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Writing a language analysis

Includes: - Consideration and discussion of the writers contention/ intention - Discussion of the tone [sarcastic, patronising, shocked, humourous, sympathetic, emotional, alarmed, angry, serious] - Comments on and e plains in detail the persuasi!e de!ices amd their intended effect - "inks #etween the paragraphs [ to intended effects] - $ tensi!e and sophisticated !oca#ulary Key: Analyse Language and Intended effect # Name of device, Quote/ Example, Intended effect %ho is the writer Intended audience %ho is &uoted' (re there credi#le authorities )urpose of piece $!idence is gi!en for contention *iewpoint of te t- manipulated gi!en this

-+$(D"I,$-)IC./0$ -C1,.$,.I1, -.1,$ -)$0-/(-I*$ "(,2/(2$ .$C+,I3/$-- language and intended effect -tructure "anguage .one +ow using language to make its point (ddressing 0epition Interesting words, unusual terms of phrase, emotional words, words with connotations, tone of !oice -tats 4etorics +yper#ole (lliteration "inks in te t- repeated ideas 3uotes from e perts 1pinion poll data 0easons to create a cumulati!e effect

,ostalgic or rose coloured !iew -arcasm or satire /se of fear or loss ,ationalism 5uture as uni!ersal sal!ation prescription for good /se of cut factor (ppeal to protection of innocent -entence length (ppeals to self interest

Discussion )oints +ow does the language in these articles differ' Consider style, tone, and emoti!e language- gi!e e amples %hat effects are gained #y placing two articles on the front page' /sing language of comparison and contrast o /se language which connects different sections of analysis o 5ocus fully on #oth pieces 4ost con!ienient way to do this: W ite analysis in t!o sections 6st (nalysing one then the other howe!er, need to make connections #etween the two in the following ways: - Introduction- pro!ide some links #etween the pieces: critical commentpoint out similarities and differences in contention, theme/ form, use of persuasi!e techni&ues ect7 - %hen mo!ing your analysis from one article to another you need to use connecti!e words7 Ie: words and phrase that link your analysis of piece 6 to your analysis of piece 8 - If you choose to compare and contrast the two pieces as you go, you still need to write introductory comments that will link the two pieces and use connecti!es along the way7 Connecti!e %ords / )hrases Comparing also likewise similarly in a similar way in the same way +ow to /se 9y contrast the second article is the less authoritati!e and certain in tone whereas the writer of the first article asserts that (ustralian will support the ID card in the interest their personal security, the writer of the second piece claims that the ID card is un-(ustralian #ecause it is an attack on personal freedom7 1n the other hand the writer of the second piece paints a !ery #leak picture of the damage to the ecology7 .he writer of the second article, likewise,

Contrasting (lthough 9ut 9y Con!ersely Despite +owe!er In spite of ,e!ertheless )ersuasi!e .echni&ues 0hetorical &uestions +yper#ole (ppeals -arcasm (lliteration assertion 9ias 9roadsheet Clich; Connotations Dogmatic $motional language Imagery Imply Infer Irony <u taposition 4etaphor 4ood )re=udice )un -atire -imile -tance Comparison (necdote Contrast -tatistics

seems impressed In contrast to the first article: #oth argumants +owe!er In much the same way (lthough %hile similarly

Planning for point of View Persuasive Response

67 >ou need to supply a coherent and logical argument i7e7 you should pro!ide a cleat pathway for the reader, a pathway in which e!ery step is connected 87 /se a framework for organising and arranging arguments and e!idence "oint of #ie! 4ain contention of the issue $ain points %uppo ting Evidence %hat are the main reasons for ha!ing this point of !iew' %hat supports these reasons' &pposing A guments %hat are some arguments that might oppose these !iews' 'ounte a guments and evidence 0e#uttal of these arguments and e!idence to support the re#uttal7

?7 %rite an introduction in which your point of !iew is clearly stated7 @7 %rite a conclusion in which you reiterate your point of !iew A7 1nce you!e ordered your arguments logically you ha!e to identify places in the te t where connecti!e will #e necessary, to help the reader make the transition from one argument to the ne t ,797 0epetition of a main idea or key e!idence does link arguments !ery neatly

Choices "anguage choices: $ssay 1pinion )iece -peech "ogical -eeks to e!oke a .o insight a progression of response in the crowd ideas reader Clear from the Could -hort and sharp #eginning acknowledge paragraphs (necdotes can #e opposite point of -traight to the useful !iew-only in point -hort sentences re#uttal 5amiliar language catch the (cademic listeners attention Intended to draw !oca#ulary Intended to connections and Directness comparisons insight action Intended to strong incitement )ersuasi!e con!ince through -hows immediate techni&ues helps logic to persuade awareness of .hicker #ody audience, 9roadens conte t paragraphs addressing them )assionate and directly, making %ell rounded strait to the point an appeal for argument )ersonal support, Clear, reasoned dimension understanding, point of !iew 1#=ecti!ely consideration /sually adopts an written BusuallyC /ses rhetorical o#=ecti!e use of third person use of &uestions language where passi!e !oice #ut /sually arguments and personal ad!ersarial e!idence are e perience or counters an ad!ances e pertise may opposing !iew 9uild argument in!ol!e the use of +ighlights and e!idence first person in part significant pieces from an earlier 1ften uses of e!idence statement of point anecdotes as well /se of repetition of !iew and then as hard e!idence towards the of key arguments, such as statistics conclusion pieces of 9uilds the e!idence, emoti!e Carefully argument from ideas structured formed one point to the /ses personal paragraphs ne t, and analyses pronouns: you to Comple sentence the wider include audience structure implications of and they to the issue (ccurate use of identify, position language on the or attack opposing issue !iews

9uilds argument to powerful conclusion

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