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Date: SepLember 23, 2013
1o: MxCC College CommunlLy
Irom: uavld W. Sykes, uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon
Sub[ect: !eanne Clery ulsclosure of Campus SecurlLy ollcy and Campus Crlme SLaLlsLlcs AcL

1he !eanne Clery ulsclosure of Campus SecurlLy ollcy and Campus Crlme SLaLlsLlcs AcL (20 uSC 1092(f)) ls
Lhe landmark federal law, orlglnally known as Lhe Campus SecurlLy AcL. 1hls law requlres LhaL all colleges
recelvlng federal funds (ln our case flnanclal ald fundlng) Lo reporL crlme sLaLlsLlcs. Lach year we have flled Lhe
requlred reporLs of crlme Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, however Lhe law requlres more Lhan
[usL Lhe reporLlng of sLaLlsLlcs. A ma[orlLy of Lhe lnsLlLuLlons LhaL are sub[ecL Lo Lhls law were only saLlsfylng
Lhe sLaLlsLlcal reporLlng porLlon of Lhe law. 1he u. S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, moLlvaLed by Congress has
underLaken an efforL Lo enforce all of Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe law and has now become very aggresslve ln
audlLlng lnsLlLuLlons for compllance.

Cn AugusL 14, 2008 Lhe unlLed SLaLes resldenL slgned lnLo law ubllcaLlon Law 110-313, Plgher LducaLlon
CpporLunlLy AcL. 1hls law conLalns many provlslons LhaL have a dlrecL affecL on sLudenLs. A summary of Lhe
PLCA ls avallable aL

As a resulL of Lhe lncreased focus on Lhe Clery AcL, all of Lhe ConnecLlcuL CommunlLy Colleges conLlnue Lo
come lnLo full compllance wlLh Lhe law. 1he aLLached documenL represenLs lnformaLlon and dlsclosure of
pollcy, process and procedures ln place aL Mlddlesex as requlred by Lhe Clery AcL. 1he law requlres LhaL Lhls
lnformaLlon be made known Lo all sLaff, faculLy and sLudenLs, as well as anyone else requesLlng lL. 1o LhaL end,
a copy of Lhls documenL ls aLLached for your lnformaLlon. A copy has also been placed on Lhe /urlve ln Lhe
ollcles folder and on our webslLe.

Iacu|ty members are asked to announce to the|r c|asses that th|s |nformat|on |s ava||ab|e and where |t can
be obta|ned.

Any quesLlon, concerns or commenLs should be dlrecLed Lo me. 1hank you for asslsLlng Lhe College ln geLLlng
Lhls lnformaLlon ouL Lo our sLudenLs.


Crlme Awareness and Campus SecurlLy AcL
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A. ollcy for 8eporLlng Crlmes and CLher Lmergencles
lL ls Lhe pollcy of Mlddlesex CommunlLy College LhaL all lncldenLs of crlmlnal acLlon or oLher emergencles
occurrlng on campus be reporLed Lo one of Lhe followlng offlces:
1he Cfflce of Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon 860. 343.3704,
1he Cfflce of Lhe ulrecLor of Puman 8esources 860.343.3731,
1he Cfflce of Lhe uean of Academlcs 860.343.3706,
1he Cfflce of Lhe uean of SLudenLs 860.343.3739,
1he Cfflce of Lhe resldenL 860.343.3701,
MlddleLown Campus SecurlLy
! Lower arklng Cuard PuL 860.343.6904
! upper arklng LoL Cuard PuL 860.343.6733
! SecurlLy Cell hone 860.463.3062
lck up any 8ed Lmergency hone
ulrecLor of Lhe Merlden CenLer (Merlden CenLer only) 203.238.6208
Merlden CenLer Campus SecurlLy 203.238.6203.

1he College wlll assess Lhe serlousness of all reporLed lncldenLs and Lake approprlaLe acLlon Lo proLecL Lhe
person and properLy of sLudenLs, employees and guesLs. ln Lhe case of allegaLlons of serlous crlmlnal acLs, Lhe
College wlll seek Lhe asslsLance of pollce auLhorlLles. Serlous crlmlnal acLs lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo
murder, rape or oLher sexual offenses, robbery, aggravaLed assaulL, arson, burglary, moLor vehlcle LhefL and
haLe crlmes.

