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What Is It Like and How Is It Formed?

In this unit you will learn to:

Ask and talk about connection between two things or actions. Comprehend the differences between descriptive and explanation texts. Write descriptive and explanation texts.

Source:;;; Before you begin ... Have you ever visited the places in the pictures? Where are they located? Can you describe them? Do you know how mountains, lakes, watefalls and rivers are formed?

Lesson 1
To Start With

Task 1

Listen to the descriptions of the following places. Write down the name of the places and where they are located.


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Listening - Speaking

Task 2

Listen to these people talk about mountains. Are the following statements True or False? Correct the false one.


1. Anna has never climbed any mountain in Java. True False 2. Both Merapi and Merbabu are active volcanoes. True False 3. Merbabu is temporarily inactive but not fully extinct. True False 4. Merapi and Merbabu are located in Central Java. True False 5. Mount Merapi is located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. True False 6. Anna and her friends are going to make an expedition to West Java next two months. True False 7. Anna is going to climb both Semeru and Bromo. True False 8. Semeru is the highest mountain in Indonesia. True False

My Unforgettable Moment

Expressing a Correlation between Two Things or Actions

Here are some sentences you hear in the dialogue: Both Merapi and Merbabu are volcanoes. Neither Merapi nor Merbabu is located in East Java. Depending on conditions, we will climb either Semeru or Bromo.. Its not only the highest mountain in East Java but also in Java. These sentences use correlative expressions or correlative conjunctions: both . . . and; either . . . or; neither nor; not only . . . but also. We use these conjunctions when we are talking about a correlation between two things or actions. Both and We use both ... and to emphasize a combination of two nouns, etc. Example:Both Palembang and Samarinda are located near a river. Either or We use either ... or to indicate that there is more than one possibility or alternative. When we use either... or we indicate that one or the other available action is possible but not both. Example: I am planning to hike at either Lake Singkarak or Lake Maninjau at end June, but not both. Neither...nor Neither ... nor is the negative form of either ... or. It is used in a sentence in the negative sense when you want to say that two or more things are not true. Example: Bolivia is land-locked with no access to neither the Pacific nor the Atlantic Ocean. Not only but also We use not only but also to give more information. Example: The beauty of a river lies not only in its water, but also in the mountains, gorges and scenery along its banks.

Pay Attention

Task 3

Fill in the blank with the correct correlative conjunction. Choose the correct answers.
1. The story of Situ Bagendit was true realistic. a. either or b. neither nor

Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

2. I would love to take my tablet my laptop on holiday, but not both. a. neither nor b. either or 3. smoking drinking is good for your health. a. not only but also b. neither nor 4. I dont go mountain climbing mountain walking. a. either or b. neither nor 5. Mrs. Dalloway grows onions garlic in her garden. I cant remember. a. either or b. both and 6. To accomplish great things, we must act, dream; plan, believe. a. either or b. not only but also 7. Galunggung Salak are active volcanoes in West Java. a. both and b. either or 8. Volcano seismologists track earthquakes, various kinds of seismic signals with special characteristics that suggest magma movement. a. not only but also b. neither nor 9. While it is the highest the widest waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls is classified as the largest,based on its width of 1,708 metres and height of 108 metres, resulting in the worlds largest sheet of falling water. a. either or b. neither nor 10. lakes ponds are standing or slow-moving bodies of water. a. both and b. neither nor

My Unforgettable Moment

Make sentences with both and; either . . . or; neither . . .nor.

Example: The Ciliwung River is polluted by waste from houses and factories. The Citarum River is polluted by waste from houses and factories too. Both the Ciliwung and the Citarum Rivers are polluted by waste from houses and factories. 1. They are tired. And they are hungry. 2. We can visit Sipiso-piso Waterfall or Lake Toba whichever you prefer. 3. I havent got the time to go on holiday. And I havent got the money. 4. You can have tea, or you can have coffee. 5. My brother is arriving tonight. My sister is arriving tonight too.

