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How To Stay 100% Committed To Your Goal

A Definite Guide To Goal Achievement

by Simona Rich

A Message From The Author

Thank you for purchasing this ebook. This ebook contains an exact process you can continuously use to achieve any goal you want. This process never fails because it is a tried and tested method that I, my clients and other goal achievers use. You are looking at a practical manual detailing exactly what steps to take to achieve your goals. It will inform you, it will inspire and encourage you to be persistent and unstoppable. It will provide you a key to the freedom and happiness. Follow the process outlined and you will achieve any goal you set for yourself. I wish you all the best in your goal achievement process. Take care, Simona Rich

How To Use This Ebook

If you really want to become a goal achiever, you should take your time to read each section of this ebook. Read every paragraph carefully and only move on to the next chapter when you put the theory of the first chapter into practice. That's the only way you will get the skills and knowledge of how to stay completely committed to your goal. If you attempt to read the whole book in one or two days, you will become overwhelmed by the information and you are likely to quit even before starting. Therefore I strongly suggest to pace yourself and only move on to the next part once you've really understood the information and put it into practice. Depending on how much spare time you have, it is beneficial to read one chapter a day or even less frequently. Try to understand the lesson behind each chapter, apply and only then move on to the next one. Once you understand this information, you will be able to use it over and over again for every single goal that you want to achieve. You will acquire the skills to achieve goals for life. So don't rush and make sure that you understand everything covered in this ebook. It will enable you to achieve goals quicker, more effectively and without any fear or discouragement.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: How To Develop A Goal Obsession

1. Why it is essential to develop a goal obsession 2. Clearly know what you want 3. The goal should be yours 4. The goal should be in harmony with your values 5. The goal should be worth failing for 6. Set a deadline for your goal 7. The process of visualisation 8. Goal triggers 9. Affirmations

Part II: Understand How Goals Are Achieved

1. Your goal is like a physical seed 2. Your conscious and subconscious mind 3. Instant vs. delayed gratification

Part III: The Action Part

1. You don't need to know how you will achieve your goal

2. When channels start opening 3. Treat failures as learning steps 4. How to improve your focus 5. How to form good habits

Part IV: Essential Advice

1. How to solve any problem 2. A note about your family, friends and colleagues 3. Reveal your unique personality

Part V: Final Assessment

1. Are you 100% committed to your goals?

Part I: How To Develop A Goal Obsession

Why It Is Essential To Develop A Goal Obsession

Think about your life for a moment. Think about the biggest goal you have ever achieved. No matter what your achievement might be, you achieved that goal because you became obsessed with it. You thought about it all the time and in your mind you saw the goal as already achieved, not paying too much attention to why it can't be done. The number one reason why people do not achieve their goals is because they do not develop an obsession about them. They think along the lines of It would be nice to achieve it, but if I don't, that's okay too. You cannot afford to think this way if you really want to achieve your goal. You must develop a complete obsession about your goal. It will fuel your actions and determination to achieve your desire. It will give you the power you never thought you had. Look at any high-achiever. You will find that they are always working to achieve something greater, to learn something new. They almost never rest and they are so much more alive than the masses.

You might think that this is because they are special, that they have something that you can never acquire. That is not true. They are so alive because they are obsessed with what they do and that gives them the energy to do whatever it takes for them to achieve their goals. Follow the advice in this ebook and you will become one of those rarely seen high achievers who are full of energy and zest for life. Let's now go into the first out of 9 necessary elements to develop an obsession with your goal.

Clearly Know What You Want

The number two reason why people fail to achieve their goals is because their goals are too vague to be taken seriously. Everyone wishes to someday become rich or have an ideal partner, but these undefined goals have no power in them to really motivate the person to achieve them.

Vague goals cannot be properly understood by your mind because such general goals create unclear pictures in your mind. If you don't have a crystal-clear picture of what you want, you will get no guidance from your subconscious mind on what steps to take to achieve your goal. The more clearly you define your goal, the quicker you will achieve it. Make it as appealing and as clear as possible, so that it would sink deeply into your subconscious mind. The more definite your goal is, the more emotional you will become whilst thinking about it and the quicker it will begin looking real in your imagination. Just imagine what a big difference it is to visualise something as general as someday having a lot of money and to visualise something as definite as $500,000. Even though it is only in your mind, $500,000 seems much more tangible than some undefined riches. So take your time and think how you can make your goal as definite and possible. This is a very important step, so don't ignore it. Definiteness of goals is what separates goal achievers from people who hope that someday their lives will somehow improve.

The Goal Should Be Yours

When deciding which goal you want to achieve, only take your needs into consideration. If you choose a goal that other people chose for you, you will hardly achieve it and even if you do, you will be unhappy once your goal is your reality. You don't have to have a traditional goal, such as a luxury car, a big house or loads of cash. Maybe your goal is to climb Everest, travel the world or learn a difficult language. The goal should feel as though it is coming from your heart and not from your mind. If your goal is to have a lot of money, that is a good goal, but maybe you want to have money to achieve some other goal. Why not then choose the final goal instead and the money will come to you whilst reaching for such goal. If you cannot believe that this could happen, further on in this ebook I will explain the creative process that takes place in your mind once you set your goal and you will understand how this could be possible. Also, don't mind what other people will say about your goal. Choose the goal you truly want to achieve and not according to what other people might say. In fact, you should not let anyone


know about your goal until you are near its achievement or, even better, after its achievement. If you are still not entirely certain that you will achieve your goal, keep your goal only in your mind. Other people might easily put you off by their disbelief about your abilities to achieve it or they might even laugh and tell you how ridiculous your goal is. So what is it that you really, really want? What makes your heart beat faster? What makes you excited and very happy? Think about this for some time. You will need to stick to this goal for a while, so make sure it is right for you. Otherwise, if you keep changing your goals, you won't achieve any of them. Or if you stick to the goal that is not right for you, you will not be happy once you achieve it. So think of the goal that really makes you enthusiastic and never change it.

