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Igor Dolgachev


0. i.

Introduction Weighted projective i.i. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Notations Interpretations The first properties Cohomology Pathologies of 0F(n) space


Bott's theorem 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. The sheaves ~(n)

Justifications Cohomology of ~$(n)


Weighted 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

complete intersections

Quasicones Complete intersections The dualizing The Poincare Examples sheaf series


The Hodge structure on cohomology of weighted hypersurfaces. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. A resolution of ~i X The Griffiths theorem calculation


Examples and supplements


Introduction. In this paper I discuss the technique of weighted homogeneous coordinates

which has appeared been appreciated

in works of various geometers

a few years ago and it seems has

and armed by many people.

In many cases this technique allows one in a certain space (a hypersur-

to present a nonsingular weighted projective

algebraic variety as a hypersurface

space) and deal with it as it would be a nonsingular space. A generalization of this approach

face in the projective of polyhedral

is the technique


spaces for which we refer to [5, 6, 15].


Section 1 deals with weighted projective nomial rings.


the spectrums of graded poly-

Most of the results from this section Can be found in [7]. the Bott theorem on the cohomology of twisted spaces. Another proof

In section 2 we generalize sheaves of differentials

to the case of weighted projective

of the same result can be found in [23] and a similar result for torical spaces is discussed in [5]. the notion of a quasismooth subvariety of a weighted

In section 3 we introduce projective space.

For this we define the affine quasicone over a subvariety and is smooth outside its vertex. We show that quasismooth

require that this quasicone

weighted complete intersections intersections in a projective

have many properties of ordinary smooth complete The work of Mori [19] contains a similar re-


sult but under more restrictive


Rather surprisingly not everything For example, recent examples

goes the same as for smooth complete


of Catanese and Todorov show that the local Torelli theorem fails for some quasismooth weighted complete intersections In section 4 we generalize (see [4, 24]). the

to the weighted case the results concerning hypersurfaces.

Hodge structure of a smooth projective version of one of Steenbrink

Our proof is an algebraic of the De zero. The

[23] and can be applied to the calculation over a field of characteristic

Rham cohomology of any such hypersurface

present paper is partially based on my talks at a seminar on the Hodge-Deligne theory at Moscow State University participants in 1975/76. It is a pleasure to thank all of its

for their attention and criticism.

i. i.i.

Weishted projective


Notations integers;

Q = {qo,ql,...,qr } , - a finite set of positive

S(Q) - the polynomial tion type deg(Ti) = q i Q. U

IQI = qo +-.. + q r ; algebra k[T 0 .... ,T r] over a field i= O,...,r ; ~(Q) = Proj(S(Q))


graded by the condispace of

- weighted projective m = (T O ..... T r)

~r" +i - {0}

Spec(S(Q)) - {(T O ..... rr)} ;

Abbreviations: ~r = ~(i,...,i) , S = S(Q) , = ~(Q) p of k is prime to all qi '

we suppose in the sequel that the characteristic though many results are valid without (q0 ..... qr ) = i. The last assumption

this assumption.

We also assume that

is not essential

in virtue of the following:



Q' = {aq0 .... ,aqr} . S(Q') m = S(Q)am Applying



= ~(Q') . of [12] we have


and hence in the standard notations we obtain a canonical = ~(Q,) .

S(Q') = S(Q)(a). (Q)

([12], 2.4.D


= Proj(S(Q))

= Proj(S(Q)(a))


We refer to 1.3 for more general For any graded module the graded By 2.5.2) M A-module we denote M

results. ring A we denote by M(n)

over a graded commutative the graduation

obtained by shifting the f c Ad

= {m-

0Proj(A)-Module , associated


M(n) k = M n + k Recall M.


that for any


= M(f)

fk : m e Mkd}

, Proj(A) .

where open sets

D+(f) = Spec(A(f))

form a base of open sets in

1.2. 1.2.1.

Interpretations. It is well known that a ~-graduation algebraic torus of a commutative G m ring is equivalent In our case

to an action of a 1-dimensional G

on its spectrum.

acts on


= Spec(S(Q))

as follows

S --+ S @ k[X,X -I] T.--+ T. @ X 1 1 where G



, .

i = O,...,r

= Spec(k[X,x-l])

The corresponding by the formulas

action on points with the value in a field

k'm k

is given

k' * k,r+l k' r+l (t,(a 0 ..... ar)) (a0 tq0 ..... ar tqr) The open set U = ~r+l_ quotient {0} u/G is invariant with respect to this action and the uni-

versal geometric If k = ~

exists and coincides with ~(Q) . m is the field of complex numbers then the analytic space is a complex analytic by the formulas quotient space ~r+l _ { 0 } / ~ *

~an where


ciated to ~(Q) * r+l acts on ~

(t,(z 0 .... ,Zr)) (Zo tqO,...,zr tqr) In view of this interpretation to a n o n e f f e c t i v e action of G the space m . ~(Q') from the lemma in i.i corresponds


For any positive


we denote by subgroup of G m

the finite group scheme of with the coordinate ring ~r

q-roots of unity. k[X]/(X q - I) . Consider

This is a closed

the action of the group scheme ~Q on S

~Q =

~q0 x ... ~ qr



is induced by the action Ti -~T i @ X i ' where Xo -= X m o d ( X q i - l ) l The h o m o m o r p h i s m

in the coordinate

ring of qi qi yields the isomorphism

of rings

S(Q) s , T i -~ T i


S(Q) = s~Q.

It is easy to see that the corresponding morphism of projective spec-

trums is well defined and gives an isomorphism P(Q) In case k = ~(Q)an = ~ r ( ~ ) / where ~Q(~) ~Q(C) = Proj(S Q) ~ ~r/ ~Q"

acts by the formulas

(g,(z 0 ..... Zr)) ~ (z0g 0 ..... Zrg r) g = (go'"''gr) 1.2.3. ' gi = exp(2~ibi/qi) ' easily gives, space ~(Q) 0 ~ b i < qi" for instance, that for Q =

The previous interpretation


the weighted projective Vn(~r-l) .

equals the projective cone

over the Veronese variety For example,

~(l,l,n) , n # 1

is obtained by the blowing down the exceptional (when n= 2 it is ~ ordinary quadratic cone).

section of the ruled surface



Q = {l,ql,...,q r} ~r .

the spaces


are compactifications is isomorphic

of the af-

fine space

Indeed, the $~en set k ,..., .


to the spectrum of

the polynomial ring projective space

Its complement

coincides with the weighted

~(ql,...,qr ) .


Weighted projective spaces are complete toric spaces. ~

More precisely, & =

(qo,...,qr )

is isomorphic to the polyhedral space ~r+l {(x 0 .... ,x r) : Eqix i = q0...qr } The first properties For different Q and Q' the corresponding

of [6], where

1.3. 1.3.1.






be isomorphic. Let d i = (q0,...,qi_l,qi+l,...,qr) a i = .c.m.(do,...,di_l,di+l,...,dr) a Note that = .c.m.(d 0 .... ,dr). (ai,d i) = I and aod. = a .






Q' = {qo/a,...,qr/ar} .

Then there exists a

natural isomorphism


= ~(Q') . S' = n~ 0 S(Q)an of S(Q) and

For the proof we consider the graded subringai note that S' = k[X0,...,Xr] , where Xi = Ti

is of degree

aqi/a i .

But then



= S '(a) and hence Proj(S')


= Proj(S')

([12],2.4.7). Now there exists also

an isomorphism

= Proj(S(Q) (a)) = Proj(S(Q)) .

Corollary. O,...,r .



= ~ ( Q ' ) , where

(q~,...,qi_l,qi+l,..' ' .,q$) = 1


i =



For example,

that qi = a. for i = 0,...,r. Then ~(Q) = ]pr. 1 it is so if all numbers .c.m.(q0,...,qr)/qi are coprime. fact was independently r = 1 discovered by M. Reid.


this case the previous Note that in case ~(q0,ql) 1.2.2. = ]pl for any

we can use the previous corollary and obtain that This fact however follows also from interpretation

q0,q I .




There is a certain difference in i.I.

between the identifications ~(Q) and


the proposition IP(Q ') 2.

and of the lemma

In terms of 3.5, the spaces isomorphic.

from the proposition

are not projectively

m o r p h i s m of sheaves

It can be shown that the isomorphism ~(Q) ~- ]P(Q') of 1.3.1 induces an isor 0~(n) = 0 ~ , ( ( n - ~ bi(n)qi)/a) , where h.(n)1 are uniquely i=O determined by the property n = bi(n)qi + ci(n)d i _ , O_<bl. <dl" "




be a finite group of linear automorphisms over a field e g k. V An element and f g V g G

of a finite-dimensional

vector space

is called a pseudoreflection

if there exists an element

such that

g(x) = x + fg(X)eg

for every

x V .


