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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

Contact:    Tawana Jacobs, 202‐552‐6534 (Office), 202‐297‐1696 (Cell), 
Nasserie Carew, 202‐552‐6561 (Office), 202‐341‐3814 (Cell), 

InterAction Reaction to the L’Aquila Joint Statement on Global Food Security

L’Aquila, Italy, July 2009 -- “We commend the G8, G5, and other countries, as well as international
institutions for their Joint Statement on Global Food Security, its commitment to the world’s poorest, and
agreeing to mobilize $20 billion over three years for food security. To be realized these commitments must
be pursued as part of a comprehensive strategy in order to help the world’s poor. The success of this global
food strategy rests on the ability of the G-8 to be accountable to its promises,” said Samuel A. Worthington
President and CEO of InterAction, an alliance of 183 U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs). “The
bold decision of President Obama, the G8, and other leaders to significantly increase aid to agriculture and
to partner with vulnerable countries is critical to addressing the food crisis and alleviating the disastrous
impact of the global financial crisis.”

InterAction agrees that a comprehensive approach to food security, focused on availability of, access to, and
utilization of food through strong donor coordination, and support for country-owned process and plans is
essential to solve the food crisis. The commitment to mutual accountability and delivering commitments in a
timely and reliable manner is important for a partnership with developing countries.

It is important that there be an emphasis on smallholders and women and families, as well as maintaining the
natural resource base so important to long term sustainability. We are pleased that emergency assistance is
broadly conceived utilizing international agencies and NGOs. The aid will include cash and vouchers through
emergency assistance, delivering food, national safety nets and nutrition schemes, such as food and cash
for work, and unconditional cash transfer programs, school feeding and child nutrition programs.

“While we applaud G8 leaders for their re-commitment to their Official Development Assistance (ODA)
pledges for agricultural development, we are concerned with the lack of specific country commitments and a
timeline during the three years of implementation. We believe the emphasis on increased agricultural
development should be matched by equally strong investments in the other strategies necessary to end
hunger,” continued Worthington. To ensure these commitments are met, InterAction calls for the immediate
development and implementation of a transparent accountability mechanism to monitor decisions, pledges,
and disbursements as described in the joint statement.


Visit to read more about InterAction and its member organizations.

InterAction is the largest alliance US-based nongovernmental international humanitarian relief and
development organizations with 177 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working
with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life.


Visit to read more about the G8, InterAction and its member organizations.

InterAction members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome
poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life.

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