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Photoshop Chapter 7

Charting your course: Introduction to the drawing and painting tools Play with the Brush, Pencil, Pen and Shape Tool In This Chapter Goals Master pixel painting with the Pencil and Brush tools Recognize how vectors serve as a temporary mold for more flexible and free-form drawing and offer cross-compatibility support between pixel-based and vector-bsed programs Make geometric and free-form shapes using paths, fills, and strokes Draw a nonrepresentational art piece Pixel-A Contemporary Art Medium (pg 146) Can simulate art styles with the Pencil and Brush tools Can paint textured grass, scattered leaves and flowers, swirls and patterns by using brush libraries Using The Pencil and Brush Tools -Pencil and Brush tools are found on Toolbar Pencil Tool: create hard-edged freehand lines and color Brush Tool: creates soft strokes of color pg 148 - The Lesson This lesson teaches you how to create custom brush and pen tools Mainly to teach how to use these tools Vectors - A Guest Appearance (pg 153) - Can work with Vector in Photoshop at a minimal level meaning: Photoshop will let you do Vector but not an advance level, only enough to get by. why? a solution for more flexibility so you can move your artwork from one program to another. Paths - This section will teach you about Paths - Paths are vector lines you draw in Photoshop - You create Paths with the Pen Tool - Paths are used to trace an object when do you use Paths? When you want to make a work path around an object

Photoshop Chapter 7 (cont)

The Pen Tool (pg 156) is available for drawing in Photoshop but is used more to make vector images in Illustrator Lets you draw straight and curved vector segments and paths with the anchor points When do you use the pen tool? When you want to trace complex pictures or shapes Vector Masks (pg 158) Mask in Photoshop is a way to hide and reveal areas of an image without permanently changing it Vector Mask creates sharp-edge shape When do you use a Vector Mask? When you want to erase parts of a picture but you do not want to permanently remove the deleted area. Type (pg 158) Type contains vector data that keeps the letter shapes sharp and can be scaled large or small Type in Photoshop is like type in Word. It contain vector data so it can be modified without having to worry about how good it looks. You an adjust types font, size, orientation and color Vector Compatibility (pg 160) When you save your work, if you want to keep the vector file, you must save file as an EPS or PDF why? so when you open in a vector-based program such as Illustrator, the vector data is preserved. You can edit individual objects Lesson: Nonrepresentational Art Creation (pg 164) Use your imagination and explore!!! Use the various tools and techniques you learned in this chapter to create a nonrepresentational art piece. basically, a art creation that doesnt reference anything

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