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C. Ricllard,
lt's . n i.c HIOmBet vuu.
Complete the conversatons. Use the names n the box.
Complete the conversations. Use my, your, hls, or her.
1. A: Hi. What's
your name? 2. A: What's ____ name?
B: ____ name is Carla. And what's
____ name is Michael.
____ ~ e ? A: And what's ____ name?
A: ____ name is David.
B: ................................. name is Sarah.
Complete the conversatlons.
2. A: ID. How are __....__ , Mrs. Stein?
B: I'mjust ____ , thanks.
Howabout ____
____ Smith?
___ bad, thanks.
1. A: HelIo, Mr. Jones.
____ afternoon, Susano
__~ __ are you?
____ OK, thank yOU.
3. A: Heno.
B: evening.
How you?
Fine, _ __ you?
Choose the correet responses.
1. A: Hi, DanieL
B: Hel,,,,lo,-.________
!t's njee to meet you.
2. A: My name is Pam Walker.
B: ________________________
!t's Williams.
I'm Jake Williams.
3. A: HelIo, Emily. How are you?
B: _____________________-
Fine, thanks.
Nice to meet you, too.
4. A: How do you spell your last name?
B: _________________
It's Rogers.
5. A: I'm Bill Delgado.
B: ______________- - - - - - - - - ~ .
Nice to meet you, too.
!t's mee to meet you.
Complete the erossword puzzle. Spell the numbers.
Down (!)
a.2 a. 3
c. 8 b. 1
e. 7 d.10
g.5 e. 6
h.0 f. 9
ft's nice fo meef you. 3
oWrite the telephone numbers.
1. two one two - five five five - six one one five 12m 555-6115
2. eight four five - five five five nino three oh fOUT
3. six oh four - five five five - four Beven three one
4. nine four nine - five five five - three eight oh two
5. three oh flve - five five five - five six eight six
6. seven aeven three - five five five - one seven seven nine
7. nine one four - five five five - two zero zero three
8. five four one - five five five - eight one eight three
oComplete the conversaton$. Wrte 'm, 're, or 's.
1. A: What your name? 3. A: What his name?
B: 1 _.. Emily Park. B: It __ Steven Hill.
A: It __ ruce to meet you, Emily. A: He _ ~ in our English clase.
B: You __ right!
2. A: HelIo. 1 _ Josh Evans.
1 ~ in your English class.
B: Yes, and you ~ .._ in my math class, too.
4. UnlO
Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box.
1. Debra: Excuse _...!.m",e"--_ . Are ____
James Lawson?
Kevin: No, ____ . ____ over there.
Debra: Oh, ___ sorry.
2. Debra: Excuse me. ____ you James Lawson?
James: Yes, 1 ___
Debra: R. James. My name ____
Debra Marks.
James: Oh, in my English class.
Debra: That's right. __ .........._ nice to meet you.
James: Nice to meet you, too.
Complete the conversation. Use tle questions in the box.
A: Hi. Are vou Ashlev Nevins?
.. ..
B: No, I'm noto
A: Oh, T'm Rllrry. ________________
B: Kerry Moore.
B: K-E-R-R-Y.
B: M-O-O-R-E.
A: _________________________________
B: It's (618) 555-7120.
It's nice to meet you . ., 5
ca> Helio and good-lwe!
A Complete the conversations. Use the words in parentheses.
1. A:. Hi. _ _. ~ ~ 3.A: __
(Hi./ Excuse me.) How are you? (Excuse me. I Thank you.) Are you 800 Mi
B: I'm fine, thanks. B: Yes,I amo
2. A: 4. A: _._.._ ~ .._._
(Hello. / Good-bye.J (Good evening./ Good night.)
B: Sea you tomorrow. B: HelIo.
B Match the pictures with the conversations in part A.
<l. __
What are these things?
A What's in the picture? Write the things.
4. ___________________
B What's in the picture? Write sentences.
. ..
L ___________________
2. _______________________________
8. ______________________________
Complete the chart with the words in the box.
book ba{J5 books addresses
Complete the questions with this or these. Then answer thequestions.

1. A: What's __t",-h",is,--_? 2. A: What's _____
? 3. A: What are
B: Its a wastebasket B: ________
4. A: What are _____ ? 5. A: What are __.__ ? 6. A: What's _____
B: ______
B: __~ __ ....~ _
oComplete the conversaton. Use the words in the box.
Dana: Wow! What's this?
Chris: Its apurse.
Dana: Oh, cool. Thank , Chris.
Chris: we1come.
Eva: Nowopen box.
Dana: OK. WhaL this?
Dana: Oh, thank you, Eva. And what are
Eva: ___'re sunglasses.
Dana: Thanks! great!
Amy: Open this, too!
Dana: Oh, it's _____ umbrella. Thallks, Amy!
8. Unit2
Complete the conversations. Use the short answers in the box.
1. A: Excuse me. ls tbis the math class?
B: Y e ~ t s. And I'm your teacher.
2. A: ls my purse on the chair?
B: . It's under the tableo
3. A: Are these your glasses?
4. A: Hi. Are you in my math class?
B: ......__ . And I'm in your
English cIass, too!
5. A: Are these your keys?
B: My keys are
in my pocket.
6. A: Excuse me. Are you Tomiko Sato?
B: My name is Michiko Tanaka.
What's thls? 9
4) Complete the conversations.
l. A: Where __",,/s,-_ my English dictionary? 2. A: ~ . __._ tille my ne'WS{lape1
B: ls ~ ~ _ ~ __in your book bag? B: No, _. __ ~ ~ not.
'A: No
..._ - ~ .._-' It's my newspaper.
B: Wait a minute. ____~ _ it on the desk? A: Sorry. _.___...~ _ ~ . is my nevVSOi
A: Yes, ~ is. Thank you!
B: ~ ..__.___ on the chair.
A: Oh, yes. ____ is. ThanltS
3. A: Where
B: ArA
A: No, they're
my glasses?
in your purse?
they on the Laul"Y
A: Hmm. Yes, _ .._ ~ _ .._ are. Thanks.
4. A: .__~ _ . ~ . _ my pencils on
your desk?
B: No, ____ not. Sorry.
A: Hmm._
B: ~ _ ~ ~ ~ __ they in your pocket!
A: Let me see. Yes, they _ ~ __. _ ~
10. Unit2
Answer thequestions. Use your own information.
1. Are you a teacher?
No, I'm not. I'm a studf!flt<.c._____
2, ls your name WiIl Smith?
3. 18 your workbookon your desk?
4. ls your phone number (806) 666-0219?
6, Are you in a math class?
Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the box.
1. The wallet is _-"-'--_ 2. The chair is
3. The glasses are ____
the purse. the desk. the chair.
4. The cell phone is _ 5. The newspaper is
6. The keys are ____
the tableo the briefcase. Lhe hairbl'118h.
What's this? 11
Where are these fhings?
A Look at the picture. Write questions and answers about the thlngs in parentheses.
1. A; Where is the brgfcase? (bricfcase)
4. A: _.___~ ~ .. ____
B: It's next to tlg do,,,,o,-,-r.___
B: ___
2.A: ___ ____ (books) 5.A: ___ _ __...___ ",n U""
B: __.___
3. A: ..___ (cell phone)
6. A: ___~
B: ___.__.________
B Write two more questions and answers about the picture.
1. A: _______ 2. A:_....._. _________~
B: _____~ __..._.____~
12- Unif2
eites and countries
A Find and circle these countries in the puzzle.
TIA C F y J A L 1
B Where are these cities? Complete the sentences with the countries
1. Delhl and Calcutta .qre in lllli""'___________
2. Shangha
3. Tokyo and Osaka _______
4. Sao Paulo and Ro _ ... _________________
5. Mexico City __._..._ ...______
6. _...
7. Vancouver and Ottawa
8. Istanbul ______.,-_____________
eComplete the conversations with am, 'm, are, 're, $y or 's.
1. A:: Ar:L you and your family from Korea?
B: No, we ___ noto
We fromChina.
A: Oh, so you ___ from China.
B: Yes,I ___ . 1 __.. from Shanghai.
3. A: trus yOUl' wallet?
B: Yes, it . Thanks.
A: And _ ....... these your picture;?
B: Yes, they ___
A: Well, they VfJry nicp. pictllTp.s.
B: Thank you!
2. A: Brazil in Central America,
B: No, it ___ noto It in
South America.
A: Oh. we from Brazil, Dad?
B: Yes, we ___ . We ___from
Brazil originally, but we __. __
here in the V.S. now.
4. A: your Englsh teacher from
the V.S.?
B: No, she . noto She ___
Cimada. Montreal, Callada.
A: ._
B:No,it ___
_ ...__ French.
14. Un/fa
Answer the questions.
1. A: ls he from Brazil? 2. A: Are they froro hulia?
B: J:::iJJ;. hes not Hes from Ireland
B: ~ ____
3. A: ls she from Canada? 4. A: ls she in Meneo?
B: ________________________ B: ________________________
. A: Are they in LOR Anf(f.\lf.\S? 6. A: Arp thp.y in A tlstrala?
B: __...______~ __
Where are you from? 15
oSpell the numbers.
1. 11
_____ eleven __________
6. 13 ____ ...__.. ____.._____~ ..~ __
2.15 _______________________ 7. 70 ___________________. ~
3.50 _________________________ 8. 30 _______________
4.101 _____________________ 9. 19 ______________________
5. 24 _________.....______
10.90 _________________________,.
oComplete the conversations with the correct
1. A: Where are they from?
B: She's (roro the U.S.. and heS (roro Spain __
She's Melanie Griffith, and he's Antonio Banderas.
She's from the US., and he's from Spain.
2. A:. How are you today?
B: _.______________________________________
I'm fine.
3. A:. What are they]ike?
B: ___________________
They're very nice.
They're in London.
4. A: Who's that?
B: _________________~ - - - - -
He's the new math teacher.
It's my new cel! phone.
5. A: Where are Tony and his fanrily?
B: _____----------
They're in the US. now.
They're from Sao Paulo.
6. A: How old is he now?
B: _____________
It'B twenty.eight.
He's twontycight.
7. A: What's IstanbuI lilte'?
B: _______________________________
It's in Turkey.
It's very beautifuL
16. Unit3
A Write sentences about the people in the pictures. Use the words in the box.
1.Donnais ____
Margo lS _____________
2. !ke is ____________ 3. Osear is _____________
Barb is
Felixis ______________ Cindy is ____________
4. Jackie is _____________
5. Royis
7. Peggy is _____________

