Anda di halaman 1dari 20

just ste

ep into it

a mes s a
our senior pastors
Go d h a s a f a n ta s t i c p lan an d purpo se f o r you r lif e a nd at Glo bal heart Leadership Co lle g e w e wa n t to s e e yo u f ul f il l it. o ur en d e avo u r a nd d es i r e i s to hel p every studen t grow i n t he l i f e - c h a ng i n g pow er o f Go ds Wo rd. We b e lie v e i n you r pot en t ial to beco me a per so n o f i nf l u en c e thro ugh develo pin g th e G o d - g i v en g i ft s within yo u. The overal l e x pe ri e n c e you w i l l receive at Glo bal heart Le a d e rshi p Col l eg e w i l l be so un d, bibl ical, insp i rat io na l a n d p ractical t rain in g f o r lif e i n G o ds c h os en f iel d f o r yo u. Whet her yo u a re i nvolv ed i n co mputer techn o lo gy, sport, b u s i n es s, t h e f in an ce in dustry o r me d ia, w e bel i ev e t h e se co urses wil l hel p to b e t t e r equ i p you f o r great f ruitf ul n ess. T h e r e i s n o g r e at e r s at i s f a c t i o n i n l i f e t h a n f u l f i l l i n g G o ds w i l l a n d p u r p o s e a s o u two rked t h rou g h t he lo cal church. In l in e wit h t h is, you w i ll a l so rec eive p r a c t i c a l m i n i s t ry o p p o rt u n i t i e s t h r o u g h G lo b a l h e a rt C h u r c h a n d yo u r v e ry o w n lo ca l c h u rc h. W e h av e a g r e at v i s i o n f o r W e s t e r n A u s t ra l i a, b u t o u r v i s i o n a l s o s t r e tc h e s o u t ac ro s s t h i s n at i o n a n d to t h e n at i o n s o f t h e wo rl d. If yo u are serio us ab out the call of G od, the n th e c h all e n g e is to d o s o m e t h i n g a b o u t i t! Spea k to u s today - a s we wo ul d love to see yo u becom e a nd achie ve all that God

has planned for you.

ps gerard & sue keehan

church senior pastors
PS GERARD- australian Christian Churches National Executive Member PS SUE- Director of Australian Christian Women WA

ge from
our college principal
I b e l i e v e t h at t h e lo ca l c h u rc h i s G o ds s t rat e g y to r e ac h o u r co m m u n i t i e s a n d b r i n g t ra n s f o r m at i o n a n d c h a n g e. Here at G lo b a l h e a rt Leadership Co l l e g e w e h av e g r e at co u r s e s t h at w i l l t ra i n a n d e q u i p yo u to r e ac h yo u r f u l l p ot e n t i a l. W e e n d e avo u r to p ro d u c e r i g h t t h i n k i n g a b o u t t h e lo ca l c h u rc h, t h at w i l l p ro d u c e h e a lt h y, lo n g - t e r m e f f e ct i v e l e a d e r s. W e b e l i e v e t h at w i t h r i g h t t h i n k i n g co m e s a r i g h t h e a rt. O u r g o a l i s to d e v e lo p yo u r G o d - g i v e n g i f t s a n d to g i v e yo u a w i d e ra n g e o f e x p e r i e n c e s. T h i s w i l l e n co u rag e yo u i n t h i s l i f e w h e r e G o d h a s ca l l e d yo u to m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e. I i n v i t e yo u to ta k e t h i s p o s i t i v e s t e p f o r yo u to i n c r e a s e yo u r ca pac i t y a n d b e l i e v e t h at G o d wa n t s yo u to m a k e a s ta n d f o r yo u r g e n e rat i o n.

ps donna kipps
college principal

s t ream op tion s
pastoral stream
Core subjects covering the basics of biblical leadership, designed to equip students with an understanding of Christian principles, with a purpose to prepare them for a role in Christian ministry in their local church or Christian organisation.

ps spencer nicholls
oversight pastoral leadership

worship & creative arts

Core subjects deliver teaching in the foundations of biblical principles, Plus electives and practical ministry training. Students will be provided with hands on training in the set- up and pack- down of audio equipment and gain experience in music rehearsals.

