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The basic configuration of 5928 and 2920

By Diu

1 Prepare


Cable connection


Tools to do the configuration

A)hyperterminal Baud rate9600 Data bits 8 Parityno Stop bits 1 Data flow controlno

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2 Basic configuration of 5928


Switch panel

All the 24 ports are GE ports, port 1-20 are electric ports. We can use ports 21-24 as electric or optical, but for one port we can use ether electric or optical.


Login the 5928 switch

We are in the general mode when we login the switch, end with > ************************************************************************* Welcome to ZXR10 Carrier-class High-end Routing Switch of ZTE Corporation

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************************************************************************* zxr10> Then input en, and password zxr10, the ending symbol will change to #, this is the enable mode of our 5928 switch, we can show some status in this mode. zxr10>en password: zxr10# We must enter the configure mode if we want to change the configuration zxr10#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z. zxr10(config)#


Hostname of the switch

Use site JKT_01A066 as the example, the hostname should be configured as JKT_05A0315928 zxr10(config)#hostname JKT_05A031-5928 JKT_05A031-5928(config)#


Configure the remote username and password

Our username and password should be configured both as zxr10 JKT_05A031-5928(config)#username zxr10 password zxr10 JKT_05A031-5928(config)# Tips: All the switches use the username and password


Configure the manage VLAN and manage IP

Search from the plan, the ip is10.31.13.181, VLAN is 232, mask is JKT_05A031-5928(config)#vlan 232 JKT_05A031-5928(config-vlan232)#exit JKT_05A031-5928(config)#interface vlan 232 JKT_05A031-5928(config-if-vlan232)#ip address JKT_05A031-5928(config-if-vlan232)#exit JKT_05A031-5928(config)# Tips: We should get the VLAN and the IP from the plan table


Configure the uplink port

AIf the uplink port is optical GE, we general use port 22 JKT_05A031-5928(config)#interface gei_1/22

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JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22)# description up to MUX JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22) #hybrid-attribute fiber JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22) #no negotiation auto JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22) #acceptable frame types tag JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22) #switchport mode trunk JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22) #switchport trunk vlan 232 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/22)#exit JKT_05A031-5928(config)# BIf the uplink port is electric GE, for example port 1 JKT_05A031-5928(config)#interface gei_1/1 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #acceptable frame types tag JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #switchport mode trunk JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #switchport trunk vlan 232 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1)#exit JKT_05A031-5928(config)# C If the uplink port is electric FE, for example port 1 JKT_05A031-5928(config)#interface gei_1/1 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1)# description up to MUX JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #acceptable frame types tag JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #no negotiation auto JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1)#speed 100 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #switchport mode trunk JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1) #switchport trunk vlan 232 JKT_05A031-5928(config-gei_1/1)#exit JKT_05A031-5928(config)#


Save configuration
JKT_05A031-5928(config)#exit JKT_05A031-5928#write Building configuration... ...[OK] JKT_05A031-5928#


The script to configure the uplink port automatically(5928)

This script can general the configuration of the uplink port, please keep as a reference.

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3 The basic configuration of 2920 switch


2920 switch panel

Port 1-16 is electric FE, port 17-20 is electric GE



Login the 2920 switch with the USB to serial cable login(username) is adminpassword is zhongxingen password is zxr10 Welcome ! ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

login:admin password:********* % Local login-authentication success! zte>en password:***** zte(cfg)# Tips: The commands of 2920 are different from 5928, you must be careful


Hostname of the switch

Use site JKT_04A257as an example zte(cfg)#hostname JKT_04A257-2920 JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#


Configure the remote username and password

JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#create user zxr10 admin JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set user local zxr10 login-password zxr10 JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)# set user local zxr10 admin-password zxr10

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JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)# Tips: All the 2920 switch should use the same username and password here


Configure the manage vlan

Also use site JKT_04A257 as example, from the VLAN and IP plan, we know the manage VLAN is 110, the manage IP is JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 1delete port 1-18 JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 1 delete trunk 1-15 If the uplink use GE port(for example port 17), Then JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 110 add port 17 tag JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 110 enable JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set port 17 duplex full JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set port 17 speed 1000 If the uplink use FE port(for example port 1), Then JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 110 add port 1 tag JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set vlan 110 enable JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set port 1 duplex full JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#set port 1 speed 100 Tips: Generally, different switches use different VLANs


Configure manage IP
The manage IP of site JKT_04A257 is JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)# config router JKT_04A257-2920(cfg-router)# set ipport 1 ipaddress JKT_04A257-2920(cfg-router)#set ipport 1 vlan 110 JKT_04A257-2920(cfg-router)#set ipport 1 enable JKT_04A257-2920(cfg-router)#exit JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)# TipsPlease find the manage IP from the switch IP plan


Save configuration
JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#show run to Saving file, please wait a minute... done ! JKT_04A257-2920(cfg)#

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Internal Use Only 3.8 The script to configure the uplink port automatically(2920)
This script can general the configuration of the uplink port, please keep as a reference.

4 Questions and answers


Whats the principle when switch port connect to MW equipment

Answer: Optical GE port, we use no negotiation auto, and then speed 1000 and duplex full Electric GE port, we use negotiation auto, so no need configure speed and duplex Electric FE port, we use no negotiation auto, and then speed 1000 and duplex full Electirc 10M port, we use no negotiation auto, and then speed 1000 and duplex full


Who to contact when you are in trouble

Now we have two native switch engineers in Jakarta: Thomas, 085881308687 Joe, 08998984767 Our expert: Zhang Xing, 085881776316

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