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Pico Power: A boon to Rural Electrification

Need of the Hour in the Indian Context

B.Tech (Power System Engineering) University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, India
Abstract Rural electrification is needed to improve the

livelihoods of individuals that are located where centralized power grids do not reach. It is a known fact that India is very rich in water resources from where we can harness enough water for irrigation and huge amount of electricity. To harness electricity many big hydropower plants and irrigation projects are in the process of development. But there are numerous villages in India which are far from reach of electrical grid connection system. Such villages are located in difficult terrain and high altitude having numerous small water resources such as rivulets, ponds, small rivers and springs. In most of these villages life is difficult due to high altitude but the same high altitude can prove as a boon if even a small water source is available there. There are numerous such sources having adequate height and flow rate for feasibly developing multipurpose pico hydropower project. Pico hydro, hydro systems of 5 kW capacity or less, can address this need at relatively low cost and with virtually no negative environmental or social impacts. Recent innovations in pico hydro technology have made it an economic source of power even in some of the worlds poorest and most inaccessible places. It is also a versatile power source. AC electricity can be produced enabling standard electrical appliances to be used and the electricity can be distributed to a whole village. Common examples of devices which can be powered by pico hydro are light bulbs, radios, televisions, refrigerators and food processors. Mechanical power can be utilized with some designs. This is useful for direct drive of machinery such as workshop tools, grain mills and other agro-processing equipment. The paper below describes how multipurpose pico hydropower project can be developed for increasing living standard of household using thus generated electricity and water and can efficiently improve the scenario of electricity in rural India. Recent case studies of installations of Pico power plants in India and other areas are also studied. The proposal for the establishment of pico power plant keeping all the parameters in list has also been discussed.
Keywords- pico; hydroelectric; head; reservoirs; rivulets; springs; micro- power; penstock; forebay.



A hydropower system captures the energy of moving water for some useful purpose. Wherever there are mountains and streams, hydropower can bring low-cost electricity to isolated communities without polluting the air or water. Furthermore, hydropower is a proven technology; people have been obtaining energy from falling water for thousands of years. Hydropower is still being used on many different scales for many purposes, from small grain-grinding facilities to huge hydroelectric dams that provide electricity to entire cities. Pico-hydro is a term used to describe the smallest systems, covering hydroelectric power generation under 5kW. Depending on its size, a pico-hydro power system may provide a small, remote community with adequate electricity to power light bulbs, radios, and televisions, among other appliances. II. PRINCIPLE

Hydro power is driven by extracting the potential energy from water over a height difference. The energy in the water is converted to mechanical energy and can be used directly or converted again into electrical energy by means of a generator. The term head, H, is the measure of pressure in the water. It refers to the actual height difference the water travels. Power, P is the energy converted over time or the rate of work being done. The power, P, which can be extracted from a water flow, is P QHg is the efficiency of the system, Q is total volumetric flow, H is head is water density, and 2 g is the gravitational constant (9.81 m/s ) Where;

III: Components of Pico Hydro Power System

Fig 1: Components of Pico Power There are eight main components to a pico-hydro system: Water supply: The source of water is a stream or an irrigation channel. Small amounts of water can also be diverted from rivers. Springs make excellent sources as they do not dry up in dry weather and are usually clean, which stops silt building up in the system. Forebay tank: Water is fed into a forebay tank. This is often enlarged to form a small reservoir. This can be useful if the water available is not enough during the dry season. Penstock pipe: Water flows from the forebay tank or reservoir down a long pipe called the penstock. At the end of the penstock water comes out of a nozzle as a highpressure jet. Turbine and generator: The power in the jet, or hydro power, is transmitted to a turbine runner that changes it into mechanical power. The runner has blades or buckets that cause it to rotate when struck by the water. The turbine is a general name that refers to the runner, nozzle and surrounding case. The turbine is attached to a generator. This converts rotating power into electrical power. This is how water flowing in a small stream can become electricity. Electronic controller: An electronic controller is connected to the generator. This matches the electrical power that is produced to the electrical loads that are connected, and stops the voltage from changing as devices are switched on and off. Mechanical load: The mechanical load is a machine connected to the turbine shaft using a pulley system so that power can be drawn directly from the turbine. The rotating force of the turbine runner can be used to turn equipment such as grain mills or woodwork machinery. Distribution system: The distribution system connects the electricity supply from the generator to the houses or schools. This is often one of the most expensive parts of the system. Electrical loads: Electrical loads are usually connected inside houses. This is a general name given to any device that uses the electricity generated. The type of loads connected to a pico-hydro scheme depends largely on the amount of power generated. After passing through the whole system, water is normally returned to a stream or river below the powerhouse.