shaun keehan
oversight worship & creative arts

youth stream
This stream will provide you with bible - centred teaching. Electives focus on youth outreach, discipleship and care. also practical ministry experience provides students with the practical skills to prepare them for service in their local church and youth group.

israel mohamed
o v e r s i g h t yo u t h l e a d e r s h i p

c e r t i f i c at e i v
i n c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r s h i p

core subjects
c h l b at403a surv ey th e bi ble c hl b at401a fo undati o nal chri sti an b e l i e fs c hl b at402a fo undati o ns o f ch ri sti a n i d e nt i ty c h l l dm401a research the bi ble and p r e pa r e a me ssag e CHLLDM403A Ch ri sti an Leadersh i p Insi g ht s c h lc p m401a pri nci ples o f healthy ch u rch l i fe b sb mgt405a perso nal leadersh i p deve lo pm e nt chcadmin305f the value of administration and process

pastoral leadership
c h c pas401b b sb p mg510a c h l b at406a b sb wor404b c h lc p m405a c h lc p m402a di sci pleshi p and care manage projects the nature o f go d dev elo p wo rk pri o ri ti es evangelism and outreach childrens ministry

worship and creative arts

bsb p mg510a c HLCPM404A cu s mp f607a c u s s o u303a c h lc p m402a b sb wor404b c h l b at406a manage projects explo re musi c and wo rshi p i n t he chu rch lead musi c reh earsals set up and disassemble audio equipment childrens ministry dev elo p wo rk pri o ri ti es the nature o f go d

youth leadership
c hc pas401b b sb p mg510a c h cyt h505e c h cyt h301e bs b wor404b c h lc p m402a c h l b at406a di sci pleshi p and care manage projects suppo rt yo uth pro grams wo rk effecti v ely wi th you ng pe o pl e dev elo p wo rk pri o ri ti es childrens ministry the nature o f go d

in christian leadership

core subjects
bab wor501b b s b wor502a chl l dm501a c hl l dm502a chlc p m501a c h l b at501a c h l b at502a lead yo urself lead oth ers dev elo p chri sti an lea d e r shi p i nsi g ht s dev elo p spi ri tual di sc i pl i ne s dev elo p a church plant i ng st rat e g y analyse bi bli cal leade r shi p analyse the chri sti an scr i pt u r e s

c hcorg525d c hlc p m503a b s b c m m401a c h l b at508a c h l b at505a c h c o r g627b wo rki ng wi th vo lunt e e r s manage di sci pleshi p a nd ca r e co mmuni cate th e ch r i st i a n m e ssag e dev elo p a bi bli cal wo r l dvi e w analyse spi ri tuali ty i n t he chu rch mento ri ng others

just into it

g e n e r
college life
College life is vibrant and exciting with lots of activities for you to participate in. We have planned for you to have practical experiences that will give you a broad understanding of the various aspects of church life with input from International Speakers which will give insight into many aspects of life in Christ. We understand that learning is more than books and papers; it also involves hands - on, experiential knowledge. Our College aims to encourage excellence in all walks of life by the development of self leadership and self - management. a typical college week includes two full days of classes, one full day of practical, friday night and sunday morning church services.

study options
Studying at Globalheart Leadership College gives you an opportunity to study and learn in an exciting and growing environment. We are offering Certificate IV in Christian leadership with electives in Pastoral Leadership, Worship & Creative Arts and Youth Leadership, as well as a Diploma in Christian leadership. we believe in the local church and so our courses are designed to give students training that will help to increase their involvement, skills, knowledge and commitment to their local church. We have part- time study options available which include students completing the Certificate IV over a 2 year period. This is made up of class time and practical hours. we are in partnership with Influencers Leadership College, South Australia; all the courses are nationally accredited. Students who qualify may receive Youth Allowance, Austudy/Abstudy ( not applicable to internation al students ).