The goal should be in harmony with your values

Many people don't achieve their goals because they set the goals which are against their values. Values are the beliefs that you hold about life. If they are in contradiction with your set goal, you


will fail to achieve your goal even if you try very hard. For example, if you want to earn $400,000 a year but you unconsciously believe that rich people are bad, this belief will prevent you from achieving your goal. So you have two choices. You can either set a goal that is aligned with your values, or you can change your values. To recognise what limiting beliefs you hold and thus change your values you have to dig deep into your past memories. Usually the strongest beliefs were formed when you were a child. If your parents had a poor opinion about rich people or they had other limiting beliefs about money, it is more than likely that you have the same set of beliefs deep inside you. To recognise such beliefs, take a pen and a piece of paper. Write down what opinions your parents and other authority figures in your life had about the goal that you want to achieve, be it wealth, famousness or something else. Really try to remember what they used to tell you about this subject and what they taught you. It will take some time for this exercise to be properly done, so don't rush. You want to achieve your goal, don't you? So carefully think about all the attitudes and remarks of your parents and


other authority figures with regards to your goal. Once you've listed all the remarks/opinions and attitudes, read them aloud. If some of them make you feel uncomfortable, especially in your solar plexus area (just above your stomach), then it means you have just uncovered some limiting beliefs that would prevent you from achieving your goal. Cross the other remarks out and leave only those that arise some negative feeling in you. Now start questioning these beliefs, one by one:

"Why do I believe that (insert your belief here, for example, "only intelligent people can become wealthy")?" Answer this question. Then ask: "Does this belief benefit my life?"


Answer this question, then: "Do I willingly release this belief from my life?" Answer this question, then: "What positive belief do I now choose to have instead of this previous one? And now think of the belief that would help you achieve your goal (for example, "Anyone can become wealthy no matter how smart or stupid they are").

That's it. You're done! Now no negative beliefs will stand between you and the materialization of your goal.

The goal should be worth failing for


This is the time when you should decide exactly what your goal is. Here is the most important advice about your goal - it should be worth failing for. If you are not overly excited about what it would be like to have your goal, then you chose the wrong goal. Don't choose the goal only because you think that you can achieve it. Choose the goal that you would love to achieve, even if you, at this moment, don't believe that you will. If you choose reasonable goals, they will fail to excite you and you will not be motivated enough achieve them. A good goal is the one that you would be really proud of achieving if that's all you would ever achieve. Not that you will not achieve anything more, of course, but this is a good indicator how appropriate the goal is to you. Now write this goal down on a sheet of paper in big letters. We're almost done with selecting and defining your goal.

Set A Deadline For Your Goal


You now have a definite goal you want to achieve and you clearly know that this goal is right for you. It's time to set a deadline for your goal. Don't set the deadline that is very short because you will lose motivation if you fail to achieve your goal by that deadline. On the other hand, don't set the deadline that is very long because usually goals are achieved in shorter periods of time than people think. Nobody knows the length of time it will take to achieve your goal because nobody knows how to measure the growth of the nonphysical seed that your goal is. However, the more you visualise and think about your goal, the quicker you will achieve it. A good deadline for your goal is one or two years. However, don't be put off if you don't achieve your goal by that date. Simply set another date and keep visualising and taking action towards your goal. It is beneficial to set the deadline for your goal because it maintains your expectant attitude and keeps your motivation high. Sometimes people achieve their goals at the exact date they set and this happens because they impress this date upon their subconscious minds so deeply that the


goal indeed materializes on that date. I will tell you how to do that in later chapters. However, as I said earlier, don't be put off if you don't achieve your goal by the deadline. So on the same sheet of paper that you wrote your goal on, put (in smaller font) the deadline for your goal. We're done with selecting the best goal and setting its deadline. Now let's move on to the process of accomplishing your goal.

The process of visualisation

I will assume that you don't know anything about visualisation. Even if you do, it is good to refresh your mind with this invaluable information, so still try to remember the advice in this section. Visualisation is more important than the action you take towards your goals because it determines the quality of your action and what kind of results your action will produce. If you


take action without any definite goal in mind, you will get nowhere. On the other hand, if you visualise every day and take action, you will steadily move towards your goal. So think about visualisation as your guide to the materialization of your goals. Lack of visualisation is yet another reason why people don't achieve their goals. They write their goals down and they promise to themselves that they will achieve them. However, if they don't see the goal as already in their possession (through visualisation), they will not achieve it. Most certainly some people will say that they just cannot see anything in their minds once they close their eyes. This cannot be true. You WILL see something, even if your inner vision is very blurred. With practice you will see your goal in your mind's eye increasingly clearer until it finally appears so real in your mind that this fuels your action even more and you finally achieve your goal. So how do you visualise? Here is how to do that. By the way, I will show you the best way to use visualisation to achieve your goal even quicker than those people who use traditional visualisation (I will tell you about traditional visualisation too).


So here's the method. Every single day, at least once (the more often you do that, the quicker you will achieve your goal), go to some quiet room and lie down. Breathe deeply for a few minutes to get your body relaxed. Try to focus on your breathing so that you would clear your mind from all random thoughts. Now what I've explained is the start of a traditional visualisation. The following part is the bit which most people miss out, however by taking this extra step you will achieve your goal quicker. I will explain why this is so in a minute. Once your body is relaxed, you will need to alter your state of consciousness. It is not hard, trust me. The change of consciousness simply means the change in how you feel and what you are aware of. So if you are a visual person (if you think in pictures and use words such as "I see, vision, colorful), then you should focus on how you feel whilst lying down. Also focus on what you hear. This will shift your consciousness. Once you feel differently, you will know that you have achieved this shift. Deep breathing also helps to change your consciousness level. If you perceive the world mostly through your feelings (if you use words such as "I feel, I sense, cold, shocking), then you will need to focus on the vision in your mind and on what you hear.


