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Chapter 5: The First Law of Thermodynamics


Joules Experiment
During 1843-1849, Joule conducted several experiments that subsequently led to the formulation of the first law of thermodynamics.

James Prescott Joule


Chapter 5

Joule's Paddle-Wheel Apparatus, 1849, London Science Museum


Chapter 5

Experiment consists of two process cycle. In process 1-2, work W was done on the system by means of a paddle wheel. Heat was transferred from the fluid to the atmosphere in process 2-1 till the system returns to the original temperature.


Chapter 5

The amount of work was measured by the change in potential energy of a weight mg falling through a height Z. The amount of heat transfer Q from the fluid to the atmosphere was measured. By repeating the experiments for different systems, Joule found that net work input W was always proportional to the net amount of heat transfer Q from the system measured in their conventional units.

Q = W
Chapter 5


Joule found that in the English system of units, in which historically heat is measured in British thermal unit (Btu) and work in foot pound force (ft lbf), the mechanical equivalent of heat is J = 778.17 ft lbf/Btu In SI units, both heat and work are expressed in same unit.


Chapter 5

Mechanical Equivalent of Heat (J)

Joule experimented on the amount of mechanical work needed to raise the temperature of a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit and found a consistent value of 778.17 foot pound force (4.186 J/cal).


Chapter 5

Observations From Joules Experiment

Net work input W is always proportional to the net amount of heat transfer Q from the system. Since the system at the end is restored to its original state, so, algebraic sum of heat and work interactions during a thermodynamic cycle is zero (when same units are used). This experiment led to the formulation of the first law of thermodynamics.


Chapter 5

Statement of First Law of thermodynamics

For a system undergoing a thermodynamic cycle the net heat transfer during the cycle (cyclic integral of heat added) is equal to the net work done during the cycle (cyclic integral of work done).

Q =


Chapter 5

Some aspects of the first law

The symbol is used to indicate that W and Q are inexact differentials. The constraints of this law: This law applies to a closed system and only to a thermodynamic cycle. Both heat and work have same units. The first law of thermodynamics is also known as the conservation of energy principle.


Chapter 5

First Law of thermodynamics for a Change in State of a Control mass

P Path 1-A-2-B-1

Q + Q = W + W
A B A 1 2 1 2

Path 1-C-2-B-1

Q + Q = W + W
C B C 1
2 2 2 2

A 1 1

1 1

Subtracting and rearranging

( Q W )

= ( Q W )C


Chapter 5

It is seen that for any process between states 1 and 2, the quantity (Q W) is always the same. It is independent of the path followed for this change of state. So, it is a point or state function and hence a property. This property is called energy (E) of the control mass. Thus we can write,

dE = Q W ------------ (1)


Chapter 5

Since E is a property, its derivative can be written as dE. When Eq. (1) is integrated from an initial state 1 to a final state 2,

E2 E1 = 1 Q2 1W2
where E1 and E2 are the initial and final values of energy of the control mass. For a cycle, initial and final state is identical, so energy increase is zero. For isolated system W and Q = 0. Hence E2 = E1


Chapter 5

Significance of the Property E

It represents all the energy of the system (macroscopic and microscopic forms) in the given state. Macroscopic: Kinetic or Potential energy of the system as a whole with respect to the chosen coordinate frame. Microscopic: Energy associated with motion and position of the molecules, and the structure of the atom is called internal energy (U).


Chapter 5

In absence of electrical, magnetic, surface tension effects i.e., for a simple compressible system E = U + KE + PE

dE = dU + d ( KE ) + d ( PE ) ----- (2) The first law of thermodynamics for a change of state

dE = dU + d ( KE ) + d ( PE ) = Q W --- (3)
d (mV ) d ( KE ) = mVdV = and 2 d ( PE ) = mg dZ = d (mg Z )


Chapter 5

dE = dU + mVdV + mgdZ = Q W --- (4)

Integrating for a change of state from state 1 to state 2 with constant g, E2 E1 = 1 Q2 1W2

mV mV U 2 U1 + + mgZ 2 mgZ1 = 1 Q2 1W2 2 2

2 2

2 1


Chapter 5

Three Observations
The property E, the energy of the control mass, was found to exist. The net change of the energy of the control mass is always equal to the net transfer of energy across the boundary as heat and work.
Ein Eout 1 4 24 3
Net Energy Transfer by heat and work

ESystem 1 4 24 3
Change in U, K.E and P.E energies

This equation can give only changes in internal energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy.