Work in pairs. Take turn to ask and answer about the somewhere foreign tourists would enjoy going in your town or country..
You should ask: What kind of place it is; Why you think that place would be interesting or enjoyable; What it looks like; Where it is; What people can do there; How long you would recommend staying there.

Task 4

Read the following two texts. In your own words describe about the lakes and explain why they have colours. Kelimutu: Astounding Tri-Coloured Crater Lakes 6
Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Kelimutu is a volcano, close to the small town of Moni about 50 km to the east of Ende in central Flores Island. The volcano contains three striking summit crater lakesof varying colours.They are located on the same volcanic peak yet each of the three crater lakes is a markedly different colour. It is the only place on earth where this amazing colour variation takes place. The three lakes all have different names and local people have for centuries believed that the lakes are the spiritual resting place of their ancestors. It is said the lakes change colour according to the mood of the spirit. The Lake of Old People (Tiwu Ata Mbupu) at the western point of the volcano is typically blue. Lying apart from the other two crater, this is where it is said the spirits of the old who have led righteous lives go to rest. The two other lakes share a crater wall. The Lake of Young Men and Maidens (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai) is characteristically green. The third, the Enchanted Lake (Tiwu Ata Polo) can often be blood red but sometimes it appears an olive colour.This is the one where the bad people go, young, old, male or female. Kelimutu itself means Boiling Lake and often visitors can see wreathes of steam rise from the surface of the lakes. Despite the fact the volcano and lakes are

little known outside Asia, many consider Kelimutu to be one of the seven wonders of nature. It is hard to disagree. Adapted;; Why Do Kelimutu Lakes Have Colours? Crater lakes on their own are amazing natural wonders, but the crater lakes of Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia are even more striking. They are each a different colour despite being at the crest of the same volcano.The three lakes periodically vary in colour independent of each other. Geologists believe the three lakes change colour as a result of chemical reactions between the minerals in the lakes and volcanic gas.Although no extensive scientific survey has ever been undertaken below the surface of the lakes it is assumed that the colour deviations of Kelimutu Lakesare due to underwater fumaroles. These are openings in the planets surface which let out gas and steam sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and sulfide as well as carbon dioxide. This creates an upwelling which drives denser nutrient-rich and so coloured water upwards to the surface, driving that which had been on top downwards, so changing its appearance. Adapted

My Unforgettable Moment

Task 5

Describe a building, view or natural feature that impressed you.;; You should say: What kind of place it is; Where it is; What its special features are; Why it impressed you. And say whether you think you will go there again or not, and why.

Task 6

Look at the pictures. Then discuss the questions.



Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Rinjani 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. Do you know where the mountains are located? Are they active volcanoes? Are all volcanoes the same? Can you describe the characteristics of volcanoes? How is a volcano formed?



Match the terms with their definitions.

Active volcano Erupting volcano Dormant volcano Extinct volcano an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years c. a volcano that has not had an eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the future d. an active volcano that is having an eruption

Task 7

Read the following texts. Which one is a descriptive text? Which one is an explanation text? Discuss the similarities and the differences between the two texts. Merapi Volcano

My Unforgettable Moment

Source: Merapi, a steep stratovolcano north of Central Javas capital Yogyakarta, is Indonesias most active volcano. It erupts on average every 5-10 years and is feared for its deadly pyroclastic flows - avalanches of hot rocks and gas that are generated when parts of new lava domes constructed during eruptions in the summit crater collapse and slide down the mountains steep flanks. The name Merapi from old Javanese language means the one making fire is a popular name for volcanoes: another volcano with the same name Merapi is in the Ijen Massif in East Java and similarly called volcano Marapi lies on Sumatra Island. Merapi dominates the landscape immediately north of the city of Yogyakarta in one of the worlds most densely populated areas. Merapi is the youngest and southernmost of a volcanic chain extending NNW to Ungaran

