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By Dr. Bernard Brom MB.Ch.B (UCT), CDEH (Homeopathy France), Dip Acup (Singapore).

The biomedical model (or Biomedicine) that dominated medical thinking during most of the twentieth century was the basis of medical education and initiated enormous advances in technology, surgery, pharmacology and genetics, which have been life-saving and contributed considerably to the extension of human life span. The problem with Biomedicine was that it was based on a reductionistic Newtonian paradigm, which placed too much emphasis on easily identifiable diseases of the body, leading to the depersonalisation of the patient. During the latter part of the twentieth century the bio-psycho-social approach came into fashion. It shifted the focus towards the patient and to the recognition that the environment also contributed to health and ill health. Today this approach forms the basis of curricula at most medical schools all over the world. While the bio-psycho-social approach is more holistic, and medical students get a more rounded and inclusive education, general health is not improving. More and more money is spent on medicine, while disease, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer are on the increase. The economic nature of medical practice continues to reduce the amount of time a doctor spends with the patient. A ten to fifteen minute consultation unavoidably means that disease is still a priority for which the easiest answer is a pharmacological product. The emphasis of medicine is still on measurable 'materialistic' aspects, such as matter embodied in molecules, cells, body parts and pharmacological products, and energy variations such as electromagnetic (heat. light, etc.), electrical (stimulation and diagnosis), or mechanical (motion, sound, etc.) In general these energy variations are often high powered and invasive such as electroconvulsive therapy, high powered lasers used in surgery while the more softer varieties are used by Integrative doctors, physiotherapists and other health practitioners to stimulate healing e.g. ultrasound therapy, low energy lasers and electrical devices of low energy. However, many people are beginning to realise that matter and energy are much more complex than we thought and should not simply be used in isolation. Niels Bohr the Nobel Prize winner of physics said there is no

such thing as matter all is energy. Ervin Laszlo, of the Club of Rome, his book Quantum Shift in the Global Brain[1] fame points out that matter is vanishing as a fundamental feature of reality, retreating before energy, and continuous fields are replacing discrete particles as the basic elements of an energy-bathed and information-filled universe. A group of authors from the universities of Cape Town and Sydney in their Biomatrix Theory[2] has suggested that the substance of life in the universe is actually an inseparable amalgam of matter-energyinformation, which they called 'mei[3] . Life is a pattern of mei. The Biomatrix Theory incorporated the idea of mei and systems theory with ideas of webs, flowing systems, networks and patterns of organization. When living systems die, the pattern is destroyed and we are left only with components. Fritjof Capra in his best seller book, The Web of Life[4] argued that there needs to be a synthesis of two very different approaches the study of substance (or structure) and the study of form (or pattern). Patterns he points out cannot be measured or weighed; they must be mapped. A new modality of medicine that many doctors are already using successfully in their practices is the so-called 'Bioenergy Medicine'. Although its name indicates a focus on energy, the author believes that it is based on a paradigm that takes the unity of mei into consideration. The interchangeability between the components of mei allows very small amounts of energy to be used for considerable information transfer that can be useful in the healing process. Perhaps a better name for this modality would be 'Matter-energy-information Medicine' or simply 'Mei Medicine'. The aim of this paper is to discuss some examples of this exciting new modality, through which one might explain the way stress and personal loss can lead to disease, and even throw light on some hitherto mystical methods, such as healing through prayer, love, positive thinking, placebo and will power. Bioenergy Medicine shifts the focus from an emphasis on matter as being the cause of the disease to the possible role of mei as the underlying problem in ill health. Practitioners using these approaches have found that low level energy variations carrying information can cause measurable physiological changes over time and is acceptable to the body because of its non-invasive properties. In this article we will discuss some of the mei modalities in use by practitioners with special reference to studies that have been done.