([3], ch.V,

5, th.4.)



the s}~metric algebra of Assume that #G

and in

BG ,

the subalgebra

of G-invariant assertions


is invertible


Then the following (i) (ii) G A

are equivalent:

is generated by pseudoreflections; is a graded polynomial k-algebra.



acts on

as a group generated act by the formula

by pseudoreflections.

These pseudoreflections T i T i S X i' T. -~ T. , J J i. 3.3. (i) Proposit ion ~(Q) is a normal

j # i,

i = O,...,n.







all singularities lar, (Q)



are cyclic



(in particu-

is a V-variety); ~(Q) is isomorphic to ~r . is preserved under


a nonsingular

For the proof of property an action of a finite

(i) we remark that this property

group and use interpretation 1.2.2. To see (ii), we use inr terpretation 1.2.1. Let ~ = u U. be the canonical covering of , where U. = 1 1 i=0 D+(T i) . Consider the closed subvariety V i = Spec(S/(Ti-l)) of ~r+l = Spec(S). The action of tifying V.I G m with Spec(k[T0,...,Ti_ l,Ti+ l,...,Tr]) j = 0,...,i-l,i+l,...,r on Ar+l induces the action of ~ qi on V. l which, after iden-

, can be given by the formulas

_qJ T. -~ T. 8 X. , 3 3 i where notations as in 1.2.2.

It is easy to see that of ~(Q) .

U. = V./~ i i qi

and, since

Vo = ~r, 1

we have property


For the proof of (iii) we use 1.3.1 and the previous we may assume the action of qi = i. that ~ (q0'''''qi-l'qi+l '''''qr ) = i . on V. is generated


By 1.3.1

Then it is easy to see that only in the case

by pseudoreflections

qi It remains

to apply 1.3.2.

1.4. 1.4.1. module

Cohomology Recall

of that

0~(n) 0~(n)

. denotes an 0~-Module f E S(Q) associated to the graded homomorphism an : S(Q) n S(Q)-

S(Q)(n) .

For any homogeneous (aa/1)

we have a natural homomorphism

S(Q) n S(Q)(n)(f) H0(~(Q),0~(n))

which defines

a natural

(the Serre homomorphism).

Theorem. (i) (ii) (iii) ~n : Sn + H0(~' 0 F (n)) Hi(~,0~(n)) Hr(~,0~(n)) = 0 for is bijective for any neZg ;

i ~ 0,r, n ~ ~ ;

= S_n_IQI .



to general


of projective


we can identify @ 0 F (n) n6~ with the quotient we have .

U = Spec(S) - {m} ([12], 8.3).

with the affine


of the graded p:U+~


The corresponding m from 1.2.1.

projection Since p




is an affine morphism


= Hi(p, p,(0U))

= Hi(p,

@ 0 F (n)) = @ H i ( ~ , 0 ~ ( n ) ) n6~ ne~ We have an exact + 0 sequence

Now we use the local cohomology 0 + H~m}(S) and isomorphisms



S H0(U,0u ) H~m}(S)



-- Hi-I(U,0u ) '

i >i . S -~ H 0 ( U , 0 U) . Since S induces on each Sn the ring, we

It is easy to see that the homomorphism Serre homomorphism have H~m}(S) = O, (i), i ~ r+l . en:Sn -~ H0(~,0]p(n))

is a Cohen-Macaulay

This proves assertions

(ii) of the theorem. calculation of r+l H{m}(S)

For the proof of (iii) we have to use the explicit We have r+l H{m}(S) = ~ m = i~ m where m (Tm) = (T O . . . . Let V V Extr+l(s/(T0 ..... Tr)m,s) Extr+l(s/(r_m),s) =

,Tm) . r+l with the basis (e0,...,er) . Grade

be a free S-module of rang deg(e i) = qi m (where

by the conditionn ~ (V)

and consider

the induced gradation

on its ex-

terior powers complex for

deg(eilA'''Aei P

(T_ TM) : i 2 S A(V) A(V) . . . . .

) = m(qi +'''+ qi )) " P

The Koszul

r+l A (V) 0

e.A...Ae. Z(-I)kT TM e. A...A~. A...Ae. iI ip k ik iI ik Ip defines a resolution of graded S-modules for S/(T 2) and hence we have an isomor-

phism of graded S-modules Extr+l(s/(r_m),S) ~- Hom( r+l r A (V),S)/Im(Hom(A(V),S) =

= (S/(Tm))(-mIQl) Put I then = (S/(Tm))(-mlQI) r+l

H{m}(S) = li~m Im,

where the inductive Let for map Um,m+s: is multiplication u by Im "+ Im+s s Ts TO... r and t TM a 0, - ,m r m system is described be the image of as follows. m-a 0 m-a TO ...T r r I m . in I m . It is clear that the transition

0 < a. _<m i

tm a 0, - ,a r

form a basis of

In this notation

. (t m = t m+s m,mts a0,...,ar ) a0+s,...,ar+S be the image of em a0,.-.,a r in lim I . ~> m Module r+l H{m}(S ) is a


e a0,-.-a r


graded S-module and elements

e a 0 ,..

form its homogeneous basis. ,a r

We have r Z i=0aiqi

deg(eq0 ..... ar) = deg(eam 0 ..... ar) = ( m - a 0 > +... + ( m - a r) - m I Q I = Thus we obtain that e with a 0, .. ,a r r n = - E aiq i (a i > 0) i=0 Hr+l {m}(S)n as a k-space. Since dimkS_n_Q = #{(b 0 ..... b r) e ~ r + l :_n_IQ I = r E biq i} = i=0


= #{(a0,...,a r) c IWr+l+ :-n = we have Hr+l -. {m}(S)n -- S_n_IQI. It remains to notice that Hr+l -. e H r ( ~ , O ~ ( n ) ) { m}(S)n 1.4.2. Let integers Ps(t) = Then as a c o r o l l a r y a n

r 2 aiq i} , i=0

be determined by the identity

r ~ an tn = ~ (i- tqi) -I . n=0 i=0

of the previous t h e o r e m we h a v e

a dimkHi(F,0F(n)) = 0


i # 0,r , i = r S(Q) (see 3.4) and

a_n_iQl In fact, Ps(t)

is the Poincare series of the graded algebra

an = dimkS(Q) n . 1.5. Pathologies If (i) (ii) (iii) ~ = ~r for any then the following properties are well known. ne ~ 0F(n) is an invertible sheaf; 0F(n) is ample; S(n) 8 l~(m) + S ( n + m ) ; n e induces the isomor-

an invertible sheaf

the homorphism of multiplication phism 0F(n) 8 0F(m) = 0F(n+m) M and


for any graded S-module M(n) = M S O F 0 F (n)

None of these properties

is valid for general

~(Q) .



Q = {1,1,2}.

The restriction of

0 F (i)


D+(T 2)

is given by the


S(T2)-mdule S(1)(T2) = {_~: T2 It is clear that one. This is a counterexample to property (i). a ( S2k_l} . T1 S (T2)T22 is not a free S(T2~module of rang

TO S(1)(T2) = S ( T 2 )+ ~L

1.5.2. ble.

On a weighted projective line In fact, 01) (n)ID+(T i) p k Tj/Ti, qi where

~ (qo,ql) to and

all sheaves the

0~ (n)

are inverti-

is associated n = kqi-pqj

ly generated by with qj Since 01~l(b n) . and

S(T )-module S(n)(Ti ) , freei k/n, p/n are integers coprime

respectively. (1.3.1), an invertible sheaf 01~(n) is equal to some

~ (q0,ql) _- ~i Moreover, b n if

F(~,01p(~)) # 0 , then

= dimkF(lP,0]p(n)) - 1 . dimkF(~,0]p(n)) > 2 . But, if n< min{q0,q I} and n >0 ,



is ample if (1.4.1).


= 0

This is a counterexample

to property


1.5.3. b q0+ql +I

In notations of 1.5.2 assume that = O, b ql +I 0~ (q0) @ ~ O~ (qo + q l +I) < O. But

ql = q0 + I ,

qo > 1 .


b q0

(ql + i) = 0~i (bqo) @ 0~i (bql+l) = 0~i (bq0+bql+l) = 0~I (b + .I) qo ql tl

This is a counterexample

to property (iii).

1.5.4. that

To obtain a counterexample S(m)(n) = S(m+n)

to property (iv) we can take from 1.5.3.

M = S(m) , note

and use the counterexample


We refer to the paper of Delorme ([7]) for more details concerning proper0~(n) . For example, one can find there a generalization of

ties of the sheaves

the duality theorem for

~(Q) , the particular case of which we have proved in 1.4.1.

