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--> Objective >> Eja Pedersen: Discover the impact of visual factors on wind turbine noise suc h as visibility

of noise source, the visual behaviour//attitude towards noise so urce and so on. This is because the characteristics and the behaviour of wind tu rbine noise can be visulised by the people. [For example, people observe that th e defect turbine blades are the main causes of the turbine noise during the turb ine was visualised by people.] >> L.B. Baath: Measure spectra//range of total noise level from wind turbine. In this project, the author use the data acquisition system as a technique to meas ure the spectra of total noise level. [This is because total noise level from di fferent range may have different noise results.] >> Ofelia Jianu: Interpret and compare various techniques for decreasing the win d turbine noise. This is because different kinds of methods are to solve// overc ome different types of noise sources such as mechanical noise and aerodynamic no ise. >> T.Rogers: Examine the noise emissions from micro-scale horizontal axis turbin e sited within built environment in order to verify noise emission is one of the dominant techanical problem for horizontal axis wind turbine. >> K.Persson Waye: he objective of this project is to evaluate consciousness and annoyance from various wind turbine noise within same equivalent noise level. [Equivalent noise //sound level is defined as the noise pressure level of a stea dy sound over a given period of time within a same energy as a fluctuating noise . The higher the equivalent noise level, the greater the fluctuating noise that causes the noise are in unstable condition.] >> S.Oerlemans: its objective of this project is to determine noise sources on b aseline wind turbine in order to prove whether the turbine blades are the main c ause of trailing edge noise.

--> Methodology >> Eja Pedersen: Noise annoyance to determine response to wind turbine noise & b lade noise. For example, obtain the response //feedback from the people to check whether annyonace of turbine noise are noticabled by these residential that nea rby the wind turbine. >> L.B.Baath: Data Acquisition System to record acoustic data from 2 different c hannels. The first channel is a microphone with wind protection muff whereas the second channel is without wind protection muff as to observe the differences in terms of noise result. >> Oelia Jianu 1. Vibration Control is a method to overcome the mechanical noise which is used to suppress or reduce the unwanted vibration from wind turbine components such a s vibrations from gearbox, generator and so on. 2.These brushes are attached to the trailing edge of turbine blades for reducing the aerodynamic noise. This is because these brushes will aligned automatically with trailing edge flow so that provide more aerodynamic when the wind is flowi ng as to reduce the turbine noise. >> T.Rogers: Record equivalent noise level for 12 hours checking period for the purpose of determining the best time to take measurement of noise result.

>> K.Persson Waye: Psycho-acoustic Analysis is used to interpret the parameters of wind turbine noise such as loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation streng th and modulation of wind turbine noise. >> S.Oerlemans: to analyse acoustic data from wind turbine noise where it is int erpreting acoustic data from array microphone at 51.2 kHz frequency with 30 seco nds for 3 different blades, first is cleaned blade, second is tripped (defect) b lade and the third is the blade remain untreated. << The methodology of 2nd ( L.B. Baath)journal is similar to 6th (S.Oerlemans) j ournal because both journal are using data acquisition system as a technique to obtain the results from turbine noise. However the difference is the 2nd journal is using different microphone where one with protection muff whereas another is without protection muff. But the 6th journal is using same mircophone at fixed frequency and time limit given. << On the other hands, 3rd journal has totally different methodology compared to other journals because this journal is focusing the methods to reduce the turbi ne noise rather than obtain the data // results from turbine noise. --> Problem Faced >> Eja Pedersen: The noise effect is visible but the sound is not always clear.T his is because this noise effect contain other noise that not from wind turbine such as human activities, environment and so on. >> L.B.Baath: Budget mistake in measurement of total equivalent noise such as ca libration error for reference system of wind turbine whereas others errors like filtering and reflection of noise are the type of additive noise. >> Ofelia Jianu: Trailing edge brushes do not operate effectively when dealing w ith different weather conditions. This trailing edge brushes is one of methodolo gy to solve aerodynamic noise that has been explained previously. So this traili ng edge brushes do not perform properly if dealing with bad whether conditions s uch as snow and ice. This is because during snow season, the snow //ice will sti ck to these brushes which prevent the wind flow to these brushes that causes tur bine noise has been increases. >> T.Rogers:Accurate noise emissions are hard to recognized from wind turbine. T his is because these noise emissions consists of original noise from wind turbin e as well as the unwanted background noise such as passing traffic, industrial c omplexes and so on. >> K.Persson Waye:unable to evaluate whether different methods for calculation c an improve the relationship with annoyance of wind turbine noise although it is probable the effect is low. This is because there is no direct formula or equati on that calculate the magnitude // amount of annoyance of wind turbine. >> S.Oerlemans:there is no conclusive explanation that reduce in source radius o f tripped blade at high frequency. This is because there is no direct relationsh ip between source radius of tripped blade and the corresponding frequency. << The problem faced of 1st journal is similar to 4th journal because both noise results obtained from wind turbine is not cler, precise and accurate caused by the background noise happened as to interrupt the wind turbine noise. << On the other hand, 5th journal has similar problem faced as the 6th journal b ecause both journals are focusing there is no direct formula or relationship bet ween 2 elements // things. For example, 5th journal is focusing on relationship