Will is ... ______.
Matt is _____________
Teddyis _____________
B Answer the questions.
1. Is Jefftall? ___.___
5. Are Osear and Felix male? ________
2. 18 Barb pretty? ________------ 6. Are Margo and Donna old?
3. Is Osear thin? 7. Are you talkative? ____
4. Is Margo shy? __________
8. Are you serious?
Wllere are you from? _ 17
Complete the conversat/ons.. Use the words in the boxes.
1. A: Connie, your boyfriend like?
B: very mee.. __ name
is 'fummy Ho. 1call him 'fum.
A: is he from?
he from China?
B: No, he's ____. He's from Singapore.
2. A:. Marco, are you and Rita from Puerto Rico?
B: Yes, ______
are. __ from San Juan.
A: ___
your first language?
__..._ first language is Spanish, but Rita's first
language is English.
Rita and _____ family ___... __ from
New York originally.
e Answer the questlons. Use your own Informat/on.
1. Where are you from?
2. What's your first language?
3. How are you today?
4, Where is your tAAr.hp.r from?
5. What is your teacher like?
6. What are you like?
18- Unit3
r.m not wearing boots
Label the clothes. Use the words in the box.
[J cap
o jacket o shoits d snlakers t ~ ~ t i i S U i f .
high heels 0' searf Dskrt O socks D'8.strirt ..
What cJothes don't belong? Check (,/) the things.
o shirt O T-shirt O boots O swimsuit
0' shorts O shorts O scarf O T-shirt
O tie O suit O shorts O boots
O belt
0' swimsuit
O sneakers
O jeans
O pants
O sweater
O sneakers
O shorts
O shoes O gloves O gloves O sweater
O jacket O high heels O T -shirt O cap
What things in your classroom are these colors? Wrfte sentences.
1. My desk is brown.
. ,
2. ________________________________ _
3. _______.________._______._____________________
4. _.__.. _________________
6. _ ..___.__.. ___ .._____..
-----.. .. _----.----...
-------_..__.---_.----.. ----------- ---
9. _____
10. _______________________________________________
20. Unlt4
Whose clothes are these?
A Complete the conversations.
1. A: Whose skirt s ibis ? 2. A: Whose ______ ? 3. A: Whose ____
B: It's Tiffany'sm___ B: _______
B: _______
4. A: Whose _ .... ____ ? 5. A: Whose ..
____ ? 6. A: Whose ______ ?
B: ________ B: _______
B: ___. __..._
B Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses.
1. A: ____ (Whose' His) T-shirt is this? ls it Jade's?
B: No, it's not ____ (her' hers). It's ____ (my' mine).
2. A: Are these ____ (your' yours) jeans?
B: No, they aren't (my 'mine) jeans. Let's ask Daniel.
1 bet they're (his 'he's).
3.. A: Are these Jade's and Tiffany's socks?
__ m B: No, theyaren't (their' theirs). They're (your I yours).
A: 1 don't think BU. 'l'hese socks are white, und (my 'mlne) are blue.
I'm not wearing boots! 21
What season is it? How is the weather? Write two sentences about each picture.
2. ____._____.__~
Its-'LefY-J:01d. .._-- _.__._....
3. ___.____.._ . _ ~ . _ ...__ 4. ___
----_._-_. ._--_..._ - - - ~ - - - - ~
5. --_._.._ . _ ~ . _ . - 6.
_._...._ ~ . __._.. _- --
22 Unlf4
1. Its w'-'iLLnt""ehr. __________
Waiting for the bus
A Write sentences. Use the words in parentheses.

1. Hugo is wearing a tie. (tie)
2. Todd and Afida are wearng boots. (boots)
3. (T-shirt)
5. (dress)
6. (sneakers)
______ (scmfl
________ _____________ (hats)
B Correct the false
1. Chul Woo is wearing jeans.
)'jI). he isn't. HeS wearing shorts.
2. Maggie and Hugo are wearing raincoats.

