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HALF-TERM TEST GROUP B Name:______________________ Date:____________ Grade:_____________________ Total:_________/ 80

Grammar (40 points)

A Put the verbs in the brackets in the SIMPLE PAST TENSE.

Yesterday I ____________ (have) a very interesting day. I ___________ (wake up) quite late. I _____________ (go) to the kitchen to have breakfast. I was eating a sandwich when the doorbell ____________ (ring). It was our neighbour, a!. "e ______________ (put) a basket down and _____________ (say)# $Your parents _______________ (leave) in a hurry this !orning. %hey _________________ (forget) this basket. %here was a beautiful puppy there. I _____________ (neg. can) wait for &u! and 'ad to co!e back. o, I ______________ (write) a !essage for %i!!y, _______________ (take) !y coat and rushed out to see !y friends and to tell the! about !y new puppy. _______ ( )*

+ Unscramble the questions first. Then use them to complete the

, , , , , write you to did anyonedid you do in what evenings the-


________________________________________ ________________________________________

su!!er spend you where holidays did your- ________________________________ you did have weather nicestay how you did long________________________________________ ________________________________________

A# ____________________________________________________________ +# At the seaside. A# ____________________________________________________________ +# %wo weeks.

A# ____________________________________________________________ +# I went out with !y new friends. A# ____________________________________________________________ +# .onderful. It didn/t rain once. A# ____________________________________________________________ +# Yes, to ally. I sent her a postcard. _______ ( )0

1 Put the verbs in brackets in the Past "ontinuous.

A# .hile I ____________________ (read) a book !y brother ____________________ (watch) a football !atch on %2. +# .hat ____________________ your father____________________ (do)A# &u! and 'ad ____________________ (write) a letter to grand!a. %hey ____________________ (laugh) a lot. +# &y brother and I ____________________ (look) at the! and didn/t know what ____________________ (go) on. _______ ( 3

' "ircle the ri!ht letter.

). I a) had dinner when the telephone rang. It was !y friend, 4iles. .hile b) was having we were talking, !y young brother a) tried to hear who we were talking about. b) was trying 5. %he kids were writing a test when the teacher 6. %i! was riding his bike when a police!an a) talked b) were talking a) started b) was starting to laugh. hi!. .hile they

a) stopped b) was stopping a !an broke into a shop round the corner.

7. .e a) walked in the park when we found a little puppy. b) were walking *. .hen I was tidying up !y roo! I it was so I asked !y granny. 8 .ho a) did you talk to on the phone when I ca!e ina) found an old photo. b) was finding I didn/t know who

b) were you talking _______ ( 9

LANGUAGE IN A TION (!0 points)

: Match the t#o parts of each converstion belo#.

) I read a !aga;ine yesterday. 5 I bought a new pair of trainers. 6 =et<s go out. 7 .hy don<t you put on your coat* "ow can I get to the !useu!__________ I don<t feel like it. __________ 'id you find anything interesting. __________ 4o straight ahead. __________ "ow !uch did they cost. __________ +ecause it<s war!. _______ ( *

> Put the lines of the

ialo!ue belo# in or er.

_____ .hat would you like to watch_____ Are you doing anything special_____ .hat<s on_____ ?ot really_____ =et<s go to the cine!a the!. _______ ( *

"o#a$%&ar' ((0 points)

4 $in

pairs. _____with your friends if you !ove house. _____ when it rains and you haven<t got an u!brella. _____ if it<s too loud. _____ when it<s war!. _______ ( 7

). You turn the !usic down 5. You take you pullover out 6. You get soaked 7. You try to stay in touch

" "op% the #or

s un er the ri!ht hea in!.

naturalist lightning
?atural disaster

wings aeroplane

flood hailstones

tornado hunter

_______ ( 9

I Use the #orl

from the bo& to fill iin the sentences belo#.

forest secret

warning disappointed

research drown

death puzzeled

). I can<t tell you who she is in love with. It<s our ____________________. 5. 'on<t go in that building. It looks dangerous. +esides there is a ____________________ on the front door, $'o not enter@. 6. I never swi!. I/! scared that I will ____________________. 7. I studied really hard for the test. I was ____________________when I got a 1. *. .e were all ____________________when the lights went out. 8. 'iana >ossey did ____________________into !ountain gorillas. 3. =ast week I read a book about 'iana >ossey/s tragic ____________________. 9. Aeople should stop cutting down trees in +ra;ilian rain ____________________. _______ ( 9

REA)ING (!0 points)

'ea the te&t belo#

Brian*s +orst m,mor' I have great memories of my childhood. I grew up i a large family with a father who wor!ed a d a mother who stayed home to ta!e care of us !ids. There are "t ma y u pleasa t memories. The worst of all is defi itely survivi g a earth#ua!e. The earth#ua!e happe ed i our home i our home i $alifor ia whe I was fiftee . I"ll ever forget whe the sha!i g %ega . I was readi g a test for a & glish test the e't day whe I heard a roari g sou d. (t first I thought a storm was comi g. The I loo!ed up a d saw the ceili g sha!i g. )um was calli g out our ames o e %y o e. The she started shouti g *+ut, +ut,- &arth#ua!es ofte happe i $alifor ia a d we all live with the idea. .owever/ othi g at all ca prepare you for somethi g that frighte i g. 0e rushed out of the house. The grou d %e eath our feet co ti ued to move for may%e two or three more mi utes. There was chaos i the streets. &very%ody was pa ic!i g. (ll that was importa t at that mome t was to see if we were all +1. 2uc!ily o%ody was i 3ured. ( d Dad4 .e was at wor!. I tried to fi d a telepho e that was wor!i g to call him. 5ut that was impossi%le. I ca remem%er how scared we were. )ost of the houses were destroyed or damaged. Nearly a thousa d people lost their

lives that day a d i the days that followed. 2uc!ily my father was "t o e of them. The earth#ua!e cha ged our lives. 0e moved away from $alifor ia %ecause I do "t thi ! we could go through a other o e.

a( )r er the events as the% happene . _____ "e thought a stor! was co!ing. _____ %he earthquake began. _____ "e ran out of the house. _____ %hey decided to leave 1alifornia. _____ "e looked up at the ceiling. _______ (*

b( Are the follo#in! sentences true or false* ).&ost of his childhood !e!ories are nice. 5."e was in his roo! when the earthquake started 6.It was so quiet when the earthquake started. 7.+rian phoned his father after the earthquake. *.+rian<s fa!ily !oved to another state.


_______ (*

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