Chapter 5

Internal Energy A Thermodynamic Property

Total energy contained by a thermodynamic system It is an extensive property and can be one of the independent properties of a pure substance The symbol U designates the internal energy of a given mass of a substance and u as the specific internal energy. In the liquid vapor saturation region,
U = U liq + U vap mu = mlq u f + mvap ug u = (1 x)u f + xu g = u f + x(u g u f ) u = u f + xu fg


Chapter 5

Internal energy
Calculate the specific internal energy of saturated steam having a pressure of 0.6 MPa and quality of 95% u=uf + xufg = 669.9 + 0.95 (1897.5) = 2472/5 kJ/kg

(E 5.4) Determine the missing property (P, T or x) and v for water at (a) T=300oC, u = 2780 kJ/kg
From table B.1.1, Psat = 8581kPa, ug = 2563 kJ/kg. So given u > ug so the state is in the superheated vapor region at some P < Psat Searching through table B 1.3 at 300 C (superheated vapor), u = 2780 kJ/kg at 1600 < P < 1800 kPa. By linear interpolation, P = 1648 kPa and v = 0.1542 m3/kg x is undefined (superheated).

Problem analysis and solution technique

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.


What is the control mass/volume? What is the initial state (known properties)? What do we know about the final state? What is the process that takes place? Is anything constant or zero? Any functional relation between properties? Would a P-v, T-v diagram be useful? What is the thermodynamic model for the behavior of the substance (steam tables, ideal gas law, etc.)? Use of all of the above information to analyze and solve the problem

Enthalpy -The Thermodynamic Property

Consider a control mass undergoing quasi-equilibrium constant-pressure process. Assume there is no change in kinetic or potential energy . Work done during the process is that associated with the boundary movement.


Chapter 5

Taking the gas as our control mass and applying the first law, Q 2 = U 2 U1 + 1W2 1 The work can be calculated from the relation,
1 2 2

W2 = PdV = P dV = P (V2 V1 )
1 1


Q2 = U 2 U1 + PV PV 2 2 1 1 = (U 2 + PV ) (U1 + PV ) 2 2 1 1


Chapter 5

Heat transfer during the process is given in terms of the change in the quantity U + PV between the initial and final states. Because all these quantities are thermodynamic properties, that is, functions only of the state of the system, their combination must have these same characteristics. Therefore, it is convenient to define a new extensive property, the enthalpy,
H = U + PV


Chapter 5

The heat transfer in a constant-pressure, quasiequilibrium process is equal to the change in enthalpy, which includes both the change in U and the work for this particular process
Many tables and charts of thermodynamics properties give values for enthalpy but not for the internal energy. In that case, u can be determined by

u = h pv
Is this valid when analyzing system processes that do not occur at constant pressure?
Remember enthalpy is a state function so it can be used to calculate u irrespective of the process

The enthalpy of a substance in a saturation state and with a given quality is found in the same way as the specific volume and internal energy.
H = H liq + H vap mh = mlq h f + mvap hg h = (1 x)h f + xhg h = h f + xh fg

For substances for which compressed-liquid tables are not available, the enthalpy is taken as that saturated liquid at the same temperature.


Chapter 5

(5.14) 2 kg of water at 120oC with a quality of 25% has its temperature raised to 20oC in a constant volume process. What are the new quality and specific internal energy ?

State 1, at 120oC

1 = f + x1 ( g f )
1 1 1

= 0.001061+ 0.25 (0.89152 - 0.001061) = 0.22367 m3 / kg State 2 has same at 140oC

Engineering Thermodynamics

x2 =

2 f fg

0.22367 - 0.00108 = = 0.4386 ( 0.50849 - 0.00108)

u2 = u f2 + x u fg 2 = 588.72 + 0.4386 1961.3 = 1448.9 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.15) 2 kg of water at 200 kPa with a quality of 25% has its temperature raised to 20oC in a constant pressure process. What is the change in enthalpy ? State 1, at 200 kPa

h1 = h f1 + x1 h fg1 = 504.7 + 0.25 2201.6 = 1055.1 kJ / kg State 2 has same pressure o T2 = Tsat + 20 = 120.2 + 20 = 140.2 C
So state 2 is superheated vapor

Engineering Thermodynamics

140.2 - 120.2 h2 = 2706.3 + ( 2768.5 - 2706.3) 150 120.2 = 2748 kJ/kg

h2 h1 = 2748 - 1055.1 = 1693 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

Specific Heat
It takes different amounts of energy to raise the temperature of identical masses of different substances by 1 degree.