8. 1lmely Warnlngs ollcy
ln Lhe evenL LhaL a slLuaLlon arlses, elLher on or off campus, LhaL ls [udged by Lhe uean of llnance and
AdmlnlsLraLlon Lo consLlLuLe an ongolng or conLlnulng LhreaL, a campus wlde "Llmely warnlng" wlll be lssued.
1hls warnlng wlll be lssued Lhrough any one or comblnaLlon of Lhe followlng: an emergency broadcasL whlch
can be heard Lhrough each College phone, a LexL message alerL for Lhose who have reglsLered Lhrough
myCommneL, soclal medla lncludlng lacebook and 1wlLLer, a webslLe posLlng, Lelevlslon announcemenLs,
radlo announcemenLs, an announcemenL made on Lhe College's maln phone llne, 860.343.3800 (8e sure Lo
choose opLlon 1 for >="&&' 9'&,)*+,.), an e-mall wlll be senL Lo employees and sLudenLs, a volce mall wlll be
senL Lo employees and slgns may be posLed on bulleLln boards Anyone wlLh lnformaLlon warranLlng a Llmely
warnlng should reporL Lhe clrcumsLances Lo Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon by calllng 860.343.3704 or
ln person aL lounders Pall room 106.

C. Campus Access ollcy
Mlddlesex CommunlLy College ls commlLLed Lo free access Lo campus faclllLles by sLudenLs and sLaff conslsLenL
wlLh personal safeLy and preservaLlon of personal properLy.

lease noLe LhaL no one should be ln Lhe bulldlngs durlng hours Lhe College ls normally closed unless
speclflcally auLhorlzed Lo do so by Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon. lallure Lo requesL access off-hours
prlor Lo Lhe requesLed Llme of access may resulL ln delay of access or denlal of access.

normal College operaLlng hours of Lhe Maln Campus ln MlddleLown are:
Monday - 1hursday 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.*
lrlday 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
SaLurday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Sunday Campus closed

*noLe: lounders Pall closes aL 6:00 p.m. Monday - 1hursday excepL for any reglsLraLlon days, Lhe sLarL of Lhe
lall and Sprlng semesLers and oLher clrcumsLances LhaL may warranL a laLe closlng.
normal College operaLlng hours of Lhe Merlden CenLer are:
Monday - 1hursday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
lrlday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
SaLurday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed

lL ls posslble LhaL Lhe campus or speclflc bulldlngs may be closed aL oLher Llmes due Lo emergency slLuaLlons.
uurlng Lhose closures faculLy and sLaff should noL expecL access Lo Lhe campus or affecLed bulldlngs.
AL Llmes oLher Lhan normal hours of operaLlon, access Lo all College faclllLles ls by admlLLance by Lhe securlLy
offlcer upon belng presenLed a valld sLaff ldenLlflcaLlon card and approval from Lhe uean of llnance and
AdmlnlsLraLlon or hls deslgnee. Lmployees deslrlng access Lo bulldlngs aL Llmes oLher Lhan normal hours of
operaLlon are requesLed Lo noLlfy Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon prlor Lo Lhelr planned vlslL. Also any
sLaff member wlLh an lssued key musL check ln wlLh Lhe securlLy offlcer prlor Lo enLerlng Lhe bulldlng and upon
deparLure from Lhe campus. SLaff members are encouraged noL Lo be ln Lhe bulldlngs alone durlng non-
buslness hours.

u. Campus SecurlLy AuLhorlLy
1he College campus securlLy boLh aL Lhe MlddleLown campus and aL Lhe Merlden CenLer ls provlded by Sun
SecurlLy, lnc. 1he College's securlLy sLaff does noL have arresL auLhorlLy. All lncldenLs of a crlmlnal naLure wlll
be lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe College admlnlsLraLlon and, ln approprlaLe cases, reporLed Lo local or sLaLe pollce
auLhorlLles for dlsposlLlon.