ENERGY INFORMATIONAL MEDICINE The biomedical model is about matter and energy nevertheless medical doctors as taught in medical school still follow a model of medicine which studies human beings as matter, searching for the disease which can be controlled with drugs, destroyed with radiation or removed with surgery. The early Newtonian science model still pervades the corridors of medical schools and the central premise of this approach as referred to by the celebrated physicist Richard Feynman[5] that things exist independently of each other still dominates a great deal of modern medicine. Students coming out of medical school are still tremendously influenced by the mechanistic and reductionistic view that underlies classical physics, reducing complex phenomena to basic building blocks and looking for mechanism through which these interact. These building blocks and mechanism are generally seen as matter working on matter. Modern science on the other hand is no longer stuck in the machine model and this is to a largely due to an understanding of energyinformation, systems theory, flowing systems that are connected and interdependent. Medical scientists do study chemical energy (ATP and related compounds), mechanical energy (heart and muscle movement), concentration energy (diffusion, osmosis, active transport etc), electrical energy (osmosis, nerve conduction), electromagnetic energy (heat, UV activation of vitamin D etc), nevertheless the basic premise of medical school education does not include an understanding of how matter, energy and information flows, controls, influences the nature of health and ill health. While scientists have worked out ways to use energy, energy itself is an enigma. Richard Feynman[6] the physicist says; It is important to realize that in physics today we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definitive amount. David Ross[7] MIT engineering professor adds; Energy is an abstract concept invented by physical scientists in the 19th Century to describe quantitatively a wide variety of natural phenomenon. So scientists know what energy can do but very little about what it is. This makes the study of bioenergy difficult and why it is possible for everyone to use energy terminology but often mean different things which may not make sense to most scientists. There is a recognized relationship between matter and energy as defined

by Einstein and matter can be transformed into energy and visa versa. At the same time we know that energy carries information. Matter-energyinformation is thus inseparable the substance of life. Some substances are more matter dense and low in information (rocks), while other phenomena are low in matter-energy but high in information (psychic phenomenon, homeopathic medicines, emails). Still in other situations we can see high energy-information but low levels of matter (laser). The relationship between energy and information may vary. For example, the information in low energy lasers is used to stimulate healing while the ratio between the energy and information is very different to high energy lasers which are used as a surgical knife with the aim of coagulating and thus destroying tissue. These new insights gained about matter energy and information and their intrinsic relationship could help to shift and enlarge our understanding of the human being. Human life is a manifestation of the flow of mei. Sometimes, it reveals itself as matter through its physical, observable, touchable form. Other times, it masquerades as energy, revealed by heat, movement or in measurements such as the electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram. Still other times as pure information, such as consciousness and the workings of the mind. This deeper understanding of matter, energy and information and its relationship to health and disease appears to be missing in the conventional models of medicine (Biomedicine and even in Bio-psychosocial medicine). The adoption of the Newtonian scientific model in medicine and the influence of pharmaceutical companies driving a great deal of scientific research has meant that most research sticks to the investigation of matter and a small window of energy that comes into focus during physiological research. Physiology is all about the science of the functions of the living organism and its components and the chemical and physical processes involved (Tabers medical dictionary). While physiologists understand that energy drives chemical processes the subtle nature of the energy involved in biological living systems and its interaction with informational systems within and outside the body generally means that the focus of health and disease is more on the chemical processes and finding drugs to control these chemical processes. The prevailing paradigm that has shaped medical education, medical

practices and medical research for most of the 20th Century envisages disease as the end result of disordered molecular and biochemical processes. Such processes lead to cellular, tissue, organ, and system disturbances or destruction, resulting in disease, a characteristic constellation of specific biochemical, physiological and pathological anomalies. These anomalies are responsible for the specific loss of physical and other functions experienced by the patient and observed by the physician[8] The concepts of matter-energy-information as a functional integrated understanding are not really part of the older biomedical paradigm as described by Tavassoli quoted above where the focus is on chemistry and pathology. As indicated chemistry and pathology has to a large extent shaped the training of medical doctors. As Paul Davies[9] (physicist) says; It is often said that physicists invented the mechanistic-reductionistic philosophy, taught it to the biologists, and then abandoned it themselves. It cannot be denied that modern physics has a strongly holistic, even teleological (design or purpose) flavour, and this is due in large part to the influence of quantum theory. Biomedicine confines itself to a particular viewpoint which is largely anatomical and physiological with little emphasis on energy and information. Its journals support this more narrow perspective and the training of doctors keep students very focused on the human being as a body-chemistry being. The increasing evidence of the role of energyinformation tends to be downplayed and underrated. There is an assumption for example that the electrical conduction from the heart passing through every cell of the body is just a recording without any physiological effects and without the possibility that it also carries information. The Institute of Heart Math[10] for example has found that the heart generates a continuous series of electromagnetic pulses in which the time interval between each beat varies in a dynamic and complex manner. We have demonstrated, for example, that brain rhythms naturally synchronize to the hearts rhythmic activity, and also that during sustained feelings of love or appreciation the blood pressure and respiratory rhythms, among other oscillatory systems, entrain to the heart rhythm. Bruce Lipton[11] in his book The Biology of Believe sums up much of the work which has revealed the extent to which energy and information influences matter.