This is because different substances have different energy storing capabilities.


Chapter 5

It is thus desirable to have a property that enables us to compare the energy storage capabilities of various substances. This property is the specific heat. It is defined as the energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.


Chapter 5

Mathematical Model
The SI unit of specific heat is kJ/kg.K. Denoting specific heat by C, we have by definition

q 1 Q c= = T m T


Chapter 5

Specific Heat at Constant Volume and Pressure

Cv is the energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree as the volume is maintained constant. Cp is the energy required to do the same at constant pressure is the specific heat at constant pressure


Chapter 5

Which is greater in value? Cp or Cv? The specific heat at constant pressure will always be greater than that at constant volume because at constant pressure the system can change volume and energy for this expansion must be supplied.


Chapter 5

Specific Heat at Constant Volume

From definition of specific heat

1 Q q cV = = T V m T V Since for constant volume P dV = 0 dU = Q W (from First Law)

1 U q u cV = = = T V T V m T V


Chapter 5

Specific Heat at Constant Pressure

From definition of specific heat

q 1 Q cP = = T P m T P Since for constant pressure process (first law) Q = U 2 U1 + PV PV 1 2 2 2 1 1 = (U 2 + PV ) (U1 + PV ) = H 2 H1 2 2 1 1

1 H q h Therefore, cP = = = T P T P m T P


Chapter 5

Both expressions for specific heats contain thermodynamic properties and can be written as cv = f (u, T, ) and cP = f (h, T, P ) cv and cp are state functions and hence are properties. cv is a measure of the variation of internal energy of a substance with temperature. cP is a measure of the variation of enthalpy of a substance with temperature


Chapter 5

Note the equations for cP and cv are property relations and as such independent of the type of process. They are valid for any substance undergoing any process.

Sketch showing two ways in which a given U may be achieved


Chapter 5

Specific Heat for Solids and Liquids

Since both of phases are nearly incompressible,

dh = du + d (Pv) = du + v dP + Pdv du + v dP
Also, for both of these phases, the specific volume is very small, such that in many cases

dh du c dT
Where c is either the constant-volume or constant pressure specific heat, as the two would be nearly the same.

h2 h1 u2 u1

c (T2 T1 )

Engineering Thermodynamics

Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Specific Heat Relations for Ideal Gases
In general, u depends on the two independent properties specifying the state For a low-density gas, however u depends primarily on T and much less on the second term, P or v.


Chapter 5

For an ideal gas, Pv = RT and u = f (T ) The relation between the internal energy and the temperature can be given by

u cv = T v
Because the internal energy of an ideal gas is not a function of specific volume, for an ideal gas

du cv 0 = du = cv 0 dT or dU = mcv 0 dT dT
Where the subscript 0 denotes the specific heat of an ideal gas


Chapter 5







h = u + pv = u + RT
Since R is a constant and u = f (T), it follows that h = f (T ) The relation between the enthalpy and the temperature can be given by

h cp = T p dh cp0 = dh = c p 0 dT or dH = mc p 0 dT dT


Chapter 5

Pressure volume diagram for an ideal gas

Since u and h are f (T ) for an ideal gas, lines of constant T are also lines of constant u and constant h No matter what the path, (1-2, 1-2, 1-2), change in u (and h) remains the same.

cv 0 = f (T ), c p 0 = f (T )

Chapter 5

For an ideal gases,

du = cv 0 (T ) dT and dh = c p 0 (T ) dT
The ideal gas specific heat for a given substance is often called the zero-pressure specific heat. The zero-pressure, constant-volume specific heat is given by Cvo. The zero-pressure, constant-pressure specific heat is given by Cpo.


Chapter 5


capacity for some gases as function of temperature. values are determined by the techniques of statistical thermodynamics.


The principal factor causing c to vary is molecular vibration. Complex molecules have multiple vibration modes, so greater T dependency


Chapter 5

The change in internal energy or enthalpy for an ideal gas during a process from state 1 to 2,

h = h2 h1 = C p 0 (T ) dT
To carry out the integrations relation for cP0 as functions of T is required. There are three possibilities to examine.

Assume constant specific heat, that is, no temperature dependence (Table A.5). True for some cases (fig) and a reasonable approximation if Cp in the relevant T range is used

h = h2 h1 = C p 0 (T2 T1 )

Chapter 5

2) Use an analytical equation cP0 as a function of

Because the results of specific-heat calculations from statistical thermodynamics dont lend themselves to convenient mathematical forms, these results have been approximated empirically. The equations for cP0 as a function of temperature are listed in Table A.6 (Page 7) for a number of gases.