It is important to conduct a feasibility study in a proposed area to determine what is required to implement a picohydro project for village electrification. Overview: Establish the demand, willingness to pay, local ability to manage a scheme, and grid electricity available or planned. Location: A suitable geographical location for a pico-hydro scheme is one with steep rivers that have an all-year flow. Demand survey: Estimate the number of houses within 1km (approximately two- thirds of a mile) from the water supply and those who are willing to pay. A 1km radius is the distance that electricity can most easily be transmitted. Power estimate: The head and flow rate should both be measured to determine the possible power output and to help in choosing equipment. Cost and availability: Estimate the size of generator needed to meet the energy demand, based on the head, flow and power outputs of available equipment. Typically, the higher the head the lower the cost per installed kilowatt. The initial investment is high, but running costs, mostly maintenance, are low because there is no need to buy fuel. Viability: Comparing the likely annual income with capital cost gives a rough guide to financial viability. If the annual income is less than 10 per cent of the capital cost, the project is not viable. If it is 1025 per cent the scheme could be possible. If the annual income is more than 25 per cent, then the scheme is viable. Head and flow: Decide on a suitable combination of head and flow to produce the required power. Assumptions should be made on the system efficiency, but if in doubt, assume an overall efficiency (water power to electrical power) of 45 per cent. Village meeting: Present the findings of the survey to the community at an open meeting. Local government staff and local development organizations should be encouraged to attend. Other steps: A number of other steps need to be taken, including a detailed site survey, finalizing power output, producing a scale map and scheme layout, a detailed costing, consumer contracts for electricity supply and organizing finance. Once this has been done the scheme can get under way. Ordering materials, installation and training can all be undertaken.

A. Often, small communities are without electricity

even in countries with extensive grid electrification. Despite the high demand for electrification, grid connection of small communities remains unattractive to utilities due to the relatively low power consumption.

B. Only small water flows are required for pico hydro

so there are numerous suitable sites. A small stream or spring often provides enough water.

C. Pico hydro equipment is small and compact. The

component parts can be easily transported into remote and inaccessible regions.

D. The number of houses connected to each scheme is

small, typically under 100 households. It is therefore easier to raise the required capital and to manage maintenance and revenue collection.

E. Carefully designed pico hydro schemes have a

lower cost per kilowatt than solar or wind power. Diesel generator systems, although initially cheaper, have a higher cost per kilowatt over their lifetime because of the associated fuel costs.

F. Local manufacture is possible. The design

principles and fabrication processes can be easily learned. This keeps some equipment costs in proportion with local wages.

G. It is easier to establish and maintain agreements

regarding ownership, payments, operation, maintenance and water rights, as the units only supply power for a small number of households.

H. Even

in countries with extensive grid electrification, pico-hydro can be suitable for the many small, remote communities for which grid extension would be extremely expensive and not practical.

I. Locally manufactured systems can be produced

that have much lower long- term costs per kilowatt than solar, wind and diesel systems.

VI: CASE STUDIES Where it all started: Village Kholsi, Nepal A typical pico-hydro power plant has been installed in the village of Kholsi in December 2006. This machine generates 1.1 kW at a maximal water flow of 83 liters/s, with a negative head and a conical draft tube of 2.7 meters long. Working in the pico range means that the chosen lighting technologys energy demand must be small. Therefore , white light emitting diode (WLED) lamps, each lamp holding 12 diodes with the unit consuming just over 1 W. These lamps are almost unbreakable, and last more than 50,000 hours, some 20 years if used for 7 hours a day. The entire hydro power plant infrastructure, including the power house and the water canals, are built with locally available materials such as stones and wood, provided by villagers as part of their voluntary contribution to the project. In addition to providing these materials, individuals from every household in the village contributed labor and skilled assistance to the building and installation process. Kholsi village has 67 homes and one school, each house now has three WLED lamps, while schoolchildren in class read under an additional nine. A total of 210 WLED lamps are supplied. The generators 225 V AC output is transformed to 615 V AC, travels via an armoured underground copper cable to the village, and is again transformed to 225V AC. Upon realizing that householders usage of the system for lights consumes a maximum of only 250 W at any time, the system was modified so that 850 W or more can be diverted full-time by a specially developed electronic load controller (ELC). Few Steps taken in India In Mankulam, an isolated village in Kerala State in India, an INFORSE member, the Malanadu Development Society (MDS), has installed 2 pilot units of 200 watt pico hydro power plants. The plants have been operating well for the past year. Based on this, the MDS is proposing to install 30 Pico-hydropower generation units for 30 poor & low income group families in the village. The beneficiaries have agreed to contribute small amounts to the proposed Picohydropower generation project. Apart from improving the quality of life, the Pico project would have good economic as well as environmental impact. It is estimated that about 1,000 litres of kerosene would be saved annually after the installation of the proposed 30 units. In Karnataka, many rural areas, especially in the hilly regions of Malnad (Chikmagalur, Hassan and Kodagu) and coastal districts of Udupi, Dakshina Kannada and Uttara Kannada, the terrain conditions make grid electricity supply either inaccessible or unreliable. However, these areas provide ideal sites for small picohydro systems. To farming families in these areas, reliable in-home electricity is important since it extends productive hours for school-age children who can study into the evening hours and make cooking and other evening activities safer for women who often are forced to rely on Kerosene and other fuels for lighting that can cause serious burns and produce noxious fumes. These pico-hydro systems have improved the economic and living conditions of these 20 poor families by providing them with access to a perennial & renewable energy source.

