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*Process How to study for an exam?

If you want to get good mark in the exam, you can following the three steps.Firstly, you should revise theories of all subjects. This step is very necessary because it helps us have an overall view and knowledge of subjects. You can revise theories by reading books, reviewing the material after the class end and doing some exercises.One important thing you should remember is that you shouldn't learn new lessons but the basic ones.Secondly, sometimes revising lesson, you may not uderstand it thoroughly. Don't worry because this step will help you overcome it.You should discuss with your friends, your teachers and ask them for help about your problem that you don't know well.If possible, you can ask them to give you some exercises to make sure that you have a good understanding of them.Thirdly, don't forget to take care of yourself during the exam preparation. It is very important to be in good mental and physical condition for the exam. After you finish studying, take some time to relax. Don't stay up too late and try to get good night's sleep.You should avoid heavy foods that can make you drowsy.And the last thing is to keep a positive attitude about the exam

as it is a way to demonstrate your knowledge but not as imposing challenge. If you follow three steps above, I believe that you will be sucessful in the exam. Bagaimana cara belajar untuk ujian Jika kamu ingin mendapatkan nilai yang baik dalam ujian, kamu dapat mengikuti tiga langkah berikut,yang pertama kamu harus mempelajari kembali semua teori pelajaran.Tahap ini sangat dibutuhkan karena itu dapat membantu kita mempunyai keseluruhan tinjauan dan pengetahuan pada pelajaran tersebut.Kamu dapat mempelajari kembali semua teori dengan membaca buku.Meninjau kembali materi setelah kelas berakhir dan melakukan beberapa latihan.Satu hal yang terpenting kamu harus mengingat bahwa kamu tidak harus mempelajari pelajaran baru tetapi hanya yang dasarnya,Kedua terkadang meninjau kembali pelajaran kamu tidak mungkin mengerti secara keseluruhan.Jangan khawatir cara ini akan membantu kamu mengatasi itu.Kamu seharusnya mendiskusikan dengan temanmu,guru kamu dan bertanya pada mereka untuk membantu dan bertanya pada mereka untuk membantu mengenai masalahmu bahwa kamu tidak mengetahui dengan baik,jika mungkin kamu dapat menanyakan kepada mereka untuk memberimu beberapa latihan untuk meyakinkan bahwa kamu mengerti dengan baik.Yang ketiga jangan lupa untuk peduli terhadap diri sendiri selama persiapan ujian.Itu sangat penting untuk membentuk mental dan kondisi fisik yang bagus selama ujian.Setelah kamu selesai belajar luangkan waktu untuk beristirahat jangan tidur terlalu larut dan mencoba untuk tidur malam yang cukup.Kamu seharusnya mencegah makanan berat yang dapat membuat kamu mengantuk.Dan hal terakhir adalah menjaga perilaku positif pada saat ujian.

Name : Fatharani Hana Silmi NIM :121431009

*Historical The Hollywood sign The Hollywood sign in the hills that line the northern border of Los Angeles is a famous landmark recognized the world over. The white painted, 50-foot-high, sheet metal letters can be seen from great distance across the Los Angeles basin. The sign was not constructed, as one might suppose, by the movie business as a means of celebrating the importance of Hollywood to this industry, instead, it was first constructed in 1923 as a means of advertising homes for sale in 500-acre housing sub-division is apart of Los Angeles called Hollywoodland. The sign that was constructed at the time, of course, said Hollywoodland. Over the years, people began reffering to the area by the shortened version Hollywoodland. And after the sign and its site were donated to the city in 1945, last four letters were removed. The sign suffered from years of disrepair, and in 1973 it needed to be completely replaced, at a cost of $27.700 per letter.Various celebrites were instrumental in helping bought an O in memory of Groucho Marx,and Hugh Hefner Playboy fame held a benefit party to raise the money for the Y.The construction of new sign was finally in 1978. Tanda Hollywood di bukit bahwa garis perbatasan utara Los Angeles adalah hal yang paling terkenal diakui di seluruh dunia. Putih dicat, 50-kaki-tingginya, surat lembaran logam dapat dilihat dari jarak yang sangat jauh di lembah Los Angeles. Tanda itu tidak dibangun, seperti yang mungkin dikira, oleh bisnis film sebagai sarana merayakan pentingnya Hollywood untuk industri ini, sebagai gantinya, itu pertama kali dibangun pada tahun 1923 sebagai sarana iklan rumah dijual di 500-acre sub perumahan -divisi terpisah dari Los Angeles disebut "Hollywoodland". Tanda yang dibangun pada saat itu, tentu saja, kata "Hollywoodland". Selama bertahun-tahun, orang-orang mulai reffering ke daerah oleh dipersingkat versi "Hollywoodland". Dan setelah tanda dan situsnya disumbangkan ke kota pada tahun 1945, empat huruf terakhir telah dihapus. Tanda menderita bertahun-tahun rusak, dan pada tahun 1973 itu perlu sepenuhnya diganti, dengan biaya $ 27,700 per surat artis-artis.Berbagai artis-artis yang berperan dalam membantu membeli "O" untuk mengenang Groucho Marx, dan Hugh Hefner Playboy ketenaran mengadakan menguntungkan pihak untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk "Y". pembangunan tanda baru akhirnya pada tahun 1978.

