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University of education

Lower mall campus Lahore

Assignment on: Dengue Submitted to: Dr. Mubasher Nadeem Submitted by: Muhammad Aamir khalil

Roll no;


An Outline:

a) Dengue fever. b) Place where mosquito hides itself.


History and geographical distribution:

a) Its birth. b) Annually affected people.

3: Characteristics

system of dengue:

a) Some salient feature of that disease. 4:

Dengue mosquito and virus: cycle of the mosquito:

a) b) c) d) Eggs. Larva. Pupa. Adult.

5: Life

6: Preventive

measures and control:

a) Early and basic stage. b) On Large level. c) Managements. 7:


The mosquito is considered as an important vector for human disease and AEDES mosquito is responsible for spreading dengue fever. The mosquito hides itself in a variety of places for example dark corner, behind the picture frames, curtains and under the furniture etc. AEDES mosquito bites a man at dawn and dusk. In favorable weather conditions dengue epidemics occur. At the end of 18 th century and then during the 2nd world war that disease was spreading in many regions of the world. Such as SouthAmerica, Philippines and Thailand. According to world organization there is an estimationthat 50-100 million people are infected annually out of which almost 22,000 people die every year. The salient features of that disease are; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. High fever above 102*f. Severe headache and pain behind the eyes. Weakness and fatigue. Pain in the muscles and joints because of which it is also called Break Bone Fever. Child nausea or rash on the skin may also occur. Gradually the white blood cells (WBC) and the platelets start to decrease. In dengue fever in severe cases bleeding starts to come out of different parts of body.

The dengue virus multiplies inside the female AEDES mosquito. The AEDES mosquito has black color with white spots and strips on its body. The female AEDES mosquito is responsible for the transmission of that disease from the infected person to the healthy person. Four different types of dengue viruses which are responsible for dengue fever. During its life cycle the dengue mosquito passes through four different phases of development which are as follow. EGGS: The female AEDES mosquito lays eggs in clean water arequite enough for that purpose. LARVA: The egg hatched into larva after 2-7 days. They move actively to start their expeditions from top to the bottom.

PUPA: Pupa is the third phase of the dengue mosquito and the last one is the phase of becoming ADULT. That disease can be controlled by following a famous quotation that is:

Prevention is better than cure

The best way to prevent from that disease is to minimize the chances of contacts between the mosquito and the men or biting of mosquito.

At household level every corner of the house should be cleaned with some suitable insect killer and pesticides. The principles of hygiene should be strictly observed. Water should not be allowed to stand at any place.

Dengue is not a modern invention and its cure is necessary for the prevention of the world. That disease has very terrible effects on the whole.

A Dengue Awareness Pamphlet.

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