We remark also that according to Mori ([19]) everything is well in the open set V = n D k, k>l where Dk = u D+(Ti) . kxqi Namely, V is the maximal open subVmc m .

scheme such that

0~(1) IV

is invertible and

(0~(1) IV) ~m ~ 0~(m)]V,

2. 2.1.

Bott' s theorem. --i Sheaves ~i~ .




with a basis usual we put

i be the S-module of k-differentials of S . This is a free module ~S i i dT0,...,dT r . Denote by ~S its exterior i th power A(~) (as ~S 0 = S). . This is a free S-module with the basis Grade i ~S by the condition



O ~ s I < ... < s i ~ r ~

d e g ( d T s l A ' " A d T s i) = q s l + ... + q s i We have an isomorphism of graded S(Q)-modules i ~ ^< < ~S u-s I ...<siNr For i = r we obtain ~r+l S Let I d:S a S S(_IQI ) universal differentiation. By definition of the S(-qs I ) .


qs i

be the canonical we have r da = j=0 ~--~jZ ~a dTj ,

partial derivatives

a S .

The k-linear map

extends to the exterior differentiation

i ~i+l d : as us uniquely determined d(wAw') by the conditions

= dwAw' + (-l)lwAdw ' ,

i V w ~S "

i ' w ~S

w' g~S

d(d(w)) = 0 ,


Recall the Euler formula: r n a = j~0Z --~--~ qj rj ,

V a ~ S(Q) n

Using the linearity of both sides of this identity we may verify this formula So .Tsr . But in this case it can be a is a monomial T O .. r done without any difficulties. only in the case when


Define the h o m o m o r p h i s m i + i-i &: a S as ,

of grades S-modules

i ~ i

by the formula i i k=l


A(dTslA...^dT s ) = Z (-1)k+lqskTskdTslA...^dTskA...AdT



(i) (il)


= a(w)^w' + (-l)lw^a(w ') ,

n; = nw, a S i w (aS) n .



A(da) = n a , A(dw) + d ( A ( w ) )



the linearity


we may verify

(i) only in the case

w = dTslA...AdTsi,

w ' = dTsiA...AdTs~ Property it suffices

. But this is easy. 3 (ii) is a corollary of the Euler the case


To verify property We have


to consider

w = adTslA'''AdTs''l

a ~ Sk .

A(dw) = ~(daAdTslA...AdT s ) = ~(da)AdTslA...AdTs. = kadT sI d(A(w)) = d(aA(dT sI A...AdT s. 1 A...AdT si - daAA(dT SI ) = daAA(dT sI A...AdT si A...AdT si )

- da^A(dTslA...AdT s ) =

) +ad(A(dT sI ^

^...^dT si

) =

= daAA(dTsl^...AdTsi) = daAA(dTsl Adding we get A(dw) +d(A(w))

i +i d +ad(.=IE (-i) qsTs TslA...AdTs~^-.-AdTs.1)

I A ..AdT .- dT ) + ( ~ qs)adT si l=l Sl si

= (k+

i E )w = nw. =I qs~


It is easy to identify _r+l~ 0 ~S

the sequence

r + .... + ~i + S aS S for the regular sequence. sequence (qoT0 .... ,qrTr ) Thus, we ob-

with the Koszul


tain that it is an exact Now put --ias = K e r ( ~ with the induced

A--+~si-l) = Im(a~ + l ~ a ~ )

grading. of graded (n) 0, S-modules : i_>l, neTZ

So, we have the exact sequences 0 ~

il (n) a (n) + a S


Define --i ~

the sheaf

--i ~ M


~(Q) denotes

by the sheaf associated to a graded S-module M.

--i = ~ , where

Also we put --iaF (n) = _~s(n) , Since MM is an exact n ~ 7z . functor we have exact -> ~iIp-l(n) ~ 0, , ~ : S(n(n) = 0, sequences of sheaves on ~(Q) :

0 -~ ~il D (n) _~(n) It is clear that for i = r+l

i>-i . thus for i = r

(n) : ~ + l < n )

[qJ) : 0 ~ (n-




Note that in the case

char(k) = 0


(iii) in lemma 2.1.3 gives an

algebraic proof of the acyclicity of the De Rham complex

0 k S ~ S -I+ d


A r + l + O. + ~S


Justifications. In this section we try to convince the reader that the sheaves % introduced

in the previous section are good substitutes for the sheaves of germs of differentials ~i ~r on the usual projective space ~r.



I~ = I~r .

Let us show that

~--i~(n) = ~$r(n) In this case U = V ( 0 ~ r (-i)) = Spec( @ 0 ~ r (n)) neFf V(0~r(-l))

is the complement to the zero section of the tautological line bundle on ]pr and the canonical morphism p : U + I~r is smooth.

The standard exact sequence

* 1 i i

0 -~ p ~

+ ~U ~ U / ~

~ 0

induces the exact sequences

* i i 1

i-i Op.~ + O.

0 p ~ The homomorphism i A : aS S

-~ a U ~ U / ~

(Ya.dT. + Za.q.T.) i 1 . 1 1 1 l 1 U a surjective homomorphism of sheaves

induces after restriction to

A:~ U

It is easy to verify that A(p*~ I) = 0 and

(here we use that (qi,char(k)) = i!). hence A

defines a surjective homomorphism i

~: au/~
Since i ~U/l~

0 U.
~ is in fact an isomorphism.

is invertible we obtain that

Thus we have exact sequences 0 -> p.~i i i-I 0

and applying

p. 0

we obtain exact sequences ip ( n ) @ ~ 2 neFf

@ ~s(n)+

@ ~-l(n)-~ neff

It is easy to see that in this way we obtain exact sequence 2.1.5 of the definition of g$(n) .




In the notation of 1.3.2, let us assume that k.

is generated by

pseudoreflections and its order is invertible in phism i i G ~A/k (~/k) is an isomorphism of A-modules.

Then the canonical homomor-



B (reap. A) is a polynomial algebra, the B-module

i ~B/k

i (reap. ~A/k )

is a free B-module (reap. A-module). Since B is a free A-module ([3],ch.5, 5, i i i th.5), ~B/k is a free A-module. Let ~A/k ~ ~B/k be the canonical homomorphism of A-modules (the inverse image of a differential form). It is injective (because i ~A/k is free and it is injective over a dense open subset of Spec A). Let T be its cokernel and 0 ~ i i ~A/k * ~B/k + T 0 i m ~ ~-~ ~g(m)

be the corresponding exact sequence. Now, for every G-B-module M, the homomorphism is a projector

onto a direct summand (here we use the assumption that #G is invertible in k ) , G thus the functor ( ) is exact. Applying this functor to the above exact sequence, we get an exact sequence i i G TG 0 ~A/k ~ (~B/k) ~ ~ 0 where that Let Q i G , being a direct summand of a free A-module, is a projective A-module. (~B/k) and, hence, depth (TG)p = 0 QnA (TG) e d i m B - i. P of A This implies of height i. TG = 0 if its localization B Q, for any prime = P and

This shows that dim. proj. (T G) ~ i

be a prime ideal of

such that Then

GQ = {g c G: g(Q) = Q} be

the decomposition group of Let G~

(TG)p = (TQ)GQ = Coker ( ~ p / k (~~Q/k )GQ) . GQ of elements which act G~ G~


be the inertia group of K

Q , the subgroup of of BQ . Then

t GQ

trivially in the residue field the extension B~ Ap

BQ ~B~ = (BQ) ~ ~ (BQ) ~ = ~ e

is etale, the group

is a cyclic group of order

equal to the ramification index of the extension B ~ B' ([3],ch.V, 5, n5). This Q i Q G!/G . Q Q~ i i Thus, it suffices shows that ~ / k @Ap A' Q = ~B~ and, hence, ~i Ap = (~B.)

to show that i

= (~


Passing to the completions, we may assume that generator unity Then i = ~B~ dt. A...^dt dT e ~B 4 J1 J i-i ~. g of
v GQ

BQ = K[[T]] , B~ = K[[Te]] T by a primitive K

and a

acts on


by multiplying

e-th root of over k.


tl,...,tn_ 1

be a separable transcendence basis of


= ~BQ dtj A...Adtj ^dT i i-i G' i Q i A direct computation shows that (aBQ/k) = ~B~/k" Q



a: ~ r + ~ be the natural projection

p r ~ ~r/~Q = ~(Q)

from 1.2.2.