3. Alicia is wearing a skirt.
4. Maya wearing
5. Alicia and Maggie are wearing T-shirts.
6. 1'000 and Rugo are wearing shorts.
I'm not weadng boots! 23
Complete the sentences.
1. My name's Jane. 1 'm wearing
2. It ______ snowing, butAmy
a T-shirt and shorts. 1 ______ _ ______ boots - she ___---'
sneakers, too. It's raining, but
high heels. She ______ .,.)o'\7ea
1 _______ a raincoat. she _______ a hato
3. It's summer, and it's very hot and humid.
4. Roger _______ a suit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonoo , ______
He a belt, but
swimsuits today. They _______ he __ ,. "____ a tia.
pants. Mrs. Jones _______ a hat,
He _______ shooo and socks.
and Mr. Jones sunglasses. It's very windy.
eAnswer the questions. Use your own information.
1. What's your favorita color?
2. What's the weatber lika today?
3. What's your favorite season?
4. What are you wearing today?
5. What colors are your clothes?
24. Unit4
Write each sentence a different way.
1. It's midnight. It';; twelve o'clock at night.
2. It's 4:00 P.M.
3. It's 9:15 A.M.
4. It's 8:00 P.M.
5. It's 10:45 P.M.
6. It's 3:30 P.M.
7. It's 6:00 P.M.
8. It's 12:00 P.M.
What time is it in each city? Write the time in two different ways.
1. It's 10:00 A.Mo in Los Angeles,__
It's ten o'dock in the morning. ___
4. _________________________
e What time is t? Use the sentences in the box.
1. It's twenty after nne.
2. ______________
3. ______-"
4. _._______ 5. ________ 6. ______-"'!
" Complete the crossword puzzle. Write each time a different way.
Acms.. (....)
1. It's five in the mornmg. It's five _ .
4. It's 4:15. !t's a quarter _ four.
7. It's twelve A.M. It's
8. It's 8:00 P.M. It'a eight in the _ .
9. It's twelve P.M. It's _ .
Down O)
2. It's 7:00 A.M. It's seven in the _ .
3. It'a 3:30. It's three _ .
4. It's 4:00 P.M. Tt.'R fOllT in ,he
5. It's 1:15. It's one
6. It's 3:45. It's a _ to four.
10. It's 11:00 P.M. It's eleven at _ .
26. Unlt5
What are these people doing? Write sentences. Use the words in the box.
D dance
play tennis
1. Shes s/eepinoc __
2. 3 . .._ - - ~ ~ -
4 . _ . ~ _ ... __
...._ 5. _ ....____..____ 6. _______. ~ __
7. 8.
___..... _ ~ ___...._ 9.
What are you doing? 27
Answer these questons.
1. 18 Debbie getting up? 2, Are Kelly and Tony taking a walk?
J:jo, sleepilJfJ-- ____
3, Are Megan and Dan studying? 4, la Carmen driving a car?
5. la BiIl swiroming? 6. ls Michiko having dinner?
7. ls Claire watching television? 8. What about you? Are you sleeping?
28. Unt5
Write questions about these people. Use the words in parentheses.
Then answer the questions.
1. A: Is Terry _____
(Terry! wear shorts)
B: No, he isn't Hes weanngjeans.
2. A:. ____
(Tai-lin / wear raincoat)
B: _____________
3.A: ____
(Maria / dnnce)
B: __
4. A: _________________
(Terry and Helen! eat)
B: _______________
5. A: ______________
(Pedro and Sonia! watch televislon)
B: ____________
6. A: ___
(Brandon I eat pizza)
B: ____________
7. A: ___________..____
(Carlos I !'ead newspaperJ
B: ______
8. A:
(Maria I wear boots)
B: ____.____________
What are you doiag? 29
Complete these sentences with and, but, or so.
1. They're in English class, so they're reading English books.
2. My first name is Kevin, ___ my last name 8 Mason.
3. We're really hungry, we're eating dinner.
4. My family and J are from Korea orignally, ___ we're here in the V.S. now.
5. Bert s studyng, ____ Erne is watching television.
6. Rick lS very good-Iooking, __..._ he isn't very nee .
Write questions and answers. Use What + doing and the words in parentheses.
1. A: What Clre you Clnd Rick,v doing? (you and Ricky)
B: We're eating pizza. (eat pizza)
2. A: ____________(Michael)
B: (cook dinner)
3. A: _________.______ (Kate and Joe)
B: (take a walk)
4. A: ___________..__ (Julie)
B: (read)
5.A: _______------(Mary)
B: (shop)
6. A: _______________(Nieole and Jennfer)
B: _.. (watch television)
7. A: ______________ (Steven)
B: (study math)
8. A: ______________ (you)
B: (study English)
ca> What are you doing? How about your friends? Write sentences.
4. __..____
30. Unit5
~ __ __."_.,# V .,.... , ,"-.-.'."_H , ._C.
A Jessica ia talking about her family. Complete me aentences wim me words in me box.
1. Helen and Jack are my
parents.__ . Helen ia my ________
and Jack ia my _______
2. Pedro ia my _______ . I'm his
3. Kate, Joan, and Dmd are OU' _____....__ Rate and Joan are our
_______ , and Brad is our . Rate lS Joan'a
___ , "mi Rrad i8 har
B Write four sentences about your family.
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________~ - - - - -
Complete the conversaton with the correct words in parentheses.
Sue: So, do you Uve downtown, David?
David: Yes, I /ve with mJl brother.
(Iive llives)
He _ an apartment near here.
(have I has)
Sue: Oh, so you ___ to work.
(walk / walks)
David: Actually, 1 __.......__ walk to work in
(don't I doesn't)
the morning. 1 the bus to work,
. (take I takes)
and then 1 home at night.
(walkl walks)
What about you?
Sue: Well, my husband and I a house
(have I has)
in the suburhs now, so I to work.
(drive I drives)
My husband doesn't downtown.
(workl works)
He in the suburbs near our house,
(work I works)
so he _____ to work by bus.
(gol goes)
eThrd-person singular -s endngs
A Write the third-person singular forms ofthese verbs.
1. dance dances 5. live 9. take
2. do does 6. say 10. use
3. go 7. sit 11. walk
4. have 8. study 12. watcb
B Practice the words in part A. Then add them to the chart.
_ ..... _-- dances
32. Unit6
True or False?
A Are these sentences true for you? Check C,f) True or False.
1. I live in the city. O O 6. I do my homework alone. O O
2. I have a car. O O 7. I ride my bike to school. O O
3. I live in an apartment. O O 8. I have sisters I a sister. O O
4. I live with my parents. O O 9. I have brothers I a brother. O O
5. I do my homework at school. [J [J 10. I work downtown. O O
B Correct the false statements in part A.
I don't live in the citv. I live in the suburbs.
My sister works downtown . 33
Write abou' David's weekly schedule. Use the words in parentheses.
1. ~ e t s up at 8:00 every day.
3. ..__..._---
4. __________________.. _ ~ _ ..~
5. _____________________________
___~ _____________________(6:00 / Mondays and Wedne,sda
_________{6:00 / Tuesdays and 'f'h",rArl,
8. ---.._-- -_.. _ ~ - ...
____~ ...______... (6:00/
Write something you do and something you don' do on each day.
Use the phrases in fhe box or your own informafion.
1. Monday Lget u,12 ear[v on M(,mdays, I don't sleep late on MQndays.
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday _. --_.._ ~ ..
4. 'I'hursday . __.._------
5. Friday --_.._-_.. _- -----.._-_..
6. Saturday
7. Sunday
---------------------_..__. ~ ..- - _ . _ ~ - _ ..
34. Unit6
__ _
__________ _
_______________ _
Complete these conversations with al, in, or on. (Ifyou don't need
a preposition, write fiJ.)
l. A: Do you go to bed ~ late ~
B: Yes, 1do. 1go to bed __ 1:00 A.M. But
1go to bed early __ weekdays.
2. A: Do you study __ the afteITlOon?
B:. No, 1study __ the morning __
weekends, and 1study __the evening
Mondays and Wednesdays.
3. A: What time do you get up the
mornng __ weekdays?
B: 1 get up __ 8:00 __ every day.
4. A; Do you have English class
the morning?
B: No, 1have English __ 1:30 __
the afternoon __ Tuesdays and
Thursdays. __ Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays, our class is __ 3:00.
Wrfe questions to complete the conversations.
6. A: ____________
1. A; Do
vou ve alone?
B: No, 1don't live ruone. 1live with my B: Yes, my mother has a jobo She's a teacher.
fami1y. A: ___........._ ~ .. _________
B: No, she doesn't use public transportation.
2. A: .. ___
She drives to work.
B: Yes, my fami1y and 1 watch television
7. A:
in the evening.
3. A:
B: Yes, we have a big lunch on Sundays.
B: Yes, 1get up late on Sundays.
A: _________...__..~
A: B: We have lunch at 1:00.
B: 1 get up at 11:00.
4. A:.
B: No, my sister doesn't drive to work.
A: ____
B: She takes the bus.
5.A: _____
B: No, my fathcr docsn't work on
A: _________________
B: He works on weekdays.
My sister works downtown 35
oWrite each sentence a different way. Use the sentences in the box.
1. Sam is Sarah's husband.
Sarah s Sams wfe.