You may firstly visualise something that relaxes you, such as a walk along the beach or a walk in the forest. Try to hear the sounds that you might hear in such environment. So basically you will need to slowly shift from one perception mode to another and that's how you achieve a change in consciousness. You may ask what's the benefit of this shift. The benefit is much bigger than you probably think. If you shift your consciousness level, you will communicate your vision directly to your subconscious mind, without any interference of limiting beliefs which reside in your conscious mind. For example, if you try to convince yourself that you are rich, but your consciousness is unchanged, then you will have to do that for a long time for the subconscious mind to take your words as truth. However, if you do this whilst on a different consciousness level, you will communicate directly to your subconscious mind therefore it will straight away accept your statements and vision as truth and will start influencing you into the direction of your goal. If you've grasped this idea, you should now understand how powerful this single step is. Now, let's go back to the visualisation process. Once you managed to get yourself into the altered state of consciousness, introduce the vision of your goal. See yourself as already in the possession


of your goal. If your goal is to buy a new house, see yourself as already living in the new house and try to see all the details of each room and the garden. Every day try to see more details of your goal so that you would finally achieve the feeling that the house is becoming more and more real in your mind. If your goal is to earn a certain amount of money, you can visualise having money and buying luxury things. See yourself having the lifestyle you want to have. See yourself living where you want to live, driving cars you want to drive and having a private jet or a yacht. In other words, visualise the life you would live if you would have that much money. The most important part of the visualization is your feelings. You absolutely must induce feelings into your vision, otherwise your imagined goal will only remain imagined. Feeling gives life to your inner vision and starts the growth of your goal into the material form. So whenever you visualise, try to feel happy, enthusiastic, optimistic or hopeful. The more details of your vision you see, the easier it will be for you to arise the feeling. Also, the more real the image of your goal appears in your mind, the easier you will be able to introduce positive feelings into your vision.


Visualise your goal for at least 10 minutes a day. The best time length for that is 20-30 minutes. For speedy results spend most of your time visualising. It will be well worth your time. Firstly this visualisation process may seem like a game to you. But trust me, the more you visualise, the less it will seem like a game. The more you visualise, the more real your vision will become and you will then start thinking that maybe it is possible for you to achieve your goal. Then you will continue visualising and soon you will become more and more convinced that you will achieve your goal. Soon your doubt will vanish and the faith will take over. You will start getting the inner knowing that you will achieve your goal. At first, nothing will change in your environment. However, don't be fooled by that. There will be huge changes going on in your mind. Your old conditioning will weaken and the new conditioning, richer and more successful, will be overwriting the old one. Remember, once you see your goal in your mind's eye, this is the time it gets created spiritually. However, it cannot materialise straight away because in this universe we have time. Time does not allow for the goal to be instantly formulated. It gradually materialises in harmony with the universal law of growth.


Physical seed of any plant grows through the law of growth. But many don't realise that the same law applies to the spiritual seed. The vision of your goal is the spiritual seed and it will grow exactly the same way as the physical seed, just you will not see it until it fully materialises. However, you will know that the seed has sprouted once some channel opens up through which you will receive a direction to take or a small part of your goal. Consider such channel to be a sign that the seed has sprouted and it starts giving you the direction or the manifestations. It is easy to see such sprouting of your goal's spiritual seed if your goal is some amount of money. One day you may get an idea out of nowhere to create some product or service. Never ignore such ideas because they will lead you to the achievement of your goal. It is the direction given to you by your subconscious mind, showing the first step towards your goal achievement. Act on this new idea as soon as you can and soon it will show you another step to take. Step by step you will achieve your goal. Keep your mind focused on the goal you want to achieve and you will get a clear direction of what to do to realise your goal.


Goal Triggers
To keep your mind focused on your goal most of the time, it is very important to introduce several types of goal triggers. The most important trigger is your goal card. You can make such card out of any stiff paper. Cut out a business-card-shaped and sized card and write down the date you want to achieve your goal by and your goal. Carry this card everywhere with you and the closer you keep this card to yourself, the better. The best place to keep this card is in your pocket or at least in your wallet. My personal advise is to laminate this card or put it in a transparent plastic sleeve so that it would not wear out too quickly. Every day, when you find some time, take this card out and read it to yourself. This will gradually program your subconscious mind to believe that you must have this goal by its deadline. This will influence your actions and thinking towards the achievement of your goal. Do not ignore this step as it is very important. Also, read this card as often as you can throughout the day. Another good trigger is the picture of your goal. You can take the picture of your goal or cut the image(s) of your goal out of the newspaper or a magazine. Keep these images everywhere in your


house, especially in the areas where you mostly spend your time. Keep this image somewhere where you would see it as soon as you wake up and before you sleep. Put this image as your desktop background. This will keep your thinking focused on your goal and speed up its achievement. If your goal is a certain amount of money, another good trigger is writing in green ink. Whenever you need to write about something or write something down, do so in green ink. Green ink will remind you of money and therefore your actions will be influenced towards getting more money.

If there are more ways to speed up your goal achievement, it is wise to employ them all. Therefore I could not leave out affirmations, which help you positively influence your subconscious mind.


Affirmations slowly but certainly instil your suggestions into the subconscious mind and subconscious mind changes the quality of your actions as a result. If you keep repeating some phrase for some time every single day, even if you don't believe what you repeat, you will gradually start taking such statements as truth. Therefore if you repeat that you have your goal achieved, after some time you will really start believing so and once you do, your circumstances must change to accommodate your new belief. Here is how to use affirmations to your greatest benefit. Take a piece of paper and write down your goal, the date you want to achieve your goal by and what you will do in return for this goal. Your note can sound this way: "By 1st of June, 2012, I will have $500,000 in my possession. In return for this money I'm prepared to tithe 10% of all my income and to save 10% of all my income. I am prepared to take six actions every day towards the achievement of my goal. I am prepared to give all my heart to the work I do and I will give more value than I am paid for."