Hundreds upon hundreds of other studies over the last fifty years have consistently revealed that invisible forces of the electromagnetic spectrum profoundly impact every facet of biological regulation Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shape and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, hormone secretion, nerve growth and function. Each one of these cellular activities is a fundamental behaviour that contributes to the unfolding of life. He states further that energetic signalling mechanisms are many times more efficient at relaying environmental information than physical signals such as hormones, neurotransmitters and other biochemical messengers[12] . Professor Fritz Popp[13] has consistantly demonstrated that biological systems can emit electromagnetic waves and also show sensitive responses throughout the whole spectral range. It seems, he says, that nature utilizes such waves for regulatory processes, or more generally, for communication within living systems. The Institute of Heart Math where much work has been done on the electromagnetics of the heart and brain suggests that the hearts field acts as a carrier wave for information that provides a global synchronizing signal for the entire body. Specifically, we suggest that as pulsing waves of energy radiate out from the heart, they interact with organs and other structures. The waves encode or record the features and dynamic activity of these structures in patterns of energy waveforms that are distributed throughout the body. In this way, the encoded information acts to in-form (literally give shape to) the activity of all bodily functions to coordinate and synchronize processes in the body as a whole. [14] Beverly Rubik has performed extensive research in the field of bioelectromagnetics and cellular biophysics and has written extensively on the concept of The Biofield. In a paper published in 2001 she describes the biofield as an endogenous, complex dynamic field resulting from the superposition of component fields of the organism: the oscillations of the homeodynamic life processes and of the EMF contributed by each electrically charged, moving constituent of the organism (ion, molecule, cell, tissue etc). The resulting biofield may be conceived of as a complex dynamic standing wave both inside and enveloping the organism. This field is hypothesized to regulate homeodynamic life processes. It orchestrates the activity of the components of the organism .life is a self-organizing system. The

body constituents and their interactions give rise to the biofield; and the biofield in turn directs the functions of the body constituents.[15] There is thus increasing consensus amongst many scientists involved in this kind of research that information may be moved around the body by electromagnetic waves, photons or even by quantum means in which this transfer is instantaneous (non linear) and not following the more conventional electromagnetic process. It is possible that every cell is a coherent pattern of information in constant contact with every part as suggested by Rubik and that this is not a linear process. A holistic coherent system - a web of activity in which energy information drives matter and not the other way around. This is exciting work and could help to explain the way mind-body communicates so rapidly and how the whole body is able to respond so dynamically to the changing patterns of the external environment and shifting processes within the body, maintaining homeostasis despite all these forces and the play of emotions. The human body is a complex of different energies; mechanical (breathing), sound (heartbeat), electricity, magnetism and light (photons). Anatomy and biochemistry have been extremely valuable ways of investigating the complex nature of the human body, but is clearly only one facet of this investigation. There is enough evidence now that more attention, money and research should also be directed to energy in all its many expressions and the way the informational content of the transmission signals may have an affect on the physiological processes and controls in the body. Chronic disease continues to be a serious problem and the millions of people having to take drugs for life does not suggest that the present model is really curing people of their disease. This approach does not appear to be sustainable over time. The use of energy tools described below suggests another way to heal and the fact that it works is a powerful indication that this approach should be taken more seriously.

ENERGY-INFORMATION RESEARCH LOW ENERGY LASER TECHNOLOGY (LLL) It would probably surprise most doctors to know that there are literally thousands of scientific articles and studies on LLL technology and treatment, a number of peer reviewed journals, major text books and even world congresses. There is an idea that if something works then doctors

would be told about it. The conventional model is focused on biochemistry and the treatment of disease using drugs. Energy medicine does not fit into the model and is not taught to medical students despite its efficacy and use by other health practitioners. LLL is a case in point. This writer has had more than 20 years experience in this therapy and finds it indispensable to the practice of medicine. It is especially useful in sports injuries and any inflammatory condition of soft tissue, arthritis, sinus infections, mastalgia and many other pain conditions. In Russia it has even been used to treat internal organ problems such as angina and some abdominal conditions. The LLL improves the local microcirculation, improving oxygen supply, decreases muscle tension and reduces swelling and inflammation. The results can be quite dramatic with observable effects even after the first treatment. Lasers produce coherent light, and in high power can be used as a surgical knife, while in low power it appears to stimulate physiological processes towards homeostasis. Normal living systems, such as human beings, are able to spontaneously produce active biological light. This photon emission can be measured with sensitive photon counting devices. Under certain circumstances, biological tissue emits ultraviolet light, which is able to stimulate mitosis in other cells and there is some evidence that mitochondria may be a source of photon emission from cells.[16] In the animal model laser irradiation reduced the healing time for severed Achilles tendons significantly. Of particular interest was the frequent presence of new tendon cells in the laser treated group after 4 weeks, a condition that is not usually seen. Treatment was 6 minutes daily.[17] Hundreds of other studies in human have also shown the efficacy of LLL.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] In the study by Gur and colleagues, LLL significantly improved pain intensity, morning stiffness and depression, as did the drug - but without any side effects.

