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Environmental protection or preservation is a practice of protecting the natural environment on individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit

of both the natural environment and humans. Due to the pressures of population and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, activity of environmental movements has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is no agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity, and protection measures are occasionally criticized. Academic institutions now offer courses, such as environmental studies, environmental management and environmental engineering, that teach the history and methods of environment protection. Protection of the environment is needed due to various human activities. Waste production, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity (resulting from the introduction of invasive species and species extinction) are some of the issues related to environmental protection. Environmental protection is influenced by three interwoven factors: environmental legislation, ethics and education. Each of these factors plays its part in influencing national-level environmental decisions and personal-level environmental values and behaviors. For environmental protection to become a reality, it is important for societies to develop each of these areas that, together, will inform and drive environmental decisions. Today, there is now a premium on fresh air and there even are bars in Japan where people can buy whiffs of oxygen. If we continue to play foul with the environment and interfere with the already disturbed ecosystem, the day is not far off when we shall rue over the mind-boggling progress and excessive exploitation of nature to feed our follies and glorify our greed. It is neither a fad nor a fashion to show our concern for environment. It is a feeling for the fast deteriorating miler, both natural and man-made, that pricks the conscience of some who take upon themselves the rigorous but moral responsibility of creating an aware among the people, to preserve the delicate balance in the entire ecosystems that has been disturbed beyond repair and recognition in many cases. Since the problem of environmental degradation is global, a concerted effort needs to be launched to infuse 'environment-consciousness' among all and sundry before it gets too late to mend the matters. In its mad race to make miracles and bring about a complete metamorphosis in the living styles, modern human kind seems to have failed to appreciate the inherent worth of animal and plant life in totality. In ancient times nature held our respect, perhaps due to religious or supernatural associations. Now that we have a scientific grasp of nature, we have lost sight of its wider aesthetic, spiritual and complementary value. With the onslaught of industrialization, nature has been through a rapid exploitation leading to pollution and depletion of its resources. This destructive trend can be slowed doing, if not completely reversed, if collective care and concern for environmentconsciousness is created through different media, education, visual and performing arts.

Science and technology glitter and glamour, speed and success these are some of the telling traits of human condition today, at the cost of degraded ecosystem, near extinction of some forms of life, global warming, and the like. In order to feel secure, without having a clear conscience of the environment, is like walking waywardly on a land mine. The impression that conservation of the environment is an elitist concern of some individuals and groups should be dispelled through every possible means. Nature rather environment or ecology in all its moods and manifestations represents harmony and deep power of joy that can enable us to "see into the life of things" and thus escape from the sinister sway and swing of materialistic mores that have made most of us strangers and aliens to the life sustaining forces on this planet. The urgency to take stock of the current status of biodiversity is the crying need of the hour. It is because of lack of awareness on our part, of the many species of flora and fauna that they are being lost by us "unknowingly". How to bring such facts close to the consciousness of the people should be the foremost ask of all those who have the good of the earth in their hearts. No matter now we manipulate the achievements of science and technology, the moot question would always stare us in the face. If we fail to create 'constructive consciousness' towards environment, in our work culture, developmental activities will end in allied areas of action and interaction. We shall be leading for an impending catastrophe that a highly polluted environment a going to unleash on one and all. Our ancestors were more environment-conscious and conscientious ran us. Their common needs did not go beyond fuel collection, flower are lucking, fruit gathering and the like. They did not indulge in wanton destruction of forests nor did they resort to hunting and poaching in an unscrupulous manner. Unlike the plunder of today, where the governing passion is to explore and exploit the known and unknown sources of wealth, the attitude of our forefathers towards life and its mission was 'live and let others live'. Willy-nilly, planners, policy-makers and wheeler dealers of political power have allowed the things to drift and degeneration for long. It is time now that we should sit up and see the writing on the wall. The warning signals are ringing all round. Many people take nature for granted and do not realize that they cannot just reap from it. The Earth needs to be nourished in return, so it can catch up with the peoples requirements. Everyone should assist in preserving nature because someday it may start to vanish. Eventually the Earth will cease to exist if people do not start caring for the planet. The movie, The Road provides an excellent image of what Earth will convert into. The scenery is nothing, but gray ash scattered around. All plant life is gone. Without plants the animal and human population dwindles down to almost nothing. The remaining individuals look depressed or insane and have to scavenge for food. Is this what the world will come to? Simple changes can save it from the doomed fate that lies ahead. There is still time to do what is necessary, so enough with wasting the glorious life in the world, and start doing what is right now.