Let us show that a p = a , (a where G = ~Q and a, G


) ,
is the functor of invariant direct image ([ii],5.1). on ~r is induced by one on S . Since SG is a polynomial

The action of

algebra, this latter action is generated by pseudoreflections and hence, by lemma 2.2.2, we have an isomorphism of S(Q)-modules i = (a~)G aS(Q) and, hence, an isomorphism of sheaves ~(Q)
Applying a~

= a,t~S)

sequence (see 2.1.5)

to the exact

0 a i a i a i-I ~r --S ~r 0 and using the exactness of a~ (p is an affine morphism and ( )G is an exact

functor) we obtain an exact sequence: i 0 + a~(a I r ) + aS(Q) Since G a,(0 r) = 0F Gt~i-l~ 0 Gi --i a,(a r ) = a ~ .

we obtain by induction that


Let us show that

coincides with the sheaf



f o r any


in [23].
~i a~
. ai = 3,( w )

Recall that


j :W +

is the open immersion of the smooth locus of

In notations

of 2.2.3, let us consider a commutative diagram a-i (W)

a t


~ ~r

W Here a' = ala-l(w)' ~Q on a


action of

and j' is the natural immersion. Since W is smooth, the -i (W) is generated locally by pseudoreflections. Then, by

lemma 2.2.2, we get

48 ,G ~i
a ,(~ a -i (w) ) "





is a normal ~r




is smooth,


3"(~-i ) = a (W) Thus ~i j,(~) fl~ = . ,G ~i

G, , ~i


= 3*(a* (~a-l(w)) = a, lj,(~a_l(w))

2.3. 2.3.1. im } H{




. S(Q)-modules group --i~s' introduced M in 2.1.4 and let

Let us consider denote

the graded

the local cohomology

for a S-module

(cf. 1.4).

Proposit ion. 0, j # i+l, r+l


j = i+l

# r+l


We have exact 0 + --i

sequences i --i-i

(2.1.4) 0 , i>1 the exact sequences of local coho-

which, mology
. . . .

after applying

the functor

H{m} ' yield

H{m}(aS) H{m}(a S )
i = S(-n) ~S for some n ~~



" --i H~ m}(as) and S



+ ... j i ring, H{m}( S) = 0

H~m }

Since if

is a Cohen-Macaulay

j # r+ I .

Thus, we have an isomorphism

By induction,

= H{m}(~ S



j # r + i.

we obtain

Now, first terms of the Koszul
m +

0 ,



give an exart


which easily



H~m}(~) = { 0,
k , This proves the proposition.

1 # 2, r + l
i = 2 # r+ i .


--i~s is a Cohen-Macaulay


if and only if

i = r.



For any subset IQ[0,r][

j c [0,r] = {0 .... ,r} = [Q[

denote by Put

Notice that

in our old notations.

Z jeJ an = dimeS(Q) n .


the sum




h(j ,i;n) = dimkHJ (~ ,--i ~]p (n)) .

Then i->l , n ~2Z

h(0,i;n) = #J=iZ an_[Qj] - h(0, i-l;n) , h(j,i;n) = 0 , h(i,i;0) = i, h(i,i;n) = 0, h(r,i;n) = if j # 0,i,r , i = 0,...,r n # 0, i # r,0 n 2Z

E a - h(r,i-l;n) , #J=r+l-i -n-[Q j[

i>0 - '



Using the same arguments as in the proof of theorem 1.4.1 we obtain the

exact sequence
0 H +

n 7z


and an isomorphism

n~m Hi-1 ( ~ , ~ ( n ) )

Applying 2.3.1 we get that H0(]p,~(n)) HJ(~,~(n)) Hi(~,~(n)) Hi(]P,~(n)) Now i ~S =

= (~S) n-i = 0, = k, = 0, and A

= Ker(~s 4--i-l~s )n j # 0,i,r, n = 0, n # 0, n~ 7Z

i # r i ~ 0,r (2.1). So, we get all the assertions

@ S(-IQjI)

is surjective

except the last one. Consider exact sequence 2.1.5 0 ~(n) _~s(n) ~ - l ( n ) 0

and the corresponding cohomology sequence Hr-l(~(n)) Since ~(n) -~ Hr-l(~-l(n)) -~ H r ( ~ (n)) Hr(_~s(n) ) H r ( ~ - l ( n ) ) 0.

0~ (n-[QjI) #J=i

we can apply theorem 1.4.1 and obtain that

r i dimkH (is(n)) = #J=r+l-i a-n- 1QJ [ Using this sequence and preceeding results we obtain the last equality.




H0(~,~(n)) Hr(~,~(n))

= 0, = O,

if if

n <min{IQj[: n >-min{IQjl:

#J = i} #J = r+l-i} .



(Bott-Steenbrink). ~ 0 n >min{IQjl:


n >0


HJ(~,~(n)) only when j = 0 and

#J = i} .


Corollary. h(0,i;n) = i ~ (-i)/+i E /=0 #J=~ an-IQJ 1 . follows from 2.3.2 and to verify the second

h(r,i;n) = h(O,r-i;-n) Here the first assertion


one we have to consider the identity h(r,i;n) - h(0,r-i;-n) = h(0,r+l;-n) = dimkH0(~,~--r+l (-n)) = 0 .




k = K , then , i even

0 , i, ~P'q(]p) = 0,


p = q

p # q P,q E1

This follows from the degeneracy of the spectral sequence HP+q(x,K) proven by Steenbrink [23].

Hq(~,~--P) ---->

3. 3.1. 3.1.1.

Weighted complete


Quasicones. Let X be a closed subscheme of a weighted projective be the canonical projection. in A r+l is called the affine quasicone over C X. I of CX in S is equal space ~(Q) and

p : U + ~(Q)

The scheme closure of X. The point 0 CX


is called the vertex of


Let J be the Ideal of X in 0 * H (U,p (J)@0~ 0U) n~H0(~'J0~@0~


then the ideal (n)) .


3.1.2. (i) (ii)

Proposition. I is a homogeneous ideal of m0 S(Q) ; CX coincides with the irrelevant (i.e.

the maximal ideal

of the vertex of S(Q)/I

ideal of the graded ring depthm(S/I) ~ i); (iii) The closed embedding projection (iv) I S S/I

and has no immersed components

Proj(S/I) + Proj(S) = determines an isomorphism

corresponding to the natural Proj(S/I) = X ;

is uniquely determined by the properties above.

This is an easy exercise in the theory of projective schemes, which we omit (it will not be used in the sequel).


An affine variety

is called Nuasiconic

(or quasicone)

if there is an

effective action of bits

G on V such that the intersection of the closures of all orm is a closed point. This point is called the vertex of a quasicone.




be an affine algebraic variety over a field



following properties are equivalent: (i) (ii) (iii) V is a quasicone; has a nonnegative grading with j : V ~r+l k[V]0 = k ; j(V) is invariant with

k[V] = F(V,0v)

there is a closed embedding respect to the action of

such that


G on A r+l defined as in 1.2.1; m there is a closed embedding j : V + A r + l such that the ideal of



generated by weighted-homogeneous (i.e. homogeneous elements of some

polynomials with integer positive weights S(Q) ) .

The proof consists of standard arguments of the algebraic group theory (cf.

[8], [20]).
Corollary. Any affine quasicone is a quasicone. Conversely any quasicone without X c ~(Q) .

immersed components in its vertex is an affine quasicone for some

3.1.5. bedding

A closed subscheme

X c ~(Q)

is called quasismooth (with respect to the em-

X + ~(Q) ) if its affine quasicone is smooth outside its vertex.



A quasismooth closed suhscheme

X c ~(Q)

is a V-variety.




be the affine quasicone over


x~ X

be a closed point.


notations of the proof of 1.3.2 let over xSW.l is nonsingular in y.

W i = V in C X.

Let us show that for any

We have to show that the tangent space p' : C X + X F

y ~W. i TCx(Y)

is not contained

in the tangent space Tv.(y ). Let

-i I

be the restriction is an orbit of the



C X = C X - {0}


F = p'

(X)re d .

The fibre



with respect to the action of


restricted of


C X.

If F coincides with


denotes the coordinates ,~r+l

y , then

the image of the map formula:

Gm = Spec(k[t,t-l])

= Spec(S)

which is given by the




qi -I

qi --

q i +I


q2 )

(To, .... Ti_l,Ti,Ti+ 1 .... ,Tr) (yo t The tangent line to the curve defined by the equation To-Yo F

,. . ,Yi_l . t

. ,t

. ,Yi+l t


,yr t

is the image of the corresponding

tangent map and

= qOYo'''''Ti-i -yi-I = qi-lYi-l'Ti -I = q i ' ' ' ' ' T r - Y r

= qrYr "

TF(Y) ~ TV (y) = V.1 and, since TF(Y ) c TCx(Y ) , we obtain that i y is anonsingular point of W.. l The end of the proof is the same as in the proof of 1.3.2: we obtain that Uk c X is locally isomorphic Gy c G m to the quotient of the nonsingular variety Yi " Wi by the

It is clear that

isotropy group

of the point

3.2. 3.2.1.



intersections. IcS of the affine quasicone CX of Xc ~ S(Q) . is If

Assume that the ideal

generated by a regular sequence of homogeneous dl,...,d k

elements of the ring X X

are the degrees of these elements then we say that of multidegree d = (dl,...,dk) (F) and X and denote

is a weighted comby Vd(Q) . X is a

plete intersection
In case

is a principal of degree

ideal d

FE S(Q) d by

we say that

weighted hypersurface

and denote

Vd(Q) .