MAGNETIC FIELD TECHNOLOGY The literature about effects of magnetic fields on biological systems continues to increase but again does not appear in journals specialising

in drug approaches to health and disease. Magnetic effects should not be doubted, as biological systems have developed within the earths magnetic field and it should not be surprising that this magnetic field in some way contributes to the health of the organism. Of special interest is the use of Pulsating Magnetic fields (PMF) in the extremely low frequency range for its effects in human physiology. The pulsing brings in a dynamic component such that a pushing and pulling effect takes place across the cell membranes. The human body does not absorb magnetic fields so that all parts of the body are penetrated completely by the field lines. Human and animal organisms consist of a large number of cells which function electrically. The flow of ions (sodium flowing outwards and potassium flowing into the cells) constitutes a small electric current, producing a miniscule but virtually undetectable magnetic field. If cells are damaged by accident or disease then this flow inwards and outwards of the ions is disturbed with leaking of ions into the tissues and swelling of the area. If there is no electrical potential left in a cell, it is no longer viable. If the ions (electrical charged particles surrounding the cells) move into an area of pulsating magnetic fields, they will be influenced by the rhythm of the pulsation and a restoration of the ion balance could occur. The ion exchange is responsible for the oxygen utilization of the cell. PMF can dramatically influence the ion exchange at the cellular level and thereby greatly improving the oxygen utilization of diseased or damaged tissues.[23] PMF has now developed a wide range of uses and is increasingly used by professionals and the public.[24] [25] [26] [27] In the following study the authors showed that a combination of weak pulsed electromagnetic fields with antioxidants supplementation is beneficial in the treatment of patients suffering from tongue cancer, improving speech, pain control, and tolerance to chemotherapy.[28] This double-blind placebo-controlled study found that low frequency, low intensity electrostatic fields administered for 12-14 minutes per day helped normalize blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension[29]. This study examined the effects of alternating magnetic fields in patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins and trophic shin ulcers. Good effects were obtained in 236 of the 271 patients. 34 had

satisfactory results and only one patient experienced no improvement.[30] The above examples are just a small indication of work done with magnetic fields. To see more studies go to Much of the research on energy medicine has been performed in Europe and Eastern Europe in particular, and this work has not been recognized or widely disseminated in the West. On a visit to Russia I discovered that many medical schools are doing research on a variety of energy medical approaches using sophisticated equipment.

ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY This is not a complete treatise on the subject, as there is extensive scientific research on the subject of electromagnetism in biological systems. Both Robert Becker, a surgeon, and Bjorn Nordenstrom, a radiologist, have done extensive work on electromagnetic devices in the treatment of disease. Both recognized that there is a current of injury in which the polarity at the site of an injury in the body turns positive almost immediately, then gradually back to negative as healing begins and continues. Robert Becker believed that it was the current of injury that was driving the healing process rather than just an epiphenomenon of chemical reactions.[31],[32]. I wish however to review one therapy called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES). This is the application of extremely low levels of electricity to the brain for the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric and medical disorders. All doctors are familiar with the use of the much more powerful electrical devices used in hospitals such as the electrical defibrillators, shock therapy for treating severe depression, and many other uses of electricity but of a different kind. Like low energy laser, CES is much softer and less invasive. It seems to operate at physiological doses so that the body is not stressed to react, but rather responds in a healing way. The early work by the Russians who developed electrical devices to induce electrosleep sleep states stimulated some researchers to go further. The FDA approved these devices in 1978 already, and the name CES was registered at the time. Their use was extended to pain

management when electrodes were place on the body. CES seems to prod the various neuro-hormonal systems in the brain back into their pre-stress homeostatic relationship so that the person is able to stop treatment after completing the course of treatment. CES has been shown to be both cost effective as well as being therapeutically effective.[33] Kulkarni and colleagues studied microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) and CES study in pain patients. The study reported that Fibromyalgia patients in the group responded extremely well with an 80-90% relief.[34] Lichtbroun and colleagues have also shown that CES technology significantly eases the pain of fibromyalgia and was as effective as prescription drugs in relieving pain without major side effects. Patients treated with CES had a significant improvement in tender point scores, quality of sleep improved and there were significant gains in the feeling of well-being.[35] Rat studies demonstrated as much as a three-fold increase in bendorphines concentrations after just one CES treatment. Other animal studies have shown similar results with an overall physiological effect to be anticholinergic and catecholamine-like in action. A recent review by Kirsch listed an aggregate of more than 126 scientific studies of CES involving human subjects and 29 animal studies.[36] A review of CES in anxiety disorders suggest that it is capable of producing significant benefit in the short term both in anxiety and other stress-related disorders.[37] Other studies indicate its usefulness and efficacy in anxiety, depression and insomnia.[38]

