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Sri Sharada Institute Of Indian Management -Research

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Project Report on Managerial Business Communication (10 ! On Role of Communication in Branding of "irtel

,ub*itted To) -

,ub*itted By) -

Pro-. .u/esh Bhatia

,neha ,inha0&712
0PG$. 3'&4-3'&52

(e hereby de6lare that the -ollo#in+ pro"e6t report o- 7ole o- Co**uni6ation in Brandin+ o- Airtel is an authenti6 #or/ done by us. This is to de6lare that all #or/ indul+ed in the 6o*pletion o- this #or/ su6h as resear6h, analysis o- a6tivities o- an or+ani8ation is a pro-ound and honest #or/ o- ours.

Pla6e) Ne# $elhi

,neha ,inha 0PG$. 3'&4-3'&52

(e #ould li/e to e;press *y hearty +ratitude to *y -a6ulty +uide, Pro -or +ivin+ us the opportunity to prepare a pro"e6t report on <,trate+i6 Allian6es b=# .i6roso-t> No/ia? and -or his valuable +uidan6e and sin6ere 6ooperation, #hi6h helped us in 6o*pletin+ this pro"e6t.

,neha ,inha

PG$. Bat6h 03'&4-3'&52 ,7I ,II.

#a$le of contents

1%Compan& profile '%Origin of the Organi(ation )%Conclusion


COMPANY PROFILE B*"R#I +,#IR+PRIS+S has been at the -ore-ront o- te6hnolo+y and has revolutioni8ed tele6o**uni6ations #ith its #orld 6lass produ6ts and servi6es established in &@7A. Bharti has been a pioneerin+ -or6e #ith the tele6o* se6tor #ith *any -irsts and innovations to its 6redit. Bharti provided a ran+e o- tele6o* servi6es #hi6h in6ludes 6ellular, basi6 and internet re6ently, National and international and lon+ distan6e. Bharti also *anu-a6tures and e;ports telephones ter*inals and 6ordless phones. Apart -ro* bein+ the lar+est *anu-a6turer o- telephone instru*ents in India, it also the -irst 6o*pany to e;port its produ6ts to B,A. Bharti has *any "oint ventures #ith #orld-6lass leader li/e ,in+Tel 0,in+apore Tele6o*2 (arbur+, Pin6us, B,A, and Telia. ,#eden, Asia in-rastru6ture .auritius, International -inan6e B,A and Ne# Cor/ li-e international B,A. No doubt, that Bharti enterprise is the leadin+ brand o- tele6o**uni6ations representin+ India all over the #orld. Bharti airtel li*ited is leadin+ brand in India and have been in6luded in the 0brand8 list o- the top &'' *ost valuable +lobal brands o- 3'&3 by resear6h -ir* *ill#ard bro#n2 The su66ess othis brand is "usti-y by the brandin+. ,trate+ies adopted by its *ana+er. The sour6es o- the in-or*ation is online and print *edia and also *y 6o**uni6ation #ith the G. Airtel. Co**uni6ation ,trate+ies) In &@@5 Airtel 6a*pai+ns be+an #ith 0teaser hoardin+2 a6ross the 6ity bearin+ -ist the 6a*pany na*e #ithout e;planin+ #hat it #as. In the ne;t phase airtel #as realeted to 6ellular servi6es o- bharti and 0vans #ith airtel lo+os roa*ed the 6ity handin+ bro6hures2 about the 6a*pany and its servi6es to all 6onsu*er . About 5'''' dire6t 6allers #ere send out. (hen thr na*e #as #ell entren6hed in $elhilites *ind, airtel -o6used in 06o**uni6atin+ the utility o- 6ell phones and started #ith leadership 6a*pai+n 2 throu+h 6o**er6ial depi6tin+ business e;e6utives travellin+ in 6ars and usin+ laptops #ere also usin+ airtel *onbile. It also 0sponsored +ol- tourna*ent to 6o**uni6ate its positionin+. In 3''3 it si+ned *usi6 6o*poser A.7.7eh*an as brand a*bassador and started <live every *o*ent? 6a*pai+n to 6onne6t to the *asses and youths. In ne;t phases airtel 6reated so*e hi+hly a66tai*ed 6a*pai+ns.

Duality ti*e 6a*pai+n. .a+i6 dalo 6a*pai+n. ,ay hello 6a*pai+n. .a+i6 hai tau *u*linhai 6a*pai+n.