3.2.2. Let

In the sequel,
be t h e


will denote the punctured affine quasicone


C X - {0} .

p : CX X


Lemma. (i) (ii) (ii)' (iii)

Assume that Pic(Cx) = 0

X = Vd(Q) if

is quasismooth,


dim X ~ 3 ;

any G -equivariant etale covering of C X ,m Zl(Cx) = 0 if k = C and dim X e 2 ; HI(c~,0C*> ~ X = 0, 0< i< dim X.

is trivial if dim X z 2 ;



Since the local ring

0Cx, O

is a complete


ring of dimen-

sion 4, regular outside its maximal This shows that Pic(C X) = Pic(Cx)

ideal, it is a factorial

ring ([13], exp. XI). to the ring, is

The latter group, being isomorphic ideals of a graded commutative

group of classes of invertible divisorial trivial (ii) ([i0]). This proves (i).

A similar reference CX

([13], exp. X) shows that

etale covering of

is a restriction

0C.~ is pure. Hence, every x of an etale covering of C X. Moreover,

the same is true for Gm-equivariant G m-equivariant integral k[Cx] c B . Then etale covering of and coverings. Then Let f : Y + CX be an irreducible B = n~ Bn is an

CX . f

Y = Spec B , where

~ -graded k-algebra, Let

is defined by an inclusion be the maximal

of graded rings o e C X-

m = k[C]> = n~o k[Cx]n and B/mB that B

ideal of the vertex Since B

m B c B>o

is a finite separable Bm = 0 for m < 0 and

k-algebra. B

is integral,

this easily implies k[Cx]/m = k . that B Since

is a finite algebra over B this implies

o the only point lying over the vertex of braically (ii)' Let closed, CX this implies that f

is a field.

o Thus, we obtain

is a subalgebra

of an integral algebra Y

that CX .

is a quasicone and its vertex is Because f is etale and This proves k is alge-

is an isomorphism. into ~n . CX .

(ii). ~+ of posi~+-

be Gm-equivariantly of the group ~


The subgroup Intersecting

tive real numbers

acts freely on


orbit with a sphere S 2n-I of small radius c with the center at the origin, we , a s2n_ 1 get a map C X + ~ + x K e , where K = n CX . It is easily verified that this , map is a diffeomorphism of C X onto ~+xK . Now, since the vertex of C X is a complete intersection isolated singularity, the space nI(Cx) K is (d-2)-connected if dim X e 2 .

(d = dim C X = dim X + i) (see To verify is affine,



= ~I(KE) = 0 theory.

(iii) we again use the local cohomology


C X = Spec(S/I)

i * 0C~) = Hi+I.c = i+l H (Cx, {0}( X,OCx ) H{mo}(S/I ) . Since S/I, being a quotient of a regular ring by a regular sequence, is a Cohen-




= 0 ,



# dlm(S/I)

= dim X + i .

3.2.3. example,



char k > 0 , then because An

-algt~*~ "i <UX ~

may be not trivial. etale coverings.


n ~ i g ( A n _ {0}) # 0,

has nontrivial

3.2.4 (i) (ii) (ii)' (iii)

Theorem. Pic(X) ~Ig(x)

Under the conditions if if if dim X ~ 3 ; dim X ~ 2 k = ~ and ;

of the lemma

= ~ , = 0 ,

Zl!X) = 0 , HI(X,Ox(n))

dim X e 2

= 0 ,

n ~ ~ ,

O< i < dim X .



be an invertible as a

sheaf on


Pic(C X) = 0

P (L) = 0 * CX

and is determined = ~

Gm-sheaf by some character

XL e H I ( G m ~ .

In this way we obtain a homomorphism L = p ~m(p*(L))

f : Pic(X)

,Aut(0~*)) = HI(G ,G )= OX m m If p*(L) = p*(L') f is injective.

as Gm-sheaves , then This proves Let Algebra X' (i).

= L' = p~(p*L'))

and, hence,

be an etale finite covering of


be a corresponding of C X* is a

0 X-

(i.e. X' = Spec(A)).

Since the covering

X' = X' XxCx*


Gm-equivariant vial. Hence the where


by lemma 3.2.2

(ii) we get that

X' = Spec(p * (A))

is tri-


B = p*(A) = A0-X80r*~X splits,


B = B 1 B2 ,

B. are nontrivial. Since G is connected, the Subalgebras B 1 and B 2 l m are invariant Subalgebras and we have a splitting of Gm-Algebras B = B1 B2 Gm G Applying p, , we obtain that A = p,dm(B) = p,m(B I) p, Gm (B2) splits. This shows that the covering X' splits and proves (ii).

To prove (ii)' we apply Lemma 3.2.2 morphism ~I(Cx) ~I(X)

(ii) and notice that the canonical homoCX X are path-

is surjective because the fibres of

wise connected. To prove (iii) we note that Hi(c~,0 ,) = H i (Cx, * 0 XS0~ 0 U) = Hi(X,0~Sp,0 U) = n ~ H i ( X , 0 x @ 0 ~ Cx But 0XS0~ 0 F (n) = Ox(n ) and we can apply 3.2.2 and obtain 0~ (n)) .




The proof of (i) easily gives that n # i. For example,


is generated by some is

0x(n) , where, in general, generated by 0]p (2) .



One can also prove 3.2.4 [9]).

(and its generalizations

to torical spaces) using

the methods of [13] (cf.

3.3. 3.3.1.

The dualizin$ sheaf. Recall that according to Grothendieck variety X there is a sheaf n-i (X;F,~x)) F. * for any normal wX integral projective such that


(the dualizing sheaf)

Hi(X,F)" = (Ext for any coherent

(n = dim X) ~X can be determined as the sheaf of points of X (see, for


The sheaf

germs of differential example [16]).

forms which are regular at nonsingular

In other words,
= ~n

~0 X where j :Z + X

J,( Z ) is the open immersion of the nonsingular ~X locus of X.

In this section we shall compute tersection.

for a quasismooth weighted complete in-




be a closed quasismooth

subscheme X,


, Cx

be its pro-

jecting quasicone, Z be the nonsingular G m 1 P, (f~C~/X) Iz -~ 0 Z

locus of




The embedding of smooth schemes

CX * + U

defines an exact sequence

0 j/72 ~u/:~ I @OuO C~ -~ f21 c~/x + o

where J is the ideal sheaf of + 0U from 2.2.1 CX * in U Consider the surjective homomorphism does not use the assumption that ]P =

7:1 ~U/~

(its construction

~ r , the latter is used only to check that ~ is an isomorphism). It is easy to i see that the induced map ~ : ~C~/X 0C.*. is well defined and is surjective. x G m Since p, is exact, the map G G m,~l . p,m(~) : P* t c* ) OX

is surjective. side sheaf to Z Thus, it is sufficient is an invertible is local. to show that the restriction of the left hand sheaf. Let xe Z and Z x be its neighbourhood C~ of codimension of the G

This verification form W/G where W

is a nonsingular G

subvariety of

i and

is a finite subgroup of Since W

m is regularly embedded i

constructed in i

in the proof of theorem 3.1.6. C~, we have an exact sequence:

0 NWlCx
Since one) NW/Cx that is locally NW/Cx = 0W .

~c~iXOOcOW+ ~WlZx
free of

o .
(replacing W by smaller

rank i we may assume

It is clear that G m.~l 0 : P* ( C~/X 0CxOW) Since x is nonsingular, G




(see the proof of 2.2.2). G m,~l ,

P. t

G i acts by pseudoreflections and hence p,(~ ) = 0 G W/Zx m Applying p, to the above sequence we obtain G 0
: 0Zx = p*(W)


This proves the lemma.


proposition. In conditions of 3.3.2 G m, ~n+l, ~X = p* tg , ) (n = dim X) . CX



is a normal Cohen-Macaulay


(it follows easily from 3.1.6),

by 3.3.1 it is sufficient to show that G m,~n+l, P* t C~ ) Iz ~ an "z Consider the exact sequence 0 ~ p*~ + ~I[p-I(z) ~Ip-l(x) 0.



G p,m

and using 3.3.2 we obtain the exact sequence

i Gm.~l., 0 + ~Z + p* ( C~ )Iz 0Z 0 . Taking the exterior power we get G n = n = m. ~n+l



P* < c~ )






X = Vd(Q)

be a quasismooth weighted complete intersection of Then


d = (d I ..... ds) . ~X = Ox(l~l - I Q I )


1~I = dl+'''+d s



be the ideal of the projecting A-modules

quasicone over


B = S/I.