Figure 2 - The low-head turbine at Kholsi drives an induction motor as generator (IMAG) with controller (photo: Robert Simpson)

Figure 3 - Bolting a Pico Power Pack (photo: Phil Maher, Pico Energy Ltd.)


Detailed costs of pico hydro schemes are often difficult to obtain. Some schemes for which data are available show a range of costs from US $ 1000 to $ 9000 per kW of power output. Some of the higher scheme costs were due to poor scheme design where the actual output was much lower than the intended plant capacity. However, where schemes have been well designed, average costs are around US $3000/kW. A similar figure of Rs 200,000/kW for schemes up to 10 kW has been estimated for new schemes in India (Kulkarni 2004). For schemes where existing water mills have been upgraded to produce electricity, costs as low as US $700/kW have been reported (Kashyap & Arvind 2004). Taking into account that these schemes can provide power up to 24 hours each day, the costs are significantly lower than kerosene lamps, grid connection or a solar home system. Small petrol or diesel generators and solar home systems, which would be another environmentally friendly option, typically cost at least five times more per unit of energy than pico hydro (Maher et al. 2003; World Bank 2005). For a household that uses pico hydro to supply 20 W CFLs, the monthly cost would be approximately US $0.80. In comparison, with typical costs of kerosene lamps would be between $1.5 and $3 per month, depending on the price of Kerosene. In some countries, kerosene is subsidised, but prices of kerosene are predicted to increase significantly over the next decade, whereas renewable energy costs are likely to be stable. In relation to kerosene lamps, electricity from pico hydro has three other advantages: it reduces fossil fuel use, hence CO2 output, cuts down the number of house fires and provides power for recharging portable equipment such as mobile phones. Even white light-emitting diode (LED) based lamps are becoming a cost-effective option for rural lighting (Mills 2005). Up to 20 LEDs are incorporated into a single lamp, which can be designed for mains operation. Three 1.5 W LED lamps will give a Similar light output as a 10 W CFL. Although the initial purchase price of LED lamps is higher, they will last up To 15 years when used 5 hours each day. The future for Pico hydro looks brighter than ever.

resources included wind power, hydropower, solar energies, bio-gas, and farm waste were proposed by the Ministry of Energy since a decade years. Fortunately, there are some potential areas at upstream watersheds which can be used as energy sources for producing electricity by the construction of hydropower plants such as waterfalls and dams or reservoirs. A source of water with lower flow rate compared to its head is efficiently utilized to generate power in the installed system. The runoff water can be utilized for household purpose. Also we can empower local people by providing them opportunity for income generation from such project by vegetable farming and freshery from runoff water. Problems of livelihood, water supply and electrification can altogether be solved by this project to some extent. Places having larger water sources but difficult terrain can be benefited from water supply, electricity and income generation activity if this project is done in bigger larger The idea behind this project is very simple. Water supply system arrives after diverged from sources located at high altitude. Small Pelton turbine system along with structure to utilize runoff water is build and connected to such water supply system. Both the water as well as head of easily available flowing water is utilized. Even people with non technical background can complete this project after they are trained. So we can easily train and involve local community in this project. This project is very suitable and feasible in context of India and if listed out it clearly has numerous advantages over any other projects related to renewable energy and rural development.

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As they known, the energy demand and utilization have trended to increase everyday. Moreover, the world market price of gasoline fuel as main energy for most factory and vehicle engines have trended to increase day by day. The strategic planning for the renewable technology and development with wisely energy utilization from natural

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