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Andrew Masuccl

l am wrlLlng a comparlson on Lhe beneflLs of welghL Lralnlng and cardlo exerclse wlLhln Lhe gym. 1he
gym ls a greaL envlronmenL for people Lo geL physlcally acLlve and lmprove Lhelr sLaLe of well-belng.
1here are many dlfferenL people who walk lnLo Lhe gym every day. Pave lL be Lhe young and old, Lhe
aLhleLlc and maybe Lhe noL-so-aLhleLlc. Cverall, Lhey come Lo exerclse and are muLually engaged ln
slmllar klnds of acLlvlLles. ersonally, l have been a gym-raL slnce sophomore year of hlgh-school whlch
ls when l orlglnally sLarLed worklng ouL. When lL comes Lo exerclse, people need Lo undersLand Lhe real
beneflLs lL has for Lhe body. WelghL Lralnlng and cardlo exerclse are Lwo excellenL forms of exerclse LhaL
can lmprove a person's well-belng. Cardlo exerclse lmproves menLal, physlcal and emoLlonal healLh. A
person's resLlng hearL raLe ls slowed down when Lhey regularly engage ln exerclse. As cardlo lmproves,
one's hearL can now work more effecLlvely wlLh less efforL lnvolved and reduces Lhe rlsk of several hearL
dlseases. ln facL, research shows LhaL one who regularly engages ln exerclse ls forLy-flve percenL less
llkely Lo develop some sorL of hearL dlsease Lhan someone who does noL. Cardlo can help malnLaln a
person's welghL because lL suppresses appeLlLe. 1hls would be good for somebody Lrylng Lo lose welghL.
1he mood of one ls enhanced before, durlng and afLer a workouL because oxygen-enrlched blood ls
conslsLenLly belng pumped LhroughouL Lhe body. Somebody who regularly engages ln exerclse promoLes
ln beLLer sleep. SLudles show LhaL Lhls helps you fall asleep fasLer and engage ln a deeper sleep cycle. Cn
Lhe oLher hand, one should noL work ouL close Lo Lhe Llme Lhey go Lo bed because lL can sLlmulaLe Lhelr
body Loo much and keep Lhem awake. When lL comes Lo one's sex llfe, regular exerclse helps men wlLh
erecLlle dysfuncLlon. Also, women are more aroused aL a flL man compared Lo a man wlLh a beer belly.
Cne should parLlclpaLe ln physlcal acLlvlLy aL leasL LhlrLy mlnuLes per day.
8eslsLance exerclse (or welghL Lralnlng), ls any exerclse where muscles conLracL agalnsL an exLernal
reslsLance wlLh Lhe goal of lmprovlng sLrengLh, Lone, mass or muscular endurance. 8eslsLance can come
from dumbbells, welghL machlnes, elasLlc Lublng or bands, clnder blocks, cans of soup, one's own body
welghL, or any oLher ob[ecL LhaL causes muscles Lo conLracL. 8esulLs occur when you Lraln dally over a
long perlod of Llme. 1here a several dlfferenL Lypes of welghL Lralnlng exerclse. lor example, power
llfLlng ls a conglomeraLlon of squaLs, deadllfLs and bench press LhaL bodybullders normally compeLe
agalnsL one anoLher ln. 1here ls a prlnclple called Lhe progresslve overload whlch baslcally ls Lhe addlLlon
of reslsLance (welghL) on a muscle group ln Lhe galn for mass and blgger muscle. lf someone was
benchlng one-hundred pounds for Len repeLlLlons for a week and by LhaL second week LhaL welghL was
Loo easy for Lhem, Lhey would add more welghL whlch causes Lhe bulldlng of muscle. WelghL Lralnlng ls
very slmllar Lo cardlo as lL ls sLlll an exerclse, however, Lhere are many dlfferences. WelghL llfLlng causes
a dlfferenL paLLern of blood vessel responses wlLhln Lhe body ln comparlson Lo aeroblc exerclse whlch ls
an lmporLanL aspecL Lo cardlovascular healLh. WelghL Lralnlng also causes a longer-lasLlng drop ln blood
desktop support 10/15/13 8:12 AM
Comment [1]: uo you even exerclse bro?
(for a more caLchy lnLro)
desktop support 10/15/13 8:22 AM
Comment [2]: SeparaLe your maln ldeas,
such as cardlo exerclse, from your
lnLroducLlon llke you dld ln paragraph Lwo
wlLh reslsLance exerclse.
desktop support 10/15/13 8:18 AM
Comment [3]: Co lnLo more deLall.
desktop support 10/15/13 8:19 AM
Comment [4]: Why? Lxplaln Lhls speclflc
amounL of Llme.
desktop support 10/15/13 8:23 AM
Comment [5]: (8emlnder) SLarL of a Lhlrd
desktop support 10/15/13 8:26 AM
Comment [6]: Clve more examples of
welghL Lralnlng exerclses (you sLaLed LhaL
Lhere are several).

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