2. We have an apartment in the city.
_.__....._----........_ .. _--
3. We use public transportation.
4. He goes te work in the morning.
5. My office is near here.
6. She sleeps late on Sundays.
G> Answer the questions about your schedule.
1. What do you do on weekdays?
2. What do you do on weekends?
3. What do you do on Friday nights?
4, What, <io y01l <in on Elun<iay mornings?
36. Unlt6
Label the parts of the house.
, ~ ,\'
.-"" , - " " . - " . - ~ " - " , , , , ' ..-
6. ____
1. bedroom
3. ______
4. __~ , , ' ____
5. ______
:GComplete the conversaton. Use the sentences n the box.
Simn: Do you live in a house, James?
James: No, ve in an apartment_________
Simon: Well, is it very big?
Simon: Does iL hav!! a view?
Simon: Oh, that's great! And do you live alone?
James: _______________________
8. ______
Complete the conversaton with the correct words in parentheses.
Betsy: Do you near here, Lauren? "0 _ 0 ___ .0___
(Do / Does) (live llives)
Lauren: Yes, 1 _ . o _ ~ __ . My husband and
(do / does)
I____o_ on Main Street.
(live llives)
Betsy: Oh, do you in an apartment?
(live / lives)
Lauren: No, we ____~ _ .. We ____o a hause,
(don't I doesn't) (have I has)
Betsy: Oh, great! _.___._ you ____.. children?
(Do / Does) (have / has)
Lauren: No, we . ___.__ . But my brother __.__
(don't / doesn't) (live llives)
with us,
Betsy: Really? Does he do a lot ofwork at home?
Lauren: Yes, he_o . In fact, he ___. __ 0
(do / does) (cook I cooks)
dinner every night!
Betsy: You're lucky! I _____ alone, and
(live / lives)
1 my own dinner.
(cook I cooks)
oAnswer these questions with your informaton. Use short answers.
1. Do you live in an apartment? Yes, L4JLL NQ,j don't,
2. Do you have a yard? __. _ . _ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ _
3. Do you live with your family?
4. Does your city or town have a park?
5. Does your teacher have a car? _.._ . ~ - - . _ - -
6. Do you and your classmates speak English?
7. Do you and your c1assmates study together?
8. Uoes your classroom have a view?
9. Does your school have an elevator'(
10. Does your cty or town have a subway?
38. Unit7
1. A: Does she have a television?
B: Yes, she does.
2. A: Does she need curtains? .
B: _______________________
3. A: Does she need a sofa?
B: _____________________
4. A: Does she have an armchair?
B: _______________________
5. A: Does she have a rug?
B: _____________________
6. A: Does she need pictures?
B: _______________________
7. A: Do they have a lamp?
B: _____________________
8. A: Do they need atable?
B: _______________________
9. A: Do they have chairs?
B: _____________________
10. A: Do they need a clock?
B: _______________________
11. A: Do they have a mirror?
B: _____________________
12. A: Do they need curtains?
B: _______________________
A Answer the questions about the pictures.
B What fU1'1liture du yuu have'! What furniture do you need'! Write tour sentences.
1. ____________________________________________________
Does It have a vlew? 39
oComplete the description with 's, isn't, are, or aren't . .
In Roger's house, there __.__.__
room. There __._.__._ two bedrooms and two
bathrooms. There ______ no yard, but
there _____ a balcony. He has a 10t nf'l,nnl.i
so there ____.__.__ bookcases in the living
and bedrooms. There __.__ any chaira in.
kitchen, but there ______ a big table with
chairs in the dining room. There
in the kitchen, but there ____.0 a micrclwll
oven. There __.___ two televisions in
house - there ____ one television in the .
living room, and there ____ one televi:s!c
the bedroom.
oAnswer these questions with informatlon about your home. Use the phrases In the
1. Does your kitchen have a dishwasher?
Yes, theres a dilli.washer in my kitchen.
.tia, there isn't a dishwasher I No, theres
2. Does your kitchen have a clock?
3. Do you have a television in your living room?
4. Do you have bookcases in your living room?
1\. Does the bathroom have a mirror?
6. Do you huve pietures in your bedroom?
7. Does your bedroom have a closet?
40 .. Unit7
What's wrong with this house?
A Write sentences about the house. Use there and the words in parentheses.
1. meres no stove in the kitchen. I mere isn't a stove in the kitchen. (stove / kitchen)
2. (chairs / dining room)
3. (stove / living room)
(refrigerator / bedroom)
(bed / bedroom)
(armchairs / bathroom)
(clock / kitchen)
___________--,_______________ (bookshelves / liVngroom)
B Write [our more sentences abouL the house.
Does it have a view? _ 41
Choose the correct responses.
1. A: My apartment has a view of the nver. 3, A: 1 really need a new desk.
B: You're luckv.
B: ___ .....___... __________-4
Guesa what! So let's go shopping on Saturday.
You're lueky. That's great!
2. A: Do you need bedroom furniture?
4. A: Do you have chairs in your kitchen1

B: ______________________
B: ____________________
Yes, 1 do. 1 need a bed and a lampo
Yes, 1 do. 1 need four chairs.
No, 1 don't. 1 need a bed and a lamp.
Yes, 1 do. 1 have four ehaira.
oDraw a ofyour home. Then write a description.
Use the questions in the box for ideas.
-------......-------------------------------.... _
42. Unit7
What do you do?
Complete the crossword puzzle. Write the names of the jobs.
What do these people do? Write three sentences about each persono
. Use the phrases in the box and your own ideas.
1. __________________ _
2. __________.___________
She talks to people,
3. ____________________________ 4. _____________________
5; _____ __ 6. ______________..____..______---,
44. Vnit8
Complete the questions in these conversations.
L A: Where does your brotber work
..__ 1
B: My brother? He works in a department store.
A: What -.doe!L he do there ?
B: He works in the shoe department. He's a
2. A: What _____________ ?
B: Kelly and Pam are nurses. And they work
together, too.
A: Where
B: At Springfield Hospital.
3. A: Where
B: My son works in a restaurant.
A: What ______________ ?
B: He's a chef:
____ 1
4. A: What
B: Joe and I? We fix computers .
A: How ..___ ________...
B: We like it a lot!
What do you do? 45
______________________=C'0lt.. ......., ......... ..
, Complete the conversations.
l. A:. Do you _havg. ajob?
B: Yes, 1 _ ...._ .
A: Oh, what you ?
B: 1 a waitress.
A: Where you ?
B: 1 at Paul's Coffee Shop.
A: How _.. you your job?
B: 1 really ___ it. It's a greatjob!
A: What time __ you start work?
. B: 1 work at 8:00 A.M., and
1 at 3:00 P.M.
2. A: My brother __.__ a new jobo
B: Really? Where he ?
A: He at the new department
store downtown.
B: What _____ he ___ there?
A: He ___ a security guardo
B:How he _____
A: Oh, 1 guess he ____ it.
B: What time _.__ he
______ work?
A: He ______ work at
10:00 A.M., and he
_______ at 6:00 P.M.
46. Unit8
Exciting or boring?
A Match the adjectives.
1. ~ exciting a. not stressful
__ easy
b. not difficult
__ relaxing c. not dangerous
__ safe
d. not boring
B Write each sentence two different ways.
1. A flight attendant's job lS exciting.
A fli{Jht attendant has an exctin{J job.
A .fli{Jht attendant doesn't have a borin jobo
2. A security guard has a boring jobo
8. Steven's job is dangerous.
4. A cashier's job i6 stressful.
5. Linda has a small apartment.
6. Martha's house lS big.
7. Sarah has a talkative sister.
8. This exercise la easy.
What do you do? ., 47
Write sentences with your opinion about each jobo
1. A musician has an excitingjob. lA musician's job isn't borin[J.
6 .
Imagine you haV6 a dream jobo Write a description. Use the questions in the box for
48. Unit8
, Write the names 01 the loods. .
1. manljoes
5. ________________
Fat, oil, and sugar
Meat and other protein
17. ________________
18. ____-,-______
What foods do you lke? What foods don't you like? Write sentences.
1. frut
2. vegetables
3. meat and other protein
4. dairy
5. grains
6. drinkB
7. desserts
Are these foods good for you or bad for you? Write sentences.
1. strawberries
2. cake
3. lettuce
4. fish
5. potato chips
6. eggs
7. potatoes
8. pizza
9. beans
10. yogurt
11. cookies
12. broccoli
50. Unt 9

