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Samuel Chueh



Being a mature student does not mean being an old-timer. Maturity is not measured by the number of years a person has lived. Instead, the yard-stick of maturity is marked by the qualities of self-denial, determination, and dependability. No, self-denial is not looking down at ones self. Generally speaking , self-denial is the ability to control yourself from temptations and desires that would just do you nothing good. Another good word for this would be selfcontrol. A mature student should be able to discern betwixt what he should do and what he should not do. But more than that, he should be able to overcome the temptation and choose that one that he should do. For example, a mature student would choose study for his exam instead of watching TV. A mature student would choose to accomplish his homework instead of accomplishing his mission in the game Counter Strike. A mature student knows that importance of priority and chooses what is more essential. He denies the desires of his body that he knows is not good for him. In addition that, a mature student is also someone who is disciplined. For instance, a mature student does not just choose to study for one night but throughout his student life. Discipline is what turns an action into a habit and only a mature student can possess such a trait. To know what to do, do it, and keep on doing it. Excellence for a mature student, then, is not an act, but a habit. Another characteristic of a mature student is determination. A good translation for this is hard work. Life for a student is difficult. It is filled with both challenges and frustration which are stumbling block for everyone who passes. For example, if tuition fees become too high to pay, most students then decide not to go to school. This is how normal students will react; mature students respond differently. Notice the difference between react and respond; it is only the latter that choose to work an action plan to fix the problem. If tuition fees were too high, a mature student would look for ways. He would strive hard to become a scholar or if needed, he would even carry the burden of being a working student to help pay for his schooling. It is determination that gives him the energy to wake up straight to the midnight to work the evening shift and complete the assignments given. Another example is if a student wants to work in a big company. In order to do so, he must study well and at the same time, juggle many school activities to help him grow in experience and character. Without strong determination and hard work, one can never succeed. Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, once said, There are ten keys to success. The first and most important is hard work. The other nine is more work. Truly, in order for one to be counted as mature, he must have the fuel of determin ation with him in order drive him through the roads of difficult life to a place called success. Although self-denial and determination are both vital, probably the most important measure of maturity is dependability. First of all, dependability does not mean that one always has to depend on other people to survive. In fact, it means quite the opposite. Being dependable being able to independently and support other people. A synonym of this trait is being responsible. It means that if you were left alone for a month, you wouldnt die. Only those who are truly mature can stand firm by themselves. They are reliable people and become a rare and rich resource for the people around them. For example, a mature student is someone who later on gets a job and can live independent from his family. This does not mean that he will no longer engage himself with is brothers and sisters, but that even without then, he is, financially, still stable. Furthermore, dependable people are those who run to when you have problems. These are people with loads of wisdom to teach and pass on. For instance, a mature student is a counselor to his friends who have problems. Dependable people also tend to be good leaders. They have a pleasing personality and become good examples for everyone around them. They possess the skills to generate ideas and persuade others to join them in their endeavor of success. Because of all this, a mature student will end up earning the respect of this fellow leaders and followers which is the mark of true maturity. Most people think that maturity is a by-product of experience and age. This is not always true. When people say that experience is the best teacher, I smiled because I know this is not true. Only evaluated experience teaches best and it is only people who choose to evaluate their experiences who become mature. These people, through their life, have learned self-denial, determination, and dependability. These are people who have not just grown physically, but mentally, socially and psychologically. These people have embraced the three measuring tools of a mature student and thus have reached the point where they can begin to soar high in life because they have not just grown in age, they have, more importantly, grown in heart.

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