Eor these 6a*pai+ns airtel si+ned various 0brand a*bassadors2 li/e ,har/uh /han03''32, ,a6hin tendul/ar03''42, this asso6iated the leadership position o- airtel asthey #here the leader o- their -ields. Also sai--/areena03''A2, idya balan03''F2 #ere the hottest 6ouple o- those days . so they asso6iated airtel. Conne6t #ith youths. Throu+h these 6a*pai+ns airtel pro*oted it sel- as barand -or youths and re-le6ted itsel- as a brand providin+ pre*iu* servi6es. 9n @ *ay, 3''@ airtel si+ned a *a"or deal #ith .an6hester united. As a result o- the deal, airtlel +ets the ri+ht to broad6ast the *at6hes played by the tea* o- its 6usto*er. In 3'&' #hen airtel repositioned itsel- it laun6hed a ne# Tv6 o- the ne# si+nature tune 6o*posed by A.7.7eh*an, #hi6h 6o**uni6ated about the ne# identity o- the brand his #as initiation o- 0<the the*ati6 brad 6a*pai+ns?2 laun6hed by airted. In 3'&& airtel 0sponsored -or*ula, brand prd;2 ra6in+ rourna*ant in India to asso6iate its positionin+ a*on+ youth. In #ell a ne# 6a*pai+n 6o**er6ial #as laun6hed 0<hare / -riend 8aruri hota hai <2 in e;tension o- the*ati6 brand 6a*pai+n besides enternani+ one and all #ith its 6at6hy "in+le, the 6o**er6ial served to position airtel has a brand that stands -or -riendship and helps one to say in tou6h #ith all /inds o- -riends the 6a*pai+n is re+arded as one o- the *ost popular and su66ess-ul Indian 6a*pai+n o- 3'&&. The videas #ere 6ro#d interestin+ 0-riend types2 or ta+s 6reated by the 6onsu*ers on -a6ebo/. In -uture a66ordin+ to .r.,antosh 7adhi 6hie- 6reative a--i6er and 6o-ounders India #hi6h handles airtel 6o**er6ials,0<#hatever the brand does no# on the 6o**uni6ation -ront #ill be positioned under this broad u*brella o- har e/ -riend?2.

The Bharti tele ventures has developed the -ollo#in+ strate+ies to a6hieve its ob"e6tives. Eo6us on *a;i*i8in+ revenue and *ar+ins

Capture *a;i*i8in+ tele6o**uni6ations revenue potential #ith *ini*u* +eo+raphi6al 6overa+e Eo6us o- satis-yin+ and retainin+ 6usto*ers by ensurin+ hi+h level 6usto*er satis-a6tion E*phasis on hu*an resour6e develop*ent to a6hieve operational e--i6ien6ies. Bharti tele-ventures 6urrent business in6ludes .obile servi6e Ei;ed line National and international lon+ distan6e servi6e ,AT, Internet servi6e and net#or/ solutions Bharti tele-venture is IndiaGs leadin+ private se6tor provides o- tele6o**uni6ation servi6e based on its stron+ 6usto*er base 6onsistin+ F.3F *illion *obile. The 6o*pany providin+ servi6es to its 6usto*ers by see/in+ out the best te6hnolo+ies in the #orld.

Board of -irectors of "ir#el Compan&

BO"R- O. -IR+C#ORS MR% S/,I0 B*"R#I MI##"0 MR% R"1+S* B*"R#I MI##"0 MR% R"2", B*"R#I MI##"0 MR% "1*I0 3/P#" MR% 0/,3 C*I+, PI,3 MR% 0IM #OO, MS% C*/" SOC1 1OO,3 MR% -"0IP P"#*"1 MR% B"S*IR "B-/00" C/RRIM2++ MR% -O,"0- C"M+RO, MR% ,% 1/M"R MR% P/0"1 PR"S"MR% P"/0 O4S/00I5", PRO.% 5%S R"2/ MR% 1/R# *+00S#ROM

Compan& organi(ational Structure

"ir#el Corporate Structure

ORI3I, O. #*+ OR3",IS"#IO, AirTel 6o*es -ro* Bharti enterprises :td, a part o- the bi++est private inte+rated tele6o* 6on+lo*erate Bharti enterprises. AirTel #as established due to the de*and 6reated in the *obile industry. AirTel #el6o*es 6onsu*er to vibrant #orld o- unli*ited opportunities not "ust throu+h #ords but ideas, e*otions and -eelin+s. To +ive 6onsu*ers to unli*ited -reedo* to rea6h out in spe6ial #ay. AirTel provides a ran+e o- servi6es, #hi6h in6ludes postpaid and prepaid. It is a leadin+ 6ellular servi6e provide #ith a -ootprint o- servi6es in &5 states 6overin+ all 1 *etros. It has 1.5 *illion satis-ied 6usto*ers. "IR#+0 "S " BR",Eor a brand to be su66ess-ul, it *ust build endurin+ relationship #ith di--erent audien6es. Inte+ral to this relationship is the visual i*a+e o- the brand the 6onsu*er 6arries in his=her *ind. The AirTel brand i*a+e is 6reated throu+h 6onsistent appli6ation o- a 6are-ully developed visual identity, #hi6h helps AirTel distin+uish it sel- in a 6luttered *ar/et. AirTel visual identity helps to 6reate instant brand re6all and stren+thens the relationship that it audien6e have #ith it. The AirTel visual identity has di--erent ele*ents that #or/ to+ether to 6reate a stron+ and 6onsistent -or the brand.