*Importance The company The company has a clearly laid out hierarchy. All major decisions go through the president, who controls the entire operation, but most daily decisions go to the board. Beneath the board members are the regional managers, who oversee the branch managers, who run each local branch. The Order of Importance organizational pattern can be difficult to identify alongside cause and effect and sequence text structures. In fact, in some cases one could use the same graphic organizer to represent information from an order of importance and sequence passage. The difference is subtle and must be inferred at times, but generally a sequential passage explains the steps that occur in a process. The company has a clearly laid out hierarchy. All major decisions go through the president, who controls the entire operation, but most daily decisions go to the board. Beneath the board members are the regional managers, who oversee the branch managers, who run each local branch. The Order of Importance organizational pattern can be difficult to identify alongside cause and effect and sequence text structures. In fact, in some cases one could use the same graphic organizer to represent information from an order of importance and sequence passage. The difference is subtle and must be inferred at times, but generally a sequential passage explains the steps that occur in a process. Perusahaan ini memiliki hirarki jelas ditata. Semua keputusan besar melalui presiden, yang mengontrol seluruh operasi, tetapi keputusan yang paling sehari-hari pergi ke papan tulis. Di bawah anggota dewan adalah manajer daerah, yang mengawasi manajer cabang, yang menjalankan setiap cabang lokal. Susunan pola organisasi Pentingnya bisa sulit untuk mengidentifikasi bersama sebab dan akibat dan struktur teks berurutan. Bahkan, dalam beberapa kasus orang bisa menggunakan graphic organizer yang sama untuk mewakili informasi dari urutan pentingnya dan bagian urutan. Perbedaannya adalah halus dan harus disimpulkan di kali, tetapi umumnya suatu bagian berurutan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang terjadi dalam proses.

