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NS, PENALI&ING MEM$ERS'IP T'EREIN AND F!R !T'ER P"RP!SES WHEREAS, there are certain associations or organizations in Republic of the Philippines, not covered by Republic Act No !"##, $hich are see%ing to overthro$ the &overn'ent of the Republic of the Philippines or to dis'e'ber a portion thereof( and WHEREAS, in order to protect the &overn'ent of the Republic of the Philippines and the people, it has beco'e necessary to revise Republic Act No !"## to broaden its coverage( N)W, *HERE+)RE, ,, +ER-,NAN- E MAR.)S, President of the Philippines by virtue of the po$ers in 'e vested by the .onstitution, do hereby decree as follo$s/ Se()*o+ 1. Short *itle *his decree shall be %no$n as the Revised Anti0Subversion 1a$ Se()*o+ ,. Subversive Associations and )rganizations Any association, organization, political party, or group of persons organized for the purpose of overthro$ing the &overn'ent of the Republic of the Philippines $ith the open or covert assistance and support of a foreign po$er by force, violence, deceit or other illegal 'eans shall be considered and is hereby declared an illegal organization Se()*o+ 3. Penalties 2a3 Me'bers Whoever %no$ingly, $ilfully and by overt act affiliates $ith, beco'es or re'ains a 'e'ber of a subversive associations or organization as defined in Section 4 hereof shall be punished by arresto 'ayor and shall be dis5ualified per'anently fro' holding any public office, appointive or elective, and fro' e6ercising the right to vote( in case of a second conviction, the principal penalty shall be prision correccional( and in all subse5uent convictions the penalty of prision 'ayor shall be i'posed *he follo$ing acts shall constitute pri'a facie evidence of 'e'bership in any subversive association/ ! Allo$ing hi'self to be listed as a 'e'ber in any boo% or any of the lists, records, correspondence, or any other docu'ent of the organization( 4 Sub7ecting hi'self to the discipline of such association or organization in any for' $hatsoever( 8 &iving financial contribution to such association or organization in dues, assess'ents, loans, or in any other for's(

9 E6ecutive order, plans or directives of any %ind of such association or organization( : Acting as an agent, courier, 'essenger, correspondent, organizer, or in any other capacity, on behalf of such association or organization( ; .onferring $ith officers or other 'e'bers of such association or organization in furtherance of any plan or enterprise thereof( " *rans'itting orders, directives, or plans of such association or organization orally or in $riting or any other 'eans of co''unication such as by signal, se'aphore, sign or code( < Preparing docu'ents, pa'phlets, leaflets, boo%s, or any other type of publication to pro'ote the ob7ectives and purposes of such association or organization( = Mailing, shipping, circulating, distributing, or delivering to other persons any 'aterial or propaganda of any %ind on behalf of such association or organization( !# Advising, counselling, or in other $ay giving instruction, infor'ation, suggestions, or reco''endations to officers or 'e'bers or to any other person to further the ob7ectives of such association or organization( !! Participating in any $ay in the activities, planning action, ob7ectives, or purposes of such association or organization 2b3 )fficers or >an%ing 1eaders ,f such 'e'ber is an officer or a ran%ing leader of any subversive association or organization as defined in Section 4 hereof, or if such 'e'ber ta%es up ar's against the &overn'ent, he shall be punished by prision 'ayor to death $ith all the accessory penalties provided therefor in the Revised Penal .ode 2c3 -eportation Any alien convicted under this decree shall be deported i''ediately after he shall have served the sentence i'posed upon hi' Se()*o+ -. +alse *esti'ony Any person $ho %no$ingly furnishes false evidence in any action brought under this decree shall be punished by prision correccional Se()*o+ 5. Sufficiency of Evidence E6cept as provided in Section " hereof, the t$o0$itness rule heretofore provided in Republic Act Nu'bered Seventeen hundred is hereby obrogated and the accused 'ay be convicted on the testi'ony of one $itness if sufficient under the rules of evidence, or on his confession given in open court Se()*o+ . No Restriction of *hought Nothing in this decree shall be interpreted as a restriction on freedo' of thought, or asse'bly and of association for purposes not contrary to la$ as guaranteed by the .onstitution Se()*o+ 7. Repealing .lause *his decree supersedes Republic Act Nu'bered Seventeen Hundred, but acts co''itted in violation thereof and before the effectivity of this decree, shall

be prosecuted and punished either in accordance $ith the provisions of the for'er Act Nothing in this decree shall prevent prosecution of cases pending for violation of Republic Act Nu'bered Seventeen Hundred Se()*o+ 8. Se5uestration of Property *he se5uestration of the property of any person, natural or artificial, engaged in subversive activities against the &overn'ent and its duly activities against the &overn'ent and its duly constituted authorities, is hereby authorized, in accordance $ith i'ple'enting rules and regulations as 'ay be issued by the Secretary of National -efense As used herein, the ter's ?se5uester? and ?se5uestration? shall 'ean the seizure of private property or assets in the hands of any person or entity in order to prevent the utilization, transfer or conveyance of the sa'e for purposes ini'ical to national security, or $hen necessary to protect the interest of the &overn'ent or any of its instru'entalities ,t shall include the ta%ing over and assu'ption of the 'anage'ent, control and operation of the private property or assets seized Se()*o+ 9. Effectivity *his decree shall ta%e effect thirty days after its publication in the )fficial &azette -)NE in the .ity of Manila, this 8rd day of +ebruary, in the year of )ur 1ord, nineteen hundred and seventy0si6

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