1. A: What do you want for dinner?
B: Let's make pasta with
tomato sauce.
A: Good idea. Do we have meat? _>__._.
B: Well, we have ____ beef, but
1 don't want meat in the sauce.
Let's get toma toes and onions.
A: OK Do we need ____ green peppers
for the sauce?
B: Yes, let's get ____ peppers.
Oh, and .........__ garlic, too.
A: Great. We have ____ spaghetti,
so we don't need ____ pasta.
B: Yeah, but let's get ____ bread.
And ____ cheese, too.
2. A: Wbat do you eat for breakfast?
B: Well, first, 1 have fruit - ____ grapes
or strawberries.
A: That sounds good. Do you have ____
eggs Or bacon?
B: No, 1 don't eat ____ eggsormeat
in the morning.
A: Really? Do you have anything else?
B: Well, 1 usually have bread,
but 1 don't use ____ butter.
A: Do you drink anything in the morning?
B: 1 always have _ . juice and coftee.
1 don't put Bugar in my coffee,
but 1 like milk in it,
Broccoli is good tor you. , 51
What do you need to make these foods? What don't you need? Write sentences.
1. a chicken sandwich
2. a cheeseburger
3. chicken soup
4. a vegetable salad
5. a fruit salad
6. your favorite food
52. Unit9
1. Americans put cream in their coffee. (often)
put ____
2. Some people in K/)rea eat pick1ed vegetables for
breakfast. (always)
3. In China, people put sugar in their tea. (seldom)
4. In England, people put milk in their tea. (usually)
5. In Japan, people have fish for breakfast. (sometmes)
6. Brazilians make drinks with fruit. (often)
7. In Canada, people have salad for breakfast. (hardlyever)
8. Some Mexcans eat pasta. (never)
B Rewrite the sentences in part A. Use your own information.
1. Americana often put cream in their coffee.
I hard{y ever put cream in mx cotfee,,-.LI______
I sometimes .out mi/k in my cof{ee.
8. __--______________________________
Broccoli is good for you. " 53
Do you often have these things for dinner? Write sentences. Use the adverbs in the
1. cheese JJord!y ever hove cheesefor dinner.
2. milk
3. coffee ---- ----_...__.. __..- .... _-
4. eggs
5. yogurt
6. rice
7. beans
8. chicken
oAnswer the questons with your own informaton.
1. What's your favorita ltind of food?
2. What's your favorita restaurant?
3. What do you usually have at your favorite restaurant?
4. Do you ever make dinner for your family?
5. What's your fuvorite snack?
54 .. Unit9
A Complete the crossword puzzle. Write the names of the sports.
B Wbich Rports in part A follow go? Which sports follow play? Complete the charlo
Complete the conversaton. Use the questons in the box.
Joe: Do you lif<"'e--'s'l'P""o.urts?"--_______ ___________
Liz: Yes, 1 do. 1 like them a loto
Joe: Really? ______________________________________
Liz: Well, 1love volleyball.
Liz: On weekends.l'm too busy on weekdays.
Liz: 1 usually practice with my menda from school.
Lz: No, she doesn't like sports. She thinks they're boring .
Unscramble the questons. Then answer with your own informatan.
1. you do like baseban
2. aporta what do watch you
3. you play sporta what do
4. swmming do you how often go
f. Jo with who aports you play
56_ Unit 10
Write questions and answers about these people.
Chris and Nick
1. Can Andrew ,fix a car? 2.
No, he can't.
4, ___________________________
Suc and Lisa
I can't ice-skate vety well . 57
oWrite sentences about these people. Use can, can't, and but.
2. ________________________~
1. 5hecan play the cuitar, but
she ciJn't v/av the rano.
,... ,
4. _______________________
Choose the correct responses.
1. A: no yOll like the guitar'! <l. A: Who can sing'l
B : ~ ______________
B: No, / don 't.
Yes, 1can. 1 can.
No, 1 don't. Y , , ~ , 1 can.
2. A: Who do you play tennis with? 4. A: Where do you go sking?
B: ________________________
B: __________________
1 do.
In winter.
My sister. In Colorado.
58. Unlt 10
..,'!.. .....---....
A Can you do these things? Check (,() can or can't.
_ #"
1. cook O O
2. dance O O
3. draw O O
4. drive a car O O
5. play the piano O O
6. play tennis O O
7. speak two languages O O
8. swim O O
9. teJl good jokes O O
10. use a computer O O
B Write sentences about the things in pan A.
l. lcan't cook at al,,",l.____ ____
2. Lean dance real!v we/l.
9. __"____________
I can't ice-skate vey welL 59
oWrite eaeh sentenee a different way. Use the sentences in the box.
1. 1 don't ski very often.
I hardlv ever ski.
2. He has a lot of ablites..
3. 1 really like it.
4. He's a terrible singer.
5. 1 don't have a bike.
6. He's a great athlete.
oAnswer these questions wfth sh.ort answers. Use your own information.
1. Can you speak English well?
2. Can you speak Spaniah?
3. Can you ride a bike?
------_......~ - _ ..._
4. Do you like music?
5. Are you a good student?
6. Do you like your English class?
7. Can you sing any Japanese 80ngS?
8. Do you ever go skiing?
9. Do you ever go swimming?
10. Can you design a Web page?
oWhat can your e/8ssmales do? What can't they do? Write sentenees.
60. Unit 10
. __ ""'_;
- ",_,_ ,",,',", '<
. ;' Months and dates
A Put the months in the box in time order.
1, lonuoQl 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. 7. 11.
4. 8. 12.
B When are the seasons in your country? Write the months for each season.
e Write each date a difforont way.
1. March 12th _Morch twelfth G. Octobel' 18L
2. April11th
3. January 16th
4. February 9th
6. May22nd
7. July 3rd
8. August 30th
It's January first. How old are these people going to be on their next birthdays?
Write sentences.
Age now 76 25 18 I
,B_i_rt_h_d_ay'--___M_a_rc_h_15_th__ __ S_e;...pt_e_m_ber 6th --:::_ ..._._....___) J_u--'ly'--27_t_h__
1. Alex is JOI!Jo. ro be seventv-seven on /v1arch fifteenth.
2. ________...___________________________~
3. ____________________________________________~
4. ____________________________________________________~
Read Beth's calendar. Write sentences about her plans. Use the words in
1. Onj!Jf]e seq;md. she's Joing to play golfafter work_.__...____________
. . ~ _______ (Juno
----_.__......- ---.---- ..._-- ...- --- ..-----------
f' oComplete these sentences. Use 'the correct form of be gOI"S to and the veros in
, parentheses.
8. On Saturday morning, my parents
They ___________(drive) into the
city, and we (go)
to the art museum. 1 think my mother
__ (love) it, but my
father (not like) it.
Later, we (watch)
a rootball game on televison. My parents
_ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ____(go)
home after dinner.
1. Tlris is eo/neto be (be)
a very busy weekend.
2. On Friday, my friend Ben and 1
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _______ (soo)
a move. Aft:er the move, we
_________~ (eat)
dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant.
, '",
G o
4. On Sunday,I __ (sleep)
late. Then 1 ________(read)
t.he neWRp"pp.r, On Bundayafternoon,
_______(take) a walk.
Tn the evemng, my friend Jill and 1
_______~ (study) together.
What are you going to, do.? 63
. ~ .
Complete these conversatons. Wrfte quest/ons wth be ~ i ~ ; t ~ ~ ~
1. Sarah: What are you Boina to doths
Erc: This weekend? I'm going to go to the
coullLry with my brother.
Sarah: That's nice. _________
Eric: We're going to stay at our friend
Mrujorie's house. She lives there.
Sarah: Really? _________
Eric: 1 think we're going to go mountain
Eric: No, MaIjorie sn't going to go with
uso She's going to go bike riding.
2. 8cott: l'm going to have a brthday party for
Tara next 8aturday. Can you come?
Emily: Sure. __________
8cott: It's going 10 be at my house. Do you
have the address?
Emily: Yes, 1 do.And _______
800tt: It's going to start at seven o'clock.
Emily: ____________
800tt: No, Bob sn't going to be there. He
can'L com\!.
Emily: That's too bad. _______
::Jcott: No, I'm not going ~ . h!lk... " "",k....
1 can't bakell'm b'oing LO buy one.
Emily: OK. Sounds good. See you on Saturday.
64. Unlt 11
11 .,..