L. Campus SecurlLy ollcles and rompL 8eporLlng
1he College campus securlLy procedures and pracLlces can be found ln Lhe Lmployee ollcles and rocedures
Manual for sLaff and faculLy, and ln each classroom and workspace ln Lhe form of Lhe College Lmergency Culde
permanenLly afflxed Lo Lhe wall. SLudenLs and employees are encouraged Lo reporL slLuaLlons and condlLlons
whlch may compromlse securlLy and Lo be consclous of Lhe need for muLual vlgllance. Annual campus crlme
reporLs are on flle ln Lhe offlce of Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon. Campus SecurlLy ollcles lnclude:

In case of a med|ca|, f|re or po||ce emergency, ca|| 911.
Dur|ng the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Ir|day: lf you have called 911, you musL
reporL LhaL call Lo Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon aL 860.343.3704 (or dlal x3704 from any College
phone) even lf Lhe call was made ln error. lf you do noL reach Lhe uean dlrecLly, call Lhe maln number,

860.343.3800, dlal 0 for a sLaff member, reporL Lhe slLuaLlon and ask Lo speak Lo a member of
admlnlsLraLlon lmmedlaLely.

Any other t|me: lf you have called 911, you musL reporL LhaL call Lo campus securlLy aL 860.463.3062,
even lf Lhe call was made ln error.

1he red emergency phones locaLed ln Snow, WheaLon and Chapman Palls wlll connecL Lo a sLaff member
or securlLy guard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1he red emergency phone can also be used for
emergency slLuaLlons so LhaL Lhe reclplenL can call 911. Slmply plck up Lhe phone and lL wlll rlng.
When calllng, provlde:
your name,
your locaLlon and Lelephone number,
Lhe naLure of Lhe emergency, and
Lhe locaLlon of emergency.
SLay on Lhe llne unLll Lhe person answerlng Lhe phone ends Lhe communlcaLlon.

An lncldenL 8eporL musL be compleLed and submlLLed Lo Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon. 1he
lncldenL 8eporL can be found on Lhe /urlve ln Lhe ollcles folder, on our webslLe ln Lhe lorms uepoL by
requesLlng a form from Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon.


College closlngs, delayed openlngs or early release wlll be conveyed Lo Lhe College CommunlLy vla local
Lelevlslon sLaLlons, radlo sLaLlons, a webslLe posLlng, a LexL message for Lhose who have reglsLered Lhrough
Lhe myCommneL AlerL SysLem, lacebook, 1wlLLer and an announcemenL on Lhe College's maln phone llne,
860.343.3800. (When calllng Lhe maln phone number, be sure Lo choose opLlon 1 for >="&&' 9'&,)*+,.) ln
Lhe case of an early release, an e-mall and a volce mall message wlll be senL Lo MxCC employees. An e-mall
wlll also be senL Lo MxCC sLudenLs.


lf you deLecL a chemlcal splll, smell fumes or gas, or see vapor lmmedlaLely do Lhe followlng:
LvacuaLe affecLed area.
Close Lhe door Lo Lhe affecLed area.
osL a slgn warnlng of Lhe danger on Lhe door.
Leave Lhe area lmmedlaLely.
8eporL Lhe slLuaLlon as descrlbed above ln Lhe Lab, 8eporLlng an Lmergency".
uo noL use any elecLrlcal devlces lncludlng cellular phones ln Lhe affecLed area.
uo noL elLher Lurn on or Lurn off llghL swlLches.



Call 911.
rovlde comforL and asslsLance LhaL ls conslsLenL wlLh your knowledge and Lralnlng. uo noL move Lhe
person unless lL ls necessary for hls/her safeLy.
AfLer calllng 911:
! lf Lhe emergency ls aL Lhe ma|n campus |n M|dd|etown, dlal x7777 for Lhe Lmergency
8esponse 1eam PoLllne.
! lf Lhe emergency ls aL Lhe Mer|den Center, dlal x3333 for Lhe Lmergency 8esponse 1eam
! lf Lhe emergency ls aL Lhe MI |ab ln Merlden, call for asslsLance from Lhe Lmergency
8esponse 1eam llsL whlch ls posLed ln several areas.

L81 members can asslsL wlLh llrsL Ald, C8 and use of Lhe ALu unLll 911 responders arrlve.
SLay wlLh Lhe person unLll help has arrlved.
8eporL Lhe slLuaLlon as descrlbed above ln 8eporLlng an Lmergency".