Read this statement aloud before going to bed and just after waking up. When you memorise this statement, you will not need to read it anymore, just recite it every day in the morning and evening. This will influence your mind into the direction of your goal for the whole day, thus your actions will be geared towards the achievement of your goal. When repeating this affirmation put as much feeling into it as you possibly can, feel as though the goal is already yours. Although at first you will not see any difference that affirmations make, if you keep repeating this positive statement, it will surely influence your mind, just not straight away. It takes time to influence your subconscious mind through affirmations, it can take a month, two, three, five or more. But it will be worth every single minute you've spent affirming your goal, once your goal is your reality. Of course, your subconscious mind is influenced by visualisation in an altered state of consciousness much quicker than through affirmations, but sometimes you will not have time to relax this way. Affirmations will be an additional tool you can use to quicken your goal achievement. Repeat the same affirmations in the morning, evening and even at times when you have a couple of minutes for yourself.


Part II: Understand How Goals Are Achieved


Your goal is like a physical seed

When you sow any seed, you don't impatiently look for the seed to sprout the same day. You calmly know that if you water the seed sufficiently and keep the soil weed-free, the seed will eventually sprout. However, when people decide to achieve some goal and they start to visualise their goal, they keep looking at their current results and they are disappointed by what they see because there are no changes present. They don't realise that their goal is the same as the physical seed - it has to be properly looked after for it to come into existence. Whenever you look in disappointment at your current results and doubt if anything will change, you are sowing your mind with the seeds of weeds, which, if not removed, will destroy the seed of your goal. The materialization of any idea is governed by the law of growth. It has to, because we have time and space in this universe. Time does not allow for the goal to instantly materialise the second you think about it. Although the goal already exists in the spiritual form, it takes time for it to materialise. But as soon as you think of a goal, it must produce its spiritual equivalent, unless you neutralise it by your doubt, fear and thoughts which are opposite to your goal. Opposite


thoughts, for example, are thoughts of lack when you visualise abundance. If you have a goal of earning $500,000 in your mind, but every day you remember how little you actually have in your bank account and you fear that there will be lack in your near future, don't expect your goal to materialise. Especially in the early stages, the spiritual seed of your goal is extremely vulnerable to your doubt, fear and uncertainty. Faith, courage, persistence and patience keeps the seed alive and growing, whilst any negative thoughts and moods are threatening its life. If, once sown, the seed is left undisturbed, it will surely produce its material equivalent. In other words, if you visualise it and go about your day in a calm and sure manner with the strong faith that your goal will materialise, not allowing any negative thoughts and doubts about your goal to creep into your mind, your goal must manifest. Impatience shows doubt, because if you would surely believe that your goal will manifest, you would be calm and expecting it to come into existence and you would not worry when it will do so. You must realise that once you start visualising your goal, the seed is surely sown, and if you believe, expect and are patent about its achievement, it will grow steadily till you start seeing the results. You absolutely have to ingrain this in your mind because if you don't believe that you create the spiritual seed of your goal once you start visualising, you will have little hope that it


will ever come into existence. This will demotivate you and you will start doubting this process. You should understand that everything has its polar opposite. The left has right, the south has north, the summer has winter and the polar opposite of spirit is thing. So once you create a spiritual seed, the material thing must follow, through the law of growth. Your patience will pay off indeed. Impatient people always lose out because they make conclusions only by what they see. If they start visualising a certain amount of money, but their bank account is empty, they get upset and this takes some life from the spiritual seed they've just sown. This will never let the seed cloth itself in its material form. Its energy this way will be constantly dissipated, until the seed is completely destroyed. You will notice that negative emotions come and leave in clusters. For example, if you are now a doubtful, angry and hopeless person, if you truly try to believe that you will achieve your goal, gradually faith, hope and optimism will replace the previous emotions that you had. You cannot have faith and be doubtful at the same time, one or the other must take over. And if you currently let negative emotions rule you, all you need to do is try to become hopeful and optimistic. You only need to try and this way you will gradually but surely renew your mind.


Here is the scenario that is likely to happen once you start visualising your goal. Every day you will put yourself in a hypnotic state (in other words, in an altered state of consciousness - but about that later on). During visualisation you will firstly see your goal as blurred or you will not be able to see some parts of the goal. You will be patient and you will know that nothing can be received without firstly earning it. So patiently and calmly, every day you will keep visualising the same goal. Day by day your goal will become clearer in your mind, suddenly you will be able to see the bits of it that you could not see before. Your goal will become increasingly clearer and more real. Some days it will seem that you make such a progress and the goal seems very clear, yet some days it will still look blurred. You will know that this is how it is supposed to be, since not throughout all days you will have excellent concentration and energy to properly visualise. So you will continue to put yourself in an altered state of consciousness and to visualise your goal until its achievement. For around two, three, four weeks or longer you will feel really strangely. Doubt and fear will take over you, creating anxiety. You will have no idea why you feel this way. You may even feel physically sick and that will scare you big time. But you should know that this is completely normal, since now in your subconscious mind you have two opposing images. You have the


image of your current reality, and you have the image of your ideal reality, getting increasingly stronger the more you visualise it. The image of your current reality will do everything not to allow the ideal reality image destroy it. It will put you into anxiety, it might make you feel ill or give you negative voices such as: "You will fail, don't even try it." "This visualisation thing is just a waste of your time, you know that nothing will change anyway." "You cannot see any evidence that this stuff works, so it means it doesn't." If you give in to such voices, you are almost certain to quit because they will defeat you at once. They will sap all your positive energy leaving you feeling hopeless and unable to move forward. So never give in to such voices. When they rise their ugly heads, tell something completely opposite. This will encourage you to move further and make you feel more confident and positive. For example, if you hear: "There are no results that would indicate that this stuff works"