#he most important of these are "s .ollo6s7 #he "ir#el logo7 The AirTel lo+o is a stron+ 6onte*porary and 6on-ident sy*bol -or a brand that is al#ays ahead o- the rest. It is a spe6ially dra#n #ord *ar/. #he "ir#el Image st&le7 It 6orporate t#o solid, red re6tan+ular -or*s #hose 6ounter -or* 6reates an open door #ay. #he "ir#el t&pographical st&le7 The title letterin+ #ith its 6apital <A? is deliberately 6hosen to rein-or6e the brandGs leadership position. The red dot on the letter -or* <I? 6ues AirTelGs -o6us on innovation. The #ords <+8press 9ourself? are very *u6h part o- the Brand identity. #he "ir#el color palette7 The letterin+ is +ray so the pure bla6/ o- the AirTel is visually unhar*ed.

5ISIO, O. #*+ OR3",I:"#IO, <To *a/e *obile 6o**uni6ations a #ay o- li-e to be the 6usto*ers -irst 6hoi6e?.

MISSIO, O. #*+ OR3",I:"#IO, The 6o*pany #ill *eets the *obile 6o**uni6ation needs o- their 6usto*er throu+h Brand identity Error -ree servi6e delivery Cost e--i6ien6y Bni-ied *essa+in+ solutions Innovative produ6ts and servi6es 5"0/+ O. #*+ OR3",I:"#IO,S Inno;enturing To +enerate and i*ple*ent enterprunial and innovate ideas #hi6h 6ontinuously 6reates ne# +ro#th en+ines. Customers first To provide delivery servi6e beyond the e;pe6tations o- the 6usto*er. The Huality othe 6usto*er responsiveness 6learly di--erentiates the* -ro* others. Performance culture The ben6h*ar/ their pro6ess and per-or*an6es a+ainst #orld 6lass standards. To distin+uish bet#een per-or*ers by valuin+ a6hieve*ents at the individual as #ell as tea* level.

5aluing partnership Get 6o**itted to buildin+ e;e*plary relationship #ith partners #ho stand on the prin6iples o- *utual +ro#th and trust.

5aluing people To *ature as environ*ent #here people are respe6ted and their uniHueness is valued. They believe that people are their /ey di--erentiator. Responsi$le Corporate Citi(enship To +et 6o**itted -or *a/in+ a positive and pro-a6tive 6ontribution to the 6o**unity. They #ill 6ontribute to and abide by environ*ental and le+al nor*s. +thical Practices They #ill uphold the hi+hest ethi6al standard in all internal and e;ternal relationship.

3RO<#* ",- S#"#/S O. #*+ OR"3",I:"#IO,

AirTel has an a++re+ate o- 1.5 *illion 6usto*ers durin+ the period o- 3''4-3''1. The *ar/et share o- the 6o*pany is 3A I. In June 3''4 the 6o*pany *ade +ross invest*ent oover &',A5' 6rore 0B,K 3.4 billion2 in buildin+ tele6o* in India durin+ the year ended June 4' 3''4 *obile servi6es represented appro;i*ately A4I o- their total revenue. A66ordin+ to the survey 6ondu6ted by e6ono*i6 ti*es <.ost Trusted Brands? 3''4. AirTel stands in the third position a*on+ all the tele6o*. ConseHuently -or 1 years &@@7 to 3''', AirTel has been noted as the best Cellular servi6e in the 6ountry and #on the Te6hies a#ard. The Asia pa6i-i6 a#ard -or the *ost innovative hu*an resour6es pra6ti6es in 3'''. The Golden Pea6o6/ National Trainin+ A#ard -or e;6ellen6e in trainin+ pra6ti6es in 3'''. The Golden Pea6o6/ National Duality A#ard in 3''&.


It is 6on6luded that the over all -ield o- AirTel is appre6iable, in the prevailin+ 6ut threat 6o*petition a*on+ the po#er-ul tele6o* industry it appeared that AirTel has not only entered play but to #in and indeed it has one. I- AirTel 6ontinues its brand identi-y, a#areness, i*a+e and servi6e as it is doin+ no# it #ould not be e;a++eratin+ AirTel *ay -or6e other brands vanish -ro* the *ar/et. It appears that the brand AirTel has no doubt *ade these *obile handsets available in the hands o- people o- all #al/s, but #ith an eye on *onetary +ain. It is a privile+e to -lash or o#n a brand AirTel *obile 6onne6tions, it has be6o*e an identity o- pride and -ashion. The +ro#th o- AirTel #as +raphi6ally as6endin+ but steadily spreadin+ its #in+s all over the *ar/et #ith uni-or*ity. The AirTel brand enables 6usto*er to identi-y so #ell that he is te*pted to levy it a+ain. There by settin+ hi* to be a*on+ the upper and privile+e 6lass. Brand a#areness o- the AirTel *obile 6onne6tion it as su6h providin+ ideas, -eelin+s to a 6o**on *an to en"oy the servi6e. AirTel 6onne6tion is boo* brid+in+ the lon+ distan6e eli*inatin+ the -eelin+ o- separation. AirTel o- Bharti Enterprises is en"oyin+ a virtual *onopoly as it has *ade a very +ood pla6e -or itsel- in the 6o*petitive *ar/et.

="ir#el has s6ept the mar>et in a true sense?

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