There is an isomorphism of graded

1/12 = B(-dl) + ... + B(-d s) . The exact sequence i->0 0 1/12 ~ IS @S B -~ ~B gives the homomorphism s o r +i -s i r+l-s (-Idl) = A(I/I~)@ B n (~B) -> 2 + AI ( ~ ) 8 s B f : ~B Since C~ is smooth, the restriction of f to C~ = B(-IQI) . Hence

is an isomorphism.



= B([_d] - ]Q[) .

It remains to use the above proposition.

3.4. 3.4.1.

The Poincare series. Let A = n~0 An be a graded k-algebra of finite type. Then its Poincare

series is defined by PA(t) = If then Xo,...,x r PA(t) E (dimkAn)tn n=0 . A and qo,...,qr are its degrees,

are homogeneous

generators of

is a rational function of the form r eA(t) = F(t)/i~ 0 (i- t qi) is a polynomial ([2], Ii.i).



3.4.2. 5, nl)

Assume that

A = S(Q)

is a graded polynomial k-algebra.

Then ([3], ch.V,


PS(Q)(t) = I/i~o(l- t qi) . Let and fl,...,fs be a regular sequence of homogeneous elements of the ring A = S(Q)/(fl,...,f s) . Then
s d.


d l,...,dr

be its degrees, let

PA(t) = i~l(1-t l)/ ~ (i-tqi) . i=0 This formula follows from the above formula. Then Put A 0 = S (Q) , A i = S(Q)/(f I .... fi ).

Ai = A i - 1 / ( f i )

and obviously

t iPAi_l(t) + PAi(t) = PAi_l(t) . Thus


PAi(t) = ( i - t and we obtain our formula. 3.4.3. For X = Proj(A)

z)pA -i i (t) '

i =


we put

Px(t) = n~o(dimkHO(X,Ox(n))tn



m = n~0 An A

be the irrelevant ideal of Then

A .

Assume that

depthm(A) ~ 2

(for example,

is normal).

PA(t) = Px(t) The same argument as in the proof of 3.2.4 (iii) and 1.4.2(i) shows that the Serre homomorphism of graded algebras A is bijective.

n~m HO(X, Ox(n))




X = Vd(Q)

be a quasismooth weighted complete intersection, Then

Px(t) = n~ 0 an tn

be the power series defined above. s d. r . Px(t) = i=~(l- t 1)/i$0(i- t qz) .



pg(X) = dimk Hdim X(X,0x) , then in notations of the theorem

pg(Vd(Q)) = ald I _ IQI Indeed, since w


= 0x(Id I -IQI)

is the dualizing sheaf (3.3.4) we have that

dimkHdim X(X'0x) = dimkHm(0x'~x) = dimkHO(X'~x) = al~l- IQI "

3.5. 3.5.1.

Examples. We shall say that two closed subvarieties X c]P and X' c I~' are affine


isomorphi 9 if their affine quasicones are isomorphic and projectively isomorphic if their quasicones are Gm-iSomorphic. implications projectively isomorphic => affine isomorphic projectively isomorphic => isomorphic between these three notions. It is clear that in general there are only two


Weighted plane curves. (q0,ql,q2)

A quasismooth hypersurface

X = Vd(Q)

in a weighted

projective plane

is a smooth projective curve. i coincides with the canonical sheaf ~X and we have (3.3.4): ~xl = 0x(d_q0_ql_q2) Its genus is calculated by the formula g = coefficient at td-IQl in the formal series

Its dualizing sheaf

(i- td)/i~O (i- tqi) . The affine quasicone of such a curve is given by a weighted-homogeneous equation f(x0,xl,x 2) = 0 with an isolated singularity at the origin. Such singularities

were studied by many authors ([1,8,18,20]). Let

m = d-q0-qlq2 "

Each weighted plane curve with lowing curves (q0,ql,q2)

1D ( i , i , i )

m< 0

is affine isomorphic to one of the fol-



1 2k 4k+2 2k-2 12 18 3O

x0 =

(l,k,k) (2,2k+l,2k+l) 1~ (2 ,k-2 ,k-l) I~ (3,4,6) 1D (4,6,9) ]P (6,10,15)

2k 2 2 x0 +Xl+X 2 x 2 k + l + x21 +x22

= 0 = 0

A2k_ I , A2k Dk E6 E7 E8 ,

k>l k_>l k_>4

k-i 2 2 x 0 + XlX 0 + x 2 = 0 x40+x31 +x22 3 3 2 X0Xl+Xl+X 2 5 3 Xo+Xl+X 2 2 = 0 = 0 = 0

The equations of corresponding projecting quasicones are well known two-dimensional singularities, which are called the platonic singularities, D__U_U Val singularities,

Klein singularities, ADE singularities, double rational singularities, simple singularities, O-modal singularities. Note that any curve which is affine isomorphic to a curve of type Dk or E


is projectively


to this curve. m < 0 are isomorphic to yl .

It is clear that all such curves with When m= 0

each weighted plane curve is projectively

isomorphic to one of the

following curves: d Equation 3 3 3 x 0+x l+x 2 +ax0xlx 2 = 0 , 4 4 2 2 2 x0+x l+x 2+axOx I x~+ 3 2 22 xl+x 2+axlx 2 = 0 , Name

(qo,ql,q 2)

(1,1,1) (1,1,2) (1,2,3)

3 4 6

a3+27 a 2 -4#0

# 0

36 37 38

or or or

P8 X9 Jl0

= 0 , 4a 3 + 27 # 0

It can be shown (V. I. Arnold) number of collections curve Vd(q0,ql,q2) . For m= 1 (q0,ql,q2;d)

that for any fixed

there is only a finite

for which there is a smooth weighted plane

there are exactly 31 collections. quasihomogeneous singularity

The corresponding embeddable

affine quasiThere is

cones have a canonical

in ~ 3 .

a natural correspondence

between the 31 collections

and the 31 possible signatures for which the alge-

of the Fuchsian groups of the first kind with compact quotient bra of automorphic Of course, plane curve. forms is generated by three elements

([8,25]). to any weighted

a general smooth projective

curve is not isomorphic



There are no classification examples.

results in this case, there are only

some interesting Let

f(x0,xl,x 2) = 0

be an equation of a smooth weighted plane curve


Then the equation f(x0,xl,x 2) + x ~ = 0 defines a quasismooth For curves with hypersurface m = 0 Vd(qO,ql,q2,1) . [15] of de-

we obtain in this way dell Pezzo surfaces (M. Reid). we obtain simply-connected Resolving projective

gree 3, 2 and 1 respectively For curves with the dualizing sheaf m = 1 ~X ~ 0X"

surfaces with

its singularities

(which are double raOne example of

tional points) we get minimal models of nonsingular such a surface is the following Klein surface: V42(6,14,21,I) : x7+ x3+


2 42 x2 + x3 = 0

This surface has 3 singular points (i,-I,0,0) (0,-I,i,0) (-i,0,i,0) of type of type of type A1 A6 A2 .


For any such surface the complement affine surface with an equation f(x0,xl,x 2) + i = 0 which is diffeomorphic ([18]).

to the curve

x3 = 0

is isomorphic

to the

to the Milnor space


for the singularity

f(x0,xl,x 2) = 0 in the sin-

This fact can be used for the explanation of some observations surfaces (see [21]).

gularity theory by means of the theory of algebraic




Let m

X ~r-i

be a finite Galois covering with a cyclic wc~r-i of degree = i.

automorphism d. Then Let X

group of order

branched along a smooth surface be the equation of W.

f(x0,...,Xr_ I) = 0 is isomorphic

Assume that


to a weighted quasismooth


Vd(Q) : f(x0 ..... Xr-l) + xmr = 0 where Q = {i ..... l,d/m}. It is easy to see that such varieties are simply-connected k = ~) (cf. [22]). Moreover, Px(t) if X is smooth. re 3 (i.e. = ~ if From 3.2.4 we obtain that all such ~ig(x) r e4 . = 0 or ~I(X) = 0 if


The Poincare


has the form (3.4.4) : t) r

Px(t) = (i- td)/(l- t)r(l- t d/m) = (i+ t d / m + " ' ' + t d ( m - l ) / m ) / ( l In particular, pg(X) = the coefficient at td_r_d/m = m-i s$0 I d(m-l-S)m r-i For example m = 2, m = 2, r = 2 r = 3, (hyperelliptic d = 6 curve) pg = d/2 - i pg


i . geometry to conspaces.

It is very useful for the construction sider also weighted multiple planes, For example,


in algebraic

cyclic coverings of weighted projective

the Klein surface from 3.5.3 is such a multiple plane.