volcano. The steep-sided modern Merapi edifice, its upper part unvegetated due to frequent eruptive activity, was constructed to the SW of an arcuate scarp cutting the eroded older Batulawang volcano. Pyroclastic flows and lahars accompanying growth and collapse of the steep-sided active summit lava dome have devastated cultivated lands on the volcanos western-to-southern flanks and caused many fatalities during historical time. Since 1953, activity has been characterized by extrusion of lava into the summit crater, with periodic lava dome collapse and nue ardente (French for burning cloud) formation. Summit lava dome growth has continued since the 1969 gas explosion. It is monitored from the Merapi Volcano Observatory (MVO) in Yogyakarta. Taken from:www.volcanodiscovery. com

How Do Volcanoes Form?

A volcano is a point on the Earths surface through which magma that is under tremendous pressure erupts as lava. This may be a single point, or a long line (vent). The opening will usually be at a place where the Earths lithosphere is thin or has a weakness. The lava may be accompanied by gas and ash, and fragments of rock known as pyroclastics. The volcano itself is often a conical hill, or mountain, composed largely of material erupted from the volcano over time. Deep inside Earth, between the molten iron core and the thin crust at the surface, there is a solid body of rock called the mantle. When rock from the mantle melts, moves to the surface 10 through the crust, and releases pent-up gases, volcanoes erupt. Extremely high temperature and pressure cause the rock to melt and become liquid rock or magma. When a large body of magma has formed, it rises through the denser rock layers toward

Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Earths surface. Magma that has reached the surface is called lava. The lava from the eruption cools to form new crust. Over time, after several eruptions, the rock builds up and a volcano forms.

The first text, Merapi Volcano, is a descriptive text. A descriptive text describes a particular person, place or thing.

The structure of descriptive texts is as follows: Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. As for the text How Do Volcanoes Form?, it is an explanation text. You have learned about the explanation text in previous chapter. The structure of explanation texts is as follows: General statement: stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. Sequenced explanation: stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.

Task 8

Find the words in the text Merapi Volcano which have the following definitions.
1. to send out rocks, ash, lava, etc., in a sudden explosionerupt 2. formed by or involving fragmentation as a result of volcanic or igneous action pyroclastic 3. the top of a mountain summit 4. the round open top of a volcano crater 5. the side of a hill, mountain, or very large building flank 6. a group of mountains forming one large solid shape massif 7. an area of countryside or land of a particular type, used especially when talking about its appearance landscape 8. a large or massive structure edifice 9. curved like a bow arcuate 10. a line of natural cliffs scarp 11. a moving fluid mass composed of volcanic debris and water lahar 12. the act or process of pushing or forcing something out through a holeextrusion

My Unforgettable Moment


Answer the questions based on the text Merapi Volcano.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where is Merapi Volcano located? What is the most active volcano in Indonesia? What are pyroclastic flows? What does the name Merapi mean? Why is the upper part of the steep-sided modern Merapi edifice unvegetated? 6. Which part of Merapi is affected by pyroclastic flows and lahar? 7. What is the characteristic of the activity of Merapi since 1953? 8. What happened to Merapi in 1969?

Task 9

Read the text. Is it a descriptive or an explanation text? What is the text about?
Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls were formed approximately 10,000 yearsago when glaciers melted at the end of the last ice age. Waterfrom the Great Lakes carved a path to the Atlantic Ocean,forming the Niagara River. The Niagara Falls are not very high,but they are very wide. The amount of water flowing over thefalls varies throughout the year. During seasons of high flow(usually springtime)

The Niagara Falls are located on the border between theUnited States and Canada. They are a group of falls in thestate of New York and the Canadian province of Ontario. Thisgroup is the second-largest in the world, in terms of volume ofwater flowing over its edge. It is the largest in North America. Itis a popular tourist destination.About12 million people visit the area every year. 12

Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

more than 6 million cubic feet (168,000 m3)of water passes over the falls per minute. The annual averageflow rate is almost 4 million cubic feet (110,000 m3) per minute. The Niagara Falls have two main sections, Horseshoe Fallsand the American Falls. They are separated by