ALD Locat|ons
!"#$ &"'()* #$ !#++,-./0$
1. WheaLon Pall - llrsL floor, Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe enLry-way double doors.
2. Chapman Pall - Maln level, ln Lhe roLunda near Lhe enLry-way Lo Lhe llbrary.
!-1#+-$ &-$.-1 - llrsL floor, admlnlsLraLlve area, near Lhe door Lo Lhe compuLer lab.
2!3 4"5 - 8y Lhe corrldor near Lhe fronL enLrance.

When a flre alarm sounds or you are dlrecLed Lo evacuaLe, you should lmmedlaLely leave Lhe bulldlng. lf
you dlscover elLher smoke or flre Lhe followlng sLeps should be followed:

o kLSCUL: LvacuaLe Lhose who are dlrecLly affecLed by smoke and heaL. lndlvlduals wlLh
dlsablllLles should be asslsLed Lo safe zones or ouL of Lhe bulldlng lf posslble.

o ALAkM: lnlLlaLe Lhe alarm by pulllng Lhe nearesL flre alarm. lf calllng ln Lhe emergency be sure
Lo follow Lhe phone sequence as noLed above ln Lhe Lab, 8eporLlng an Lmergency".

o CCNIINL: revenL Lhe spread of flre by closlng wlndows and doors. uo noL prop open flre
doors, Lhey are deslgned Lo close when an alarm ls acLlvaLed.

o Lk1INGUISn: Cnly aLLempL Lo exLlngulsh Lhe flre afLer all evacuaLlons and llfe safeLy measures
are meL. uo noL rlsk your llfe or Lhe llves of oLhers ln an aLLempL Lo exLlngulsh a flre.

8emember Lhe acronym kACL" - kLSCUL, ALAkM, CCNIINL, Lk1INGUISn
CLher polnLs Lo remember ln a flre emergency:
lf Lhere ls smoke ln Lhe room or ln Lhe hallway sLay low Lo Lhe floor.

lf Lhe door knob or door feels hoL, do noL open lL.
lf Lhe door feels okay, open lL slowly Lo check for smoke or flames ln Lhe hallway.
lf you are Lrapped ln a room, open Lhe wlndows for alr and hang someLhlng ouL Lhe wlndow Lo aLLracL

LffecLlve handllng of LhreaLenlng or vlolenL lndlvlduals requlres you Lo use good [udgmenL and common
sense. As each slLuaLlon can be dlfferenL you musL assess Lhe clrcumsLances and gear your acLlons
accordlngly. Above all geL help by calllng 911. lor speclflc slLuaLlons, Lhe followlng may be helpful:

When confronted w|th an angry or host||e |nd|v|dua|:
o SLay calm.
o LlsLen aLLenLlvely and malnLaln eye conLacL.
o 8e courLeous and paLlenL, buL Lry Lo keep Lhe slLuaLlon under conLrol by expresslng a
wllllngness Lo slL and calmly dlscuss Lhe maLLer wlLh Lhe lndlvldual.
When confronted w|th a person shout|ng, swear|ng, threaten|ng v|o|ence, or engag|ng |n b|zarre or
dangerous behav|or:
o SLay calm.
o 8e courLeous, and paLlenL, buL malnLaln your dlsLance from Lhe lndlvldual.
o Slgnal Lo someone else LhaL 911 should be called. uo noL call for help yourself lf Lhe lndlvldual
ls dlrecLly confronLlng you.
o Pave LhaL person call 911 or plck up Lhe red emergency phone Lo requesL asslsLance.

When confronted by someone w|th a gun, kn|fe or other weapon:
o SLay calm (Lo Lhe besL of your ablllLy).
o never Lry Lo grab Lhe weapon.
o Slgnal Lo someone else LhaL 911 should be called. uo noL call for help yourself lf Lhe lndlvldual
ls dlrecLly confronLlng you.
o Pave LhaL person call 911 or plck up Lhe red emergency phone Lo requesL asslsLance.
o 8e courLeous and paLlenL. keep Lalklng, buL follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons from Lhe person who has
Lhe weapon. SLall for Llme, buL do noL rlsk harm Lo yourself or oLhers.
o WaLch for a safe chance Lo escape Lo a safe area. 1ake dlrecLlon from Lhe pollce or oLher
securlLy personnel once Lhey arrlve on Lhe scene.

8eporL Lhe slLuaLlon as descrlbed above ln 8eporLlng an Lmergency".