Chapter 5

3) To integrate the results of the calculations of

statistical thermodynamics from an arbitrary reference temperature to any other temperature T and to define a function

hT = C p 0 dT

h2 h1 = C p 0 dT C p 0 dT = hT2 hT1
T0 T0



and it is seen that the reference temperature cancels out. This function hT is listed for air in Table A.7 (Page 8).


Chapter 5

Specific Heat Relations for Ideal Gases

It has been noted that for an ideal gas

h = u + pv = u + RT
Differentation and substituting for dh and du

dh = du + RdT C p 0 dT = Cv 0 dT + RdT C p 0 Cv 0 = R


Chapter 5

The ratio of two specific heats of a gas is called the specific heat ratio/heat capacity ratio/adiabatic index and denoted by k or where k = = cP0 / cv0 This ratio also is a function of temperature, but the variation is mild. For monatomic gases, its value is essentially constant at 1.667. Many diatomic gases, including air, have a specific ratio of about 1.4 at room temperature.


Chapter 5

(5.82 /5.83) Use the ideal gas air table A.7 to evaluate the heat capacity Cp at 300 K as a slope of the curve h(T) by h/T. How much larger is it at 1000 K and 1500 K.
dh h h320 h290 300 K c p 0 = = = dT T 320 290 320.58 290.43 = = 1.005 kJ/kg.K 30

dh h h1050 h950 = = 1000 K c p 0 = dT T 1050 950 1103.48 989.44 = = 1.14 kJ/kg.K 100

Engineering Thermodynamics

h1550 h1450 dh h 1500 K c p 0 = = = dT T 1550 1450 1696.45 1575.4 = = 1.21 kJ/kg.K 100

Notice an increase of 14%, 21% respectively.

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.83/5.82) We want to find the change in u for carbon dioxide between 600 K and 1200 K. a) Find it from a constant Cvo from table A.5 b) Find it from a Cvo evaluated from equation in A.6 at the average T. c) Find it from the values of u listed in table A.8


u = u2 u1 Cv 0 (T2 T1 ) = 0.653 kJ/kg.K (1200 600) K = 391.8 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

T1 + T2 1200 + 600 (b) Tavg = = = 900 2 2 Tavg 900 = = = 0.9 1000 1000 2 3 C p 0 = C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 (KJ/kg) C p 0 = 0.45 + 1.67 0.9 1.27 0.9 + 0.39 0.9
2 3

= 1.2086 kJ/kg.K Cv 0 = C p 0 R = 1.2086 0.1889 = 1.0197 kJ/kg.K u = u2 u1 = Cv 0 (T2 T1 ) = 1.0197 (1200 600 ) K = 611.8 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

The First Law as a Rate Equation

The first law can be expressed as a rate equation i.e., either the instantaneous or average rate at which energy crosses the control surface as heat and work and the rate at which the energy of the control mass changes.
This form of the first law finds extensive applications in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. dU d ( KE ) d ( PE )

Q ( HTrate)


W ( power)

dt dt dE & & = Q W dt

& W & =Q


Chapter 5

(5.10) A pot of water is boiling on a stove supplying 325 W to the water. What is the rate of mass (kg/sec) vaporizing, assuming a constant pressure process ?

Assume that the process takes place at atmospheric pressure 101 kPa, so T = 100oC Q = dE + W = du + PdV = dH = h fg dm

dm = h fg dt dt

dm Q 325 W = = = 0.144 g/sec dt h fg 2257 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

Airplane takeoff from an aircraft carrier is assisted by a steam-driven piston/cylinder with an average pressure of 1250 kPa. A 17,500 kg airplane should be accelerated from zero to a speed of 30 m/sec with 30% of the energy coming from the steam piston. Find the needed piston displacement volume. Hint : Take airplane as control mass No change in internal or potential energy. Find the energy increase of the control mass

Engineering Thermodynamics

1 2 2 E2 E1 = m V2 0 = 0.5 17500 30 2 = 7875 kJ

The work supplied by the piston is 30% of the energy increase.