Goat Island.Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side, are the larger of thetwo. They drop about 173 feet (53 m) and are about 2,600 feet (790 m) wide. The American Falls drop between 70100 feet (2130 m) and are 1,060 feet (320 m) wide. The Niagara Reservation State Park was created in 1885 to protect the Niagara Falls from excessive development. It was New Yorks first state park. In Canada, the Niagara Parks Commission protects the lands all along the Niagara River, from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. Taken

Can you find words in the text with the following meanings?
1. a place where a river suddenly goes straight down over a cliff Falls 2. one of the areas with limited law-making powers that together make up a country controlled by a central government state 3. the place that someone or something is going to destination 4. a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley glaciers 5. one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when ice covered many northern countries Ice Age 6. the time of the year when it is spring springtime 7. based on or calculated over a period of one year annual 8. a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities average 9. much more than is reasonable or necessary excessive 10. a large area of land in the country which has been kept in its natural state to protect the plants and animals there park

Answer the questions based on the text Niagara Falls.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where are the Niagara Falls located? What is the significance of the Niagara Falls? About how many people visit the Niagara Falls annually? When were the Niagara Falls formed? How many sections do the Niagara Falls have? How much water flows over the falls in high flow season?
My Unforgettable Moment


7. 8. 9. 10.

How wide are the Horseshoe Falls? What is the height of the American Falls? When was the Niagara Reservation State Park established? What is the purpose of the establishment of the Niagara Reservation Park?

Task 10

Read the text. Is it a descriptive or an explanation text? What is the text about?
How Waterfalls Are Formed

Waterfallshappen when theriver crosses aband of harderrock. An example of the hard rock is whinstone.

The erosion of thesofter rock continues andundercuts the hard rock. The hollow at the bottomis called the plunge pool.Its full of bits of rockfrom above so thereslots of abrasion here. The force of the fallingwater means lots ofhydraulic action too.

The softer rockgets eroded morequickly by abrasionand hydraulicaction. This makesa ledge.

Eventually the ledge(overhang) collapses.The process keeps goingand the waterfall movesbackwards. In front of it,it leaves a steep-sidedgorge. Taken


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Can you find words in the text with the following meanings?
1. any of various hard coloured rocks (especially rocks consisting of chert or basalt) whinstone 2. a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat piecesshale 3. a type of soft yellow or red rock, often used in buildingssandstone 4. the process of rubbing a surface very hard so that it becomes damaged or disappearsabrasion 5. moved or operated by the pressure of water or other liquidhydraulic 6. a narrow flat piece of rock that sticks out on the side of a mountain or cliffledge 7. the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the seaerosion 8. a place in something that is at a slightly lower level than its surfacehollow 9. a jump ordive into waterplunge 10. a deep narrow valley with steep sidesgorge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Waterfalls are formed where a river flows over a band of hard rock next to asofter rock. The softer rock is eroded by hydraulic actionand abrasion.The power of the water creates a deep plunge pool below the waterfalland undercuts the softer rock until the overhang eventually collapses. Thiscauses the waterfall to retreatupstream, forming a gorge. a. hydraulic action b. retreat c. plunge pool d. hard rock e. softer rock

Task 11

Read the text. What does the text describe? Bengawan Solo

My Unforgettable Moment


Solo River, or Bengawan Solo as it is called locally (Bengawan is an old Javanese word for river), is the longest river on the Indonesian island of Java. Solo River is approximately 540km in length. The Solo River (or Bengawan Solo) has its source by the volcano of Mount Lawu, on the border between Central Java and East Java. It passes through the major city of Surakarta (called Solo by the local inhabitants). An important early tributary to the Solo river is the Dengkeng River, which has its source in Mount Merapi. After passing through Solo, the river flows northward around Mount Lawu, and then turn eastward into East Java in the Ngawi regency. After Ngawi the river turns northward again, forming the boundary between Blora Regency of Central Java and Bojonegoro regency of East Java. From the town of Cepu in Blora, the river turns eastward and passes through Bojonegoro regencys capital city. From