An emoLlonal emergency ls one ln whlch you feel Lhe person may be ln danger of hurLlng hlm or herself or
oLhers, or a slLuaLlon where Lhe person ls exLremely dlsorlenLaLed or confused. ?ou may suspecL any one
of Lhe followlng:
osslblllLy of drug overdose.
osslblllLy of a sulclde aLLempL.
Severe emoLlonal dlsorder, e.g. wlLhdrawal, vlolenL ouLbursL, or exLreme dlsorlenLaLlon.
Susplclon of belng under Lhe lnfluence of alcohol or drugs.

lf Lhe behavlor ls of sufflclenL concern or ls dlsrupLlve call 911. SLay wlLh Lhe person unLll help has arrlved.
8eporL Lhe slLuaLlon as descrlbed above ln 8eporLlng an Lmergency".
ln Lhe evenL of a power ouLage ln your area:
ConLacL Lhe MalnLenance ueparLmenL aL exLenslon 3864 or Lhe uean of llnance and
AdmlnlsLraLlon aL exLenslon 3704.
Allow MalnLenance 13 mlnuLes Lo deLermlne lf Lhe problem ls campus wlde or local. ?ou wlll
be noLlfled of whaL acLlons Lo Lake.

?ou wlll be advlsed by Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon lf Lhe campus ls Lo be closed. lf so, all faculLy
and sLaff - excepL Lhose lnvolved ln respondlng Lo Lhe emergency - should leave campus.

9. 8CM8 1nkLA1S

lf you recelve a bomb LhreaL, follow Lhese guldellnes:
WrlLe ouL Lhe compleLe message ln lLs enLlreLy, every word can be lmporLanL.

CeL Lhe daLe, Llme and Lhe place of where Lhe bomb wlll deLonaLe and any oLher speclflcs Lhe caller
may glve.

1ake noLe of Lhe caller's volce, male/female, accenL, Lone, manner, background nolses, eLc.

lmmedlaLely reporL Lhe LhreaL Lo Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon aL exLenslon 3704.

lf you come lnLo conLacL wlLh a susplclous ob[ecL or poLenLlal bomb on campus, do noL handle. Clear Lhe
area lmmedlaLely and noLlfy Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon aL exLenslon 3704.
l. Crlme revenLlon rograms
1he College has no formal programs regardlng crlme prevenLlon. A common Lheme of crlme awareness
and prevenLlon ls Lo encourage sLudenLs and employees Lo be aware of Lhelr responslblllLy for Lhelr own
securlLy and Lhe securlLy of oLhers. SLudenLs are encouraged Lo be vlgllanL and Lo reporL acLlvlLles LhaL are
susplclous ln naLure.
Crlme sLaLlsLlcs, as reporLed Lo Lhe u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon on an annual basls can be found aL
hLLp://, for Lhe lasL Lhree years are as follows:

Cr|m|na| Cffenses - Cn campus

1oLal occurrences Cn campus
Crlmlnal offense 2010 2011 2012
a. Murder/non-negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
b. negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - lorclble 0 0 0
d. Sex offenses - non-forclble 0 0 0
e. 8obbery 0 0 0
f. AggravaLed assaulL 0 0 0
g. 8urglary 1 0 2
h. MoLor vehlcle LhefL 0 0 0
l. Arson 0 0 0

Cr|m|na| Cffenses - Noncampus

1oLal occurrences ln
or on noncampus bulldlngs or properLles
Crlmlnal offense 2010 2011 2012
a. Murder/non-negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
b. negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - lorclble 0 0 0
d. Sex offenses - non-lorclble 0 0 0
e. 8obbery 0 0 0
f. AggravaLed assaulL 0 0 0
g. 8urglary 0 0 0
h. MoLor vehlcle LhefL 0 0 0
l. Arson 0 0 0

Cr|m|na| Cffenses - ub||c roperty
1oLal occurrences on ubllc roperLy
Crlmlnal offense 2010 2011 2012
a. Murder/non-negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
b. negllgenL manslaughLer 0 0 0
c. Sex offenses - lorclble 0 0 0
d. Sex offenses - non-forclble 0 0 0
e. 8obbery 0 0 0

f. AggravaLed assaulL 0 0 0
g. 8urglary 0 0 0
h. MoLor vehlcle LhefL 0 0 0
l. Arson 0 0 0

1here have been no arresLs on campus for crlmes relaLed Lo llquor law vlolaLlons, drug abuse vlolaLlons or
weapons vlolaLlons for Lhe above clLed Llme perlods.