Everyone can help save the nature around us by acting out in many different ways.What is needed most is commitment and dedication to the cause of protection, preservation and conservation of environment. While many people recognise that environmental pollution is an extremely urgent problem but when placed in the context of seemingly more immediate problems such as poverty, crime, corruption and religious and social conflicts, the environment often loses. The inter-relationship between environmental degradation and many of India's serious problems is often over-looked. It is necessary to stress on the relationship between destruction of environment on one hand and social as well as health problems on the other. It is especially the poor and the illiterate who are most exposed to environmental pollution. It is necessary to enlighten them of the link between social and environmental problems. This realization can propel environmentalism to the top of national agenda. Print Media and Television also play a dramatic role in spreading awareness about various environmental problems and also in arousing people's interest and their sense of duty towards preservation ofthe environment. School education can significantly promote environmental awareness. Environmental education became an integral component of the National Policy on Education in 1986. It was declared that there is a need to create consciousness of the environment which must permeate all ages and all sections of the society beginning with the child. Environmental consciousness should inform teaching in schools and colleges and should be integrated in the entire education process. Many people just let the water run when they are brushing their teeth or having a bath. Children should be taught to turn off the tap when soaping or brushing. Parents and teachers should also practice this as it will show that they too are trying your best to make a difference. Do not let water run while showering and brushing teeth. Another thing children can do is take shorter showers. In the same way, same must be taught to save water while using sinks and in the garden.Children should be taught to switch off lights, fans and other electronic devices when not in use. Many a times,they leave the fans and lights switched on when they leave a room which results in a lot of wastage of electricity. Since, children especially younger ones are not yet completely aware and informed about environmental problems, they do not know the consequences. They should be taught not to waste electricity. As a parent one should also try to buy fluorescent bulbs instead of normal light bulbs because they save three times more energy than the regular light bulbs.Children can make an organization that plants trees in the community. Participating in planting trees is a great way to help the environment. If you have a garden, teach your children to participate in the gardening, by growing plants and watering them everyday. If you do not have a garden, you can have small pot plants in the balcony of your home.Always teach them to save paper. Try to avoid using paper cups and plates whenever possible,ask your children to use cloth towels and rags instead of paper towels and napkins. As a parent and a teacher one should also, try to do more work online and store your data on the computer and emails rather than take print outs using paper. Print on both sides of the paper whenever possible. Cutting down on use of paper wherever possible will help to save more trees. Choose to receive printed statements rather than print outs on paper. Use recycled paper. Whenever possible ask your kids to use old magazines, phone books and old newspapers for craft and art work.Children should also be encouraged to indulge in and practice composting not only at home but in schools aswell. They should also have proper knowledge about garbage and waste disposal.

Recycling, planting, using eco-friendly products, being more conservative with products and bringing awareness to this horrid matter are just a few simple acts that can cure the Earth. The greatest change that could be made would be to get away from the usage of gasoline. This need pollutes the air which can cause harmful effects on plants and animals. Jim Clyburn said, Environmental quality was drastically improved while economic activity grew by the simple expedient of removing lead from gasoline. Smart cars are being made that help the environment too, so if gasoline was not needed at all the Earth would create more life. With more helpful changes the nature around will flourish. There is nothing to lose, and caring for nature will in return assist the human race. Applying the necessary changes will allow everyone to witness the beauty in Mother Nature. Clean air and fresh water will be major effects that everyone will love. Plants will blossom and grow into beautiful sights to behold. People will become happier with the spectacular views surrounding them. Food and other resources will be plentiful as long as it is replaced. All this sounds better than an ashy gray world. The changes made will help preserve and expand nature. Nature has always been important to everyone and everything in the world. It provides nourishment and beauty for life. Simple changes can be made to better Mother Earth, so start taking responsibility to make a difference or else it may descend into nothing.

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