there, it continues eastward through the Lamongan and Gresik regencies. The last part of the rivers basin (roughly starting from Bojonegoro regency) is mostly flat land. Bengawan Solos delta is located near the town of Sedayu in Gresik regency. The present delta is redirected by a human made canal. The original delta flowed into the Madura Strait, but in 1890 a 12 km canal was made by the Dutch East Indies authority to redirect the Solo River into Java Sea. This is done to prevent sedimentation of mud from filling the Madura Strait and thereby preventing sea access to the important port city of Surabaya. The Solo river delta has a huge mud sedimentation flow that deposited 17 million tonnes of mud per year. This sedimentation in the delta form a cape, which has average longitudinal growth of 70 m per year. This delta is known as Ujung Pangkah (Pangkah Cape).

Choose the best answer for the question based on the text Bengawan Solo.
1. 2. 3. 16 What does bengawan mean? a. Island b. River c. Volcano d. Delta What is the length of Bengawan Solo? a. 1540 km b. 540 km c. 12 km d. 1890 km Where is the source of Bengawan Solo? a. On Mount Lawu. b. On Mount Merapi. c. On Mount Slamet. d. On Mount Merbabu. 4. Which regencies are bordered by Bengawan Solo? a. Blora Regency and Gresik Regency. b. Blora Regency and Bojonegoro Regency. c. Ngawi Regency and Lamongan Regency. d. Bojonegoro Regency and Lamongan Regency. 5. Where is Bengawan Solos delta located? a. Near the town of Cepu in Blora Regency. b. Between Blora Regency and Bojonegoro regency.

Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

c. Near the town of Sedayu in Gresik regency. d. Around Mount Lawu. 6. Where did the original delta of Bengawan Solo flow into? a. Java Sea. b. The Bali Strait. c. Indian Ocean. d. The Madura Strait. 7. Where did the canal redirecting Bengawan Solo into Java Sea build? a. In 540. b. In 1980. c. In 1890. d. In 1540. 8. Who made the canal that redirects Bengawan Solo into Java Sea? a. The Dutch East Indies authority. b. The Government of Indonesia.

c. The local authority of Surabaya. d. The Madura authority. 9. What is the purpose of the construction of the canal? a. To connect Surabaya and Madura. b. To fill the Madura Strait with mud. c. To preventsea access to the port city of Surabaya d. To prevent sedimentationof mud from filling the Madura Strait. 10. What does the sedimentation of Bengawan Solo form? a. An island. b. A cape. c. A strait. d. A port.

Task 12

Put the explanation of the diagram in the correct order.

The Drainage Basin Cycle

What is a drainage basin? A river, or drainage basin is the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries.This is how the water gets from the clouds to the river. It is part of the water cycle. Every river has its own drainage basin or catchment area. Each drainage basin is a system. There is a movement of water within it that is rather like a smallscale hydrological cycle.

My Unforgettable Moment


a. If the ground is hard, or very wet, rainwater just runs along it. This is called surface runoff. b. Some soaks right down and fills up the pores and cracks in the rock. Now it is called groundwater. This is called percolation. c. A mixture of surface run-off, throughflow and groundwater flow feeds the river. d. Below ground, some flows sideways through the soil. This is called throughflow. e. Otherwise the rain soaks into the the ground. This is called infiltration. f. Leaves catch some rain as it falls. This is called interception. g. Groundwater flows along slowly. This is groundwater flow. 1. F 2. .... 3. .... 4. .... 5. ..... 6. ....... 7. ..... 8. ........

Task 13

Match the landmarks with the cities.


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Source:;;;;; a. Yogyakarta b. Bandung c. Pontianak d. Semarang e. Surabaya f. Jakarta

Task 14

Look at the picture. Then answer the questions.