4. 4.1.

The Hodge structure on the cohomology of weighted hypersurfaces. ~i X" be a quasismooth weighted hypersurface, C X, f ~ S(Q) N its generator,

A resolution of Let X = VN(Q)


its affine quasithe coor-


I c S(Q)

the ideal of C X, m0

A = S(Q)/I C X,

dinate ring of Since X

the maximal (3.1.6)

ideal of the vertex of

C~ = C X - {0} .

is a V-variety

its cohomology has (in case k = C) a pure Hodge numbers are calculated by the formula

Hodge structure and the corresponding (see [23]) hP'q(x) = dimk(Hq(X,~) )



In this section we shall construct a suitable resolution for the sheaf

~X "


Define a i df : m S

k-linear map ~+i iz0

setting for homogeneous elements of the S-module df(w) = fdw + (-l)i+l[~ 1 wAdf , where [w[ denotes for brevity the degree of w.

i ~S

(2. i. i)

n emNa.

(ii) (iii)
(iv) (v)

df(wAw') = df(w) Aw' + (-i) iwAdf (w') , df(df(w)) = 0


i WE ~S'

w' 4 ;

Vwe ~i


d(df(w)) = (i + df(dw) =


Ywe ~S ;

" dfAdw,

Yw m S ;

df((~S)n) c (~i+l" S )n+N " --i i A i-I

This is directly verified. Let us show that df induces a linear map of S-modules
~S = Ker(~s---+eS

) (2.1.4).

Lemma (vi) (vii)

(continuation). df(&(w)) = -A(df(w)) , d f ( ~ ) c =i+l uS . It is clear that (vii) follows from (vi). Let us prove (vi). Recalling proi w ~S ;

perties of the map

(2.1.3), we obtain

A(df(w)) = 8(fdw+ (-i) i+l l~[ wAdf) = f&(dw) + (-i) i+l = -fd(A(w)) + f[w]w+ (-i) i+l [~[ A(w)Adf-[w]fw = -fd(A(w)) + (-I) i ] A ( ~ A(w)Adf = -df(A(w)) N


&(wAdf) =


Properties R[ 1

(ii) and (v) of the lemma make possible to introduce the follow-

ing complex

of graded S-modules:

Rki = ~((k-i)N) d k = (-l)kdf : R~l R~+ll Property of complexes A : R; Ri_l[-i ] . Property (vii) shows that (vi) implies that the homomorphisms k + ~S k-i A : ~S determine morphisms


is a subcomplex



such that

Ri = Ker(Ri + Ri_l[-l]) Ri-l[-l] = Im(Ri Ri_ I[-I]) . of graded S-modules: ie ~ .

Thus we have the exact sequence

of complexes + 0,

0 + -- R i R i -- Ri_l[-l]


The multiplication ~sk ~ (N) '



the inclusion

of graded


--k ' ~ ~ S (N) of complexes




the inclusion


R; ~ Ri_ 1 , Consider the corresponding


R i Ri_ 1 . quotient complexes

The exact


of complexes

from 4.1.2


the exact


of com-

plexes of graded S-modules:


0 + Ki + K_ i Ki_l[-l]

+ 0

4.1.4. sequence


(De Rham). of

Let A,

be a commutative

ring, Then

w c A r+l wAh = 0

be a regular iff N B ~ PAI(Ar+I)

of elements h = wAB.

h e ~(A r+l) , p ~ r .

such that

This is a reformulation a regular sequence.

of the theorem of acyclicity

of the Koszul




We shall use this lemma in the following situation: A CX, A r+l = ~s/f~s i i , w is the image of df in ~s/f~s. i i Since * CX is smooth, the jacobian ideal

is the coordinate


0f = ( ~ f .. S f ) c S(Q) ~T O' "'~T 0 is mO-primary and hence df determines a regular sequence.

It is clear that the differential multiplication by a constant) s Ks i i i = A(~s/f~s)

of the complex

with the exterior

K~ coincides (up to the l multiplication by df. Since

we may use the De Rham lemma and deduce

Corollary: H q(K~.) = 0 , q # r+ i , Vi ~ ZZ .



Proposition. Hq(K I) = 0, q->0, ieZZ


The above corollary and exact sequence 4.1.3 imply that Hq(Ki) = Hq-I(K;_I[-I]) = Hq-2(Ki_l ) , qNr .

Since for

q< 0


q >r

Hq(Ki) = 0

we obtain the assertion of the proposition.


Define a graded A-module

by the equality df --i+1 --i+l > m S (2N)/~ S (N)) .

--i Ker(~+~i+l. Ker(~(N)/~ gA = i J =

Then we deduce from 4.1.5 that the sequence of graded A-modules 0 + "~A ~(N)/~ is a resolution of ~i" X = Proj(A) , we obtain the resolution of the

+ ~+I(2N)/~+I(N)



+ 0

Taking associated sheaves on sheaf ~i: 0 + ~ ~7(N)/~

..... ~ ( ( r - l ) N ) / ~ ( ( r - i - l ) N )

0 .


We are almost at the goal.

with the sheaf X - Sing(X). Let Z

~x~i defined as in 2.2.4 by setting

It remains to show that the sheaf ~ coincides ~i . ~i ~X = J*( U ) , where U = i ~ i lZ = ~Z and

be an open set of nonsingular points of

such that

~i~ 80]p 0Z = ~ i 801~ 0Z .

We have the exact sequence of locally free sheaves

0~x/~l z d
where NX/]pIZ = 0z(-N)


80 V 0Z


0 ZI ~ .

is the normal sheaf of

This sequence determines exact sequences

0 +

i +

0z d_<


which can be extended to the right to obtain the resolution 0 ~iz ~i~ (N) 80~ 0Z ~2m-i+l(2N)@ 0 P 0Z -~ "'" " Since ~ + k ( ( l + k)N) @ 0]p 0Z -~ ~ +k((l + k ) N ) / ~ +k(kN) l Z we see that this resolution is the resolution of Hence i and we obtain that --i ~7 --A (4.1.6) restricted on Z .


A = ~X " Thus, we have constructed the resolution of 0 ~ix ~ i (N)/~ ..... ~i X

r ( ( r - i + l ) N ) / ~ ((r-l)N) 0 . ~i~


The Griffiths theorem.

This theorem generalizes for weighted hypersurfaces a result of [II] and allows i Hi to calculate the cohomology H (X,~ X) as certain quotient spaces of differential forms on with poles on X. th


Denote by



component of the resolution of


~iax f r o m 4 . 1 . 7 :

K p = ~i+P((p+I)N)/~+P(pN) Using the exact sequence 0 ~$+P(pN) ~ + P ( ( p + I ) N )

Kp ~ 0

and the theorem of Bott-Steenbrink (2.3.4) we obtain that Hq(X,K p) = H q ( ~ , K p) = 0 , q> 0, p >0 = { k, q=i-i 0, q#i-I

Hq(X,K 0) = Hq(~,K 0) = H q + l ( ~ , ~ ) Put L = K e r ( K 1 + K2 )


Then we have the exact sequence of sheaves 0 Hi K0 ~X L 0 which gives the exact cohomology sequence . . . . Hq-I(x,L) H q ( x , ~ ) The sequence 0 L K1
is an acyclic resolution Hq(X,L) K2 of L. Kr - i - 1 T h u s we h a v e = 0, q > r-i-2 r-i-2) =

Hq(X,K 0) Hq(X,L) . . . .

= Hq(F(X,K'))


) = r(X,Kr-i-1)/imr(X,K

r (~,~

((r-i)N) / r ( P , g ~ ( ( r - i - 1 ) N ) ) .

I m r ( ~ - , ~ -1 ((r-i-1)N)


Theorem (Weak Lefschetz theorem).

The homomorphism

H q(X,~ X)Hi Hq(X,K 0) ~ H q + l ( ~ , ~ ) is an isomorphism, if q > r-i-i and an epimorphism if q=r-i-i .


Proof. of

Follows .

from the exact



4.2.1 and the above calculation


Corollary. tures



k = ~ .

Then we have an isomorphism

of the Hodge


Hn(x,~) if n # r-i

= Hn+l(~,~)

and an epimorphism Hr-I(x,K ) Hr(~,~) . follows from the theorem. For n < r-i we use the

For Poincare

n er-i duality

this directly for V-varieties

(which are rational


varieties). (2.3.6) we see


the Hodge structure case,


is known and very simple Hr-I(x)

that, as in the classic

only cohomology

are interesting.