SUBTLE ENERGY In this paper I have confined myself to energy systems which are familiar and relatively easily measured. There are indications however that the understanding of energy could be much more complex than indicated above. The nature of consciousness, remote viewing,[39] [40], healing through the laying on of hands, the power of prayer,[41], [42] meditation and many other approaches have not been discussed in this paper, although this work has been extensively researched and reviewed, and

there appears to be sufficient positive results to convince many scientists of the efficacy of these approaches. Quantum mechanics predicted many of these possibilities and the strangeness of quantum truths should at the very least open our minds to the fact that the biomedical model as practised today is not sufficient to incorporate an understanding of complexity, chaos, turbulence and entanglement. While many of these quantum truths seem of only abstract interest to medicine, as they deal with the microscopic world of elementary particles, that view may need to be revised. Scientists are now finding that there are ways in which the effects of microscopic entanglement for example, scale up into the macroscopic world. The whole concept of entanglement, which can explain the way all systems in the body function as one whole, how human beings connect to each other, how prayer works and how birds fly together, has been repeatedly demonstrated as fact in physics laboratories around the world since 1972. Entangled connections are proving to be more pervasive and robust than anyone had previously imagined.[43] A review of developments on entanglement research in March 2004 by New Scientist writer Michael Brooks concluded that physicists now believe that entanglement between particles exists everywhere, all the time, and have recently found shocking evidence that it affects the wider, macroscopic world that we inhabit.[44] Read more about entanglement and what it means to medical scientists in Entangled Mind by Dean Radin. Radin has performed a great deal of scientific research with sensitives in the field of telepathy, remote viewing, prayer etc.[45] While scepticism is healthy, one does need to keep in mind firstly ones own experience of feeling connected to another human being, an animal, a space in ones house etc, and secondly how little we know of cancer and yet have no problem accepting the various treatments offered despite our ignorance. We have not even approached yet the question of consciousness. This remains an enigma and yet cannot be dismissed as just an epiphenomenon and of no consequence to medical scientists. The sad truth is that this most amazing of human traits gets banished to the periphery despite the fact that consciousness itself is the author of every possible experiment in science. Doctors then get blamed for not dealing with human beings but being only interested in bodies, the physical part of human beings.

Science may attempt to measure the physical magnitude and regularity of the wind's velocity, to determine its direction, or to ascertain its implication for tomorrows weather, but usually fails to hear its sublime harmony or grasp its profound message. On rare occasions, when the analytic mind is still, the heart of the scientist may vaguely sense the wind's mystery, but the challenge of its translation and response seem insurmountable, and so the mind typically dismisses it as unworthy of scholarly attention. Yet, throughout human history, it is this whisper of the spirit that has moved many who have heard it to deep contemplation of their role in the creation of reality.[46]

CONCLUSION Despite the enormous advances made in medicine during the last century, chronic ill health remains a major challenge, consuming an increasing amount of the national budgets in most countries of the world. The main emphasis of healthcare is on the management, treatment and (some) prevention of disease rather than on the promotion or enhancement of health. However, there must be an intermediary functional region between health and disease. This means that long before a disease becomes apparent there must already be a change in the functional integrity of the organism. During this phase homeostatic mechanism come into play to maintain balance. It is only when these fail to halt the development of structural and functional changes that the classical symptomatic picture of the disease emerges. According to the 'bioenergy model', the mei (matter-energy-information) systems of the body are sensitive to stress that could be caused by physical (due to toxins, radiation, physical abuse etc) or psychological (emotional or cognitive) disturbances. This stress can cause physiological changes that either succeed in returning the organism to normal function or fail, leading to disease in the organism. Treating a disease without changing the underlying mei dynamics does not remove the underlying problem, and results in symptomatic treatment only. It has been shown in this paper that low intensity mei tools may help to

maintain coherence in the system, which over time strengthens the normal homeostatic mechanisms and shifts the organism towards normal function and better health.

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