to life while list it is still unborn? Cause human rights are rights of living humans so how is termination of pregnancy violating that right? Christianity and African cultures are against the termination of pregnancy as they feel that is immoral activity and it promotes unacceptable sexual behavior like sex before marriage and multiple sexual partners and it will result to unwanted pregnancy and woman who practice those immoral behaviours can get rid of that pregnancy easily and they believe that termination of pregnancy is a violation to the right to life. I feel that their reason is voidable yes there are those who use termination of pregnanacy as a contraceptive and by doing so it poses high risk on the mother and that can be caused by recklessness of the mother and lack of information, and to avoid discrimination from family and ommunity at large. But an unborn child does not inherit the right to life during gestation period, it is only when the child is born and can inherit that right in the eyes of the law. The bigger picture is what if the foetus poses a high risk to the mother will the right to life of the mother be ignored some unborn child? Let our community and people be realistic in way that we view the both sides of the story cause in the instance where the mothers life is at risk we cannot take chances and save the life of the unborn child while we take away someones mother, sister, or wife and after saving the life of the unborn child who would raise that child cause the mother is no more? Then we have to look for the reasons behind the termination of pregnancy because no woman can just terminate a pregnancy for no apparent reason and our law has legalized termination on the basis on the following reasons: if pregnancy poses health risk to the mother, the pregnancy as a result of rape, for social reason for example if the mother is too young to cope with the child or has financial problems, where the child of the other would for example have an unacceptable quality of life such cases where the child would for example include: serious physical handicaps, serious genetic problems, serious mental defects.

Lastly our community need to know and be educated on these matter because its a global problem where our communities assume that termination of pregnancy violates the right to life of an unborn child, it has been legally proven that an unborn child does not have the right to life until the minute he or she is born. And let us not use termination of pregnancy as a method of contraceptive because that can lead to high health risks. To minimize or combat illegal abortions we need to have knowledge on the risks incurred when terminating a pregnancy and let be non-discrimination on people who opt to abort pregnancies.

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