*Logical Division

PCs versus Macs If you are planning to buy a personal computer, you should know some of the basic similarities and differences between PCs and Macs. First of all, both PCs and Macs are composed of the same elements: a CPU, the electronic circuitry to run the computer; memory for storing information; input devices such as a keyboard or mouse for putting information into the computer; and output devices such as a monitor, printer, and audio speakers for conveying information. They also have the same uses: PCs are used to communicate on computer networks, to write (with the help of word processing and desktop publishing software), to track finances, and to play games. Macs are likewise used to communicate, write, calculate, and entertain. There are some differences, however. Whereas you will find more PCs in business offices, you will find more Macs in classrooms. Although Macs are the computers of choice of people who do a lot of art and graphic design in their work, PCs seem to be the choice of people who do a lot of number crunching. Finally, there is a difference in the availability of software, vendors, and service for the two computers. In general, there is a lot of PC-compatible software, but relatively little Mac software. Furthermore, for a Mac, you must purchase your machine and get service from a Macintosh-authorized dealer, whereas many different computer stores sell and service PCs. Jika Anda berencana untuk membeli komputer pribadi, Anda harus tahu beberapa persamaan dasar dan perbedaan antara PC dan Mac. Pertama-tama, PC dan Mac yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur yang sama: CPU, sirkuit elektronik untuk menjalankan komputer, memori untuk menyimpan informasi, perangkat input seperti keyboard atau mouse untuk menempatkan informasi ke dalam komputer, dan perangkat output seperti sebagai monitor, printer, dan speaker audio untuk menyampaikan informasi. Mereka juga memiliki kegunaan yang sama: PC yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi pada jaringan komputer, untuk menulis (dengan bantuan pengolah kata dan perangkat lunak desktop publishing), untuk melacak keuangan, dan bermain game. Mac yang juga digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, menulis, menghitung, dan menghibur. Ada beberapa perbedaan, namun. Sedangkan Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak PC di kantor-kantor bisnis, Anda akan menemukan Mac lebih di kelas. Meskipun Mac adalah komputer pilihan orang yang melakukan banyak seni dan desain grafis dalam pekerjaan mereka, PC tampaknya menjadi pilihan orang-orang yang melakukan banyak "angka-angka". Akhirnya, ada perbedaan dalam ketersediaan perangkat lunak, vendor, dan layanan untuk dua komputer. Secara umum, ada banyak perangkat lunak PC yang kompatibel, tetapi perangkat lunak Mac relatif sedikit. Selanjutnya, untuk Mac, Anda harus membeli komputer Anda dan mendapatkan layanan dari dealer Macintosh-resmi, sedangkan banyak toko komputer yang berbeda menjual dan PC layanan.

I love you so much my darl silmi :* Mars One at the six outer planets,Mars,commonly called planet The Red Planet, is the closest to earth. Mars, 4.200 miles in diameter and 55 percent at the size of earth, is 34.600 miles from earth and 141.000 miles from the sun. It takes this planet, along with two moons, Phobos and Deimos, 1,88 years to circle the sun, compared to 365 days for the earth. For many years,Mars had been thought as the planet with the man-made canals supposedly discovered by an Italian astronomer,Schiaperelli in 1877.With the United States spacecraft Viking ls landing on mars on 1976,the man made canal theory was proven to be only myth. Viking I,after landing on the soil of Mars,performed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures. The picture show that the red colour of the red planet is due to the reddish, rocky Martian soil. No biologically life was found. Though it had been speculated by many scientists. The Viking also monitored many wheather changes including violent dust stroms. Some water vapor, polar ice, and permafrost (first below the surface) were found, indicating that at one time there were significant quantities of water in this distant planet. Evidence collected by the spacecraft shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant, if not extinct. How To Be A Good Friend To be a good friend, an individual has to spend time working on her friendships, or they will eventually fade. When two people first meet, they both need to be sure they are acting in good manor, so they dont scare the other away. After they meet and start talking a few times, they will start getting to know each other, calling each other, and spending more time with each other. That is how a friendship begins. After they call each other friends, the friendship has to be made through the effort of more than just one person, so each has to do her own part. Friendships shouldnt take a lot of money but they do take a lot of time and care. Friends should always listen to what the other has to say, and then should give advice only when asked for it. No matter how

much friends are alike, everyone has differences, so a friend should be able to accept their differences. After being a friend to a person for a long period of time, one might get tired of hearing repeated problems everyday, but a good friend will always be there for her friend no matter what. Untuk menjadi teman yang baik setiap individu harus menghabiskan waktu bekerja di persahabatan mereka, atau mereka akan akhir akhir ini meluntur.Ketika dua orang pertama bertemu,mereka keduanya membutuhkan untuk meyakinkan bahwa mereka bertingkah dengan cara yang baik,jadi mereka tidak menakuti jauh yang lain.Setelah mereka bertemu dan saling berbicara beberapa saat waktu,mereka akan memulai mendapatkan untuk mengetahui satu sama lain,memanggil satu sama lain dan menghabiskan waktu lebih dengan yang lainnya. Itu adalah bagaimana persahabatan dimulai.Setelah mereka memanggil satu sama lain teman.Persahabatan melewati upaya

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