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Its the Number One Desire of People Everywhere

How to Attract MORE MONEY Than You Ever Thought Possible Into Your Life Starting Today!
Discover the Secret to Demolish the Barriers Holding You Back and Open Yourself to an Endless Flow of Money

Dear Friend, One year from now, your income could be 2.5 to 25 times what it is today...Or you could still be struggling and wondering why you cant seem to make more money. The choice is yours. So If you would like to eliminate your debt forever and increase your money stream to more than you ever thought possible, then here is how I did it with $35,000 in credit card debt and no income, and why I think you can do it in your own current financial situation. Lets get started. The first thing I want to tell you is...

You Spend Too Much Time Thinking and Worrying About Money
I know, its difficult NOT to when youre faced with so many money problems. Sorry, we cant afford it. Sound familiar? But imagine what your life will be like when you dont have to worry about where the money will come from to pay the basic bills. Imagine loosening the chokehold of your debt once and for all. Better yet, imagine the end of your money quarrels with your spouse. Just 10 short years ago, I didnt think there was a way out of my familys own money problems. Instead of seeking the life we really wanted, my husband and I were absolutely CONSUMED by the ideas that money was hard to come by. We thought that making money was extremely difficult and that there would never be enough for us. Fortunately, we discovered the secret that has transformed our money shortcomings into a 7-figure business that I love with all my heart!

Before I share the secret with you, though, its vital for you to understand that...

The Old Way of Thinking About Money is Poison to Your Wealth Goals
Did you ever hear these sayings when you were growing up? Money doesnt grow on trees Rich people are not as spiritual You have to work hard for money You are not worth it Money goes out faster than it comes in These teachings certainly taught us how to be frugal. Sadly, though, they also taught us to be poor. With all of these limiting thoughts still swimming around in our minds and forming our opinions about money, its no wonder so many people have a tough time attracting more money into their lives! Let me put it bluntly These old ways of thinking about money will only hold you back. Have you noticed that most people who harbor these thoughts about money are barely allowing enough money to flow into their lives? Its NOT a coincidence that debt and a lack of money can be easily found in their lives. But dont despair, because

Todays Money is VERY Different From Your Parents Money

Bear with me on this thought, since it will begin to really open your mind to your true potential with money. In years past, the United States had a financial policy called The Gold Standard. Simply put, this policy dictated that the government could only circulate a certain amount of money in relation to the countrys total amount of gold reserves. If the gold was worth a billion dollars, then the government could only circulate a pre-determined amount of dollars worth of money. As a result, the amount of money you could acquire was limited. However, in 1971 our leaders took the country off the Gold Standard. Most people dont know or care how this can possibly affect them.

Those in the know quickly understood what this truly means that for the first time in recorded history, there is NO LIMIT to how much money any one person, or our society as a whole, can earn! What an amazing turn of events! You and I are so incredibly blessed to live in a time where money has been UNLEASHED! We can create money to whatever number we desire. The government has taken away any and all limits. With these changes in place

Money is Now a Form of ENERGY

Look closely at the way we interact with money nowadays. Most of our money transactions do not involve actual printed money in a physical form. Aside from a little pocket money we keep on hand, almost all of our money is transferred to us and away from us virtually in the form of electrons. We typically only see our money as numbers on a page or a computer screen! In just a few short decades, money has been transformed from a printed piece of paper that represents a certain amount of value into an infinitely HUGE unseen energetic force that we exchange in our world. And like everything else in our world, it has both its good and bad sides. If you find yourself on the I worry about debt and a lack of money side of the scale, then increased debt and a lack of money can happen very fast with this new form of money. However, if you are on the positive I focus on prosperity and affluence with money side of things, then the energy of money will flow to you more quickly than ever before! Heres the BEST NEWS Because money is energy, it responds to your own personal energy levels and vibrations. When you align your thoughts and feelings about money with vibrations of abundance and wealth, then you will easily change your financial situation faster than you ever thought possible! Its all due to the simple fact that...

Money Obeys You

Your thoughts and feelings are energy. You vibrate electromagnetic currents and send out a signal that the energy of money must respond to. Whatever you believe and vibrate about money is what your experience will be.

Money is a neutral resource. It simply reacts to your energy and takes on your belief and vibrational energy to give you the exact experience you believe about it. Where does your money energy come from? Usually from generations of family members either for good or bad. Just like other habits in your life, your feelings about money and your money energy was influenced by the family you grew up in. Now that you know where your limiting money beliefs come from, youre ready to move on to a higher plane of understanding

Wealth Increases Your Ability to Make the World Better

Money is a necessary commodity in our lives. Everyone understands that in our economic culture we need money to take care of our basic needs. When you have less money, fewer choices are available to you But when you have MORE money, you have an ABUNDANCE of choices before you

So if you have a spiritual purpose in your life, your ability to help everyone around you INCREASES when you have more money at your disposal. 9 The person who does not have enough money is consumed each day with thoughts and worry about where to get more money. 9 The person with an abundance of money, on the other hand, can focus on whatever she wants. She is free to think about how to bless the world and share her gifts and talents with the world. In short, when you dont have enough money to free up your time and your mind, then it becomes a problem that is very likely getting in the way of living your spiritual purpose. The way I see it, its time to make money a spiritual tool in your life. Heres what I mean We should honor money as a wonderful resource from God that is meant to bless your life and the lives of so many others. I feel certain that God would rather have a wealthy disciple than a poor one. Dont get me wrong, though. I know that God loves us no matter how much money we have or dont have in the bank. That isnt the point. But when you have plentiful financial resources ready to use to do good, it just makes sense that its a noble quest. God takes us and does with us what He can with whatever we have to offer. Considering how much more can be accomplished when you have more money -- and how many more lives can be blessed -- I know that God is VERY willing to help us create prosperity with money.