W piston = PdV = Pavg V = 0.30 ( E2 E1 ) = 0.30 7875 = 2362.5 kJ W 2362.5 V = = = 1.89 m3 Pavg 1250

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.35/5.34) A 100-L rigid tank contains nitrogen (N2) at 900 K, 3 MPa. The tank is now cooled to 100 K. What are the work and heat transfer for this process?
C.V. : Nitrogen in tank. m2 = m1 Energy equation : m(u2 u1 ) = 1Q2 1W2 V Process : V = constant v2 = v1 = and 1W2 = 0 m

State 1: T1 = 900 K, P 1 = 3 Mpa superheated Table B.6.2 : v1 = 0.090 m /kg, u1 = 691.7 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

V 0.1 m3 m= = = 1.111kg 3 v1 0.090 m /kg

State 2: T2 = 100 K, v2 = v1 = 0.090 m3 /kg > vg @100K superheated look in Table B.6.2 at 100 K 200kPa : v = 0.1425 m3 /kg, u = 71.73 kJ/kg 400kPa : v = 0.06806 m3 /kg, u = 69.30 kJ/kg interpolation gives : P2 = 341kPa , u2 = 70.0 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

Q2 = m(u2 u1 ) + 1W2 = 1.111 kg ( 70.0 691.7 ) kJ/kg + 0 = 690.7 kJ

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.135/5.153) A small flexible bag contains 0.1 kg ammonia at 10oC and 300 kPa. The bag material is such that the pressure inside varies linearly with volume. The bag is left in the sun with an incident radiation of 75 W, losing energy with an average 25 W to the ambient ground and air. After a while the bag is heated to 30oC at which time the pressure is 1000 kPa. Find the work and heat transfer in the process and the elapsed time.

Engineering Thermodynamics

Take Ammonia as constant mass.

Continuity Eq. m2 = m1 = m Energy equation: m(u2 - u1 ) = 1 Q2 1W2 Process: P = A + BV (linear in V)

State 1: from table B.2 (page 692/720) compressed liquid P > Psat therefore take saturated liquid at same temperature.

v1 = v f (10o C) = 0.001534 m3 /kg, u1 = u f = 133.96 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

State 2: Table B.2.1 (page no. 692/720) at 30oC : P < Psat so superheated vapor
From superheated table B.2.2 (page no. 696) v2 = 0.13206 m 3 /kg, u2 = 1347.1 kJ/kg, V2 = mv2 = 0.0132 m 3

Work is done while flexible bag bulge outwards at increasing pressure, so we get
1 W = (P + P2 ) (V2 V1 ) 1 2 1 2 1 = ( 300 + 1000 ) 0.1( 0.13206 0.001534 ) 2 = 8.484 J

Engineering Thermodynamics

Heat transfer is found from the energy equation


Q2 = m(u2 u1 ) + 1W2 = 0.1 (1347.1-133.96) + 8.484 = 121.314 + 8.484 = 129.8 kJ


Q net = 75 25 = 50 Watts . 129800 t = 1 Q2 / Q net = = 2596 sec = 43.3 min 50

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.28/Q) Find the missing properties.

a. H 2 0, T = 250o C, = 0.02 m3 / kg, P = ? u = ?

Table B.1.1 at 250o C: f < < g Psat = 3973 kPa x = f / g = ( 0.02 - 0.001251) / 0.04887 = 0.38365 u = u f + x u fg = 1080.37 + 0.38365 1522 = 1664.28 kJ/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

c. H 2 O T = 2o C, P = 100 kPa u = ? = ?

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.37/5.39) A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 2 kg of superheated refrigerant R-134a vapor at 350 kPa, 100oC. The cylinder is now cooled so the R-134a remains at constant pressure until it reaches a quality of 75%. Calculate the heat transfer in the process
C.V.: R 134a m2 = m1 = m 1W2 = PdV = PV Energy Eq. m(u 2 u1) = 1Q2 1W2 Process : P = const. =>

= P(V2 V1) = Pm(v2 v1)

Engineering Thermodynamics

Engineering Thermodynamics

State 1: 350 kPa, 100oC Table B.5.2 (pg 711) h1 = (490.48 + 489.52)/2 = 490 kJ/kg State 2: 350 kPa, x2=0.75 Table B.5.1 (pg 709) h2 = 206.75 + 0.75 194.57 = 352.7 kJ/kg (P=350.9 kPa, saturation table)

= m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = m(u2 - u1) + Pm(v2 - v1) = m(h2 - h1) = 2 (352.7 490)= -274.6 kJ


Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.57/5.51) A cylinder having a piston restrained by

a linear spring (of spring constant 15 kN/m) contains 0.5 kg of saturated vapor water at 120C, as shown in Fig. Heat is transferred to the water, causing the piston to rise. If the piston crosssectional area is 0.05 m2, and the pressure varies linearly with volume until a final pressure of 500 kPa is reached. Find the final temperature in the cylinder and the heat transfer for the process.