You will say: "I know that the spiritual seed of my goal is governed by the law of growth, so it cannot manifest instantly. It takes time for it to materialize so I will be patient and enthusiastic to give increasingly more energy for the seed to grow." Now let's continue with the same scenario. You visualise every day and you manage to not give into the discouraging voices in your head. Gradually they almost completely disappear from your mind and you start feeling better. Instead of doubting yourself, now you feel hopeful. Instead of seeing the images of failure, you start thinking more and more about your success. The physical seed gradually grows and it slowly starts to materialise. The channels for the achievement of your goal start opening in different forms. You start getting inspiration of what to do to achieve your goal. You completely trust your inspiration and intuition because now it is dictated by your goal and not by the previous negative images you held in your subconscious mind. You still cannot see how the goal will be achieved, but you know you are going into the right direction. You keep acting on the inspirations you get without even the slightest doubt,


because you know that doubt can destroy the spiritual seed of your goal. However, at this stage the seed is still quite weak, so you know that you cannot entertain anything negative in your mind. You patiently and surely provide a lot of value and act on your inspiration. Soon more and more channels start opening and you become increasingly more confident that you will have your goal. The channels get stronger and you start getting better and better results that gradually lead you to the achievement of your goal. That's how the process usually works. There will be obstacles in your path too, but if you encounter them, here's what you should remember. You only see obstacles if you take your eyes off your goal. The polar opposite of the problem is its solution, so every problem must have a solution. The problem cannot be solved on the same consciousness level that the problem was created. You have to raise your consciousness level to become aware of the solution of the problem. You can raise your consciousness level by seeking more knowledge and by visualising. If you don't stress out about the problem and just look for a solution with the confidence that you will find it, the problem must be solved and usually this happens very speedily. I will explain more in detail about how to solve any problem in another section.


So this requires you to completely change your reaction to how usually people react. Those people who are the most stressed and feel the most stuck are the ones who only look at the fact that they are stressed and stuck. This surely will keep them in such situation for as long as they keep behaving this way. Never look at the lower concerns, always keep your mind focused on a higher aspiration. That's the only way to rise above what you have now and move on to something greater. You don't get from France to Spain by staying in France. You keep moving with your mind focused on Spain. You know where you are going and you know that if you keep moving, you will finally arrive there. The same is with your goal. You cannot achieve your goal by looking at your current situation and doubting yourself. You achieve your goal by keeping your mind focused on the goal and by acting on your inspiration. At first, you will not get any inspiration. During such time just do the work you have always done, but try to do it with your whole heart, knowing that the action you are taking now will move you forward to your goal. People spend all their lives in the same employment not because they are bad or because they are lazy. They stay stuck because they have no goal to work for. If you work really hard, but you have no goal you are working for, don't be surprised if ten years will pass by and you will still find yourself in exactly the same situation. If the ship has no destination, it can sail as fast as it can, but it will get nowhere. On the other hand, if it has some


destination, it can sail very slowly but it will eventually get to the destination. So you see, it is not about how hard you work. However, if you have a goal in mind and you really try to do your work the best you can, you will achieve your goal quicker. Just know why you are working. Don't just think about your goal whilst visualising and then forget it. When you work, know that you are working to achieve your goal and not just for the sake of the work, or even worse, to survive. I know that may seem like a lot of reading and I may sound like I am talking about the same thing over and over again, but trust me, if you get doubtful, you will be so happy that you have something convincing and uplifting to read. Repetition is the way you can get any information into your subconscious mind, which "does the work" for you, so keep reading this ebook until you are completely convinced about the truth of how the goals are achieved. If you happen to start feeling doubtful and reading this material seems not enough for you, here are other excellent teachers that will keep your faith at hardest times: Napoleon Hill


Wallace D. Wattles Thomas Throward Earl Nightingale I cannot be grateful enough for these teachers. They helped me immensely to keep my hopes up when I was just starting to achieve goals this way. So if you don't feel convinced enough, they are excellent teachers having written great books about this subject.

Your conscious and subconscious mind

I talked a lot about your conscious and subconscious mind and if these concepts are not clear to you, here is some further explanation. Your conscious mind is your reasoning mind. With this mind you can accept or reject the opinions of others, what you see in your current environment and other factors that you encounter. This mind is the guardian of your subconscious (or, in other words, unconscious) mind. What you repeatedly accept goes into your subconscious mind which is responsible for your results. Subconscious mind can be most effectively influenced with your feelings. So if you


look at your bank account and your mood goes down and you do that regularly, don't be surprised if your results are negative. You keep feeding your subconscious mind with negative suggestions about your financial condition, so you get more of it. That's why it is very important to introduce a feeling in your vision. Your feeling will communicate clearly to your subconscious mind about what you want. Now you should see that mostly people communicate negative suggestions to their subconscious minds, therefore they get more of the negative circumstances. Constant suggestion with any kind of feeling is the language that your unconscious mind clearly understands. So make sure you use such language wisely and only communicate positive suggestions to it. Firstly it will be hard not to react to unfavourable things and circumstances negatively. However, through practice you will learn that. You just have to consciously stop reacting to things you don't want to see or get in the future. That's the only way to continuously move forward. At first it may be tricky to introduce a feeling to accompany the thought of something good, because you were so used to reacting only to negative thoughts. But if you have the intention to


learn to do so, gradually you will. That's how you learn. You keep trying, you fail and finally you master the subject. And remember, you always have the ability to reject the idea which you don't want to accept! So if your friends say that times are getting increasingly harder, instead of believing that, you may say in your mind "It ain't necessarily so". This will reject this damaging idea and it will not affect your results. However, most people take everything they are told as truth, without even slightly questioning who is feeding the information to them. People take financial advice from their neighbours who are in the same financial situation; People look for a relationship advice from unhappily married people - it's crazy! Don't be like one of these people - have your own head, make your own decisions and accept only opinions which are favourable to you.