A What are these people going to do next weekend? Write sentcnces.
1. The/re going to __
2. ___ 3. ________

the fJXm.
4. __ ___________ 5. ___ 6. ____
9. ____.______
B What are you going to do next weekend? How about yaur family and friends? Write sentences.
2. ______
--------_._------------------ --

What are you gong to do? e 65
Are 70 or
Write sentences. Use the phrases in the box oryour own information.
. "
go toa party ' .... jea rnY
'i. eat$pil food go to a restaurant.
have aparty .
. have a .picnic ..

open. presents
'., ......
J 7LJlQLfJQit1g to .t!JQ. tOJL2!JrJ;y,.lrl_9-ol1fJ.-_
to 9Q to
Jyuye'rv1Q.WJoiI19--W_;jgy.gut __
66. Unft11
.. ", . -
'. "

'- -" .. " '.,-.
- -' ',' - -
: :h .' t:t"th' ,'. 't"t" ?
r"." ,: .. Dma. ,:er . '
Label fhe parts of fhe body. Use fhe words in the box.
o arm O lag
O aar O mouth
elbow neck
Oeye O nose
O fingers O shoulder
Ofoot O stomach
O hand teeth
1!1 head O toes
12. __
15. , . ______
__ ....__
_______________. _ ~ ___________~
What's wrong with these people? Write sentences.
3. 4.
68. Unit 12
oComplete the conversations. Use the questions and sentences in the box.
In the afternoon
l. Jasan: Hi, Lisa. Haw are yau?
Lisa: 1m

fine. thanks. How about
Jasan: Nat sa gaad. Actually, 1 feel really awful.
Jasan: 1 think 1 have the fIu.
Jasan: Na, I'm gaing ta ga hame and resto
Jasan: Thanks.
In the evernng
2. Lisa:
Jasan: 1 feel much better.
Jasan: Thanks.
Jasan: Yes,I amo
What's the matter? 69
oComplete the sentences with 'he correct medications.
l. Her eyes are very tired. She needs sorne ___"t:/"ve,,-drops
2. Your cough sounds terrible. Take sorne .._____
or sorne .. _________
3. 1have a headache, 80 I'm going to buy
sorne __.... _______
4. My arm is sore. I'm going to put sorne
__________ on my armo
5. Kristina has a stomachache, so l'm going
to gve her sorne __._____
6. Suzie has a terrible cold. She's going to take sorne
Write each sentence a different way. Use the sentences in the box.
1. What's the matter?
What's wrong?
2. 1 feel sad.
3. That's too bad.
4. I'm homesick.
---_.... _ - ~ - - - - _ . _ - -
5. My throat is sore.
6. 1 have a headache.
7. That's good.
8. I'm exhausted.
70. Unit 12

V Give these people advice. Use the phrases in the box.
D a hot 91'IOk
D gOO;!.ltsidei'
1. Don't work too hard 2.
3. 4.
7. 8.
What's the matter? 71
Write tw-a pieces af advice for each problem.
l. 1have a cold. Don't [Jo to schooltoday.. Take a cold pi//.
2. 1 have a toothache.
3. 1 have a sore throat.
4. 1have an earache.
5. 1 have a stomachache.
6. 1have a hackache ..
7. 1have sore eyes.
8. I'm homesick.
oHealth survey
A How healthy and happy are you? Complete the survey.
I'lil lii1I
El ll2I

B Write four sentences ahout your health. Use the information from the survey in part A.
1. I ever [Jet a headache. an earache. or a stomachache.
2. Sometil11es' Det a cold or the pu in the winter.
3. I often stay uplateon weekends. hut , neva stqy up 'ateon weekdays.
4. Sometil11 es , leel a 'itUe hol11eSick. hut , ever ,feel sad.
4. ___________________________________
72. Unlt 12
.......... , "" y z' - ._ '_." : C""8' ,,' _. ',", :;'ItS:s.. 1'1'" .. .... . ',_ _ -." '
.- , - .'- ,,-. - ' -, <'lO< ", -,,' ... ', ....,'
-'" -- ',: '- ':_.:;,' -", '.',"ir'
.. OPI8ces
A Complete these sentences with the correct places.
Write one letter on each line.
1. We need gasoline for the caro ls there a
-9- ..iL 2.. 2....L..iL _t_ _1_' -- JL near here?
2. I'm going to go to the ____ . 1 need some traveler's checks.
3. Iworkata _______.
_ . 1 love books, so t's a great job.
4. he you going to the _ _ _ _ _ .".." ? 1 need some stamps.
5. We don't have anything for mnner. Let's huy some foad at the
6. Tomorrow we're going to go to Pans for five days. We're going to stay
at an expensive _____ .
7. 1 have a stomachache. Can you buy some antacid at the
8. Let'a go out for lunch. There's a great Mexican _ _ __downtown.
B Find and circle the places in part A in the puzzle.
( H)

