Anda di halaman 1dari 4


 Lea atentamente el texto.

 Escriba los datos más importantes en su agenda o libreta de apuntes.
 Responda los ejercicios que se proponen.

Los Artículos pueden ser determinados (the) e indeterminados (a, an). A diferencia del
indeterminado, el artículo determinado se usa para personas o cosas concretas.

1.1. Artículo determinado: the (de / di) - el, la, lo, los, las.
Es el único artículo determinado en inglés. Como regla general, se utiliza “the” cuando
hablamos de algo en concreto o único en el mundo. Pero existen otros casos.

the boy - el niño

the boys - los niños
the apple - la manzana
the girl - la niña
the girls - las niñas
the buses - los autobuses

the sea - I go to sea every summer. He lives at sea. Pero: That house is near the sea
the sky - The sky is bright blue today.
the ground - Suddenly he fell to the ground
the country(side) - I´d like to live in the countryside.
the cinema - We go to the cinema every now and then.
the theatre - They hardly ever go to the theatre.
the radio - She´s always listening to the radio. Pero:
television - There´s nothing on television tonight.

1.1.1. Normalmente no se utiliza “the” con las comidas diarias (meals):

breakfast lunch tea time dinner supper

1.1.2. Utilizamos “the” en los lugares cuando pensamos en ellos como lugares con una
utilidad concreta y no como edificios específicos:

prison - The killer will go to prison.

school - Children go to school every day.
university - After the exam, I´ll go to university.
college - Anne goes to college on Mondays.
church - We usually go to church on Sundays.
hospital - He must go to hospital for the operation.

1.1.3. Llevan “the” cuando nos referimos al edificio en sí:

The prison looks very old. They should rebuild it.

She works in the school over there.
The university lectures were ok but I was tired.
She goes to the church to clean it.
We work in the hospital across the road.
1.2. Artículos indeterminados: a/an es el artículo indeterminado “un” o “una”.

1.2.1. a (éi / e) - un, una. Se usa cuando la palabra siguiente es una consonante por
a job
a bottle of wine
a bed
a glass of water
a house

1.2.2. La única excepción a esta regla son las palabras que empiezan con "u" y ésta se
pronuncia "iú": o “ju:”, van precedidas de “a”, aunque comiencen con la vocal “u”:
a university
a uniform
a European city a universe
a uniform - un uniforme

1.2.3.  an (an) - un, una. Se usa cuando la palabra siguiente comienza con vocal o con
consonantes mudas, ejemplo:
an umbrella an apple
an ice-cream an orange
an hour (porque la “h” no se pronuncia) an hour - una hora

Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
País Country Aeropuerto Airport
Región Region Estación Station
Provincia Province Puerto Port
Ciudad City Metro Metro
Pueblo Village Parque Parking lot
Aldea Small village Aparcamiento Parking
Luna Moon Bosque Forest
Calle Street Cine Cinema
Plaza Square Teatro Theater
Avenida Avenue Restaurante Restaurant
Monumento Monument Fuente Fountain


1. Complete this shopping list with a/an.

..... orange
..... bottle of wine
..... carton of milk
..... ice-cream
..... banana
..... small melon

..... hamburger
..... piece of ham
..... pizza
..... apple

2. Complete with a/an.

..... hour ..... ice-cream ..... school uniform

..... accident ..... orange hat ..... egg
..... house ..... green apple ..... white egg
..... European country ..... airport ..... umbrella
..... station ..... English university ..... library

3. Complete the sentences with a/an.

Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is ..... book, ..... pencil case,
..... apple and ..... egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys .....
icecream for dessert.
Today he has ..... English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes ..... short story
about ..... adventurer. The story begins like this: “It is ..... special day for Oliver. At ten
o´clock in the morning he gets on ..... plane. His destination is Australia...”

4. Some of these phrases are wrong. Correct them.

a engineer a house
a hour an orange book
an expensive university an uniform

Answers – Respuestas:

Exercise 1:

an orange
a bottle of wine
a carton of milk
an ice-cream
a banana
a small melon
a hamburger
a piece of ham
a pizza
an apple

Exercise 2:
an hour an ice-cream a school uniform
an accident an orange hat an egg
a house a green apple a white egg
a European country an airport an umbrella
a station an English university a library

Exercise 3:
Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is a book, a pencil case, an
apple and an egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys an ice-cream
for dessert.
Today he has an English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes a short story
about an adventurer. The story begins like this: “It is a special day for Oliver. At ten
o´clock in the morning he gets on a plane. His destination is Australia...”

Exercise 4:
an engineer a house
an hour an orange book
an expensive university a uniform

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