a l

i n f o
our facilities

Globalheart Leadersh ip College is located 25 minutes north of Perth near the northern beaches. The College provides students with access to first class f acilities, equipment and benefits from being part of Globalheart Church.

entrance requirements
Students applying for placement in the College must meet the following requirements: Have bee n a practicing Christian for at least 24 months or be able to satisfy the College faculty that they are of equivalent Christian maturity. Have the skills to describe their Christian faith at the level of a basic New Christians course run by a local church. It is expected that all applicants will be actively involved in a local church and that local church involvement will continue if the application is successful. Demonstrate support for entry to the course from the appropriate pastoral oversight from the applicants local church.

recognition of prior learning

The College may at its discretion grant Recognition of Prior Learning ( RPL ) and cred it transfer on the basis of studies completed in other accredited institutions or your RPL evidence of relevant ministry experience.

international students
At Globalheart Leadership College we accept the International English Language Testing Systems ( IELTS ) and request that students undertake the test for Academic Training and achieve a score of 5.5 or above. To find out about the assessment please visit the IELTS website at IELTS assessment results or equivalent evidence of English proficiency must be completed and supplied to the College before international students from non - English speaking backgrounds will be accepted.

studying in perth
If you want to experience the real Australia, Perth is the place for you. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We have the stunning Swan River and the expansive, white, sandy beaches making Perth the fourth most liveable city in the world. Perth has fantastic restaurants, cafs, art galleries, theatres, a multicultural feel and so much more. To find out more about Perth and Western Australia go to and www.wa.g ov.a u

cost of living
we recommend that you budget between $250 - $350 per week. this includes rent, transport, food and personal bills. this does not include your college fees. accommodation prices vary depending on which suburb you choose to live in and the type of housing. when seeking employment please note you will n eed to arrange your working ho urs around your college schedule.

domestic STUDENTS
a p p l i c a t i o n f e e : $50 s t u d e n t s e r v i c e f e e : $600

international STUDENTS
a p p l i c a t i o n f e e : $ 10 0 s t u d e n t s e r v i c e f e e : $ 90 0

stream prices
w o r s h i p & c r e a t i v e a r t s : $4, 475 y o u t h l e a d e r s h i p : $4,367 p a s t o r a l l e a d e r s h i p : $4,102 D i p l o m a : $3,701
*prices are subject to change

f o r f u rt h e r i n f o r m at i o n p l e a s e v i s i t 0u r w e b s i t e

expression of interest
p l e a s e f i l l i n yo u r d e ta i l s i n ca p i ta l l e t t e r s.

t i t l e:


mr s.


mi s s.

fi r s t n a me/s: _______________________________________________________________________________ surn a me: _______________________________________________________________________________________ g en d e r: _________________________________________ age: ___________________________________ a d d re s s: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________ sub u rb: ______________________________________________________ pc: _________________________ co un try: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________ ho me # : ________________________________ mo b i l e #: __________________________________ em a il: ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________ chu rc h n a me : ____________________________________________________________________________ co urs e: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ st r e a m: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________

P l e a s e co m p l e t e t h e E x p r e s s i o n o f I n t e r e s t f o r m a n d p o s t to PO B ox 973, J o o n da l u p b c WA 6919. Upon finalising enrolment, the College will contact the applicants Pastor for a confidential character reference. The College will then f orward an offer of enrolment to successful applicants. Subsequent to finalising enrolments the College will forward a statement of enrolment that may be used for Youth Allowance, Austudy/Abstudy ( not applicable for international students ).

f or more in fo o r to download an appl i cat i o n fo r m a nd han db o o k g o to w w w. g l o b a l h e a r t l e a d e r s h i p c o l l e g e . c o m

g l o ba l h e a rt
a: p o b ox 973, j o o n d a l u p b c w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a 6919 E: l e a d e r s h i p c o l l e g e @ g lo b a l h e a rtc h u r c h.c o m p h: +61 ( 08 ) 9301 0733 f: +61 ( 08 ) 9301 0766 a b n: 86 326 410 609 c r i c o s c o d e: 01027c
provider name: assemblies of god inc trading as influencers leadership college.

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