1hese annual reporLs are avallable for lnspecLlon ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon,
8oom 106 lounders Pall.

C. ollcy SLaLemenL Addresslng Counselors
Mlddlesex CommunlLy College does noL employ pasLoral or professlonal counselors Lo provlde LherapeuLlc

P. ollcy SLaLemenL Addresslng Crlmlnal AcLlvlLy Cff Campus
1here are no recognlzed off-campus sLudenL organlzaLlons, Lherefore Lhere ls no pollcy for monlLorlng crlmlnal
acLlvlLy aL off-campus organlzaLlons.

l. ollcy on urugs and Alcohol ln Lhe CommunlLy Colleges, 8oard of 1rusLees ollcy 4.13
urugs and Alcohol ln Lhe CommunlLy Colleges
1he 8oard of 1rusLees of CommunlLy - 1echnlcal Colleges, endorses Lhe sLaLemenL of Lhe neLwork of colleges
and unlverslLles commlLLed Lo Lhe ellmlnaLlon of drug and alcohol abuse, whlch ls based on Lhe followlng

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1he 8oard recognlzes LhaL educaLlon regardlng alcohol and subsLance abuse ls an approprlaLe and even
necessary parL of conLemporary college llfe. Slnce Lhe unauLhorlzed use of conLrolled subsLances, ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe poLenLlal harmful effecL lL may have on sLudenLs and employees, ls conLrary Lo sLaLe and federal law and
regulaLlon, lL musL be prohlblLed ln any college acLlvlLy, on or off Lhe college campus.

AlLhough Lhe condlLlons of alcohol and drug dependency may be consldered dlsablllLles or handlcaps under
sLaLe and federal law and regulaLlon and 8oard of 1rusLees' pollcy, employees and sLudenLs wlll noL be
dlscrlmlnaLed agalnsL because Lhey have Lhese dlsablllLles. All sLudenLs and employees are consldered Lo be
responslble for Lhelr acLlons and Lhelr conducL.

1hese provlslons shall apply Lo all colleges under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8oard:
1. no sLudenL or employee shall knowlngly possess, use, dlsLrlbuLe, LransmlL, sell or be under Lhe lnfluence of
any conLrolled subsLance on Lhe college campus or off Lhe college campus aL a college-sponsored acLlvlLy,

funcLlon or evenL. use or possesslon of a drug auLhorlzed by a medlcal prescrlpLlon from a reglsLered
physlclan shall noL be ln vlolaLlon of Lhls provlslon.
2. All colleges shall develop and enforce pollcles regardlng Lhe sale, dlsLrlbuLlon, possesslon or consumpLlon
of alcohollc beverages on campus, sub[ecL Lo sLaLe and federal law. ConslsLenL wlLh prevlous 8oard pollcy,
Lhe consumpLlon of alcohollc beverages on campus may be auLhorlzed by Lhe presldenL sub[ecL Lo Lhe
followlng condlLlons, as approprlaLe:
a. When a Lemporary permlL for Lhe sale of alcohollc beverages has been obLalned and dram shop
acL lnsurance has been purchased,
b. When a college permlL has been obLalned,
c. When sLudenLs brlng Lhelr own beverages, and
d. When alcohollc beverages are provlded by a sLudenL organlzaLlon and no fee ls charged for
aLLendance or for sald beverages.
3. All colleges shall provlde educaLlonal programs on Lhe abuse of alcohol and oLher drugs and a referral for
asslsLance for sLudenLs and employees who seek lL. Colleges are encouraged Lo esLabllsh campus-wlde
commlLLees Lo asslsL ln Lhe developmenL of Lhese programs ln response Lo parLlcular campus needs and
ldenLlflcaLlon of referral resources ln Lhelr respecLlve servlce plannlng reglons.
4. 1hls pollcy shall be publlshed ln all college caLalogs, faculLy and sLaff manuals and oLher approprlaLe
3. lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhls pollcy wlll resulL ln lnvocaLlon of Lhe approprlaLe dlsclpllnary procedure and
may resulL ln separaLlon for Lhe college and referral Lo Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLles for prosecuLlon.
(AdopLed november 20, 1989)