Instant vs. delayed gratification

The development of technology and services really made our lives easier. However, it severely shortened our attention span and patience. This really limits many people because they cannot commit themselves for long enough to anything major that would greatly improve their lives.


The longer you watch TV and the more you order online (e.g. ebooks instead of physical books), the more likely it is that your attention span is short. This can hinder you in trying to achieve your goal, therefore you should do certain exercises to extend your attention span. One really simple and beneficial exercise is staring at something for as long as you can and if a thought interrupts you, you let it go and keep focusing on the object. The object can be anything, such as a dot on the wall, a pen or a book - anything will do. The main purpose of this exercise is to make you more patient. This exercise will greatly increase your concentration, if you do it often enough. It would be great if you could spend 5 minutes or more a day on this exercise. Also, I would advise you to stop watching TV. You don't realise what a time waste it is unless you stop and observe other people wasting their lives in front of it. You cannot get any benefit from it, it just feeds your unconscious mind with pictures of poverty, hopelessness and cruelty. To willingly give in to such deadly influence is just wrong. Don't listen to upsetting news, don't read negative articles in newspapers, keep your mind free from all the negativity that is happening in the world. You cannot do anything about it, so what's


the point in poisoning your own mind? At least when you achieve your goal you will be able to teach others how to do the same. So you will contribute to the good of others rather than being part of the negativity. You cannot end negativity by studying it; You can only end it by studying positivity. So yes, achieving your goals will be very different from your everyday activities. It will take time, it will require your patience and faith. You will not see any physical proof that you are on the right track for quite some time. This will not be usual to you as you are used to living judging about everything by its physical manifestation. However, patience and faith can be acquired through practice. Just try to have faith and try to be patient and you will learn to have these qualities. It is so worth trying to become patient because so little people really have patience. Once you learn it, you will become the part of the achievers' circle. The most popular financial opportunities is get-rich-quick schemes. It is so obvious that masses want to get something without giving anything in return. That never works. You firstly give (your patience, faith, time spent visualising and taking action) and then you receive. It never


works the other way round. That's why these schemes can never make people rich, people will only lose their money in such deals. It is understandable that you want to be well-off at this very moment. But that cannot happen because we have time and space in this universe. You sow the seed and it grows by the law of growth and it takes time. But isn't it worth to sow the seed of riches, love or career and enjoy ever-lasting success just in months? Yes, you will have to be patient for some time (maybe 4, 6, maybe more months), but after that you will achieve ever-lasting knowledge about how to get what you want and you will never again submit to failure. It think it's more than worth it. To acquire this knowledge is to get the key to freedom, success, happiness and everything you want. Once you achieve your goal, you will know how to achieve any other goal and you will be able to have everything you want. So be patient - patience will bring you so much benefits that you will be so grateful that you did.


Part III: The Action Part


You don't need to know how you will achieve your goal
Many, when they start to visualise, get doubtful about what kind of action to take to achieve the goal. This should not be your concern. The quality of the action is taken care by your subconscious mind, so all you should do is act without thinking about if the action is appropriate. The action will be correct, no matter what action you will take. You will be guided to take the actions that are the most appropriate for your goal. It's not what you do, but from which mindset you operate whilst taking action that counts. That's the reason why some people work hard and don't achieve anything whilst others don't do much but achieve great heights. It is about what kind of intention is behind the action. If you did not consciously visualise your goal, it means that your subconscious mind is full of negative suggestions. So the intention behind your action automatically becomes that of failure and doubt. However, if you visualised your goal for some time, your subconscious mind will be full of faith and positive suggestions, therefore no matter what action you take, it will produce great results and move you into the direction of your goal. I do not want to say by that that you should be lazy and do not care about what action to take.


That will be unfavourable to you because of the law of cause and effect. What you sow you shall reap applies not only to what you visualise, but how you take action too. If you try with your whole heart and you provide genuine value to people, you will be greatly rewarded. So you should not be lazy but really try to take the best action you can. You are not capable of knowing what kind of action to take to get to your goal because your thinking derives from your conscious mind. Conscious mind is not capable of knowing such information. It can reason and it can try to predict, but it can only gather information from your current knowledge and not beyond. However, your unconscious mind is connected to the whole mind of the universe, to the universal intelligence, therefore it knows so much more than your conscious mind. In fact, it knows everything that you can ever want or need and how to acquire it. You cannot communicate with your unconscious mind directly though. Therefore you can only have complete faith that it will influence your actions to guide you to the achievement of your goal.

When channels start opening

When you have been visualising for some time, you will start getting inspiration of what action


to take to achieve your goals. You will take both regular action and action from inspiration and both of them will lead to the opening of new channels and the strengthening of the old channels for your to receive your goal. If you need money to accomplish your goals, channels from which you will be able to receive money will start forming. Once you see such channels and get the manifestations (such as money) out of them, don't rely on them because you will limit or completely stop the flow of good from them. If you see that the channel opens, try to think about it as little as possible or not at all, if you can do so. You will do a great favour for yourself if you manage to stay out of the business of the universal mind which is working towards your goal. Your part in the manifestation process is to keep visualising, be positive and take action, but you cannot decide how your manifestation will reach you. If you try to speculate, predict or control the channels for the good to reach you, you are most likely to stop them bringing you good. Although it will be really hard to do that sometimes, especially when one channel is bringing you a lot of good, try to keep your mind focused on it as little as possible. For example, if you create a product and it becomes a success, bringing you constant income, don't keep checking how much


income it brings to you every day - you will limit it. Check it on a regular basis, but not often, such as every week or every two weeks to be updated of what's happening, but do not get obsessed about it. Do your job well and the universe will do its job perfectly - that is guaranteed. Don't worry about the job of the universe, only focus on your part. If you keep away from the business of the universe, you will not limit it in any way and it will bring you results faster and in larger quantities.