Source: 1. Which city is represented in the picture above? ________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Where is it? __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3. What is there to see and do? ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4. In pairs, describe this place to a visitor: ______________________ ___________________________________________________

My Unforgettable Moment


Task 14

Write a description of a place you know well. You can use the following grid and questions to help you plan your writing.

What place do you want to describe? (For example, your hometown.) Who do you want to describe it to? (For example, people you met on holiday.)


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Unit Summary
Expressing a Correlation between Two Things or Actions We use correlative conjunctions: both . . . and; either . . . or; neither nor; not only . . . but also when we are talking about a correlation between two things or actions. Both and We use both ... and to emphasize a combination of two nouns, etc. Either or We use either ... or to indicate that there is more than one possibility or alternative. When we use either ... or we indicate that one or the other available action is possible but not both. Neither ... nor Neither ... nor is the negative form of either ... or. It is used in a sentence in the negative sense when you want to say that two or more things are not true. Not only but also We use not only but also to give more information. DescriptiveTexts The structure of descriptive texts is as follows: Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. Explanation Texts The structure of explanation texts is as follows: General statement: stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. Sequenced explanation: stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.

My Unforgettable Moment


After learning this chapter, I should be able to: Use correlative conjunctions to ask and talk about a correlation between two things or actions. Comprehend the differences of descriptive texts and explanation texts. Write a descriptive text about a subject.

Great Places I Have Visited;;


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

Write three places where you have been on vacation. Were they good places to visit? Why or why not? . 1. . 2. . 3.

Work in groups. Choose one place you want to go on vacation. Then usethese questions and your own questions to research it. Whats it like? What can you do there? What should you see there? Whats the weather like? Whats the best time of year to visit? What things can you buy? Work in groups. Make a poster to advertise the place. Use photos or drawpictures to explain what you can do there.

Share your poster with the class. Tell your classmates why they should visit the place.Try to convince them to go there!

My Unforgettable Moment


Listening Script
1. Lake Maninjau is a caldera lake in West Sumatra. It is located 36 km to the west of Bukittinggi. Danau Maninjau means overlook or observation in the Minangkabau language. The average depth of Lake Maninjau is 105 m, with a maximum depth of 165 m. The natural outlet for excess water is the Antokan river, located on the west side of the lake. It is the only lake in Sumatra which has a natural outlet to the west coast. 2. Lake Toba is a lake and supervolcano. The lake is 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 meters deep. It is located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra with a surface elevation of about 900 metres. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world. 3. Tangkuban Perahu, which is spelt Tangkuban Parahu in the local Sundanese dialect, is a dormant volcano 30 km north of the city of Bandung, the provincial capital of West Java. It is a popular tourist attraction where tourists can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs and boiling mud up close, and buy eggs cooked on the hot surface. 4. Mount Rinjani is an active volcano on the island of Lombok. Administratively the mountain is in the Regency of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. It rises to 3,726 metres, making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia. On the top of the volcano is a 6 kilometres by 8.5 kilometres caldera, which is filled partially by the crater lake known as Segara Anak. A: B: A: B: A: B. A: B: A: B: A: B: Anna, have you ever climbed a mountain in Java? I have climbed Merapi. I have also climbed Merbabu. Wow, its great. Youre a real climber. Are they volcanoes? Yes. Both Merapi and Merbabu are volcanoes. Merapi is an active stratovolcano. But Merbabu is a dormant one. Arent they located in East Java? No. Neither Merapi nor Merbabu is located in East Java. Oh, I thought both mountains were in East Java. Where are they located then? Both volcanoes are located in Central Java. Mount Merapi is located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. You know much about mountain climbing. I want to go climbing with you. We are going to make an expedition to East Java next two months. You can join us. Depending on conditions, we will climb either Semeru or Bromo. Semeru? Its the highest mountain in East Java, isnt it? Right. Its not only the highest mountain in East Java but also in Java. It stands at 3,676 meters.


Forward English for Senior High School Students Grade X

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