D o A W o J R P T o o
F M S J D R U G S T o R E S
S e K T F U Z V N E K T M T
N P WO o H
K N 1 B Y S F U Y WO M 1 R
(G A S S T A T 1 o
E B L F WG P e e M E A o N
Look st the msp. Complete the sen ten ces with the prepositions in the box.
1. The English school is Qn Catherine Street.
2. The hospital is __ _ _ ~ ~ ~ __ the hotel.
3. The Mexican restaurant is .._ ~ ~ . _ ~ ...._ ~ . ~ . __ Beatrice Street and FourthAvenue,
4. The bank is on Barbara Street, _... ~ ________ 8ixth and 8eventh Avenues.
5. The bookstore is ___~ _ ~ ~ _ ..__ the English schooJ.
6. The coffee shop is ___~ . ~ ___....__ the park.
74. Unit 13
Where is it?
A Look at the map in Exercise 2 again. Where s each place? Write two sentences.
1. bookstore me bookst.ore is on the comer of. Catherne Street
and Fifth Avenue. Its next to the En;lish school.
2. supermarket
3. department store
4. gas station
5. Chinese restaurant
6. hotel
7. post office

B Where is your school? Draw a map. Then write two sentences.
You can't miss it. 75
oComplete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Rache]: _E;xcuse 111f'. C(:m you_help m"'e;..;:?____..___._..___..__.._
Man: Sure.
Man: Yes, there is. It's on Diane Street.
Rache]: _ ~ . ___
Man: It's on the corner of Diane Street and Seventh Avenue.
Man: Yes, that's right. It's right next to the coffee shop.
Man: You're welcome .
Complete the sentences with the opposltes.
1. Don't turn right on Fifih Avenne, 'I'nm ~ _ . .
2. The Waverly Hotel isn't in front ofthe concert hall. It's ______ it.
3. Don't walk down Columbus Avenuc. Walk ...___ Colurnblls Avenue.
4. TIle museum isn't on tho left. It's on the ______
5. The Ernpire State Building is far from here, but Central Park is very _._.___
You can walk there.
76. Unit 13
Look at the map. G/ve these people directions. Use the phrases and sentences
in thebox. .
1. Sophia is looking for too Mexican restaurant.
69 up Fi{th Avenue. Turn left on Beatrice Street.
J/l!alk to Fourth Avenue. Its on the righe.
2. Kate is looking for the post office.
3. Bob is looking for the hotel.
- ~ ...._--
4. Laura i.. lookincr for the supcrmorkct.
5 .. Jim is looking fur the bank.
You can't miss it 77
'egomg o
Imagine you r . vitation. Then draw a
Complete th.e ectons to the party
map and wrtte Ir
from your school.
\iI/fI!II> ....
""f" '
,. .'
, ":':' "-\ ," .
" "
.;,.. '< 'ONSTOTHE PART'(.
DIRECTI . . .......,'.. .,
.. ... th "hooZ Theh."", , ..
.'.itqj;,qLr; "c. ".
, , 0-'.'. , ,', '-""
., , . . . . .
;"." f: o' . ;-"e"
78. Unit 13

TI ...
"'. ,
. ...

' .. ,
... Date:
Hme: ________________._.__ __
. .
-"" ..'-'
. .
. , o., , , ,.
,:' : ' _" .. ,"',...,. '-;0. -_"o', "',,,,'.c,'
I!III W ',-
'_ .",.;,:-... ...."tI""- -"'" " " ',' . ,. --",".0"" ' ... .. ,,'.'_
' .y"0. n':.'..'. .. .
'," ",,..' ._" ' - - ,', , '_ .".__ - u ,'
,_ ,- " ' .,>0. ,. :o l' ., ". __ " ,',' ",,' ,,,',.-.. .,-,',""
- , .. " --- .. _',.' ,,',o
" . ",. . - ",.,. .:
oLast Saturday
A What did these people do last Saturday? Write sentences.
pay bilis vacuum wash clothes exerdse
dust work in the yard shop for groceries cook
5. _____________________________
1. She
void bilis.
6. ____
7. _______
4. 8.
B What did you do last Saturday? Write three sentences.
l. _________________________
Ben he sentences. Use the simple past form o;he
verbs in parentheses. .

. invited __
We (:iliJpl.ilJh.e....,v'LJ<d""eo"---_
but we (notgetl a movii:
__-l((.2lax1 basketball (/nd
to mJJ2.c. Mo""mll-..____
(cookJ some hamburgers for dnner.
Afta dinner; we .. (watch) television
, --- ..
80. Unit 14
f' \oCarol and Max did differen! !hings las! weekend. Wri!e sen!ences about them.
':: t
1. study Carol studied, Max didn't studv.
2. clean the kitchen
3. play golf
4. cook
5. listen to music
6. walk in the park
7. watch television
Didyou havo tun? 81
Complete the charlo

come I have I
I , I
do read

ate rode
feel saw
90t up sit

Complete the conversatan. Use the simple past forms o, the verbs in parenthese:s.
Kevin: So, Megan, you have (have) a good summer?
Megan: Well, 1 (have) an interesting SumIDero My sister
and her family _"__ __"" (visit) for two weeks.
Kevin: That's nice.
Megan: Yes and no. My sister ______ (not feel)
. well, so she (sit) on the sofa
and ______ (watch) television.
She hardly ever (get up).
Kevin: Oh, well. her husband and kids
______ (have) a good time?
Megan: 1 think so. They (play) volleyball
and ____ (ride) their bikes every day.
_____ you __""__ (go out) to
any restaurants?
MegaIf: No, 1 __""""" (cook) breakfast, lunch,
and dinner every day. They (eat)
a lot of food, but they (not wash)
Kevin: That's too bad. ______ you
at alllast summer?
Megan: Yeso My sister and her family finally
(go) homo, and then 1
_""__"""_ (relax).ljust
sorne books and ______ (see) sorne movies.
82. Unit 14
Unscramble the questons about las! summer. Then answer with your own ..
Last summer, ... ?
1. go interesting anywhere you dd
A: Did xou {Jo anywhere interesting?
B: 'fes, I did I tQHawaiil.No, I didn't. I iust stared horneo
.. ..
2. any take dd you pctures
3. buy you dd anything interesting
B: ..
4. dd eat you foods any new
5. games dd you any play
6. you did sports play any
7. you dd nteresting meet any people
8. dd any books you read good
9. uny see you dd movies good
Ddyou /lave fun? 83
Summer activities
A Greg and Grant did different actvities last summer. Write sentences about them.
1. Gre{j {jot up ear{y every day
3. ____ _ " . ~ . __...
7. _
B Write sentences about your activities last summer.
3. _"_.. ____
4. .._._-_.._ .. _ ~ - ~ ~ -

