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Mnemonics for Week 4

Rib costal groove: order of intercostal blood vessels and nerves VAN (from superior to inferior) Vein Artery Nerve Diaphragm innervation C3, 4, 5 keep the diaphragm alive Diaphragm innervation is by cervical roots 3, , and ! (phrenic nerve) "ingula location: LingULa Left Upper Lobe "ung lobe numbers#$eart %& valves: right vs' left Right side: Tricuspid heart valve and tri(lobed lung Left side: icuspid heart valve and !i(lobed lung %trioventricular (%&) valves: LA RAT Left Atrium: icuspid valve Right Atrium: Tricuspid )emilunar valve cusps: %ortic and pulmonary *oth of them have a right and left cusp, but one has an anterior cusp and one has a posterior cusp "#lmonar$ tr#nk is anterior to the %orta +t has the anterior cusp (right, left and anterior cusps) Aorta is %osterior to the pulmonary trunk +t has the %osterior cusp (right, left and posterior cusps) %ortic %rch: ma,or branch order -no. your A C&': Aortic arch gives rise to: rachiocephalic trunk "eft Common /arotid artery "eft 'ubclavian artery *e.are of the trick 0uestion of 1hat is the first branch of the aorta2 3echnically, it4s the coronary arteries' /oronary circulation: arteries and associated veins

'mall Margin( 'mall vein and Marginal artery Mi))le schoolers sho. "ublic *isplay of Affection ("*A): Mi))le &ein and "osterior *escending Artery +reat LA*( +reat vein and Left Anterior *escending artery CC4s: Coronary sinus and "eft Circumfle5 artery 6ain *ronchi: .hich one is more vertical2 +nhale a !ite, it goes do.n the right +nhaled ob,ects are more likely to lodge into the right main bronchus, since it is the one that is more vertical'

Mnemonics for Week 5

This is act#all$ a mnemonic from last ,eek&s material- #t this ,as in the te.t!ook, /irst Ai) for U'ML0 1223 #n)er the res%irator$ section- 'o 4 tho#ght it ,as ,orth mentioning( 7ulmonary artery location on each lung, in relation to the bronchi' RAL' Right lung the pulmonary artery .ill be Anterior to the main bronchi' Left lung the pulmonary artery is located 'uperior to the main bronchi' Remember the bronchi have cartilage so they should be easy to identify' Diaphragm apertures: spinal levels 4 5 62 0ggs At 61 (read this as + ate ten eggs at t.elve if it doesn4t look right to you) 4nterior &ena /ava 35 362 0sophagus Aorta 361 7osterior mediastinum contents: *AT0' *escending aorta A8ygous and hemia8ygous vein Thoracic duct 0sophagus 'ympathetic trunk#ganglia 95ternal carotid artery branches 'ome Angry Lady /igured 7ut "6) )uperior thyroid artery

Ascending 7haryngeal artery Lingual artery /acial artery 7ccipital artery "osterior auricular artery Ma5illary artery 'uperficial 3emporal artery %lternative: As 'teve Lay /ro8en 7live "alpated 'ome More 3etralogy of :allot( findings "R7V9 "ulmonary trunk stenosis Right ventricular hypertrophy 7verriding aorta V)D

Mnemonics for Week 8

*ranches of the :acial ;erve (after stylomastoid foramen) <Tell 9iggy ob Marley Called< Tell 9ac lunts May Confuse = :rom superior to inferior: Temporal branch 9ygomatic branch uccal branch Mandibular branch Cervical branch

= %lternatively: <To 9an8ibar y Motor Car<' = %lternatively: Ten 9ebras it My Cheek = %lternatively: <T.o 9ulus it My Cat< = %lternatively: <T.o 9ebras it My Coccy5< = %lternatively: <Tall 9ulus ear Many Children< = %lternatively: <T.o 9ombies uggered My Cat< 3he motor branches of the facial nerve go through the parotid gland &3: )ensory *ranches A4L uccal Auriculotemporal 4nferior alveolar Lingual :ace muscles: large muscle groups4 cranial innervation Mandibular nerve (/; &3): Mastication' /acial nerve (/; &++): /acial e5pression' :oramen spinosum: location on base of skull :oramen s%inosum is ad,acent to the s%ine of sphenoid' )calp nerve supply +LA'': +reater occipital# +reater auricular Lesser occipital Auriculotemporal 'upratrochlear 'upraorbital /avernosum sinus contents 7 T7M CAT: > 3>6 are lateral .all components, in order from superior to inferior' /% are the components .ithin the sinus, from medial to lateral' /% ends at the level of 3 from > 3>6' = )ee diagram' 7cculomotor nerve (+++) Trochlear nerve (+&) 7phthalmic nerve (&?) Ma5illary nerve (&@) Carotid artery (internal) Abducent nerve (&+)

T: 1hen .ritten, connects to the 3 of >T>6'

)kull *ones: <'T0" 7/ 8 < 'phenoid Temporal 0thmoid "arietal 7ccipital /rontal 8 skull bones

Mnemonics for Week 3

>rbit: bones of medial .all: My Little 0ye 'its in the orbit Ma5illa (frontal process) Lacrimal 0thmoid

'phenoid (body) 95traocular muscles cranial nerve innervation: LR8'74 rest 3 "ateral Rectus is 8th )uperior >bli0ue is th Rest are all 3rd cranial nerve (/; +++: oculomotor) 95traocular muscles: movements >!li0ues cause Lateral rotation (abduction) of eyeball %ctions of the obli0ue muscles are opposite to their name %ctions of the recti muscles are rightly fitting their name Relationship of lingual nerve and submandibular duct 3he )#ck lies over the lake )ubmandibular )#ct is passes on top of the lingual nerve (3he lingual nerve courses laterally, inferiorly then medial to the submandibular duct')

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