Treat failures as learning steps

You can never be defeated if you refuse to give up. Every failure has a seed of success in it and the more you fail, the quicker you will succeed. It is impossible to achieve anything great without experiencing obstacles and even some failures. But only those who treat failures as learning steps ever achieve their goals. Success can come to you firstly appearing as a failure. Many people fail to notice their


opportunities hidden in failures and they give up. That's how Napoleon Hill, the author of "Think And Grow Rich" , describes this phenomenon: "That is one of the tricks of opportunity. It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat. Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognise opportunity." You must have heard some stories of how people became successful when they did not give up when some crisis came into their lives. It is as though the universe is testing you how badly you want to achieve your goal. You have to pay the price for your goal and the bigger the goal you have, the bigger the price you will pay. So by being persistent no matter what happens, you will get your goal because you will show that you deserve your goal. Many people want better quality of life but they are not prepared to sacrifice anything in return for it. This will never work because you can never get what you did not pay for. And even if you get something without giving anything in return, you will either lose that thing very quickly or you will remain unhappy even if you get it. There is a price for everything in this world.


So remain courageous, persistent and positive no matter what life throws at you and you must get your goal. Don't listen to those who say that you will never achieve your goal, don't look at your current reality where nothing changes. Be persistent and you must get your goal. Don't be like the masses who give up as soon as some obstacle gets in their way - persist and life will have no choice but to give you everything you have asked for. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "I see only the objective, the obstacle must give way!" That's the attitude that you should have. That's the attitude that all goal-achievers have.

How to improve your focus

You accomplish much less and your work is of poorer quality if you lack the ability to entirely concentrate on one project. You can learn how to focus for longer periods of time by looking at one object for 5-10 minutes. If some thought comes, you should refocus on your object and this way the thought will disappear.


Another way to improve your focus is by blocking all the distractions when it comes to working on some project. Also, clean your desk so that only the necessary items are on it. There should be nothing in your sight that would take your mind off the work. When you sit down to work on a project, time yourself every time you do this. This way you will be able to measure if your focus is improving. Meditation really extends the time you are able to focus, so if you have poor focus, you should definitely start meditating. Also, you should set the same times every day to work on some project. This way you will get into the habit of concentrating when the time of work comes. You also should find your most productive time of the day. It may be early morning, very late at night, evening or daytime. It varies from person to person. Try to spot when you feel like you have most energy and you feel like you want to accomplish something. It is best to work when you know you will not be disturbed. Try to accomplish the most important tasks when you are alone at home or when it's quiet. This way there will be no excuses


to stop working and continue later on.

How to form good habits

The method of forming new habits is very easy, but it requires some willpower. Habits are formed within 21 days. When you consciously take one new action every day for 21 days, it goes into your unconscious mind and then you will remember to do it naturally, without any external reminders. It will get increasingly easy to do it and then you will just have to take that action because otherwise it would seem too unusual not to. Habits are best formed one at a time. If you try to form more that one habit at the same time, it may be too much for you and you may be put off from forming good habits in the future. So stick to one new habit for around 30 days to be extra sure that you really have this new habit deep in your subconscious mind. Let's start by identifying the negative habits that you want to change. Take a piece of paper and list all the bad habits that you have, which, you think, stop you from achieving your goal. They may be laziness, the tendency to procrastinate, watching TV or other harmful habits.


Once this is done, identify the most harmful habit of all. Then think what habit will nullify this bad habit. For example, if your habit is procrastination, you can now decide to get into the habit of taking 6 actions every day towards the achievement of your goal. Once this is done, straight away put in your diary the note of this new habit and fill 21 (or better 30, just to be on the safe side) subsequent pages with this new habit, so that you would not forget to take it. Every single day enforce this new habit with the knowledge that after 21 days you will have formed a positive habit and destroyed the negative one. Once 21-30 days have passed, you can take another harmful habit from your list and replace it with some positive one. Month after month, you will replace all the negative habits to positive ones and that will speed up your goal achievement immensely.


Part IV: Essential Advice


How to solve any problem

When people are faced with problems, they usually become frustrated and annoyed. They keep focusing on the problem and the more they do that, the more unsolvable the problem begins to look. This happens because the more you give power, attention, focus or feeling to something, the more it persists. The way to solve any problem is simple in theory, but it may be tricky in practice at first because that's not how people usually solve problems. To solve a problem you firstly have to relax and focus your attention to finding the solution of the problem and not on the problem itself. If this way you cannot see the solution straight away, focus your whole attention to something else and come back to the problem later on, maybe even another day. Be positive and have faith that you will definitely find the solution because if the problem exists, the solution to it exists also, because of the law of polarity. The solution of the problem will not appear in the future, it exists now because the problem exists now. You can only find the solution to the problem if you change the level of consciousness which created the problem in the first place. As Einstein once said:


"You cannot solve problems with the same consciousness level that created them." These are golden words because they give you the key to solving any problem. Change your attitude about it and your consciousness level will change. It is likely that you created the problem by frustration or doubt and you can only solve it by clarity and definiteness. So relax and have faith that the solution will come to you or it will even be solved without your intervention. The solution will definitely appear, if you have faith that this will happen.

A note about your family, friends and colleagues

Although your family might be the nicest people in the world, they are probably not aware of how to create new circumstances consciously. If they would, you would have been born with the success and prosperity consciousness and you would not need to read this ebook. The same goes about your friends and other people in your life. You have friends who are on the same vibrational level to yours, so if your consciousness is still not generating success for you, the chances are high that your friends also have consciousness destined to failure or mediocrity.