oComplete the conversaton. Use the sentences in the box.
Mellssa: Were you born here in the U.S., Luis?
Luis: No. I wosn't. I wos born in the Coribbeon.
Mellssa: Oh, were you born in Cuba?
Melissa: RealIy? What city were you born in?
Luis: __________________ _________~ ____________ . ______~
Melissa: Were your parents born in Puerto Plata, too?
Luis: __________________________________________________
Melissa: And why did you come to the U.S.?
Luis: _ ~ ...______________________________________
Melissa: So when did you move here?
Melissa: Really? How old were you then?
Luis: ._._____________.________
Mellssa: Was it scary?
Complete these with was, wasn't, were, or weren't.
1. Peter: 1 called you on Saturday, but you weren't home.
David: No, 1 ... 1 in the mountains
all weekend.
Petor: That's ruce. How _....____ the weather there?
David: It _____ beautiful.
Peter: _.... __.__ your parents there?
David: No, they . l.
___ alone.
It great!
2. Bue:
_____ you born in the U.8., Wendy?
Wendy: Yes, 1 _____ . My brother and 1
born here in New York.
Sue: 1 _ born here, too. What about
your parents? they born here?
Wendy: Well, my father . He ___
born in China, but my roother _____
born in the U.S. - in Chicago.
Sue: Chicago? Really? My parents __...__
born in Chicago, too!
3. Nancy: you in college last
year, Chuck?
Chuck: No, 1 . 1 graduated from
college two years ago.
Nancy: So where you last year?
Chuck: 1 _____ in France.
Nancy: Oh! you in Paris?
Chuck: No, 1 . 1
in Nice. 1 had a job there.
Nancy: What .__ thejob?
Chuck: 1 a front dcsk agant at
a hotel.
86. Un/t 15
oWrite tour sentences about each e r s ~ n .
1. Bruce Lee was an actor. He was born in 1940 in the us.
He was in the movie Enter the DraiJon in 1973. He died in 1973.
Where were you born? 87
oAre these classes easy; difficult, nteresting, or boring? Complete the charlo Then
- add one more class to each column. (Some classes can go in more than one column.)
physical education
eComplete these questions. Use the words in the box.
1. A: What was your favorite subject in high school?
B: It was math.
2. A: _____ was your favorite teacher?
B: My math teacher, Mrs. Stone.
3. A: did you graduate from high school?
B: In 2000.
4. A: ____
did you go to college?
B: 1 went to Boston University.
5. A: _____ was your major in college?
D: I majored in geography.
6. A: . did you study geography?
B: Because 1 wanted to traveU
7. A: _____ wer your professors in college?
B: They were great.
8. A: were you when you graduated?
B: 1 was 22 years old.
88. Unit15
l U__m...... _sIIoos .... days ThM ao._....TOU'
f own nformaton.
1i' 1. was your ofschool how mst day

A: How was vour first dav ofschoof?
:;;> ..... ,
2. your was teacher who favonte
3. favonte was your what class
4. your who best were menda
5. spend did your where you free time
6. finish did when you elementary school
Where were you boro? 89
____________ _
Childhood memories
A Complete the questions with did, was, or were.
Then answer the questions. Use short answers.
1. A: Were you born here?
B: YeS, I wa,. I No, I wasn't... , ___
2. A: _____ you grow up in a big city?
B: __~ _________________
3. A: _____ both your parente work?
B: ______________
4. A: ____
your father serious?
5. A: _____ your mother talkative?
B: ___________~ - - -
6. A: ____
you have a lot oC mends?
B: ~ _____________..._ ~ _
7. A: __ ..___ your best mend th.n?
B: ______________
8. A: you live in an apartment?
9. A: __~ ___._ your house or apartment
10. A: you walk to school?
B: ____________________
11. A: you tan?
B: ______.. ____________
12. A: you shy?
B: _______________
B Write sentences about your childhood.
1. - ~ _ .._._..._----
3. - .._-_... _----..._ ~ _ .
90. Unt 15
e '.",'-.".<"'1-___'
" - " -. - .",-,'.-
Ca nshec
Make a phone conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Bill: Helio?
Claire: Hi. Bill. It's Claire.
Bill: __________ _________
Claire: _______________________
Claire: _______________________
Bill: ______________________
Claire: ____________________________________________
Bill: ______________________
Claire: __________________________________________
Scott called his trlends yesterday, but he didn't talk fa them. Whe:e were they?
Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
1. Scott: HelIo, Mrs. Gomez. It's Scott.
2. Scott: ID, Helen. , __,_,__, ___,
__ __________
Mrs. Gomez: Oh, hello, Scott. No, I'm sorry, Helen: Hi, Scott. No, I'm sorry,
lle isn't flere. Hes at ___
Brian and Jane
3. Scott: ID, Uncle Dave. 4. Scott: Hello. This is Scott Gibson.
Dave; How are you, Scott? No, I'm sorry,
Man: No, I'm sorry, ____,_,___
Rossand Dan
5. Scott: Helio, Mr. Lee. __,_,__,,__,__, 6. Scott: Hey, Joey. ____,__,_,_,_,
Mr. Lee: HelIo, Scott. She's here, but _____ Joey: Hey, Scott.
92. Unit 16
oSubject and object pronouns
A Complete the chart.
B Complete the sentences with the correct words in parentheses.
1. Please give it to ___ (he / him). 4. Please leave ____ (we / us) a message.
2. ___ (She / Her) isn't here right now. 5. ___ (They / Them) are in the library.
3. Can ___ (l/me) help you?
:\ i . Complete the answering machine messages with the correct pronouns.
I ~
Bob's message
Hi, Jim. This is Bob. My sister Olivia is visiting ____
Do you remember ____ ? Well, ____ 're going to
have lunch at Carol's Caf tomorrow. Can you meet ____
there? Please call ____ today.
Jim's message
Hi, Bob. I'm sorry 1 missed your callo Well, ____ can't
meet and Olivia for lunch tomorrow, but maybe
you can meet after work. My friends and 1 are
going to go out to a great pizza restaurant. Would you like
tojoin ____ ? Give ____ a call!
Can she call you later? 93
Complete the phone conversation. lIse the words in the box.
Sam: Hello?
Hay: HelIo. _ CClll...-- 1 apeak to
Carol, _._.__ ?
Sam: I'm aorry, _____she can't come
to the phone right now.
She's the yard. Can 1
give _____ a message?
Hay: Yeso is Hay Santos.
Please ask her to . __....__me.
I'm __.__._ work.
Sam: Does she _____ the number?
Ray: Yes, she _..__.__.
I \
Complete the excuses. lIse ,1ur own ideas.
1. A: Can you watch my dog Bitsy on Sunday?
B: I'm sorry, but 1 can't. 1 have to visit m'y paren.f:1. __
2. A: Do you want to go to the library this weekend?
B: I'd ike to, but 1 need to ___
3. A: Can you cook dinner for me this evening?
B: I'm sorry, but 1 have to _ ..____
4. A: Can you help me with my homework tonight?
B: I'm sorry, but 1 can't. 1 have to ____
5. A: Wotild you like to go to the laundromat on Saturday?
B: l'd like to, but 1 need to ____. ______
6. A: Can you cleall my apartment this weekend?
D: I'm sorry, but 1 huve to _____..________
94. Unit 16
oImagine your friends are inviting you to do thjse things. Accept or refuse their invitations.
Use the phrases in the chart.
It"'t'feptlng RfulIifr!i'aild "",-,,,. . '" ""."ll\!
I'd love too I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to I need to I want to .. .
I'd like too Gee. I'd like to, but I have to I need to I wantto .. .
1. A: Do yon want to go to the art gallery this afternoon?
B: ________________________________
2. A: Do yon want to have dinner with me tomorrow nght?
B: ________________________________
3. A: Do yon want to watch television at my house next Wednesday?
B: ________________________________
4. A: Do yon want to go dancing with me oa Saturday nght?
B: ..
5. A: Do yon want to go hikng with me this weekend?
B: __________________________ ____
oWrite each sentence a different way. Use the in the box.
1. Hi, it's Amy.
Hi this is
2. Can 1 speak with Barbara?
3. Would yon like togo to the movies?
4. 1 want .to go to the movies.
5. 1 have other plans,
6. Do yon want to leave a message?
Can she call you lafer? 95
oAnswer 'he questions. Write sentences with like to, want to, and need too
Example: What are two things you want to do tomorrow?
I want to exercise (or two hours tomorrowm=O'LfLlnuinllJB"'"._______
I want to relax in the aftemoon.
1. What are two tbings you like to do often? '
2. Where are two places you want to visit?
3. Who are two famous people you want to meet?
4. What are two things you need to do this week?
5. Where are two places you like to go on weekends?
6. What are two tbings you need to do in cIass?
----- ...._
7. What are two things you liko to do in class?
--------- -------_..........__... _
8. What are two things you want to do in yOUI next class'!
96. Unit 16

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