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YMCA north Ainslie OSHC

Wk7 T1 2013 Easter Outdoor SPORTS Ratio-1:22

Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, develop awareness of fairness, gross motor Experience: Ball skills Spontaneous: Playgroundwellbeing, fairness, gross motor Planned: Student Learning: Developing autonomy and persistence Experience: Easter bunny paper plate bags

Planned: Student Learning: Connecting with the community, turn taking, gross motor Experience: Active afters Frisbee Spontaneous: Playgroundwellbeing, fairness, gross motor Planned: Student Learning: Creativity, team building, cooperation Fine motor skills Experience:

Planned: Student Learning: Connecting with the community, turn taking, gross motor Experience: Skipping Spontaneous:

Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, physical wellbeing, gross motor Experience: Active afters AFL Spontaneous:

Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, develop awareness of fairness, gross motor and hand eye coordination Experience: TENNIS Spontaneous:

Main room
Art/Craft Ratio-1.22

Planned: Student Learning: Creativity, team building, cooperation Experience: Easter bunny head bands

Planned: Student Learning: Developing autonomy and persistence, fine motor, Experience:

Planned: Student Learning: Creativity, team building, cooperation Experience: Easter bunny hunt

YMCA north Ainslie OSHC

Hard boiled egg craft ( all week) Spontaneous: Planned: Student Learning: Creativity, fine motor skills, imagination Experience: Clown faces circus week Spontaneous: Legocooperation, team building, fairness Spontaneous: Planned: Student Learning: Creativity, persistence, reflexivity, problem solving, cognitive learning Experience: Making juggling balls Spontaneous: Balloonssharing ,nonverbal interaction Planned: Student Learning: Gross motor, wellbeing

Hard boiled egg craft ( all week) Spontaneous: Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, fairness, problem solving Experience: Balloon animals circus theme Spontaneous: Planned: Student Learning:

Hard boiled egg craft ( all week) Spontaneous: Planned: Student Learning:

Junior room
Art/Craft Ratio-2:22







Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, confident self

Planned: Student Learning: Cooperation, verbal and non-

Planned: Student Learning: gross motor skills confident self

Planned: Student Learning: Imagination,

YMCA north Ainslie OSHC

identities Experience: Group game, chess Spontaneous: Magic card games- taking turns, fairness

Experience: Gym mats

verbal interactions Experience: Stop! and Stuck in the mud Spontaneous:

identity Experience: Skipping, Spontaneous:

creativity,fine motor skills Experience: painting Spontaneous:

Spontaneous: Birthday card fine motor, friendship forming relationships

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