Put h~'r-i-l(x) = hi'r-i-l(x) - a

where j i, a 0, Then we obtain that . r # 2i . r = 2i

i,r-i-l. h0 (X) = dimkHr-i-2(X,L) Hence by calculations of 4.2.1 we obtain


(Grif f iths-St eenbrink). i,r-i-i r h0 (X) = d i m k ( r ( ~ , ~ ] p ( ( r - i ) N ) ) / F ( l ~ , ~ ( ( r - i - l ) N ) ) r-i ImF(~, ~ip ((r-i-l)N))) . +

4.3. 4.3. i.

Explicit Let


~f ~f Of = ( -~0 ..... ~--Tr ) be t h e j a c o b i a n affine quasicone ideal with respect Cx of a weighted to a generator f c S(Q) N of the i d e a l of the

quasismooth hypersurface X c ID(Q) . ~f By the Euler formula 2.1.2 each ~ . is a homogeneous element of S(Q) l degree N- qi" Hence t h e i d e a l Of i s homogeneous and t h e q u o t i e n t s p a c e S(Q)/0f has a natural gradation. Since ef is m0-primary this quotient



is finite d i m e n s i o n a l .





Assume that

char(k) = 0.


hi,r-i-l(x 0

= dimk(S(Q)/0f)(r_i)N_iQ I


We have a natural isomorphism of graded ~i/~(-N)Adf = (S(Q)/ef)(-IQ I)


Since (see the proof of theorem 2.3.2) F(~,~(a)) and the differential df = (~)a, Ya~ ~ corresponds to the operator


r+l (a)) + r(~, g ~ (a+N))

from 4.1.1, we can reformulate theorem 4.2.3 in the following form: 0"i'r-i-l(X) = dimk(~s/df~ n S (-N) + f~s(_N))(r_i)N --r ~--r-i

Thus it remains to construct an isomorphism of graded S-modules ~s/df~s -I(-N) + f~s (-N) ~ ~r+l" r ~ S/~s(-N)'Ad-i . By property (iii) of lemma 2.1.3, we obtain that the k-linear map d: ~S ~ + i is in fact an isomorphism of graded S-modules (here we use that By property (iii) of lemma 4.1.1, we set d(d?~-l(-N))
In fact, we have here an

char(k) = 0!).

c a~(-N)^df









that all forms dXilA'''AdX'l ^df ~ d(d?~-l(-N))) r But r-i s+l A~Xi d(df(A(dXil...dx i ))) = d(df(s~l(-l) x i dXilA... ^...^dx.l )) = r s s r ^ = d(rfdx. ^...^dx. + (-l)ra(z(-l)S+Ix. dx. A...Adx. A...Adx )^df) =
= C dx. ^...Adx.

1r ^df


11 where a,c Thus d


are some rational numbers which we are too lazy to write down explicitly. induces an isomorphism r+l r ~s/df~s -I(-N) ~ ~S /~s(-N) df .

We have

But, since

f E 8f

(the Euler formula),

f_r+l e ~ A d f ~S

and hence

d(f~s) c dfA~s .


Thus f~(-N) and we are through. c df~-l(-N)

4.3.3. function

The theorem above can be reformulated : 2g__>~l + 7z by

in the following form.

Define a

1 r (a) = ~ i__X0 ( a i + l ) q i Let {Ta}a J


a = (a0, "" .,ar) e 2 z r->0 +l S(Q) whose residues mod ef generate Then

be a set of monomials of S(Q)/0f

the basis of the space h0

, r - i - i (X)

(such monomials are called basic monomials).

= #{ac J: (a) = r-i}

4.4. 4.4.1.

Examples and supplements. Suppose f(T0,...,T r) S = is of the form "

f(T0'''''Tr) If of

TN r + g(T0 .... 'Tr-l)

S(q0 .... 'qr 1 ) ' then the set


(Tb)bcj , are basic nomomials for g(T 0 .... ,Tr~ I) considered as elements b br {T T : b E J' , 0 ~ b ~N-2} is the set of basic
r r




This implies that b +i hi,r-i-1.., r 0 ~x) = #{b J' : (b) + ~ = r - i}

= #{b J' : r - i l<(b) <ri} .

This formula was obtained in [Ii] in the homogeneous



More generally,


f(T 0 ..... T r) = g(T 0 .... ,Tr_ I) + T~ then

hi'r-i-l(x) 0
For example, tain i'r-l-i(x) h0 where if g

#{b e j' : r - i - i + N _<(b) < r - i - N

then X

is homogeneous

is a multiple space (3.5.4) and we ob-

= #{b 7zr :(r-i-2)N+m_<

Ibl _< (r-i-l)N-m ,

0_<b. _<N-2} 3

]b I = b 0 + --" + br_ I

(cf. III, 8.8).

This can be written in more explicit form

ho, r_i_l

Z c s

s= ( r - i - 2 ) N - m where cs is the coefficient at ts


(1 + . . .

+ tN~2) r


4.4.3. nomial


y c ~ (q0,...,qr_l) = ~ (Q') from 4.4.1. Then

be the hypersurface defined by the poly-


hi,r-i-2(y) = #{b~ J' : (b) = r-i-l} 0 Assume now that k = K. The exact sequence of Hodge structures

. . . . Hi(x) + Hi(X-y) + Hi-l(y)(-l) ~ Hi+I(x) + ... (dual to the compact cohomology sequence) determines the morphisms of the Hodge structures: i, : Hi-I(Y) (-i) Hi+I(x) which are obviously induced by the analogous morphisms H i ( ~ (Q'))(-I) Hi+2(~ (Q)) Applying the Weak Lefschetz theorem (4.2.2) we have that if i # 0, r - i. Thus for U = X-Y i, is an isomorphism

Hi(U) = 0, The Hodge structure on

i # 0,r-i . Hr-I(u) has the following form i # r,r-i

GrW(Hr-I(u)) = 0, 1

GrW(Hr-I(U))r = Hr-2(Y)(-I)0 Gr~_I(Hr-I(u)) = Hr-I(H)0 , where Hr-l(x)0 = Coker(Hr-3(y)(-l) + Hr-I(x)) Hr-2(Y)0 = Ker(Hr-2(y)(-l) ----+Hr(x)) For the Hodge numbers hP'q(u) if
= h0

we obtain (cf. [19]) p+q ~ r-l,r

hP'q(u) = 0, hi'r-i-l(u)

i'r-i-l(x) = #{b e J' : r-i-l< (b)< r - i }

h~,r-i(u) = . i-l,r-i-l~ h0 (Y) = #{b e J' :(b) = r-i-l} where we recall that r Tb J' = {b~ ~ e0 : are basic monomials for g(T0,...,Tr_l) }.

4.4.4. set tion UcX

The calculations of 4.4.3 presents an interest since the open affine subis isomorphic to the nonsingular affine variety in ~ r with the equa-

g ( x 0 .... ,Xr_ I) = i .

This variety plays an important part in the theory of critical points of analytic functions. The cohomology space Hr-I(u) is isomorphic to the space of

the vanishing cohomology of the isolated critical point function t = g(ZO,...,Zr_ I) ([18]). Its dimension

0 ~ Cr

of the analytic

(the Milnor number)

= dimcC[T 0 ..... Tr_l]/@g = #j' . It can be seen from above as follows: dimeHr-l(u) =

r-i r-2 i,r-i-l- i-l,r-i-lE h0 (X) + ~ h 0 (Y) = i=0 i=l

#{b~ J' : l ( b ) < r}

and so we have to show that for any basic monomial r-I deg(r b) < E ('N-qi) = rN - [Q'I i=0 Let ~k = #{b ~ J' : deg(T b) = k}
E ~k z Xg(Z) = k


l(b) < r

or, equivalently,

Then ([i]) r-i Xg(Z) = i=0 It is clear that g(Z) zN-qi_l zqi-I is of degree n = rN-21Q' I and hence for k>n ~k = 0.

This proves the assertion above. Note that the Hodge numbers of follows hi'r-i-l(u) hi'r-i(g) = E(r-i-I)N-IQ ] < k < (r-i)N-IQ 1 ~k Hr-I(u) can be expressed in terms of ~k as

= ~(r-i-l)N-JQJ is in the accord with the symmetry of Dk:

The symmetry of the Hodge numbers ~k = Hn-i



X = Vn(Q)

be a quasismooth



We know that

h0'2(X) = h2'0(X) = #{a e J: (a) = I} = HN_jQ j hl'l(x) = #{a~ J :l(a) = 2} = ~2N_jQ 1 B2(X) = 2h2,0(X) + NI'I(x) = 2HN_jQ j + ~2N_IQ I , where E~ k z k = It is clear that r n (z N-qi -l)/(z qi -i) i=0 In case ID (Q) = ~3 we

~N-I-'J~J = aN-'-'IWJ in notations of 3.4.4.


have E~k zk = ((zN-l-l)/(z-l))4 = (i+ z + ''' +zN-2) 4 REFERENCES



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