It is extremely important therefore that you would not listen to anyone who has not achieved the success that would be on the same level as your goal. It's crazy to see that people get financial advice from their neighbours who are in the same situation as them; People get success advice from teachers who are just breaking-even, lecturers that are obedient servants of their employers and parents who have the same consciousness as their children. You will go nowhere if you listen to people like these, however nice and lovable they might be. You should also understand that if you are not careful, unaware people are likely to ridicule you. I am talking from the experience here, and at first the ridicule will hurt. You will meet critics, sceptics and other negative people that will try to knock you off course and keep you down. Therefore don't discuss your goal with anyone, even with your best friend, because you never know how they will react. Sometimes you think you know the person, but if, after you tell him about your goal, he laughs at you, it can bring you down so quickly that you will become demotivated and stop reaching for your goal. So don't talk to anyone about your goal and if somehow some person expresses disbelief in your abilities, know that it is just their poor opinion which only shows they poor opinion about themselves and the regret they have about their own lives. Those people who are failures want others to fail too, so they will criticise and ridicule those who they see are reaching for something better.


The people whom you respect most and are closest to you have the strongest impact on you. Because they know you, you think that they can determine what you are capable of. By thinking this way you make a major error. No matter how well they know you, they cannot know in any way what you hold in your mind at present. Your past does not have to influence your future if you don't give the power to your past by focusing on it. Only the present is influencing your future. You can form beautiful pictures in your mind of the future without giving a second thought about what happened yesterday. Today is the new day which will influence your tomorrow. Nobody can know what's in your mind from this point but you. You will consciously change the picture in your mind and the whole world will change around you. Your positive internal picture will externalise in your world sooner or later. It has to, unless you destroy it by opposing pictures. So don't let anyone's opinion bring you down. You have the power to change all the circumstances and gradually create the world you want to experience and if you keep the opinions of others shut from your mind, nothing will effect the world you are building for yourself. You can do, have or be absolutely everything you want without anyone's help but yours. Friends will come and go, people will leave you and greet you throughout your life, but in essence it is


only you who will be with yourself for the rest of your life. So build a beautiful world in your mind considering only what YOU want and not what others expect or want from you.

Reveal your unique personality

If, until now, you've been living the life seeking approval of others and trying to be liked by others, it means you've been inhibiting your real self. Only when you reveal your real personality will you feel really free. You will notice that once you understand this process and you are able to courageously set and achieve even the biggest goals, you will not be so unsure about yourself. You will start revealing your unique personality, you will not be afraid to express your opinion and your taste. It is very important to live the life you really want to live, without taking into consideration what others will say. The same applies to your personality. If, deep inside, you feel that you can be a real success, but currently your life is only showing failure, don't be afraid to act as though you are successful. Then success must manifest sooner or later.


Don't listen to people who say "You must be reasonable" or "This is not who you are", because only you can really know yourself. Be what you feel you are and not what circumstances or other people suggest you should be. If you reveal your unique personality, you will become much more creative and free. Gradually you will come to realise that nothing can do any harm to you if you don't entertain negative thoughts. So be who you want to be and only think positive and pleasant thoughts that you want to manifest in the outside world.


Part V: Final Assessment


Are you 100% committed to your goals?

Answer these questions to determine if you are completely committed to your goals once you have read and put into practice all the information in this ebook. If you answer No to any of the following questions, read again the part of the ebook which it applies to. Answer these questions honestly to get real understanding of how committed you are to your goal.

Is your goal definite? Yes/No............ Do you desire to achieve your goal? Yes/No............ Do you infuse emotion into your goal when you think about/visualise it? Yes/No............


Did you set a deadline for your goal? Yes/No............ Is your goal only yours, without the influence of anyone else? Yes/No............ Does your goal excite you? Yes/No............ Is your goal aligned with your values? Yes/No............ Did you get rid of all the limiting beliefs that would hinder you? Yes/No............ Is your goal worth failing for? Yes/No............


Do you visualise every day, for at least 10 minutes? Yes/No............ Do you change your state of consciousness before visualising? Yes/No............ Do you understand that your goal will look more real in your mind the more you visualise it? Yes/No............ Do you understand that firstly nothing will change in your environment to prove that you are moving to the right direction? Yes/No............ Do you understand that the goal gets created in the spiritual form as soon as you start visualising it? Yes/No............ Do you understand that when some channel opens up for you to receive the manifestation


relating to your goal, it means that the seed of your goal has sprouted? Yes/No............ Do you have a goal card? Yes/No............ Do you have goal pictures in your home? Yes/No............ Do you repeat affirmations? Yes/No............ Do you understand that your goal grows the same way as a physical seed? Yes/No............ Do you understand the law of growth? Yes/No............


Do you know what impatience does to your goal? Yes/No............ Do you know that you will feel strange the first couple of weeks after starting to visualise? Yes/No............ Do you understand that some people, even your closest friends and relatives, will try to discourage you? Yes/No............ Do you understand that you will experience obstacles in the way? Yes/No............ Do you know why people get stuck in life? Yes/No............ Can you tell the difference between your conscious and subconscious mind? Yes/No............


Do you know what part the feeling plays in the manifestation process? Yes/No............ Do you understand that you don't need to know how you will achieve your goal? Yes/No............ Do you know how to keep the channels open without hindering them? Yes/No............ Do you know what part the failure plays in your goal achieving process? Yes/No............ Do you know how to improve your focus? Yes/No............ Do you know how to solve any problem? Yes/No............


Do you know how to form good habits? Yes/No............ Do you understand that nobody knows what you are capable of but you? Yes/No............ Do you know what benefit has the revealing of your unique personality? Yes/No............

If all your answers are Yes, congratulations! You have just become a rarely seen goal achiever! If some of your answers were No, then go through the theory of the appropriate chapter and learn the lesson again. It will be well worth your while.


The End.




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