Engineering Thermodynamics

C.V. Water in cylinder. Continuity: m2 = m1 = m ; Energy : m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 State 1: 120oC, saturated vapor Table B.1.1(page 674 ) => v1 = 0.89186 m3/kg, u1 = 2529.24 kJ/kg Process: P2 = P1 + ksm/Ap2 (v2 - v1) State 2: P2 = 500 kPa 500 kPa = 198.5+15 0.5/(0.05)2 (v2 - 0.89186) v2 = 0.9924 m3/kg

Engineering Thermodynamics

Table B.1.3 => T2 = 803C; u2 = 3668 kJ/kg W12 = PdV = ((P1 + P2)/2) m(v2 - v1) = ((198.5 + 500)/2) 0.5 (0.9924 - 0.89186) = 17.56 kJ

= m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = 0.5 (3668 - 2529.2) + 17.56 = 587 kJ

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.59/5.60) A 10 m high open cylinder, o 2 with Acyl = 0.1m contains 20 C water above and 2 kg of 20oC water below a 198.5 kg thin insulated floating piston. Assume standard g, Po. Now heat is added to the water below the piston so that it expands , pushing the piston up, causing the water on top to spill over the edge. This process continues until the piston reaches the top of the cylinder. Find the final state of the water below the piston (T, P, v) and the heat added during the process.


Engineering Thermodynamics

State 1 is compressed liquid T1 A = 20o C From Table B.1.1 (Page no. 674) v A1 v f = 0.001002 m3 / kg u A1 u f = 83.94 kJ/kg Vtotal ( 0.110 ) mtotal = = = 998 kg v 0.001002 mass above the piston mH 2O ( at 1B ) = mtotal m1 A = 996 kg

State 1A: P o + 1A = P

mP g + mH 2O ( at 1B ) g AP (198.5 9.81 + 996 9.81) 0.1 1000

= 101 +

= 218.2 kPa V1 A = v1 A m1 A = 0.001002 2 = 0.002004 m3

Engineering Thermodynamics

198.5 9.81) ( mg State 2: P2 A = Po + = 101 + 0.11000 AP = 120.5 kPa V2 A 1 3 = = 0.5 m3 /kg V2 A = Acyl h = 0.110 = 1 m v2 A = mA 2
From Table B.1.2 P2 A = 120.5 kPa by interpolation T2 A = 104.8o C, v f2 A = 0.001047 m3 / kg, v fg2 A = 1.43128 m3 / kg u f 2 A = 439.3 kJ / kg, u fg2 A = 2070.5 kJ / kg x2 A = u2 A

( 0.5 0.001047 )

1.4312 = 439.3 + 0.348 2070.5 = 1161 kJ/kg

= 0.348

Engineering Thermodynamics

Energy equation m A (u2 u1 ) = 1 Q2 1W2 1 W2 = PdV = ( P 1 1 +P 2 ) (V2 V1 ) 2 1 = ( 218.2 + 120.5 )(1 0.002 ) = 169 kJ 2

Q2 = m A (u2 u1 ) + 1W2 = m A (u A2 u A1 ) + 1W2 = 2 (1161 - 83.94) + 169 = 2323.12 kJ

Engineering Thermodynamics

(5.78/5.75) A car with mass 1275 kg drives at 60 km/h when the brakes are applied quickly to decrease its speed to 20 km/h. Assume the brake pads are 0.5 kg mass with heat capacity of 1.1 kJ/kg.K and the brake discs/drums are 4.0 kg steel. Further assume both masses are heated uniformly. Find the temperature increase in the brake assembly.
C.V: Car, loses Kinetic energy, gains Internal energy, No Heat transfer, No work, m = constant

Energy Eqn. (5.11): E 2 E1 = 1 Q2 1W2 = 0 0 1 2 2 m car (V2 V1 ) + m brake (u2 u1 ) = 0 2

The brake system mass is two different kinds so split it, also use Cv from Table A.3 since we do not have a u table for steel or brake pad material.

CV from Table A.3: msteel CV T + m pad CV T 1 2 2 1000 2 2 = m car (60 20 ) m s 2 3600 kJ ( 4 0.46 + 0.5 1.1) T K 2 2 =1275 kg 0.5 (3200 0.07716) m s T = 65.90 C

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