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Incident at Morales This video shows ethical issues faced by a company that wants to build a plant soon as possible

in order to develop a new chemical product such that it will be competitive with other companies on the market. Choices of the designs; valves, piping and chemicals have raised technical and ethical issues. Financial issue Some ethical issues have also risen because of saving the money: * Phaust decides to construct a new chemical plant in Mexico and hires an Engineer who has worked for their competitor Chemitoil, Fred Martinez to make design of the plant. They chose Mexico such that they avoid to be tracked because of environment safeness. * The managing company of Phaust has retrieved 20% of the total project cost and this has to lead to a poor design, as the construction costs have to be reduced. * The engineer in charge of the project; Fred has to make many engineering decisions in which ethical considerations are highlighted (using expensive control, purchase high pressure pipes and connectors.). automatically Engineering work impact people worldwide so it is the responsibility of engineers to consider people more that considering materials or object. Unexpected problem has happened one of the engineers who have proposed the manual control has been killed in accident while controlling the processing manually. Sometime it is necessary to make decisions with insufficient time and with incomplete data. Decisions that have to be made by an Engineer have to be based on ethical considerations. For engineers who are working in US, they have to know that ethical considerations are not limited to US only! They are many people around the world who will be affected by bad design and bad project implementations. Family relationships affair have to be avoided as they can compromise the confidentiality of the company. Fred didnt do well when he discussed his work with his wife! Emotions based on relationships can lead to malfunctions: make unethical decisions. It is our responsibility to do the right thing by avoiding emotions that will be raised from those relationships. Our professional responsibilities (environmental, ethical) have to be applied worldwide not only in our home country.

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