In fact, I believe with all my heart that he will help you

Attract As Much Money As You Like With NO LIMITS

This is a powerful thought: Starting today your money worries can come to an end. You have the power and ability within you RIGHT NOW to create as much money as you want. You just need to learn how to do it for yourself. I can show you how to make it happen. As I mentioned before, I know exactly the kinds of frustration, stress, and worry that you are probably going through in your life right now. Using the same principles and techniques that Ill reveal to you, my husband and I have gone from $35,000 in credit card debt and ZERO income to creating a robust 7-figure business in a very short period of time. From the moment we began implementing this one simple process and mindset, our experience with money has blossomed. We have turned away from our lifestyle of scarcity and have opened our hearts and our arms to a wonderful world of abundance that I never dreamed we could achieve. But Im living proof that anyone can do it. You just need the right teacher to show you. How much income can you open your life too? The only limit is your own capacity to attract it. Consider this One of the wealthiest billionaires on the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans in 2006 attracts $1 million dollars per HOUR. Two others on the list are making $13 million a day. The current minimum wage in the United States is $5.15 an hour.

Where are you on that spectrum? Im guessing youre somewhere between $5.15 per hour and $1 million per hour. Probably closer to $5.15, right? But heres the exciting news -- the money ceiling has been raised so high because we are free to create the amount of money we really want. You just need to discover for yourself how to reach higher.

Let Me Show You How

One of my own spiritual goals in life is to help you discover how easy it can be to attract more money into your life. Thats why I created an amazing breakthrough course called the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp. Its an intensive workshop recorded on 6 DVDs and 11 Audio CDs to show you EVERYTHING you must know to quickly change your own deep-seated attitudes and behaviors about money. As you watch the DVDs and follow what I do and say, youll immediately clear your old money energy and create new positive energy that will attract money to you like never before. Im an experienced Energy Therapist, and Ill show you EXACTLY how to use proven energy psychology tools and inspirational messages to clear your negative money energy in just a few short minutes. Imagine how liberated youll feel when you get rid of this energy that has been holding you back by constantly re-creating what you dont want with money. Youll discover new life skills and enlightened principles to help you create spiritual wealth and affluence.

The Manifesting More Money Boot Camp Will Change Your Life FAST
When you watch and listen to the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp sessions, I guarantee that your views and experiences about money will change completely very quickly. Here are some of the thoughts that will go through your head This is amazing! I remember when I was so stuck and struggled with money. Now its so easy. I am grateful for all the money that flows to me easily. I am grateful for the activities and experiences I am involved with that allow me to share my gifts and for the money that continues to manifest in such an affluent way. Thats the power of the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp. As your income multiplies two times, ten times, or maybe even a hundred times as a direct result of your involvement in the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp, how much is that worth in your life? Yet the investment in this breakthrough program is just $XXX. (Im sure it wont stay this low for long, though.) Yes, it seems almost laughable that you can change your life so dramatically for what it costs to fill up your cars gas tank for a month. But its 100% true. I want you to get these skills as quickly as possible and put them into practice so you can reap the amazing rewards that await you. Theres plenty for everyone!

To be specific, here are the exact money attraction lessons youll gain when you take part: How to program money to come into your life How to expand and multiply the current of money coming into your life The most common limiting beliefs and how to clear them right on the spot How to seek after riches without compromising your spirituality Why we are to seek after riches to do good What your vibrational comfort zone is with money and how to change it The Money Game and how to play it and why it helps change your energy with money Special presentations by: o Christopher Westra Learning the Impossible is Possible o Syl Carson Yoga Master Anchoring in the energy of Abundance o Leo Quinn How to Own Your Own Paycheck practical tools to help those who are in debt to get out of debt

Special Bonuses When You Order Your Own Personal Copy of Manifesting More Money
[NOTE: If there are bonuses to go with this, we can insert them here. Or delete this section if were not offering any bonuses.]

Ive Done My Part Now Its YOUR Turn To Take Action

Like you, I have been given my own gifts and talents. One of these talents is teaching the money skills youll gain in the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp. I promise you there is no easier way for you to clear your negative money energy and replace it with positive energy than this special course. You will literally attract money like never before. Read back through this letter again. Pay special attention to the testimonials of others just like you. They know the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp works, because it works for them. It has lifted them up to new heights. Let it lift you up, too. God wants to bless you with more. God wants to use you as an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of lives. As your life transforms with money, there will be many that will be put in your path that you will be able to help. Many will be blessed by your willingness to change your experience. Thanks for making a difference. God Bless You,

Carol Tuttle Master Energy Therapist Author, Spiritual Teacher

P.S. Remember, youll get Manifesting More Money Boot Camp for just $XXX when you order now. You can be sure that this low price will go up soon and without advance notice. So order now to save money and to begin changing your life forever by attracting the money you truly desire! P.P.S. Youll also get your special package of XX Bonus Gifts worth $XXXX when you place your order for the Manifesting More Money Boot Camp immediately. Well ship your free bonuses along with the entire home study course right to your door. But dont delay, because these special free bonus gifts are only available for a limited time. Dont miss out!

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