with annoyance of wind turbine noise whereas 6th journal is focusing on relation ship between source radius tripped blad and frequency.

--> Outcome >> Eja Pedersen: Visual factors are important for noise source during discoveri ng response to environmental noise. This means the wind turbine noise source is always related to the visual factors such as visibility of noise source. >> L.B. Baath: Data acquisition and reduction system have been verified to opera te successfully. This means this methodology is acceptable due to this methodolo gy can obtain more precise and accurate noise results. >> Ofelia Jianu:The mechanical and aerodynamic noises have been reduced successf ully. For example, the previous methodology like vibration control is to decreas e mechanical noise whereas trailing edge brush is to decrease aerodynamic noise. >> T.Rogers: Turbulence intensity increase doubled from 0.3 to 0.6 whereas avera ge noise pressure level also increased by 2 decibels.This means double turbulenc e intensity, double the magnitude of noise. Therefore, they found that if decrea se the turbulence intensity by double, then noise also will be reduced by double automatically. >> K.Persson Waye: the outcome is potential annoying noise while low frequency and gri nding is related to less disturbing and less annoying sounds. >> S.Oerlemans: the outcome is consistent with computed results from a semi-expe rimental prediction code for wind turbine noise. This means that the overall res ults obtained from the wind turbine noise caused by the turbine baldes are very consistent and precise. << The outcome of 3rd, 4th and 5th journals are similar because these journals a re trying to reduce the turbnine noise as much as possible by its own specific m ethods although the study field of wind turbine noise is different. For example, 3rd journal is more focus on mechanical and aerodynamic noise only whereas 4th journal is mainly focus on turbulence intensity which does not involve any mecha nical noise.

--> In General Term << (might used in Comparision in general) Although 6 journals are related to win d turbine noise, but some journals have similar objectives whereas others have d ifferent objectives. For example, objective of 3rd journal (Ofelia Jianu) is sim ilar to 6th journal (S.Oerlemans), this is because 6th journal is focusing on tr ailing edge noise as a main turbine noise whereas 1st journal also focusing the aerodynamic noise where the trailing edge noise also one of the aerodynamic nois e. So, both journals are also studying the trailling edge noise. << On the other hands, objective of 4th (T.Rogers) and 5th (K.Persson Waye ) jou rnals also similar because both journals are relevant to annoyance of wind turbi ne noise, however the 4th journal is focusing on micro-scale wind turbine used f or building purpose whereas 5th journals is focusing on conventional wind turbin e that build in the rural area. << The 1st (Eja Pedersen) and 2nd (L.B. Baath) journals have their own specific objective because 1st journal is focusing on visual factors rather than the turb ine noise sources whereas 2nd journal is focusing on the scope of total noise le

vel which does not involve any visual factors.

--> How These Journals related to my Ideas << Ofelia Jianu: Related to how to reduce mechanical noise effectively. Since my idea also involving the mechanical noise as one of the wind turbine noise, ther efore this journal also help assist me in my idea as to improve the mechanical n oise properly. << S.Oerlemans: Related to trailing edge noise of the wind turbine blades. Since my idea involving the suitable material of blades as to reduce turbine noise, t herefore I know// realise that this trailing edge noise is specifically for the blades only as to give me the ideas for reduce trailing edge noise. << Eja Pedersen ,L.B. Baath, T.Rogers & K.Persson Waye: Related to annoyance of wind turbine noise. These journal give me the ideas how to obtain the acoustic d ata from the wind turbine noise as to analyse the noise results precisely and ac curately.

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