Mlddlesex CommunlLy College adheres Lo Lhe above clLed 8oard of 1rusLees' ollcy regardlng alcohol and
drugs. CurrenLly Lhere are no programs ln place Lo educaLe sLudenLs regardlng alcohol and drug abuse. 1here
ls llLeraLure avallable from SLudenL Servlces regardlng Lhese Loplcs. lndlvlduals seeklng asslsLance wlLh
subsLance abuse problems are provlded lnformaLlon as Lo where professlonal help ls avallable. AddlLlonally,
Lhe College has esLabllshed Lhe followlng procedure regardlng requesLs for Lhe servlce of alcohollc beverages
on campus:

Any requesL Lo serve alcohollc beverages musL be conslsLenL wlLh Lhe 8oard of 1rusLees for CommunlLy-
1echnlcal Colleges' ollcy 4.13.
1. 1he requesL musL be submlLLed ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon aL leasL four (4)
weeks ln advance of Lhe evenL.
2. lf Lhe sale of alcohol ls belng sollclLed, Lhe requesL musL demonsLraLe LhaL a Lemporary permlL for Lhe sale
of alcohollc beverages wlll be obLalned and dram shop acL lnsurance wlll be purchased.
3. A paragraph ln Lhe requesL musL descrlbe how alcohol wlll only be made avallable Lo legal age sLudenLs
and/or guesLs. 1hls lncludes sLudenL brlnglng Lhelr own alcohollc beverages, or beverages belng provlded
free when purchased by a sLudenL organlzaLlon or oLher group.
4. 1he requesL musL lnclude a plan for a vlslble educaLlon program dlsplay or presenLaLlon urglng responslble
drlnklng of alcohollc beverages durlng Lhe evenL.
3. Cnce Lhe dean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon has revlewed Lhe requesL for all necessary compllance, Lhe
requesL wlll be forwarded Lo Lhe resldenL for flnal declslon. llnal approval can only be granLed by Lhe

noLe: under no condlLlons wlll alcohollc beverages be purchased for consumpLlon wlLh monles from Lhe
Ceneral or CperaLlng funds of Lhe College.


Alcohollc beverages may noL be consumed on College premlses excepL by Lhose over 21 years of age aL
approved College soclal funcLlons. Such funcLlons are held ln compllance wlLh SLaLe law and Lhe 8oard of
1rusLees ollcy.

no sLudenL or employee shall knowlngly possess, use, dlsLrlbuLe, LransmlL, sell or be under Lhe lnfluence of any
conLrolled subsLance on Lhe College campus, Lhe Merlden CenLer or Lhe College campus aL a College sponsored
acLlvlLy, funcLlon or evenL. 1he College ls commlLLed Lo Lhe enforcemenL of lederal and SLaLe drug laws.

!. ollcy SLaLemenL Addresslng Sex Cffenses
1he College does noL currenLly offer any programs deslgned Lo educaLe Lhe sLudenL communlLy abouL sexual
assaulLs and daLe rape. 1he College does provlde llLeraLure LhaL ls avallable Lo sLudenLs regardlng measures
Lhey can Lake Lo guard agalnsL sexual assaulLs and daLe rape. 1hls llLeraLure ls avallable ln Lhe SLudenL AcLlvlLles
Cfflce, lounders Pall.

lf you are a vlcLlm of a sexual assaulL aL Lhls College, your flrsL prlorlLy should be Lo geL Lo a place of safeLy. ?ou
should Lhen obLaln necessary medlcal LreaLmenL. 1he College's securlLy auLhorlLles sLrongly advocaLe LhaL a
vlcLlm of sexual assaulL reporL Lhe lncldenL ln a Llmely manner. 1lme ls a crlLlcal facLor for evldence collecLlon
and preservaLlon. An assaulL should be reporLed dlrecLly Lo a College securlLy auLhorlLy. llllng a reporL wlLh Lhe
College securlLy auLhorlLy wlll noL sub[ecL Lhe reporLed vlcLlm Lo scruLlny or [udgmenLal oplnlons from College

llllng a reporL wlll enable Lhe College Lo refer a person who reporLs belng a vlcLlm of sexual assaulL:

- Lo approprlaLe medlcal LreaLmenL and LesLs lf requlred,
- Lo Lhose who may asslsL ln Lhe proper collecLlon of evldence helpful ln prosecuLlon, whlch cannoL be
obLalned laLer (ldeally a vlcLlm of sexual assaulL should noL wash, douche, use Lhe LolleL or change cloLhlng
prlor Lo a medlcal/legal exam), and
- Lo confldenLlal counsellng from counselors speclflcally Lralned ln Lhe area of sexual assaulL crlsls

When a person conLacLs a College securlLy auLhorlLy and reporLs Lhey have been Lhe vlcLlm of sexual assaulL,
Lhe ConnecLlcuL SLaLe ollce (WesLbrook 8arracks) and Lhe MlddleLown ollce ueparLmenL wlll be noLlfled.
AddlLlonally Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon wlll be noLlfled.

lf Lhe accused person ls anoLher sLudenL, Lhe reporLed vlcLlm of sexual assaulL may choose for Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon
Lo be pursued Lhrough Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem and Lhe College's sLudenL conducL sysLem or elLher one
A College securlLy auLhorlLy or Lhe uean of llnance and AdmlnlsLraLlon (lf Lhe reporLed vlcLlm ls a sLudenL) wlll
gulde Lhe reporLed vlcLlm Lhrough Lhe avallable opLlons and supporL Lhe reporLed vlcLlm ln hls or her declslons.
varlous counsellng opLlons and supporL servlces are avallable ln Lhe communlLy.

College sLudenL conducL proceedlngs, as well as Lhe Chancellor's guldellnes for cases lnvolvlng sexual
mlsconducL, are deLalled ln Lhe SLudenL Pandbook. 1he Pandbook provldes, ln parL, LhaL Lhe accused sLudenL
and Lhe reporLed vlcLlm wlll each be allowed Lo choose a person who has had no formal legal Lralnlng Lo
accompany Lhem LhroughouL Lhe hearlng. A sLudenL found Lo have vlolaLed a pollcy or rule regardlng sexual
mlsconducL may be suspended or expelled from Lhe College for Lhe flrsL offense ln addlLlon Lo belng crlmlnally
prosecuLed ln Lhe courLs. 1hose sLudenLs who reporL Lhey are a vlcLlm of sexual assaulL have Lhe opLlon Lo

requesL a change ln Lhelr academlc slLuaLlons afLer a reporLed sexual assaulL, lf such changes are reasonably

k. ollcy SLaLemenL Addresslng Sex Cffender 8eglsLraLlon
1he Campus Sex Crlmes revenLlon AcL of 2000 requlres lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon Lo lssue a sLaLemenL
advlslng Lhe campus communlLy where law enforcemenL lnformaLlon provlded by a SLaLe concernlng
reglsLered sex offenders may be obLalned. lL also requlres sex offenders who are already requlred Lo reglsLer ln
a SLaLe Lo provlde noLlce of each lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher educaLlon ln LhaL SLaLe aL whlch Lhe person ls employed
carrles on a vocaLlon or ls a sLudenL.

ln Lhe SLaLe of ConnecLlcuL, convlcLed sex offenders musL reglsLer wlLh Lhe Sex Cffender 8eglsLry malnLalned
by Lhe ConnecLlcuL ueparLmenL of Lmergency Servlces and ubllc roLecLlon, ulvlslon of SLaLe ollce, Sex
Cffender 8eglsLry unlL, pursuanL Lo ConnecLlcuL Ceneral SLaLuLes 34-230. 1he Sex Cffender 8eglsLry
lnformaLlon provlded under Lhls law ls lnLended Lo be used for such purposes as Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of crlmlnal
[usLlce, screenlng of currenL or prospecLlve employees and volunLeers or oLherwlse for Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe
publlc ln general and chlldren ln parLlcular. unlawful use of Lhe lnformaLlon for Lhe purposes of lnLlmldaLlng or
harasslng anoLher ls prohlblLed and a wlllful vlolaLlon shall be punlshable as provlded by law.

1he ConnecLlcuL Sex Cffender 8eglsLry may be accessed on Lhe ConnecLlcuL SLaLe ollce webslLe Lhrough Lhe
followlng: hLLp:// 8eglsLry lnformaLlon ls also avallable aL local pollce

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